You requested books with titles with the words "m". (Include extended shelves)
- 2e Congrès International des Oeuvres et Institutions Féminines, Tenu au Palais des Congrès de l'Exposition Universelle de 1900 Sous la Présidence d'Honneur de M. Léon Bourgeois et Sous la Présidence de Mademoiselle Sarah Monod (4 volumes in French; Paris: C. Blot, 1902), contrib. by Marie Pégard (all volumes: page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- A-M Detectors (New York: J. F. Rider, c1955), ed. by Alexander Schure (PDF at
- Address by Hon. Thomas M. Cooley, and Poem by D. Bethune Duffield, Esq., on the Dedication of the Law Lecture Hall of Michigan University, by Thomas McIntyre Cooley and D. Bethune Duffield (page images at MOA)
- An Annotated Bibliography of Robert M. La Follette: The Man and His Work (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1937), by Ernest W. Stirn (page images at HathiTrust)
- Argument of Hugh M. Dorsey, Solicitor-General, Atlanta Judicial Circuit, at the Trial of Leo M. Frank, Charged with the Murder of Mary Phagan (Macon, GA: N. Christophulos, ca. 1914), by Hugh Manson Dorsey (multiple formats with commentary at
- Article Geneve de l'Encyclopédie; Profession de Foi des Ministres Genevois, Avec des Notes d'un Théologien, et Réponse a la Lettre de M. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve (in French; Amsterdam: Z. Chatelain, 1759), by Jean Le Rond d' Alembert (multiple formats at
- Attack on Mississippi is Communist-Inspired: Speech of William M. Colmer of Mississippi in the House of Representatives, Wednesday, February 16, 1966 (Washington: GPO, 1966), by William Meyers Colmer (page images at Preservica)
- Australia and the War: Address Given By The Prime Minister of Australia (the Rt. Hon. W. M. Hughes), at a Meeting of the Pilgrims Held on Friday, March 17th, 1916, at the Savoy Hotel (London: Jordan-Gaskell Ltd., ca. 1916), by William Morris Hughes (page images here at Penn)
- Autobiography and Work of Bishop M. F. Jamison, D.D. ("Uncle Joe"), Editor, Publisher, and Church Extension Secretary: A Narration of His Whole Career From the Cradle to the Bishopric of the Colored M. E. Church in America (Nashville, TN: Pub. for the author by the Publishing House of the M. E. Church, 1912), by M. F. Jamison (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
- The Autobiography of Elizabeth M. Sewell (London et al.: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1907), by Elizabeth Missing Sewell, ed. by Eleanor L. Sewell
- Autobiography of Rev. Thomas W. Henry, of the A. M. E. Church (Baltimore: The author, 1872), by Thomas W. Henry (HTML and TEI at UNC)
- Battles and Victories of Allen Allensworth, A. M., Ph. D., Lieutenant-Colonel, Retired, U. S. Army (Boston: Sherman, French and Co., c1914), by Charles Alexander (HTML and TEI at UNC)
- Belief in God: An Examination of Some Fundamental Theistic Problems, by M. J. Savage, To Which is Added an Address on the Intellectual Basis of Faith, by W. H. Savage (Boston: G. H. Ellis, 1881), by Minot J. Savage and William Henry Savage (multiple formats at
- Biographies of John King, M. D., Andrew Jackson Howe, A. B., M. D., and John Milton Scudder, M. D. (1912; includes historical sketch of Eclectic Medical College), by Harvey Wickes Felter, contrib. by John Uri Lloyd (page images at HathiTrust)
- Biography of Rev. David Smith of the A. M. E. Church (Xenia, OH: Printed at the Xenia Gazette Office, 1881), by David Smith, contrib. by David Alexander Payne (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
- The Boy Travellers on the Congo: Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey with Henry M. Stanley "Through the Dark Continent" (New York: Harper and Bros., 1888), by Thomas Wallace Knox, contrib. by Henry M. Stanley
- Canadian Wild Flowers: Selections From the Writings of Miss Helen M. Johnson of Magog, P.Q., Canada, With a Sketch of Her Life (Boston: J. M. Orrock, 1884), by Helen Mar Johnson and J. M. Orrock
- Captain Cook's Journal During His First Voyage Round the World Made in H. M. Bark "Endeavour", 1768-71 (London; Elliot Stock, 1893), by James Cook, ed. by W. J. L. Wharton (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
- Cassius M. Clay, and Gerrit Smith: A Letter of Cassius M. Clay, of Lexington, Ky., to the Mayor of Dayton, O., With a Review of it by Gerrit Smith, of Peterboro, N.Y. (1844), by Cassius Marcellus Clay and Gerrit Smith (multiple formats at
- Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de M. V.-V. Goethals, Ancien Bibliothécaire de la Ville de Bruxelles: Manuscrits (in French; Brussels: G. A. van Trigt, 1878), by Alexandre Joseph Pinchart (page images at HathiTrust)
- Catalogue de la Bibliothèque et des Instruments de Musique de Feu M. Ch. Edm. H. de Coussemaker (in French; Brussels: F.J. Olivier, 1877), contrib. by Charles Edmond Henri de Coussemaker
