- Ōtsuka, Kusuoko, 1875-1910 [aka Mrs. Otsuka] (1875 - 1910) ; Wikidata
- Abutsu-ni, approximately 1209-1283 [aka Ankamon'in no Shijo] (ca. 1220 - ca. 1283) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Akasome Emon ( - ca. 1042)
- Aoki, Yayoi, 1927-2009 (1927 - November 25, 2009) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Ariyoshi, Sawako, 1931-1984 (January 20, 1931 - August 30, 1984) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Banks, Milena (fl. 2011)
- Beck, L. Adams (Lily Adams), -1931 [aka Louis Moresby; E. Barrington; Mrs. Ralph Coker Adams Beck; Mrs. Hodgkinson. Edward Western; Elizabeth Louisa Moresby] (1862 - January 3, 1931) ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
Anne Boleyn (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran and Co., 1934) (page images at HathiTrust)
Buddhist psalms (Dutton, 1921) (page images at HathiTrust)
Buddhist Psalms, Translated From the Japanese
The chaste Diana [a romance of "The beggar's opera"] (Grosset & Dunlap, 1925) (page images at HathiTrust)
The chaste Diana, [a romance of "The beggar's opera"] (Dodd,Mead and Company, 1925) (page images at HathiTrust)
The chaste Diana, a romance of "The beggar's opera," (Dodd, Mead and Company, 1923) (page images at HathiTrust)
The divine lady; a romance of Nelson and Emma Hamilton (G. G. Harrap & co., ltd., 1925) (page images at HathiTrust)
The divine lady; a romance of Nelson and Emma Hamilton (Dodd, Mead and company, 1925) (page images at HathiTrust)
The divine lady : a romance of Nelson and Emma Hamilton (Dodd, Mead, 1924) (page images at HathiTrust)
Dreams and delights (Dodd, 1926) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Empress of Hearts (New York, Dodd, Mead and Co., 1928) (page images at HathiTrust)
The empress of hearts, by E. Barrington. (Dodd, Mead, 1928) (page images at HathiTrust)
The exquisite Perdita (Dodd, Mead and company, 1926) (page images at HathiTrust)
The gallants (The Atlantic monthly press, 1924) (page images at HathiTrust)
The gallants, following according to their wont the ladies! (The Atlantic monthly press, 1924) (page images at HathiTrust)
The garden of vision, a story of growth (Cosmopolitan Book Corporation, 1929) (page images at HathiTrust)
Glorious Apollo (Dodd, Mead and Co., 1925) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Great Romantic: Being an Interpretation of Mr. Saml. Pepys and Elizabeth His Wife (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran and Co., 1933) (page images at HathiTrust)
The house of fulfilment; the romance of a soul (Cosmopolitan book corporation, 1927) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Key of Dreams: A Romance of the Orient (New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1922) (page images at HathiTrust)
The key of dreams; a romance of the Orient (Dodd, Mead and company, 1925) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Ninth Vibration and Other Stories (Gutenberg text)
The ninth vibration, and other stories. (Dodd, Mead., 1926) (page images at HathiTrust)
The ninth vibration, and other stories (Dodd, Mead and company, 1922) (page images at HathiTrust)
Rubies (published under "Louis Moresby" pseudonym; New York: George H. Doran Co., c1927) (page images at HathiTrust)
The splendour of Asia; the story and teaching of the Buddha (Dodd, Mead and company, 1926) (page images at HathiTrust)
The story of oriental philosophy (Cosmopolitan Book Corp., 1928) (page images at HathiTrust)
"The Ladies!" A Shining Constellation of Wit and Beauty (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
"The ladies!" a shining constellation of wit and beauty (The Atlantic monthly press, 1922) (page images at HathiTrust)
"The ladies!" a shining constellation of wit and beauty (The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1922) (page images at HathiTrust)
The thunderer; a romance of Napoleon and Josephine (Grosset & Dunlap, 1929) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Treasure of Ho: A Romance (New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1924) (multiple formats at archive.org)
