María Pilar Aquino was born in Ixtlán del Río, Nayarit, México, on March 6, 1956, within a "campesina/peasant" family of the social class of the poor. Her parents were involved in the US "Bracero program" and in the Mexican-American farm workers movement.
A Catholic theologian, she is Associate Professor of Theology and Religious Studies and Associate Director of the Center for the Study of Popular Catholicism at the University of San Diego. See,
She also serves in several professional journals and organizations, such as the Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology (Board of Directors, 1993-present); Theological Journal Reflexión y Liberación (Santiago, Chile, Board of Contributors, 1992-present); Concilium, Revue Internationale de Théologie (Board of Directors, 1998-present, Advisory Committee for Feminist Theology, 1995-present); Journal of the American Academy of Religion (Editorial Board, 1995-present); Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion (Editorial Board, 1996-present); Association for Hispanic Theological Education (Advisory Committee for Doctoral Students, 1996-present); Hispanic Theological Initiative (Doctoral Students Mentoring Program, Emory University, 1996-present); Association of Chicana Activists, University of San Diego (Faculty Advisor, 1996-present); Centro Ecumênico de Serviços à Evangelização e Educação Popular, CESEP (Coordinator of Section "Feminist Theology," 1997-present); Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual (Advisory Board, 1999-present).
Her doctoral degree was earned at the Pontifical University of Salamanca (Spain 1991); she obtained her Licentiate in Theology at the Instituto Teológico de Estudios Superiores ITES (Mexico City, 1984) granted by the Pontificia Universidad Católica Do Río Grande du Sul (Brasil), and her Sacred Theology Bachelor at ITES (Mexico City, 1982). She has served as President of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic/Latino Theologians of the United States (1993-1994), and as Director of the Hispanic Ministry Program at Mount St. Mary's College, Los Angeles (1995-1993).
Dr. Aquino is the recipient of the "Virgil Elizondo Award" of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States for her outstanding contribution to Latina Feminist Theology (June 1997).
The University of Helsinki, Finland, conferred on her the degree of Doctor of Theology Honoris Causae (May, 2000).
Aportes para una Teología desde la Mujer ed. (Madrid: Biblia y Fe, 1988).
Our Cry for Life. Feminist Theology from Latin America (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1993). From the Spanish language Nuestro Clamor por la Vida. Teología Latinoamericana desde la Perspectiva de la Mujer (San José, Costa Rica: Departamento Ecuménico de Investigaciones, 1992). Portuguese language Nosso Clamor Pela Vida. Teología Latino Americana A Partir da Perspectiva da Mulher (São Paulo, Brasil: Paulinas Editorial, 1996).
La Teología, La Iglesia y La Mujer en América Latina (Bogotá, Colombia: Indo-American Press, 1994). Portuguese language La Teología, La Igleja e La Mulher Na América Latina (São Paulo, Brasil: Paulinas Editorial, 1997).
Teología Feminista Latinoamericana, with Elsa Tamez (Quito, Ecuador: Editorial Abya-Yala, 1998).
Entre la Indignación y la Esperanza. Teología Feminista Latinoamericana, co-editor with Ana María Tepedino (Bogotá, Colombia: Indo-American Press & ASETT/EATWOT Asociación Ecuménica de Teólogos del Tercer Mundo, 1998).
Theology: Expanding the Borders, co-editor with Roberto S. Goizueta ([The Annual Publication of the College Theology Society, vol. 43] Mystic, CT: Twenty-Third Publications, 1998).
María Pilar Aquino, Jeanette Rodríguez, and Daisy L. Machado, eds., Religion, Feminism, and Justice. Foundations of Latina Feminist Theology (Austin: University of Texas Press, forthcoming).
Presencia de la mujer en la tradición profética: Servir 88-89 (México City, 1980), pp. 535-558.
El culto a María y María en el culto: FEM Publicación Feminista, vol. 5/20 (México City, 1981-1982), pp. 41-46.
Mujer e Iglesia. Participación de la Mujer en la presencia de la Iglesia, in Aportes para una Teología desde la Mujer, María Pilar Aquino, ed. (Madrid: Biblia y Fe, 1988), pp. 94-101. From the Spanish language, Women's Participation in the Church. A Catholic perspective, in With Passion and Compassion. Third World Women doing Theology, Virginia Fabella and Mercy Amba Oduyoye, eds. (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1988), pp. 159-164. Reprinted in Curt Cadorette, et. al., eds., An Introductory Reader. Liberation Theology (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1992), pp. 192-197.
Entrevista sobre la Teología desde la óptica de la mujer, Las Mujeres Toman la Palabra, Elsa Tamez, ed. (San José, Costa Rica: DEI, 1989), pp. 13-21.
Qué es hacer teología desde la perspectiva de la mujer, Iglesia y derechos humanos. IX Congreso de Teología, Joaquín Ruiz-Gimenez, ed. (Madrid: Evangelio y Liberación, 1989), pp. 175-189.
Bienaventurados los perseguidos y los que buscan la paz: Sal Terrae. Revista de Teología Pastoral 12 (Santander, 1989), pp. 895-907.
