Call number | Item |
B | Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category) |
BL-BX | Religion (Go to start of category) |
BL | Religion: General, Miscellaneous, and Atheism (Go to start of category) |
BL1 .M65 | The Mountain Path (partial serial archives) |
BL1 .O61 | The Open Court (full serial archives) |
BL25 .H5 | Confucianism and Its Rivals (London: Williams and Norgate, 1915), by Herbert Allen Giles (HTML with commentary at |
BL25 .M4 | Mélanges Hartwig Derenbourg (1844-1908): Recueil de Travaux d'Érudition Dédiés à la Mémoire d'Hartwig Derenbourg, par Ses Amis et Ses Èlèves (mostly in French; Paris: E. Leroux, 1909) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
BL29 .W63 1991 | World Scripture: A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts, ed. by Andrew Wilson |
BL31 .E4 1908 | Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (13 volumes; Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark; New York: C Scribner's Sons, 1908-1926), ed. by James Hastings, John A. Selbie, and Louis H. Gray |
BL31 .H498 | Concise Dictionary of Religion, by Irving Hexham (HTML at University of Calgary) |
BL46.S3 H8 | Temple of Religion and Tower of Peace, Golden Gate International Exposition, 1939-1940 (San Francisco, CA: Temple of Religion and Tower of Peace, inc., 1940), by Stanley Armstrong Hunter (page images at HathiTrust) |
BL48 .B72 1995 | The Mystical Chorus: Jung and the Religious Dimension, by Donald Broadribb, contrib. by Marilyn Holly and Norma Lyons (PDF at Wayback Machine) |
BL48 .B73 | Religion: Origins and Ideas, by Robert Brow (HTML at Wayback Machine) |
BL48 .C5 | The Everlasting Man (1925), by G. K. Chesterton (text at Gutenberg Australia) |
BL48 .D376 | The Divine Succession: A Science of Gods Old and New, by Alfred De Grazia (PDF files at |
BL48 .H8 1927 | Religion Without Revelation (New York and London: Harper and Bros., c1927), by Julian Huxley (multiple formats at |
BL48 .S33 | On Religion: Speeches to its Cultured Despisers (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1893), by Friedrich Schleiermacher, trans. by John Oman (multiple formats at |
BL48 .W35 | Religion in the Making (1926), by Alfred North Whitehead (HTML in Korea) |
BL49 .C72 2008 | Classics of Spiritual Philosophy and the Present (2008), ed. by Vladimir Antonov, trans. by Mikhail Nikolenko and Anton Teplyy (PDF at |
BL51 .A48 2011 | After Appropriation: Explorations in Intercultural Philosophy and Religion (Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2011), ed. by Morny Joy, contrib. by Tamara Albertini, Arindam Chakrabarti, Francis X. Clooney, Christopher G. Framarin, Katrin Froese, Zhen'guo Lin, Dan Lusthaus, Michael McGhee, Michael D. Oppenheim, Tinu Ruparell, Qingsong Shen, and Ahmad F. Yousif (PDF files at University of Calgary) |
BL51 .B5 | Common Sense Applied to Religion: or, The Bible and the People (New York: Harper and Bros.; Montreal: B. Dawson, 1857), by Catharine Esther Beecher |
BL51 .F35 1937 | First Chapters in Religious Philosophy (New York: Round Table Press, 1937), by Vergilius Ferm (page images at HathiTrust) |
BL51 .F75 | Christian Philosophy (2 volumes; Baltimore: A. L. Frothingham, 1888-1890), by Ephraim L. Frothingham and Arthur L. Frothingham (page images at HathiTrust) |
BL51 .G32 1955 | Truth is God: Gleanings From the Writings of Mahatma Gandhi Bearing on God, God-Realization and the Godly Way (c1955), by Mahatma Gandhi, ed. by R. K. Prabhu (HTML at |
BL51 .H963 | The Natural History of Religion, by David Hume (HTML at |
BL51 .L365 2004 | Between Dancing and Writing: The Practice of Religious Studies (New York: Fordham University Press, 2004), by Kimerer L. LaMothe (PDF with commentary at |
BL51 .M3 1859 | The Limits of Religious Thought Examined in Eight Lectures Delivered Before the University of Oxford (Boston: Gould and Lincoln; et al., 1859), by Henry Longueville Mansel (multiple formats at |
BL51 .M3 1860 | The Limits of Religious Thought Examined in Eight Lectures Delivered Before the University of Oxford (Boston: Gould and Lincoln; et al., 1860), by Henry Longueville Mansel |