The Treasure of Ho: A Romance (New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1929) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
The Way of Power: Studies in the Occult (HTML at sacred-texts.com)
- Ben no Naishi, active 13th century (ca. 1228 - ca. 1267)
- Brown, Lee Ann (fl. 2009) ; More Information
- Bumiller, Elisabeth (May 15, 1956 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Chand, Meira (1942 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Chiyo, 1703-1775 [aka Chiyo-ni; Kaga no Chiyo; Soen (Simple Garden)] (1703 - October 2, 1775) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Cowman, Charles E., Mrs., 1870-1960 [aka Lettie Burd Cowman; Mrs. Charles Elmer Cowman] (1870 - 1960) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- DeForest, Charlotte B., 1879-1973 [aka Charlotte Burgis DeForest] (1879 - 1973) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Draper, Edythe Squier [aka Mrs. James B. Brown] (July 25, 1882 - September 25, 1964)
- Ema, Saiko (1787 - 1861)
- Enchi, Fumiko, 1905-1986 (October 2, 1905 - November 12, 1986) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Fenollosa, Mary McNeil [aka Mary McNeill Chester; Mary McNeill Scott; Sidney McCall] (March 8, 1865 - January 11, 1954)
- Fisher, Gertrude Adams (fl. 1906)
- Fujiu, Tei (fl. 1903)
- Fujiwara Toshinari no Musume, 1171?-1254? [aka Shunzei kyo no musume] (ca. 1171 - ca. 1252) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Funaki, Ritsuko (fl. 2023)
- Go Shizuko (1929 - )
- Gordon, Beate [aka Beate Sirota Gordon] (1924 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Goto, Hiromi, 1966- (1966 - ) ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Hagiwara, Yoko (1920 - )
- Harada, Yasuko, 1928-2009 [aka Yasuko Sasaki] (January 12, 1928 - October 20, 2009) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Harbaugh, Karen (fl. 1996)
- Harrington, Dorothy Joan (1931 - )
- Harris, Dorothy Joan (February 14, 1931 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Hasegawa, Shigure, 1879-1941 (1879 - 1941) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Hayashi, Kyoko (August 28, 1930 - ) ; Wikipedia
- Hayashi, Mariko, 1954- (1954 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Higuchi, Ichiyō, 1872-1896 (1872 - 1906) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Hiraiwa, Yumie, 1932-2023 (March 15, 1932 - June 9, 2023) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Hisajo Sugita (1890 - 1946)
- Hyde, Helen, 1868-1919 (1868 - 1919) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Ike, Gyokuran, 1728-1784 (ca. 1727 - 1784) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Ise no go (Lady Ise) [aka Ise no miyasudokoro] (ca. 875 - ca. 938)
- Ishigaki, Ayako, 1903-1996 [aka Ayako Tanaka Ishigaki] (1903 - 1996) ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Itō, Mizuko (July 22, 1968 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out: Kids Living and Learning With New Media (Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, c2010) (PDF with commentary at MIT Press)
Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out: Kids Living and Learning With New Media (10th anniversary edition; Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, c2019) (PDF with commentary at MIT Press)
Living and Learning With New Media: Summary of Findings from the Digital Youth Project (Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, c2009) (PDF with commentary at MIT Press)
- Iwa no Hime, Empress ( - 347) ; Wikipedia
- Iwabuchi, Deborah Stuhr (fl. 2003) ; Wikidata
- Izumi Shikibu, 974?- (974 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- James, Grace (November 11, 1882 - February 6, 1965) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- James, T. H., Mrs. [aka Mrs. Thomas H. James; Kate James] (fl. 1886) ; Wikidata
- Karu, Princess [aka Sotoshi] (fl. 5th cent.)