Mujer y Praxis ministerial hoy. La respuesta del Tercer Mundo, in Mujer y Ministerio. Fundamento bíblico y praxis eclesial, Escuela Bíblica Biblia y Fe, ed., Revista de Teología Bíblica, Number 46 (Madrid, 1990): pp. 116-139.
Sin contar las mujeres (Mt 14:21). Perspectiva Latinoamericana de la Teología Feminista, in La Mujer en la Iglesia, Fernando Urbina de la Quintana, dir., Pastoral Misionera 178/179 (Madrid: Editorial Popular, 1991), pp. 103-122.
The Challenge of Latina Women: Missiology. An International Review (April, 1992): pp. 261-268.
La Mujer/Women, in Prophetic Vision. Pastoral Reflections on the National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic Ministry, Soledad Galerón and Rosa María Icaza, et al., eds. (Kansas City: Sheed & Ward, 1992), pp. 142-162 & 316-335.
Doing Theology from the Perspective of Latin American Women, in We are a People! Initiatives in Hispanic American Theology, Roberto S. Goizueta, ed. (Philadelphia: Fortress Press , 1992), pp. 79-105. In the Finnish language, "Vapautuksen Teologia Latinalaisessa Amerikassa. Näkökohtia naisen Perspektiivistä," in Uskon Ja Elämän Uudet Kielet. Raportii Latinalaisen Amerikan ja Vapautuksen Teologian Seminaarista, Jouni Pirttijärvi and Katri Pirttijärvi, eds. (Helsinki: Kirkon Ulkomaanasiain Neuvosto, 1990), pp. 21-40.
Perspectives on a Latina's Feminist Liberation Theology, in Frontiers of Hispanic Theology in the United States, Allan Figueroa Deck, ed. (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1992), pp. 23-40.
Teología y Mujer en América Latina, in Y... Dios Creó a la Mujer. XII Congreso de Teología, José María Diez Alegría, contr. (Madrid: Evangelio y Liberación, 1993), pp. 125-140. From: "Y Dios creó a la mujer" Teología y Mujer en América Latina: Reflexión y Liberación IV/15 (Santiago, Chile 1992), pp. 27-40.
Directions and Foundations of Hispanic/Latino Theology: Toward a Mestiza Theology of Liberation: Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology 1/1 (November, 1993), pp. 5-21. Reprinted in Arturo J. Bañuelas, ed., Mestizo Christianity. Theology from the Latino Perspective (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1995), pp. 191-208.
Feminismo, in Conceptos Fundamentales del Cristianismo, Casiano Floristán and Juan José Tamayo-Acosta, eds. (Madrid: Trotta, 1993), pp. 509-524.
Mujer, in Diccionario de Pastoral, Benjamín Bravo, ed. (México City: B. Bravo, 1994), pp. 130-133.
Santo Domingo Through the Eyes of Women, in Santo Domingo and Beyond. Documents and Commentaries From the Historic Meeting of the Latin American Bishops Conference, Alfred T. Hennelly, S.J., ed. (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1994), pp. 212-225. From the Spanish language, Santo Domingo: La visión sobre las mujeres Latinoamericanas: Reflexión y Liberación 19 (Santiago, Chile 1993): pp. 39-50.
Trazos Hacia una Antropología Teológica Feminista. Una Mirada desde la Teología Feminista Latinoamericana: Reflexión y Liberación 23 (Santiago, Chile 1994): pp. 43-58.
Including Women's Experience: A Latina Feminist Perspective, in In the Embrace of God. Feminist Approaches to Theological Anthropology, Ann O'Hara Graff, ed. (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1995), pp. 51-70.
Teología Feminista Latinoamericana. Evolución y Desafíos: Tópicos '90, Cuadernos de Estudio 7 (Santiago, Chile: January 1995): pp. 107-122.
Hearing One Another into Speech, in Women and Theology, Mary Ann Hinsdale & Phillis Kaminski, eds. (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1995), pp. 99-104.
What's in a Name? Exploring the Dimensions of What "Feminist Studies in Religion" Means: Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 11/1 (Spring 1995): pp. 115-119.
Evil and Hope: A Reflection from the Victims. Response to Jon Sobrino, in Proceedings of the Fiftieth Annual Convention of the Catholic Theological Society of America, Paul Crowley, ed., Volume 50 (New York City: CTSA, 1995), pp. 85-92.
Two dictionary entries, Colonization, Latin American Feminist Theology, in Dictionary of Feminist Theologies, Letty M. Russell & J.Shannon Clarkson, eds. (Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 1996), pp. 50 & 114-116.
The Collective "Dis-Covery" of Our Own Power: Latina American Feminist Theology, in Hispanic/Latino Theology. Challenge and Promise, Ada María Isasi-Díaz and Fernando F. Segovia, eds. (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1996), pp. 240-258. Reprinted from, Id., Five Centuries of Hispanic American Christianity (1492-1992), APUNTES 13/1 (Spring 1993): pp. 86-103.
