A Celebration of Women Writers

"New Year's Eve, 1916." by Norah M. Holland (1876-1925)
From: Spun-Yarn And Spindrift. by Norah M. Holland. London & Toronto: J. M. Dent & Sons; New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1918, p. 90.

Editor: Mary Mark Ockerbloom

[Page 90] 


GREGORY fell beside the Marne,
  And John where flows the Aisne;
But here to-night, ere midnight chime,
  We three shall meet again.

Though land and sea lie wide between,
  Their ghosts this way shall win,
For, three true men, we made a bond
  To watch the New Year in.

We made it on a Flanders field
  Where white the shell-smoke ran;
And who is Death to break the faith
  That man has pledged to man ?

Then draw their chairs beside the fire
  And brim their cups with wine;
For ere the bells of midnight swing
  Their hands shall clasp with mine.

Though Gregory lies where Marne runs down,
  And John beside the Aisne,
Living and dead, ere midnight chime,
  We three shall meet again.

[Page 91]

Editor: Mary Mark Ockerbloom