- Kasa, Iratsume, active 8th century (fl. 8th cent.) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Kasenjo [aka Takitani-ni (Waterfall Valley)] (1703 - ca. 1716)
- Katō, Shizue, 1897-2001 [aka Shidzue Hirota Ishimoto; Shizue Hirota] (March 2, 1897 - December 22, 2001) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Kenrei Mon'in Ukyo no Daibu [aka Daibu] (ca. 1173 - ca. 1232)
- Kikusha, 1753-1826 [aka Kikusha] (1753 - 1826) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Kitada, Usurai, 1876-1900 [aka Mrs. Kajita] (1876 - 1900) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Kobayashi, Tamai, 1966- (1966 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Koizumi, Setsu, 1868-1932 [aka Setsuko Koizumi; Mrs. Lafcadio Hearn] (1868 - 1932) ; Wikidata
- Kojiju (ca. 1121 - ca. 1201)
- Kono Taeko (February 24, 1926 - ) ; Wikipedia
- Kurahashi, Yumiko, 1935-2005 (October 10, 1935 - June 10, 2005) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Lum, Bertha Boynton, 1869-1954 [aka Bertha Boynton Bull; Mrs. Burt F. Lum] (May 1869 - February 1954) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Maruoka, Hideko, 1903-1990 (1903 - 1990) ; Wikidata
- Massey, Sujata (1964 - ) ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Matsuyo Akimoto (1911 - )
- Matutani Miyoko (1926 - )
- Michitsuna no Haha, approximately 935-995 [aka Udaisho Michitsuna no haha] (ca. 935 - 995) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Miller, Lilian [aka Lilian May Miller] (July 20, 1895 - January 11, 1943) ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Miura, Ayako, 1922-1999 (1922 - 1999) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Miyabe, Miyuki, 1960- (December 23, 1960 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Miyao, Tomiko, 1926-2014 (1926 - December 30, 2014) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Mizuta, Tamae, 1929- (1929 - ) ; Wikidata
- Mori, Mari, 1903-1987 (1903 - 1987) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Morisaki, Kazue, 1927-2022 (1927 - May 15, 2022) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Mukoda Kuniko (November 28, 1929 - August 22, 1981) ; Wikipedia
- Murasaki Shikibu, 978?- [aka Lady Murasaki] (ca. 978 - ca. 1031) ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
Blue trousers : being the fourth part of "The tale of Genji" (G. Allen und Unwin, 1928) (page images at HathiTrust)
Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan (Boston And New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1920)
Diaries of court ladies of old Japan (Constable & Co., 1921) (page images at HathiTrust)
Genji kokagami. (1823) (page images at HathiTrust)
Genji Monogatari (From "Japanese Literature"; New York: Colonial Press, 1900) (HTML with commentary at sacred-texts.com)
Genji monogatari (Hachio Kanbē, 1654) (page images at HathiTrust)
Genji monogatari. (Yūhōdō Shoten, 1914) (page images at HathiTrust)
Genji monogatari. (Yūhōdō, 1917) (page images at HathiTrust)
Genji monogatari (Hakubunkan, 1890) (page images at HathiTrust)
Genji monogatari (Yūhōdō, 1914) (page images at HathiTrust)
Genji monogatari (Nihon Bungaku Sōsho Kankōkai, 1922) (page images at HathiTrust)
Genji monogatari hyōshaku. (1853) (page images at HathiTrust)
Genji monogatari Kogetsu shō (Kōbunsha, 1927) (page images at HathiTrust)
Genji monogatari kogetsu shō (Bunken Shoin, 1926) (page images at HathiTrust)
Genji monogatari kogetsu shō (Sekizenkan, 1895) (page images at HathiTrust)
Genji monogatari kogetsu shō (Kōbunsha, 1927) (page images at HathiTrust)
Genji monogatari taii (Daidōkan, 1911) (page images at HathiTrust)
Genji Monogatari; the most celebrated of the classical Japanese romances. (Trubner & Co., 1882) (page images at HathiTrust)
Genji monogatari : the most celebrated of the Japapnese romances (Z.P. Maruya, 1881) (page images at HathiTrust)
Heianchō nikkishū : Zen (Yūhōdō, 1913) (page images at HathiTrust)
Japanese literature (Colonial Press, 1900) (page images at HathiTrust)
Japanese literature : including selections from Genji Monogatari and classical poetry and drama of Japan (Colonial Press, 1900) (page images at HathiTrust)
Kogetsu shō (Sekizenkan, 1905) (page images at HathiTrust)
Murasaki Shikibu nikki (1884) (page images at HathiTrust)
The sacred tree : being the second part of "The tale of Genji" (G. Allen and Unwin, 1926) (page images at HathiTrust)
The sacred tree, being the second part of 'The tale of Genji' (Houghton Mifflin company, 1926) (page images at HathiTrust)
