You requested books by authors with the words "E,merson". (Include extended shelves)
Your terms matched 33 authors. Select a name to see that author's titles, or show all these authors' titles.
- Babcock, A. Emerson, 1863- (1 title)
- Bennett, Emerson, 1822-1905 (3 titles)
- Bond, Thos. E. (Thomas Emerson), 1813-1872 (1 title)
- Brown, Joseph E. (Joseph Emerson), 1821-1894 (2 titles)
- Browne, Porter Emerson, 1879-1934 (3 titles)
- Bull, William Emerson, 1909- (1 title)
- Chaillé, Stanford E. (Stanford Emerson), 1830-1911 (1 title)
- Crawford, Vaughn Emerson (3 titles)
- Curry, Charles Emerson (1 title)
- Emerson, Alice B. (24 titles)
- Emerson, B. A. C. (Bettie Alder Calhoun), 1840- (1 title)
- Emerson, Chase (1 title)
- Emerson, Harrington, 1853-1931 (1 title)
- Emerson, John (1 title)
- Emerson, John, 1874-1956 (1 title)
- Emerson, Lucy, 1770-1855 (1 title)
- Emerson, Nathaniel Bright, 1839-1915 (1 title)
- Emerson, P. H. (Peter Henry), 1856-1936 (1 title)
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882 (27 titles)
- Emerson, William A. (William Andrew), 1851- (1 title)
- Emerson, Willis George, 1856-1918 (2 titles)
- Gelfand, Lawrence E. (Lawrence Emerson), 1926-2010 (1 title)
- Hough, Emerson, 1857-1923 (31 titles)
- Hovey, Charles Emerson, 1885-1911 (1 title)
- Kimberly, E. E. (Emerson Edward), 1895-1969 (1 title)
- Murphy, Marion Emerson (1 title)
- Rosebush, Waldo E. (Waldo Emerson), 1889-1961 (1 title)
- Stryker, Roy Emerson, 1893-1975 (1 title)
- Taylor, Emerson Gifford, 1874-1932 (1 title)
- Tennent, James Emerson, Sir, 1804-1869 (1 title)
- Twitchell, Ralph Emerson, 1859-1925 (1 title)
- Worcester, Joseph E. (Joseph Emerson), 1784-1865 (1 title)
- Young, Richard E. (Richard Emerson), 1932- (1 title)
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