- Catalogue des Livres Rares et Précieux, Manuscrits et Imprimés, Principalement Sur L'amerique et Sur les Langues du Monde Entier, Composant la Bibliothèque de M. Alph.-l. Pinart et Comprenant en Totalité la Bibliothèque Mexico-guatémalienne de M. L'abbé Brasseur de Bourbourg (in French; Paris: Vve A. Labitte, 1883), by A. L. Pinart and abbé Brasseur de Bourbourg
- Catoniana Sive M. Poreii Catonis Censorii Quae Supersunt Operum Fragmenta (in Latin; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck et Ruprecht, 1826), by Marcus Porcius Cato, ed. by Heinrich Albert Lion
- Cato's Farm Management; Eclogues from the De Re Rustica of M. Porcius Cato, Done Into English, With Notes of Other Excursions In the Pleasant Paths of Agronomic Literature (Privately printed, 1910), by Marcus Porcius Cato, ed. by Fairfax Harrison (multiple formats at
- Charges Made Against Miss M. Rye, Before the Poor Law Board At Islington and Her Reply Thereto (ca. 1874), by Allendale Grainger and Maria S. Rye (multiple formats at
- Choctaw Citizenship Litigation: Report of P. J. Hurley, National Attorney for the Choctaw Nation, to Major Victor M. Locke, Jr., Principal Chief of the Choctaw Nation (14 parts in 1 volume; 1916), ed. by Patrick J. Hurley
- The Christmas Books of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh, by William Makepeace Thackeray (Gutenberg text)
- Circular Letter from Hon. John M. Bright, by John M. Bright (page images at MOA)
- Civilization in Hungary: Seven Answers to the Seven Letters Addressed, by M. Barth. de Szemere, Late Minister of the Interior in Hungary, to Richard Cobden, Esq., M.P. for Rochdale (London: Trubner and Co., 1860), by An Hungarian (page images at Google)
- Clara A. Swain, M. D.: First Medical Missionary to the Women of the Orient (c1912), by Mrs. Robert Hoskins (page images at Drexel)
- The Classification of the Sciences; To Which Are Added Reasons for Dissenting From the Philosophy of M. Comte (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1864), by Herbert Spencer
- Comment Interpreter l'Ordre du Monde? A Propos du Dernier Ouvrage de M. Bergson (in French; Paris: G. Beauchesne et cie, 1908), by Joseph de Tonquédec (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Commentarius in M. Manilii Astronomica (in Latin; 1921), by Jacobus van Wageningen (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Conformation Hearing on the Nomination of Brett M. Kavanaugh to be Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit: Hearing Before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, Second Session, April 27, 2004 (title as spelled on front page; Washington: GPO, 2005), by United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary
- Convention of Colored Newspaper Men, Cincinnati, August 4th, 1875, Wednesday A. M. (proceedings; no further conventions of this body known; 1875)
- The Convocation Book of M DC VI, Commonly Called Bishop Overall's Convocation Book, Concerning the Government of God's Catholic Church and the Kingdoms of the Whole World (Oxford: J. H. Parker, 1844), by John Overall, contrib. by William Sancroft (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Dead Sea: or, Notes and Observations Made During a Journey to Palestine in 1856-7, on M. de Saulcy's Supposed Discovery of the Cities of the Plain (London: Hatchard and Son, et al., 1857), by Albert Augustus Isaacs (multiple formats at Google)
- A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America, Against the Attack of M. Turgot in His Letter to Dr. Price, Dated the Twenty-Second day of March, 1778 (second edition, 3 volumes; London: Printed for J. Stockdale, 1794), by John Adams (page images at HathiTrust)
- A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America, Against the Attack of M. Turgot in His Letter to Dr. Price, Dated the Twenty-Second Day of March, 1778 (third edition, 3 volumes; Philadelphia: Printed for William Cobbett, 1797), by John Adams
- A Description of the Two Albinos of Europe (One Twenty-One, the Other Twenty-Four Years of Age), Extracted From M. Sassure's Journey to the Alps in the Year 1785, and Now Published in the Encylopaedia Britannica (Liverpool: Printed by T. Johnson, 1790), by Horace Bénédict de Saussure (page images at NIH)
- Dial M For Monkey (2006), by Adam Maxwell (multiple formats at
- Discours Prononcé par M. Léon Devin, Bâtonnier de L'Ordre des Avocats, à l'Ouverture de la Conférence le 17 Novembre 1900 (in French; Paris: Alcan-Levy, 1900), by Léon Devin