Una Vida en Estado de Justicia. La Matríz Feminista de la Iglesia, in Cristianismo y Liberación. Homenaje a Casiano Floristán, Juan José Tomayo-Acosta, ed. (Madrid: Trotta, 1996), pp. 141-158.
Economic Violence in Latin American Perspective, in Women Resisting Violence. Spirituality for Life, Mary John Mananzan, et. al., eds. (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1996), pp. 100-108.
Women's Contribution to Theology in Latin America, in Feminist Ethics and the Catholic Moral Tradition. Readings in Moral Theology n.9, Charles E. Curran, et. al., eds. (Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist Press, 1996), pp. 90-119. From "Our Cry for Life," pp. 109-130.
Glaube und Kultur. Eine Antwort auf M. Azevedo und P. Hünermann, in Die >Identität< des Glaubens in den Kulturen. Das Inkulturationsparadigma auf dem Prüfstand, Andreas Lienkamp and Christoph Lienkamp, eds. (Würzburg: Echter, 1997), pp. 91-103.
Construyendo la Misión Evangelizadora de la Iglesia. Inculturación y Violencia Hacia las Mujeres, in Entre la Indignación y la Esperanza. Teología Feminista Latinoamericana, Ana María Tepedino y María Pilar Aquino, eds. (Bogotá, Colombia: Indo American Press, 1998), pp. 63-91.
Teología Feminista Latinoamericana, in Teología Feminista Desde América Latina, Otto Maduro, Invited ed. (Guayaquil, Ecuador: Cristianismo y Sociedad 135-132, 1998), 9-28. Reprinted in El Siglo de las Mujeres, Ediciones de las Mujeres No. 28, Ana María Portugal and Carmen Torres, eds., (Santiago, Chile: Isis Internacional, 1999), 233-251. German language, Lateinamerikanische Feministische Theologie, in Befreiungstheologie: Kritischer Rückblick und Perspektiven für die Zukunft. Band 2: Kritische Auswertung ind neue Herausforderungen, Raúl Fornet-Betancourt, ed. (Verlag, Mainz: Grünewald, 1997), pp. 291-323. English language, Latin American Feminist Theology: Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 14/1 (Spring 1998), pp. 89-107.
Encyclopedia entry, Christianity in Latin America and the Caribbean, in Encyclopedia of Women and World Religion, Serinity Young, et. al., eds. (New York: MacMillan, 1998), pp.
La Visión Liberadora de Medellín en la Teología Feminista: Revista Latinoamericana de Teología XV/45 (Septiembre-Diciembre 1998), pp. 269-275.
Theological Method in U.S. Latino/a Theology: Toward an Intercultural Theology for the Third Millennium, in From the Heart of Our People: Latino/a Explorations in Catholic Systematic Theology, Orlando O. Espín and Miguel H. Díaz, eds. (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1999), 6-48.
El Movimiento de Mujeres: Fuente de Esperanza, in 2000 Realidad y Esperanza, Virgilio Elizondo and Jon Sobrino, eds.: Concilium 283 (Noviembre 1999), 123-133.
Three encyclopedia entries, Christian Base Organizations, Elsa Tamez, Ivone Gebara, in Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin American Culture, Dan Balderston, editor in chief (London: Routledge, forthcoming).
Fifty-four dictionary entries, Juan Alfaro, Louis Althusser, Anthropology/Anthropological (Theological), María Clara Bingemer, Capitalism, Christian Anthropology, Colonization, Discrimination, Ecology, Episteme, Epistemology, Ethnicity, Feminist Theology(ies), Casiano Floristan, Ivone Gebara, José Ignacio González Faus, Hermeneutical suspicion, Heterosexism, Historical critique, Human being, Human rights, Humankind, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Laborem excercens (document), Latin American Theologies, Liberalism, Liberation, Liberation theologies, Karl Marx, Marxism, Medellin documents, Rigoberta Menchú, José Porfirio Miranda, Mujerista theology, Option for the poor, Patriarchy, Person, Prophets (in Christianity), Puebla document, Pablo Richard, Rosemary Radford Ruether, Santo domingo document, Sexism, Sin (social, structural), Social analysis, Social doctrine of the church, Social justice, Social structures, Socialism, Juan José Tamayo-Acosta, Elsa Tamez, Ana María Tepedino, Teresa of Avila, Third world theologies, in An Introductory Dictionary of Theology and Religious Studies, Orlando O. Espín, et. al., eds. (Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, forthcoming).
Three dictionary entries, Feminist Theology, Patriarchy/Hierarchy, Sexism, in Dictionary of Third World Theologies, eds. Virginia Fabella and R.S. Sugirtharajah (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, forthcoming).
El Pueblo de Dios en la Lucha por la Justicia - The People of God in the Struggle for Justice, in The Love that Produces Hope. Essays on the Thought of Ignacio Ellacuría, eds. Robert Lassalle-Klein and Kevin Burke, S.J. (Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, Forthcoming).
Dictionary entry, Salvation/Liberation, in Our Theology: Manual de Teología Latina en los EE.UU., eds. Allan Figueroa Deck, Ismael García, et al., eds., (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, Forthcoming).