The sacred tree, being the second part of 'The tale of Genji' (Houghton Mifflin company, 1926) (page images at HathiTrust)
Shibun seikin (1817) (page images at HathiTrust)
Shinpen Murasaki shi (Seishidō Shoten, 1888) (page images at HathiTrust)
Shin'yaku Genji monogatari (Kaneo Bun'endō, 1914) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Tale of Genji (text at Oxford Text Archive)
The tale of Genji (Houghton Mifflin Company, 1925) (page images at HathiTrust)
The tale of Genji (Houghton Mifflin Company, 1925) (page images at HathiTrust)
The tale of Genji (Allen & Unwin, 1925) (page images at HathiTrust)
The tale of Genji (Houghton Mifflin Company, 1926) (page images at HathiTrust)
The tale of Genji; a novel in six parts (Houghton Mifflin company, 1935) (page images at HathiTrust)
A wreath of cloud, being the third part of 'The tale of Genji' (Houghton Mifflin company, 1927) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Nakajima, Shōen, 1863-1901 [aka Kishida Toshiko; Baroness Nakajima] (1863 - 1901) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Nakanoin Masatada no Musume, 1258- [aka Nijo] (ca. 1257 - ca. 1308) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Nogami, Yaeko, 1885-1985 (May 6, 1885 - March 30, 1985) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Nothomb, Amélie (August 13, 1967 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Nukada no Okimi [aka Princess Nukata] (ca. 638 - ca. 690)
- Oba Minako (November 11, 1930 - May 24, 2007) ; Wikipedia
- Ohara, Kyoko (fl. 2018)
- Ohara Tomie (1912 - )
- Oku, Princess, daughter of Tenmu, Emperor of Japan (February 12, 661 - January 29, 702) ; Wikipedia
- Ono, Komachi, active 9th century (fl. 850) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Otokami, S. (fl. 9th cent.)
- Otomo no Sakanoue Iratsume (fl. 8th cent.)
- Ozaki, Yei Theodora (1871 - December 28, 1932) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
Buddha's crystal and other fairy stories (Kelly & Walsh, 1908) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Japanese fairy book (Constable and Company, limited;, 1922) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Japanese fairy book (E.P. Dutton, 1903) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Japanese fairy book (Archibald Constable & Co., 1903) (page images at HathiTrust)
Japanese Fairy Tales (unillustrated version) (Gutenberg text)
Japanese fairy tales (A.L. Burt company, 1905) (page images at HathiTrust)
Japanese fairy tales (Grosset & Dunlap, 1903) (page images at HathiTrust)
Japanese Fairy Tales, Compiled by Yei Theodora Ozaki, Profusely Illustrated by Japanese Artists (New York: A. L. Burt Co., ca. 1905) (page images at durendal.org)
Romances of old Japan (Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & co., 1919) (page images at HathiTrust)
Romances of old Japan (Brentano's, 1920) (page images at HathiTrust)
Romances of old Japan (Simpkin, 1920) (page images at HathiTrust)
Warriors of old Japan and other stories. (Houghton, 1909) (page images at HathiTrust)
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- Sagami, approximately 998- [aka Otojiju] (ca. 998 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Sanuki no Suke, approximately 1079- [aka Fujiwara no Nagako] (1079 - ca. 1119) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Sata, Ineko, 1904-1998 (June 1, 1904 - October 12, 1998) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Sato, Aiko (1923 - )
- Sawachi, Hisae (1930 - ) ; Wikidata
- Sei Shōnagon, approximately 967- (ca. 965 - ca. 1010) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Senshi, Princess, daughter of Murakami, Emperor of Japan, 964-1035 [aka Senshi Naishinno] (964 - 1035) ; Wikidata
- Setouchi, Harumi, 1922-2021 [aka Jakuchō Setouchi] (May 15, 1922 - November 9, 2021) ; Wikipedia
- Sherman, Delia (fl. 2011) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Shibaki, Yoshiko, 1914-1991 (1914 - 1991) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Shikishi, Princess, daughter of Goshirakawa, Emperor of Japan, -1201 (ca. 1149 - 1201) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Shimazaki, Aki, 1954- (1954 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Shiono, Nanami, 1937- (July 7, 1937 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Sims, Barbara R. (Barbara Helen Rutledge) (April 17, 1918 - April 24, 2002) ; Obituary
- Sono, Ayako, 1931- (September 17, 1931 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Sotori, Princess [aka Sotoshi] (fl. 5th cent.)
