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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "B1" to "B20 .O22 1965" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
B Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category)
B-BD Philosophy (Go to start of category)
B1 [Info] Cosmos and History (full serial archives)
B1 .A12 [Info] Archives de Philosophie (partial serial archives)
B1 .A8 [Info] The Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy (partial serial archives)
B1 .J6 [Info] The Journal of Philosophy (partial serial archives)
B1 .J7 [Info] The Journal of Speculative Philosophy (partial serial archives)
B1 .M65 [Info] Mind (partial serial archives)
B1 .M7 [Info] The Monist (partial serial archives)
B1 .N4 [Info] The New Scholasticism (partial serial archives)
B1 .N6 [Info] Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (2002-) (full serial archives)
B1 .P227 [Info] Parrhesia: A Journal of Critical Philosophy (full serial archives)
B1 .P4 [Info] Philosophers' Imprint (2001-) (full serial archives)
B1 .P45 [Info] The Philosopher (partial serial archives)
B1 .P5 [Info] The Philosophical Review (partial serial archives)
B1 .R25 [Info] Radical Philosophy (1972-) (full serial archives)
B1 .R34 [Info] The Review of Metaphysics (partial serial archives)
B2 .E86 [Info] Les Études Philosophiques (in French) (partial serial archives)
B3 .A6 1919 [Info] Annalen der Philosophie mit Besonderer Rücksicht auf die Probleme der Als-Ob-Betrachtung (in German) (full serial archives)
B3 .A6 1924 [Info] Annalen der Philosophie und Philosophischen Kritik (in German) (partial serial archives)
B3 .A69 [Info] Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie (partial serial archives)
B4 .R62 [Info] Rivista di Filosofia (in Italian) (partial serial archives)
B5 .A514 [Info] Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez (in Spanish) (partial serial archives)
B5 .F48 [Info] Kriterion: Revista de Filosofia (full serial archives)
B5 .I4 [Info] Ideas y Valores (in Spanish) (full serial archives)
B8 .P7 K9 [Info] Kwartalnik Filozoficzny (in Polish) (partial serial archives)
B20 .O22 1965 [Info] Art, Mind, and Religion: Proceedings of the 1965 Oberlin Colloquium in Philosophy (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1967), ed. by William H. Capitan and Daniel D. Merrill (page images at Pitt)

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