- Doctor Fludds Answer unto M. Foster (London: Printed for N. Butter, 1631), by Robert Fludd (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Documents pour Servir à l'Histoire du Mexique: Catalogue Raisonné de la Collection de M. E.-Eugène Goupil (2 volumes in French; Paris: E. Leroux, 1891), by Lorenzo Boturini Benaducci and J. M. A. Aubin, ed. by Eugène Boban, contrib. by E. Eugène Goupil and Auguste Génin (page images at HathiTrust)
- Dr. J. G. M. Ramsey: Autobiography and Letters (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, c2002), by J. G. M. Ramsey, ed. by William B. Hesseltine, contrib. by Robert Tracy McKenzie (PDF at Tennessee)
- The Dreyfus Case, Four Letters to France: I. To the Youth of France; II. To France; III. To M. Felix Faure, President; IV. To the Minister of War (London and New York: J. Lane, 1898), by Émile Zola (page images at HathiTrust)
- Edward M. Curr and the Tide of History (c2013), by Sam Furphy (multiple formats with commentary at ANU E Press)
- Edward M. Kern: The Travels of an Artist-Explorer (Kern County Historical Society 15th annual publication; 1953), by William Joseph Heffernan (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Edwin M. Stanton and the Sherman-Johnston Terms of Peace: How Lincoln's secretary of War "Fought the Rebels to the Last Extremity", and Wrecked Their Political Craft as His General-in-Chief Crushed Their Military Power (c1927), by Willis Weaver (multiple formats at
- Eulogy on the Life and Character of the Hon. Samuel Latham Mitchill, M. D. (New York: American Argus Press, 1831), by Felix Pascalis Ouviere (page images at NIH)
- European Terracottas from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, c1981), by James David Draper (page images and PDF with commentary at and Google)
- The Eventful History of The Mutiny and Piratical Seizure of H. M. S. Bounty: Its Cause and Consequences (third edition; London: J. Murray and T. Tegg, 1839), by John Barrow, illust. by Robert Batty
- Experiments and Observations Relative to the Influence Lately Discovered by M. Galvani, and Commonly Called Animal Electricity (Edinburgh: Printed for T. Duncan et al., 1793), by Richard Fowler (multiple formats at
- F-M Limiters and Detectors (New York: J. F. Rider, c1955), ed. by Alexander Schure (PDF at
- Fate of the Blenden Hall, East Indiaman, Captain Alexander M, Greig, Bound to Bombay: With an Account of Her Wreck, and the Sufferings and Privations Endured by the Survivors for Six Months, on the Desolate Islands of Inaccessible and Tristan d'Acunha (New York: W. H. Colyer, 1847), by Alexander M. Greig
- Frankincense and Myrrh: Selections From the Poems of the Late Mrs. William Lawson (M. J. K. L.) (Halifax: Morton and Co., 1893), by Mrs. William Lawson, ed. by Harry Piers and Constance Fairbanks
- Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman (Boston: GNU Press, 2002), by Richard Stallman, ed. by Joshua Gay, contrib. by Lawrence Lessig
- The Friend of Youth: Translated From the French of M. Berquin (2 volumes; Newburyport: Printed by J. Mycall for the proprietor of the Boston Book-Store, ca. 1800), by M. Berquin
- From Memory's Shrine: The Reminscences of Carmen Sylva (H. M. Queen Elisabeth of Roumania) (Philadelphia and London: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1911), by Carmen Sylva, trans. by Edith Hopkirk (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
- From Newfoundland to the Rocky Mountains: A Lecture By M. Benjamin Sulte, of Ottawa, Before the Royal Geographical Society of Quebec, on April 15th, 1880, by Benjamin Sulte (multiple formats at
- A General History of The Americans, of Their Customs, Manners, and Colours; An History of The Patagonians, of The Blafards, and White Negroes; History of Peru; An History of The Manners, Customs, &c. of The Chinese and Egyptians, Selected from M. Pauw (Rochdale, UK: T. Wood, 1806), by Cornelius Pauw, ed. by Daniel Webb (multiple formats at
- Groups of Order p [superscript m] Which Contain Cyclic Subgrous of Order p [superscript m-3], by Lewis Irving Neikirk
- H. M. S. Pinafore (libretto, music, and commentary), by W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan (multimedia at Gilbert and Sullivan Archive)
- A Harmonie Upon the Three Evangelistes Matthewe, Marke, and Luke, With the Commentarie of M Iohn Calvine: Faithfully Translated out of Latine into English by E. P.; Whereunto is Also Added a Commentarie Upon the Euangelist S. Iohn, by the Same Authour (London: T. Adams, 1610), trans. by Eusebius Pagit and Christopher Fetherston, contrib. by Jean Calvin
- The Heroicall Devises of M. Claudius Paradin, Whereunto are Added the Lord Gabriel Symeons and Others (London: W. Kearney, 1591), by Claude Paradin (page images at Penn State)
- The Highbrow in American Politics: Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. and the Role of the Intellectual in Politics (1982), by David B. Kopel (PDF files with commentary at
