Browse the Freedman Archive by Work
- Jewish Music in Paris in the Aftermath of WWII Elesdic 1948-1953 1 (album)
- Jewish Music in Paris in the Aftermath of WWII Elesdic 1948-1953 2 (album)
- Jewish Music in Paris in the Aftermath of WWII Elesdic 1948-1953 3 (album)
- Jewish Music in Paris in the Aftermath of WWII Elesdic 1948-1953 4 (album)
- Jewish Music in Paris in the Aftermath of WWII Elesdic 1948-1953 5 (album)
- Jewish Music in Russia Today (album)
- Jewish musical folklore (album)
- Jewish News (song title)
- Jewish Nostalgia (album)
- Jewish Nostalgia (Medley, Zim) (song title)
- Jewish Orch.-Goldstein, Morris/ A Khaver In Lebn/ Berditshever Khosid (album)
- Jewish Orchestra/ Der Shtiler Bulgar/ Kolomeyka (album)
- Jewish Orchestra/ Di Freylekhe Nakht in.../ Koyln Tants (album)
- Jewish Orchestra/ In Vayn Keler/ Lekhayim (album)
- Jewish Orchestra/R. Rubin/ Mekhutonim Tants/ A Vaybl A Tayvl (album)
- Jewish Overture (Instr) (song title)
- Jewish People's Philharmonic Chorus/ Binyumen Schaechter, Conductor/Zingt (album)
- Jewish Rhapsodies For Those In Love The Israeli Strings (album)
- Jewish Rhapsody (song title)
- Jewish Rhapsody on Traditional Song and Dance Melodies (album)
- Jewish Russian Orchestra/ Tantst Tantst Yidelekh/ Khupe Tants (album)
- Jewish Short Stories..Eastern Europe & Beyond (album)
- Jewish Short Stories..Eastern Europe & Beyond/ Sneak Preview (album)
- Jewish Solidarity-Political World (song title)
- Jewish Song Treasury Vol I Mascha Benya, soprano (album)
- Jewish Song Treasury Vol II Mascha Benya, soprano (album)
- Jewish Songs Our Favorite Melodies featuring June Astor (album)
- Jewish Songs / ebpeuckue nechu (album)
- Jewish Songs / ebpeuckue nechu/ Odessa (album)
- Jewish Songs From Bulgaria (album)
- Jewish Songs II Piesni zydowskie Irena Urbanska (album)
- Jewish Songs My Mother Sang To Me The Malavsky Family Choir (album)
- Jewish Songs Sung By Golda Tenser The Small Town of Belz.. (album)
- Jewish Songs Without Words/ Wolfgang Meyer, Clarinet/ Jascha Nemstov (album)
- Jewish Soul / Mike Tabor (album)
- Jewish Soul- A Collection: Cantor Deborah Katchko-Gray (Missing) (album)
- Jewish Summer Camps (Video) (song title)
- Jewish Swings (Medley) (song title)
- Jewish Swings Medley (song title)
- Jewish Synagogal Music Baruch Brothers Choir (Yugoslavia) (album)
- Jewish Tango/ Mayn Yidisher Tango (sung in Yiddish) (album)
- Jewish Tapestry Arranged by Rose Jarvis Cohen (song title)
- Jewish Theatre Medley (Levitt) (song title)
- Jewish Theatrical Songs (Inst Med) (song title)
- Jewish Town (Krakow Ghetto '41) (song title)
- Jewish Traditional Folk Songs and Dances (album)
- Jewish Traditions (album)
- Jewish Tunes From Satmar (Medley) (song title)
- Jewish Underground Songs, Medley (song title)
- Jewish Vocal Quartet/ Jamda/ Klezmer Ensemble "Simkha" (album)