Call number | Item |
B | Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category) |
BL-BX | Religion (Go to start of category) |
BR | Christianity (General) (Go to start of category) |
BR1 | Trinity Seminary Review (with other TLS publications) (partial serial archives) |
BR1 .A1 T47 | Themelios (partial serial archives) |
BR1 .A4 | The American Journal of Theology (full serial archives) |
BR1 .A47 | The Andover Review (fll serial archives) |
BR1 .B8 | Bibliotheca Sacra (partial serial archives) |
BR1 .C45 | The Christian Century (partial serial archives) |
BR1 .C63 | Christian Herald (New York, 1878-1992) (partial serial archives) |
BR1 .C637 | The Christian Remembrancer (partial serial archives) |
BR1 .C6418 | Christianity Today (partial serial archives) |
BR1 .C642 | The Christian's Magazine (New York, 1806-1811) (full serial archives) |
BR1 .C67 | The Christian Spectator (1819-1828) (full serial archives) |
BR1 .C685 | The Church Quarterly Review (partial serial archives) |
BR1 .C695 | The Constructive Quarterly (full serial archives) |
BR1 .E8 | The Evangelical Magazine (British Calvinist magazine, 1793-1904) (partial serial archives) |
BR1 .E923 | The Examiner: A Monthly Review of Religious and Humane Questions, and of Literature (5 issues published; Chicago: Western News Co., 1870-1871), ed. by E. C. Towne (full serial archives) |
BR1 .H4 | The Harvard Theological Review (partial serial archives) |
BR1 .H6 | The Hibbert Journal (partial serial archives) |
BR1 .J65 | The Journal of Religion (partial serial archives) |
BR1 .J8 | The Journal of Theological Studies (partial serial archives) |
BR1 .M385 | The Master's Trumpet (issues online 2004-2009), by Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) North American Presbytery (partial serial archives) |
BR1 .M6 | The Christian Workers Magazine (partial serial archives) |
BR1 .M6 | The Institute Tie (full serial archives) |
BR1 .M6 | Moody Monthly (partial serial archives) |
BR1 .P385 | The Philadelphia Trumpet (partial serial archives) |
BR1 .P56 | The Plain Truth, contrib. by Herbert W. Armstrong (partial serial archives) |