- The History and Genealogy of the Jewish Families of Yates and Samuel of Liverpool, From Materials Collected by Stuart M. Samuel, M.P. (London: Printed for private circulation, 1901), by Stuart Montagu Samuel, ed. by Lucien Wolf
- History of Company M, First Texas Volunteer Infantry: Hood's Brigade, Longstreet's Corps, Army of the Confederate States of America (written 1925; published Waco, TX: W. M. Morrison, 1962), by D. H. Hamilton (page images at HathiTrust)
- The History of Health and Its Derangements, By Divine Revelation Delivered to L. M. Arnold, of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., by L. M. Arnold (PDF at
- The History of My Life and Work: Autobiography by Rev. M. L. Latta, A.M., D.D. (Raleigh, NC et al: M. L. Latta, 1903), by M. L. Latta (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
- History of Sherburne, Mass., From Its Incorporation, M DC LXXIV, to the End of the Year M DCCC XXX: Including That of Framingham and Holliston So Far as They Were Constituent Parts of That Town (Milford, MA: Ballou and Stacy, 1830), by William Biglow
- Homenaje a Monseñor José Fagnano de F. M., Con Ocasión del IV Centenario del Descubrimento del Estrecho de Magallanes (1520-1920) (in Spanish; Punta Arenas: Escuela Tip. Salesiana, 1921) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Hopi Journal of Alexander M. Stephen (2 volumes; New York: Columbia University Press, 1936), by Alexander MacGregor Stephen, ed. by Elsie Worthington Clews Parsons (page images at HathiTrust)
- I Will Write It in Their Hearts: A Treasure of Letters from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson: Selections from Ighos Kodesh: Volume I (only extant volume), by Menachem Mendel Schneerson and Eliyahu Touger (HTML at
- Incerti Auctoris De Ratione Dicendi ad C. Herennium Libri IV (M. Tulli Ciceronis Ad Herennium Libri VI) (traditionally attributed to Cicero, but sometimes to Cornificius; in Latin; Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1894), ed. by Friedrich Marx, contrib. by Marcus Tullius Cicero and rhetor Cornificius (page images at HathiTrust)
- Investigations and Experience of M. Shawtinbach, at Saar Soong Sumatra, by E. R. Smilie (HTML with commentary at
- John M. Synge: A Few Personal Recollections, With Biographical Notes, by John Masefield (Gutenberg text)
- Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh: His Jurisprudence and Potential Impact on the Supreme Court (CRS report R45293; Washington: Congressional Research Service, 2018), by Andrew Nolan and Caitlain Deveraux Lewis (PDF at
- Judicial Opinions of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh (CRS report R45269; Washington: Congressional Research Service, 2018), by Michael John Garcia (PDF at
- Knock: ou, Le Triomphe de la Medecine; M. le Trouhadec, Saisi par la Debauche (2 plays in French; Gallimard, 1924), by Jules Romains (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- L. P. M.: The End of the Great War, by J. Stewart Barney (Gutenberg text)
- The La Follette Illusion, As Revealed in an Analysis of the Political Role of Senator Robert M. La Follette (Chicago: Workers Party of America, ca. 1924), by Jay Lovestone (multiple formats at
- Le Taensa a-t-il Eté Forgé de Toutes Pièces? Réponse à M. D.G. Brinton (in French; Paris: Maisonneuve Frères et C. Leclerc, 1885), by Lucien Adam (multiple formats at Google)
- Le Taensa n'a pas Été Forgé de Toutes Pièces: Lettre de M. Friedrich Müller à Lucien Adam (in French and German; Paris: Maisonneuve Frères et C. Leclerc, 1885), by Friedrich Müller (multiple formats at Google)
- Lecture by M. W. Kirwan, Editor of the True Witness, in Reply to Reverend Mr. Bray, on the "Romish" Church: Delivered in the Mechanics' Hall, March 13, 1877 (Montreal: Printed at the "True Witness" Office, 1877), by M. W. Kirwan (multiple formats at
- L'Eglise de Rome: Reponse du Reverend Charles Chiniquy au Rev. J. M. Bruyere, Grand-Vicaire de London, Ontario (in French; Montreal: Impremerie du "Witness", 1870), by Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy (multiple formats at
- Les Carbonari Dévoilés: ou, Discours que M. de Marchangy, Avocat-Général, a Prononcé Pour Soutenier l'Accusation dans l'Affaire dite de La Rochelle, à l'Audience de la Cour d'Assises, du 29 Août 1822 (in French; ca. 1822), by Louis-Antoine-François de Marchangy (page images at Gallica)
- Les Sociétés Secrètes Catholiques du XVIIe Siècle et H.-M. Boudon, Grand Archidiacre d'Évreux (in French; Paris: A. Picard, 1913), by Alphonse Auguste (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Letters and Diary of Laura M. Towne, Written From the Sea Islands of South Carolina, 1862-1884 (Cambridge, MA: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1912), by Laura M. Towne, ed. by Rupert Sargent Holland (page images at HathiTrust)
- Letters and Papers of Andrew Robertson, A. M., Born 1777, Died 1845, Miniature Painter to His Late Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex; Also a Treatise on the Art (London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1895), ed. by Emily Robertson, contrib. by Andrew Robertson and Archibald Robertson (page images at HathiTrust)
- Letters Between Samuel Butler and Miss E. M. A. Savage, 1871-1885, by Samuel Butler and E. M. A. Savage (HTML at Wayback Machine)
- Letters from Exile: The Correspondence of Martha Hughes Cannon and Angus M. Cannon, 1886-1888 (delisted 14 Feb 2024; free online edition withdrawn by publisher), by Martha Hughes Cannon and Angus M. Cannon, ed. by Constance L. Lieber and John R. Sillito
- Lettre à M. le Comte de Montlosier (in French; Clermont: Imp. de Thibaud-Landriot, 1826), by G. (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Life and Correspondence of M. G. Lewis (2 volumes; London: H. Colburn, 1839), by M. G. Lewis, ed. by Mrs. Cornwell Baron-Wilson
- Life and Letters of Catharine M. Sedgwick (New York: Harper and Bros., 1872), by Catharine Maria Sedgwick, ed. by Mary E. Dewey (page images and uncorrected OCR text at MOA)
- Life of Lord Norton (Right Hon. Sir Charles Adderley, K. C. M. G., M. P.),, 1814-1905, Statesman and Philanthropist (London: J. Murray, 1909), by William S. Childe-Pemberton
- The Life of Philibert Commerson, D. M., Naturalist du Roi: An Old-World Story of French Travel and Science in the Days of Linnaeus (London: J. Murray, 1909), by Samuel Pasfield Oliver, ed. by G. F. Scott Elliot (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- The Life of Rev. John Wesley Redfield, M. D., by Joseph Goodwin Terrill (multiple formats at CCEL)
- The Life of Rev. Thomas M. Eddy (New York: Phillips and Hunt; Cincinnati: Hitchcock and Walden, 1880), by C. N. Sims, contrib. by Matthew Simpson (multiple formats at Indiana)
- The Life of the Rev. Dandridge F. Davis, of the African M. E. Church, With a Brief Account of His Conversion and Ministerial Labors, from August 1834, till March 1847; Also, A Brief Sketch of the Life of the Rev. David Conyou (Pittsburgh: Ohio A. M. E. Conference, 1850), by A. R. Green (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
- Life of the Right Hon. Sir William Molesworth, Bart., M. P., F. R. S. (London and New York: Macmillan, 1901), by Millicent Garrett Fawcett (multiple formats at
- The Life of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles W. Dilke, Bart., M. P., by Stephen Gwynn and Gertrude M. Tuckwell
- A Literary Tramp: Biographical Writings on the Zigzag Career of James M. Flagg, Author Artist (London: Rivington and Co., c1917), by John H. Ingram
- M. Botta's Letters on the Discoveries at Nineveh (first and only series; London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1850), by Paul Emile Botta, trans. by Catherine Ellis Tobin (page images at Google)
- M is for Mississippi and Murder (1955), by National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (page images at Preservica)
- M. T. Cicero de Oratore: or, His Three Dialogues Upon the Character and Qualifications of an Orator, Translated into English, with Notes Historical and Explanatory, and an Introductory Preface (Boston: R. P. and C. Williams, 1822), by Marcus Tullius Cicero, ed. by William Guthrie (page images at Google)
- M. T. Cicero de Senectute et de Amicitia, Ex Editionibus Oliveti et Ernesti, Accedunt Notae Anglicae (third edition, with main text in Latin and commentary in English; Philadelphia: Perkins and Purves; Boston: B. Perkins, 1842), by Marcus Tullius Cicero, ed. by Charles K. Dillaway
- M. Tulli Ciceronis Academica: The Text Revised and Explained (text in Latin, commentary in English; London: Macmillan and Co., 1885), by Marcus Tullius Cicero, ed. by James S. Reid
- M-U-M, by Society of American Magicians (partial serial archives)
- M. William Shak-speare: His True Chronicle Historie of the Life and Death of King Lear, and His Three Daughters (first quarto; London: Printed for N. Butter, 1608), by William Shakespeare (frame- and cookie-dependent page images here at Penn)
- M. William Shake-Speare: His True Chronicle History of the Life and Death of King Lear, and His Three Daughters (second quarto; title page dated 1608 but printed 1619), by William Shakespeare (page images here at Penn)
- The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett From the Mahatmas M. & K. H. (based on the 1926 edition), ed. by A. Trevor Barker (HTML at TUP)
- Manifesto and Governing Rules of the Communist International: Adopted by the Congress of the Communist International at Moscow, March 2-6, 1919, and Signed by Comrades C. Rakovsky, N. Lenin, M. Zinovjev, L. Trotzky, and Fritz Platten (ca. 1919), by Communist International (multiple formats at
- Manual, or Guide Book, for the Administration of the Discipline of the African M. E. Church (Baltimore: Hoffman and Co., ca. 1876), by A. W. Wayman (page images at HathiTrust)
- Matters of Conscience: Conversations with Sterling M. McMurrin on Philosophy, Education, and Religion (delisted 14 Feb 2024; free online edition withdrawn by publisher), by Sterling M. McMurrin and L. Jackson Newell
- Mélanges d'Histoire et de Litterature: Recueillis par M. de Vigneul-Marville (3 volumes in French; Rotterdam: E. Yvans, 1700-1702), by Bonaventure d' Argonne
- A Memoir of Sir John Drummond Hay, P. C., K. C. B., G. C. M. G., Sometime Minister at the Court of Morocco (London: J. Murray, 1896), by Louisa Annette Edla Drummond-Hay Brooks and Alice Emily Drummond-Hay (page images at Google; US access only)
- Mémoires de Chymie de M. C. W. Scheele, Tirés des Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences de Stockholm (2 volumes, in French; 1785), by Carl Wilhelm Schéele, trans. by Claudine Poullet Guyton de Morveau
- Memoirs of Samuel M. Janney, by Samuel M. Janney (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
- The Molotov Notes on German Atrocities: Notes Sent by V. M. Molotov, People's Commisar for Foreign Affairs, to All Governments With Which the U. S. S. R. Has Diplomatic Relations (London: HMSO, 1942), by Soviet Union Ministry of Foreign Affairs, contrib. by Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Molotov (page images at HathiTrust)
- A Monument in Commemoration of the Faithful Colored Mammies of the South: Speech of Hon. Charles M. Stedman of North Carolina on H.R. 13672 in the House of Representatives, January 9, 1923 (Washington: GPO, 1923), by Charles Manly Stedman
- More Relative Hills of Britain: Hills in Britain and Nearby Islands with 100 m of Prominence Grouped by Their Parents (c2009), by Mark Jackson, contrib. by Alan Dawson (PDF in the UK)
- Narrative of O. M. Spencer, Comprising an Account of His Captivity Among the Mohawk Indians in North America (London: J. Mason, 1836), by Oliver M. Spencer (multiple formats at
- The "Negro in Georgia": Another "Pamphlet" Called Forth by Governor Hugh M. Dorsey's Slanderous Document, Scattered Broadcast Over the Country, and In Which He Purported to Set Forth the Brutal Treatment Accorded the Negro by White Citizens of Georgia, the "American Belgian Congo" (ca. 1921), by Caleb A. Ridley and Dixie Defense Committee (Georgia Division) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Nya Sverige i Södra Amerika, Jemte Beskrifning om "British" Guiana: Sammandrag af Humboldts, Hancocks, Schomburgks m. fl:s Arbeten (in Swedish; Stockholm: S. Rumstedt, 1841), by E. A. Ortman (page images at HathiTrust)
- Official Report of the Proceedings of the Democratic National Convention Held in San Francisco, California, June 28, 29, 30, July 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6, 1920, Resulting in the Nomination of Hon. James M. Cox (of Ohio) for President and Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt (of New York) for Vice-President, by Democratic National Convention, ed. by Edward G. Hoffman (page images at HathiTrust)
- On the Alliance of the October League (M-L) with the Shah of Iran (1975), by Iranian Students Association of America (multiple formats at
- Opuscula Archaeologica Oscari Montelio, Septuagenario, Dicata D. IX M. SEPT. A. MCMXIII (in German; Stockholm: I. Hæggstrœm, 1913), ed. by Bernhard Salin (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- The Oration of Cicero for M. Marcellus, Done into English; With an Appendix Relating to the Prince of Orange (London: Printed for W. Kettilby 1689), by Marcus Tullius Cicero (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Our Golden Jubilarian: Father A. X. M. Sharpe (special issue of the Sacred Heart Guardian; Dearborn, MI: Sacred Heart Parish, 1949) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Our Legal System and How it Operates: Five Lectures Delivered at the University of Michigan, February 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27, 1948 on the Thomas M. Cooley Lectureship, Enlarged and Revised (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School, 1951), by Burke Shartel (PDF with commentary at Michigan)
- Par la Faute de M. de Balzac (Les Amis d'Edouard #56, in French), by André Maurois (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
- The Paris Sketch Book of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh, by William Makepeace Thackeray (Gutenberg text)
- A Partner in the Dynamic of Creation: Womanhood in the Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, by Menachem Mendel Schneerson (HTML at
- Patriotism and Cheese: Speech of Hon. John M. Allen, of Mississippi, in the House of Representatives (1898), by John M. Allen
- Pegasus in Harness: Victorian Publishing and W. M. Thackeray (1992), by Peter L. Shillingsburg (HTML at Victorian Web)
- A Philosophical Dictionary, From the French of M. de Voltaire (second edition (except for v6), 6 volumes; London: J. and L. Hunt, 1824), by Voltaire (page images at HathiTrust)
- Pierce M. B. Young: The Warwick of the South (Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, c1964), by Lynwood Mathis Holland (PDF at Georgia)
- The Pinafore Picture Book: The Story of H. M. S. Pinafore (with some sheet music; London: G. Bell and Sons, 1908), by W. S. Gilbert, contrib. by Arthur Sullivan, illust. by Alice B. Woodward (illustrated HTML with commentary at
- Pioneering in the Northwest: Niobrara-Virginia City Wagon Road, by Albert M. Holman; Pioneers, Short Sketches of Charles Floyd, War Eagle, Theophile Bruguier, and Others, by Constant R. Marks (Sioux City, IA: Deitch and Lamar Co., 1924), by Albert M. Holman and C. R. Marks (page images at HathiTrust)
- Poems, by Mrs. M. Robinson (London: J. Bell, 1791), by Mary Darby Robinson (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
- The Poetical Works of George M. Horton, The Colored Bard of North Carolina, To Which is Prefixed the Life of the Author, Written by Himself (Hillsborough, NC: D. Heartt, 1845), by George Moses Horton (HTML and TEI at UNC)
- Proceedings of the Quarto-Centennial Conference of the African M. E. Church of South Carolina, at Charleston, S.C., May 15, 16 and 17, 1889 (Xenia, OH: Aldine Printing House, 1890), by African Methodist Episcopal Church, South Carolina Conference, ed. by Benjamin William Arnett (multiple formats at
- Prof. M. J. Koncen's Quadrille Call Book and Ball Room Guide, by Mathias J. Koncen (HTML and page images at LOC)
- Progressive Democracy of James M. Cox, by Charles E. Morris (Gutenberg text)
- Progressive Democracy of James M. Cox (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1920), by Charles E. Morris
- R. M. Bucke: Journey to Cosmic Consciousness (Markham, ON: Associated Medical Services and Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1994), by Peter Rechnitzer (PDF with commentary in Canada)
- Rapport sur la Troisième Édition du Manuel des Écoles Élémentaires d'Enseignement Mutuel, par M. Sarazin; et sur le Manuel pour les Écoles Primaries Communales de Jeunes Filles, par Mlle. Sauvan (in French; Paris: Imp. Schneider et Langrand, 1840), by Henry Boulay de La Meurthe (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Record of an Aeronaut: Being the Life of John M. Bacon (London: J. Long, 1907), by Gertrude Bacon
- The Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent: Being Those of S. M. Hussey (London: Duckworth and Co., 1904), by Samuel Murray Hussey, ed. by Home Gordon (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
- Reminiscences of Senator William M. Stewart of Nevada (New York and Washington: Neale Pub. Co., 1908), by William M. Stewart, ed. by George Rothwell Brown
- Report by the Right Honourable W. G. A. Ormsby-Gore, M. P. (Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies) on His Visit to Malaya, Ceylon, and Java During the Year 1928 (London: HMSO, 1928), by William George Arthur Ormsby-Gore, contrib. by Great Britain Colonial Office (page images at HathiTrust)
- Report on the Radiolaria Collected by H. M. S. Challenger During the Years 1873-76 (published in 2 parts and and one plate set as the 18th Zoology volume of the H.M.S. Challenger scientific reports; 1887), by Ernst Haeckel, trans. by William E. Hoyle
- Reprint of Proceedings of the M. W. Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of West Virginia, From the Organization in 1865 Until and Including the Annual Communication in 1881 (Wheeling, WV: Printed by order of the Grand Lodge, 1882), by Freemasons Grand Lodge of West Virginia (page images at HathiTrust)
- Rhoda M. Coffin: Her Reminiscences, Addresses, Papers and Ancestry (New York: Grafton Press, 1910), by Rhoda M. Coffin, ed. by Mary Coffin Johnson (multiple formats at
- Sarah M. Kimball (delisted 14 Feb 2024; free online edition withdrawn by publisher), by Jill Mulvay Derr
- Selected Prose of N. M. Karamzin (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, c1969), by Nikolaĭ Mikhaĭlovich Karamzin, ed. by Henry M. Nebel (PDF with commentary at Northwestern)
- Selected Writings of Isaac M. Wise, With a Biography (Cincinnati: The Robert Clarke Co., 1900), by Isaac Mayer Wise, ed. by David Philipson and Louis Grossmann (PDF at
- A Sermon Delivered in the Market Street, M. E. Church, Petersburg, Va.: Before the Confederate Cadets, on the Occasion of Their Departure for the Seat of War, Sunday, Sept. 22d, 1861 (Petersburg: A.F. Crutchfield, 1861), by R. N. Sledd (HTML and TEI at UNC)
- A Short History and Description of the Ojibbeway Indians Now on a Visit to England: With Correct Likenesses, Engraved From Daguerreotype Plates, Taken By M. Claudet (1844), by Charles Stuart, illust. by M. Claudet (multiple formats at
- Sir William M. Ramsay, Archaeologist and New Testament Scholar: A Survey of His Contribution to the Study of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, c1966), by W. Ward Gasque, contrib. by F. F. Bruce (PDF with commentary at
- Speech of Hon. Henry M. Fuller, Upon the Contested Election from the Eleventh Congressional District of Pennsylvania, Hendrick B. Wright vs. Henry M. Fuller, by Henry Mills Fuller (page images at MOA)
- Speech of Hon. L. M. Cox, of Kentucky, Delivered in the House of Representatives, July 26, 1856, in Defence of the Principles of the American Party, and the Approaching Presidential Election, by L. M. Cox (multiple formats at
- Speech of Senator Robert M. La Follette: Hearings (2 parts; Washington: GPO, 1917-1918), by United States Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections and Robert M. La Follette (both parts bound together: page images at HathiTrust)
- Speeches of M. de Mirabeau, the Elder, Pronounced in the National Assembly of France; To Which is Prefixed, a Sketch of His Life and Character (London: Printed for J. Debrett, 1792), by Honoré-Gabriel de Riqueti Mirabeau, trans. by James White, contrib. by Etienne Méjan (page images at HathiTrust)
- A Statement From Governor Hugh M. Dorsey as to the Negro in Georgia (ca. 1921), by Hugh Manson Dorsey (multiple formats at
- The Story of H. M. Stanley (ca.1906), by Vautier Golding, illust. by Lowes Dalbiac Luard (illustrated HTML at Gateway to the Classics)
- The Story of Peter Pan, Retold From the Fairy Play by Sir J. M. Barrie (with musical selections by Crook; Toronto: Musson Book Co., n.d.), by Daniel O'Connor and J. M. Barrie, contrib. by John Crook, illust. by Alice B. Woodward
- A Sub and a Submarine: The Story of H. M. Submarine R19 in the Great War (London et al.: Blackie and Son, n.d.), by Percy F. Westerman, illust. by E. S. Hodgson (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
- Théorie Générale de l'Accentuation Latine; Suivie de Recherches sur les Inscriptions Accentuées, et d'un Examen des Vues de M. Bopp sur l'Histoire de l'Accent (in French; Paris: A. Durand; Berlin: F. Dümmer, 1855), by Henri Weil and Louis Benloew
- The Third Molotov Note on German Atrocities: The Third Note Sent by V. M. Molotov, People's Commisar for Foreign Affairs, to All Governments With Which the U. S. S. R. Has Diplomatic Relations (London: HMSO, 1942), by Soviet Union Ministry of Foreign Affairs, contrib. by Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Molotov (page images at HathiTrust)
- This Newfoundland of Ours: A Lecture Delivered by the Rev. M. Harvey, On behalf of the St. John's Athenaeum, February 11th, 1878 (St. John's, NL: F. W. Bowden, printer, 1878), by M. Harvey
- Uganda's White Man of Work: A Story of Alexander M. Mackay (New York: Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada, 1913), by Sophia Lyon Fahs
- Una Revolucion en Economia Política: Esposicion de las Doctrinas de M. Macleod (in Spanish; Buenos Aires: Imp. "La América del Sud", 1876), by Henri Richelot, trans. by M. Ugarte and A. Navarro Viola (page images at HathiTrust)
- Une Révolution en Économie Politique: Exposé des Doctrines de M. Macleod (in French; Paris: Capelle, 1863), by Henri Richelot (multiple formats at
- U.S. Immigration Law and Policy, 1952-1979: A Report Prepared at the Request of Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Upon the Formation of the Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy (Washington: GPO, 1979), by Joyce C. Vialet, contrib. by Edward M. Kennedy (page images at HathiTrust)
- Voyage of H. M. S. Blonde to the Sandwich Islands, in the Years 1824-1825 (London: J. Murray, 1826), ed. by Richard Bloxam and Maria Callcott
- War Record of Col.? W. M. Grosvenor, Editor of the Missouri Democrat (1864) (page images at LOC)
- William Blake, Mystic: A Study, by Adeline M. Butterworth; Together With Young's Night Thoughts: Nights I and II (1911), by Adeline M. Butterworth and Edward Young, illust. by William Blake (multiple formats at
- A Work on Revivals; and Sketches In the Life and Preaching of Elder James M. Smith; A Baptist Minister for Thirty-Five Years (Indianapolis: Printed for the author, 1881), by James M. Smith (multiple formats at Indiana)
- The Works of Augustus M. Toplady, A. B., Late Vicar of Broad Hembury, Devon (6 volumes, 1825), by Augustus Toplady
- Yllätys y. m. Kertomuksia Alaskasta (in Finnish; Helskini: Otava, 1917), by Jack London, trans. by Vilho Oksanen (Gutenberg text)
182 items were found.
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