- Sugawara no Takasue no Musume, 1008- [aka Anonymous] (1008 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Sugimoto, Etsuko, 1873-1950 [aka Etsu Inagaki] (1873 - 1950) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
A Daughter of the Samurai (special edition pub. by Doubleday, Page and Co. for Japan Society; c1925)
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With Taro and Hana in Japan (Frederick A. Stokes company, 1928) (page images at HathiTrust)
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- Sumii, Sue, 1902-1997 (1902 - 1997) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Takabatake, Shikibu, 1785-1881 (1785 - 1881) ; Wikidata
- Takagi, Nobuko (May 9, 1946 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Takahashi, Takako, 1932-2013 (March 2, 1932 - July 12, 2013) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Takamure, Itsue, 1894-1964 (1894 - 1964) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Takeda, Kayoko (fl. 2016)
- Takenishi, Hiroko, 1929- (April 11, 1929 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Takeuchi, Naoko (March 15, 1967 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Tanabe, Seiko, 1928-2019 (1928 - June 6, 2019) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Tomioka, Taeko (1935 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Tsumura, Setsuko, 1928- (1928 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Tsunoda, Fusako, 1914-2010 (1914 - 2010) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Tsushima, Yuko (March 30, 1947 - ) ; Wikipedia
- Uchida, Kyoko (fl. 2000)
- Ume Shukishi [aka Shushiki] (1668 - 1725)
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Lyrics from the Chinese (Houghton Mifflin, 1913) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lyrics from the Chinese (Houghton Mifflin company, 1919) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lyrics from the Chinese (Houghton Mifflin, 1915) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lyrics from the Chinese. (Houghton, 1919) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lyrics from the Chinese (Houghton Mifflin company, 1919) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mediaeval Latin lyrics (Constable and co., ltd., 1929) (page images at HathiTrust)
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The Wandering Scholars (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1927) (page images at HathiTrust)
Wandering scholars (Constable, 1927) (page images at HathiTrust)
The wandering scholars (Houghton Mifflin company, 1927) (page images at HathiTrust)
The wandering scholars (Houghton Mifflin, 1932) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Watkins, Yoko Kawashima (1933 - )
- Welch, Pat, 1957- (December 19, 1957 - ) ; Wikidata
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- Yamada, Mitsuye (July 5, 1923 - ) ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Yamamoto, Michiko, 1936- (December 4, 1936 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Yamazaki, Tomoko, 1932-2018 (1932 - 2018) ; Wikidata
- Yamazaki, Toyoko, 1924-2013 (1924 - September 29, 2013) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Yata no Waki-iratsume (fl. 4th cent.)
- Yosano, Akiko, 1878-1942 (December 7, 1878 - May 29, 1942) ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Yoshimoto, Banana, 1964- [aka Mahoko Yoshimoto] (July 24, 1964 - ) ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Yuri, 1694-1764 (1694 - 1764)
- Zangwill, Edith Ayrton (1879 - 1945) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata