In Progress --
Below is a list of books that readers have told me are partly online
or requested. Please let us know
of any additional books we should list below, or of any books on these list
that are now complete online. In some cases, we have listed
the email addresses of those who are working on or requested the books.
If you'd like to write to them, replace the
term (at) in the addresses below with an @ sign.
Items will disappear from this list when they are completed
and open to the public (in which case
they will most likely appear in the indexes of
The Online Books Page.)
They may also disappear if enough time goes by without any indication
of progress, or the person who expressed interest in the work drops it
or becomes unreachable.
Works in Progress
These are works that are partly online, but not yet complete enough
for a regular catalog listing.
Where more information is known about the progress of the work, I have
noted it.
To query about status, or to work on the book, write to
the designated contact person.
Given that it is now possible to post a volume in page image form at least
with only a few hours of work, we are in the process of phasing
out the listings in this section
that don't have at least one volume or issue's worth of online material,
either replacing them with a listing of a complete title or moving them
down into the requests section. (If we're not
adding the title to our main catalog, we'll write the
contact person before we eliminate the listing here.)
We used to list books not yet posted anywhere. We no longer do this here,
David Price has a Project Gutenberg in-progress list
that shows what's being prepared for that project.
(It doesn't say who is working
on a particular text, but you may be able to write to David or to Gutenberg
to find out.)
- Acte și Legiuiri Privitoare la Chestia țărănească (Series 1 volume 1, and series 2 volumes 2, 4, and 5 online; seeking 8 other volumes)
- Ahumada Moreno, Pascual: Guerra del Pacifico (books 1-2 and 6-8 and appendix online, seeking books 3-5)
- Alcina, Francisco Ignacio: The Muñoz Text of Alcina's History of the Bisayan Islands (1668), Part 1 (English translation: Book 3 freely readable online, seeking open copy of other books; req. by Anbony Cuanico, acuanico(at)
- Alcina, Francisco Ignacio: The Muñoz Text of Alzina's History of the Bisayan Islands (1668), Part 1 (Spanish text: Books 1-3 freely readable online, seeking open copy of Book 4)
- Barge, W., and Paul De Ville, eds.: The Flutist's Orchestra Studies (Volume 2 online; seeking volumes 1 and 3)
- Baumeister, Edmund Joseph: The New Missal Latin (Book One online; seeking Book Two)
- Bayle, Pierre: A General Dictionary, Historical and Critical (Volumes 1-4, 6-8, and 10 online, along with volume 5; seeking volume 9)
- Beneshevich, V.N., ed.: Monumenta Sinaitica, Archaeologica et Palaeografica (Fasc. 1 online; seeking fasc. 2)
- Bettefreund, Carlos: Flora Argentina: Recolección y Descripción de Plantas Vivas (Volumes 1 and 2 online; seeking volume 3)
- Bianu, Ioan and Nerva Hodos: Bibliografia Românéscă Veche, 1508-1830 (Volumes 1 and 2 and first 2 fascicles of volume 3 found online; seeking rest of volume 3, 1817-1830)
- Boggs, Ralph Steele, et al.: Tentative Dictionary of Medieval Spanish (Volume 1 freely readable online; volume 2 also appears to be in the public domain due to lack of notice or renewal)
- Borooah, Anundoram: A Comprehensive Grammar of the Sanskrit Language (Prosody volume (X) available online; seeking Letters and Their Changes volume (III part 1), the only other part published of a planned 12-volume work)
- Bowen, Richard LeBaron: Early Rehoboth (Volume 3 and Volume 4 online, seeking volumes 1-2, which appear to be public domain due to nonrenewal)
- Brewster Aeronautical Corporation: V.B.G. Standard Handbook (Volumes 1 and 2 online; seeking volumes 3-6 if unclassified and without copyright issues)
- Bunbury, Selina: Our Own Story (Volume 1 of 3 online, seeking other volumes)
- Caldwell, Fred P., ed.: The Virginia and West Virginia Judicial Dictionary-Digest (Volumes 1-4 online, seeking volumes 5 and 6)
- Carmichael, Mrs. A. C.: Five years in Trinidad and St. Vincent (Volume 1 of 2 online, seeking other volume)
- Chalif, Louis H.: Dances: National, Demicharacter, Ballet, Esthetic, Interpretive and Folk (Volume 1 of 2 online; seeking other volume)
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days (3 volumes released to date; volume 4, the last in the set, expected to be published in 2024)
- Clark, John S. et al.: The Prang Elementary Course in Art Instruction (seeking all volumes, for years 3-8; Year 3 and Year 7 online)
- Communist International: Bulletin of the IV Congress of the Communist International (31 issues online; need issue #17 for a complete listing)
- Cook, Tennessee Claflin: Talks and Essays (Volume 1 of 4 online, seeking other volumes)
- Coulter, William J.: Martin Family History (Volume 1 and Volume 2 online, seeking third volume, which also appears to be public domain; req. by Larry Martin, larry.martin(at) )
- Crockett, Daniel W.: The Oklahoma Digest Annotated (1922-1923; Volumes 1 and 2 online, seeking volumes 3-5)
- Crowley, Aleister: The Spirit of Solitude: An Autohagiography (1929; Volume 1 online, seeking volume 2)
- De Buelow, Joseph: Historical Sketches of Europe (Part 1 online, seeking parts 2-24)
- Dickson, Alexander: The Dickson Manuscripts (volume for Chapters 1-3 of Series C online, but also need volume for chapters 4-7. Not clear if other series are published in out-of-copyright editions.)
- Diderot, Denis: Encyclopedie (now being translated: contact diderot-info(at)
- Diehl, Ernst, ed.: Anthologia Lyrica Graeca (1925; Volume II and Supplement available in the US; seeking Volume I)
- Encyclopedias of Camps and Ghettos, 1933-1945 (Volumes 1-4 free to read online; remaining 3 volumes in preparation)
- Engineers of the Southwest Pacific, 1941-1945 (volumes 1-4 and 6-8 online; seeking volume 5)
- François, Charles: Journal du Capitaine François (Volume 1 online ( copy); seeking volume 2)
- Foster, C. W., ed. Final Concords of the County of Lincoln, From the Feet of Fines Preserved in the Public Record Office, A.D. 1244-1272, With Additions From Various Sources, A.D. 1176-1250 (Volume II online as a page scan and as a retitled transcription; seeking Volume I)
- Freitas, Robert A.: Nanomedicine (volumes 1 and 2A online, volumes 2B and 3 to follow: lana(at)
- Friedman, Bernard: Notes on Intrinsic Calculus (part 2 online; seeking part 1, whose original publication appears to have an unrenewed copyright; req. by Aris Papadopoulos, stewart.papado(at)
- G. Schirmer, Inc.: Catalogue of Circulating Music Library and Imported Music (part 1 and part 2 online; seeking parts 3 and 4)
- Gauss, Otto, ed.: Orgel-Kompositionen aus Alter und Neuer Zeit (volume 1 of 4 online for US access; others appear to be public domain in the US as well)
- Gaebler, Hugo: Die Antiken Münzen von Makedonia und Paionia (volume 1 online; seeking non-US location for later volumes, due to differing public domain status)
- Great Britain Public Record Office: Calendar of Close Rolls: Edward II
(volume 2,
volume 3, and
volume 4
online, seeking volume 1)
- Gregory, John G.: Southwestern Wisconsin: A History of Old Crawford County (volumes 2-4 freely readable online; seeking open copy of volume 1, which appears to have unrenewed copyright)
- Harris, Frank: My Life and Loves (volume 1 and volume 2 online in the US; volumes 3-4 may require a non-US site due to possible GATT restoration)
- Harwood, Pliny LeRoy: History of Eastern Connecticut (volumes 1 and 2 online; seeking volume 3)
- Hedicke, Robert: Cornelis Floris und die Florisdekoration (volume 1 online for US access only; seeking volume 2)
- Herring, Calvin Adam: A history and genealogy of the Herring-Haring-Hering-Harring family of Pennsylvania (HathiTrust has volumes 1, 2, and 4; investigating rights status of volumes 3 and 5; req. by Dana Herring, dherring2842(at)
- Hugo, Victor (tr. Ochoa): De Órden del Rey (L'Homme Qui Rit in Spanish; volume 1, volume 2, and volume 4 online; seeking volume 3; French and English editions already listed)
- Hunter, Estelle B.: Personality Development (1939; Units 2-5 online; seeking Unit 1)
- Hurlbut, Stephen A., ed: Hortus Conclusus (1930-1936; Parts 1 and 3, and the index volume online for US access only; seeking parts 2 and 4-10)
- Isenberg, Joel, and R. C. Roberts: The Method of Characteristics in Compressible Flow (1940s, appear to be not copyrighted; parts 1A and 2 online; still need parts 1, 1B, and 1C)
- Jepson, B.: The Standard Music-Reader (Book 1, Book 3, and Book 4 online; seeking Book 2)
- Jewell, Malcolm E.: Kentucky Votes (Volumes 1 and 2 online; seeking Volume 3, which also appears to be public domain due to nonnrenewal)
- Keil, Carl Friedrich and Franz Delitzsch: Commentary on the Old Testament (some volumes online here and here; some not online yet; req. by Dan Baker, usu_alumnus(at)
- Kleuker, Johann Freidrich: Anhang zum Zend-Avesta (parts 1 and 3 of volume 2 online; seeking volume 1 and other parts; req. by Morad Peyravi, moradpeyravi(at)
- Knolles, Richard (abridged by Savage): The Turkish History (volume 1 from 1704 and Volume 2 from 1701 online; req. by Rex Doreen, rex.doreen9(at)
- Kurtz, J. H.: History of the Old Covenant (second edition; Volumes 1-2 open online; seeking volume 3; first edition is also available in full; req. by Al Russell, arussel1(at)
- Labor Review (first issues published as "Three Stars"; first 7 months online; will move to regular catalog shortly)
- Le Fevre, Jules: Les Martyrs d'Arezzo (Volume 1 of 2 online (US access only); seeking other volume)
- Leabhar Breac: The Speckled Book (Part I online; seeking Part II; req. by Luke Egan, lukee9046(at)
- Lewis, Thomas William: History of Southeastern Ohio and the Muskingum Valley, 1788-1928 (Volume 2 online; seeking volumes 1 and 3; req. by Tom O'Grady, tom(at)
- Linder, Marc: "Inherently Bad, and Bad Only": A History of State-Level Regulation of Cigarettes and Smoking in the United States Since the 1880s (Volume 1 online; Volume 2 in preparation as of March 2012)
- Loeschhorn, Carl Albert: Progressive Studies, Op. 65 (Book 1 part 2 and Book 2 online; seeking Book 1 part 1)
- Lorber, Jakob: Johannes, das Grosse Evangelium (volume 4, volume 5, volume 6, volume 7, volume 8, volume 9, volume 10 and volume 11 freely readable online in the US; seeking volumes 1-3 in clearly public domain editions)
- Lott, Emmeline: Nights in the Harem, Or, The Mohaddetyn in the Palace of Ghezire (Volume 1 of 2 online, seeking other volume)
- Mann, Jacob: Texts and Studies in Jewish History and Literature (Volume 1 freely readable online; seeking open copy of volume 2, which appears likely to be public domain due to nonrenewal; req. by Hiyyavrom Nachums, shakerdom(at)
- Mauro, Matteo Augusto, and Basilio Magni: Storia del Parlamento Italiano (Volumes 2 and 3, and parts 1 of volumes 4 and 5 online online; seeking 7 other volume parts)
- Macfadden, Bernarr: Macfadden's Encyclopedia of Physical Culture (no complete edition found online, but 2 of 5 first edition volumes and 3 of 5 1920 volumes online)
- Mackenzie, George Norbury, ed.: Colonial Families of the United States of America (7 volumes; Volume VI and a haphazardly organized scan apparently from Volume I and indexes online; seeking coherent full set; req. by Andrew Quinn, info(at), Georgia Cotrell, gcotrell(at), and Jamie Iames Repper, Jamieiames(at)
- Marsh, Bower, ed.: Records of the Worshipful Company of Carpenters (volumes 1, 3, and 4 online; seeking volume 2, the other public domain volume)
- Mill, John Stuart: A Nemzetgazdaságtan Alapelvei (Hungarian translation by Dapsy László in multiple volumes; volume 1 only volume found online so far)
- Miller, David Hunter: My Diary at the Conference of Paris, With Documents (volumes 6 and 21 of 21 online; seeking other 19 volumes)
- Montfaucon, Bernard de (tr. Humphreys): Antiquity Explained, and Represented in Sculptures (volumes 3 and 4 of 5 online; seeking volumes 1-2 and 5; French original is here)
- Naranjo Alonso, Clodoaldo: Trujillo y su Tierra (Volume 1 online, seeking volume 2)
- Neve, J. L. and O. W. Heick: A History of Christian Thought (Volume 2 freely readable online; seeking open copy of volume 1, which also appears to have an unrenewed copyright)
- The New World Encyclopedia (Christian Herald; Volume 1 online, seeking volumes 2-6)
- Nugent, Nell Marion, ed.: Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants (volume 1 freely readable online; at least 1 more of 8 total volumes appears to be public domain)
- Orlando, Vittorio Emmanuele, ed.: Primo Trattato Completo di Diritto Amministrativo Italiano (most volumes online for US access only; missing part 1 of volume 3)
- Packard, E. P. W.: The Great Drama: or, The Millennial Harbinger (volume 1 and volumes 2 and 4 online; seeking volume 3; req. by Deb Robards, debrobards(at)
- Parker, Joseph: Studies in Texts, for Family, Church, and School (volume 1 and volume 3 of 6 online; seeking other 4 volumes)
- Paul, Dhirendra Nath: The Mysteries of the Mogul Court (volume 2 online; seeking volume 1)
- Pelet, Jean-Jacques-German, ed.: Atlas des Mémoires Militaires Relatifs à la Succession d'Espagne Sous Louis XIV (some volumes online; not clear if this is a full set; req. by serge.miseur(at)
- Phillimore, W. P. W.; and Gertrude Thrift, eds.: Indexes to Irish Wills (volume 3 of 5 freely readable online in the US; seeking other four volumes)
- Pigott, Harriet: The Private Correspondence of a Woman of Fashion (volume 1 online; seeking volume 2)
- Pius II, Pope: The Commentaries of Pius II (tr. Gragg) (Part 5 (Books X-XIII) readable online; other parts appear to be public domain due to nonrenrewal but not yet open)
- Platts, John Thompson; and George S. A. Ranking: A Grammar of the Persian Language (Part 1 (accidence) online; seeking Part 2 (Syntax))
- Pratt-Chadwick, Mara: Myths of Old Greece (Volume 2 and Volume 3 are online; seeking v1, published as "Greek Myths: Stories of the Sun-God")
- Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (a Volume 2 of 2 is here; pub. in the late 1800s in various regional editions by H. H. Hardesty)
- Qirqisānī, Ya'qūb ibn Isḥāq, active 10th century (ed. Nemoy): Kitab al-Anwar Wal-Maraqib: Code of Karaite Law (Volumes 1 and 2 and Volume 4 (US access only) online; seeking volumes 3 and 5; all appear to be public domain due to nonrenewal of copyright; req. by Azza Salem, azzasalem2023(at)
- Quinby, Jane: Catalogue of Botanical Books in the Collection of Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt (Volume 2 part 2 online; seeking volume 1 and volume 2 part 1, which also appear to have unrenewed copyrights)
- Rambur, P.: Faune Entomologique de l'Andalousie (Book 1 and Book 2 online; seeing further parts)
- Rocha, Joao da, ed.: Psalmos y Hymnos (Part 3 of 1917 edition online, with numbers 501-608; seeking other parts)
- Roush, Lester Le Roy, et al.: History of the Roush family in America (exact titles vary: Volume 2 online; seeking volume 1, and volume 3, if old enough to require renewal)
- Salvioni, Carlo: Noterelle di Toponomastica Lombarda (series 1 and 2 at HathiTrust; seeking series 3 and 4)
- Saurel, Ferdinand: L'Ancien Clergé du Diocèse de Montpellier (parts 1-4 at HathiTrust; seeking part 5, "Les Purs")
- Schlicht, Oskar: Das Westliche Samland: Ein Heimatbuch des Kreises Fischhausen (Volume 2 at HathiTrust; seeking Volume 1 in a country where it is public domain)
- Seton, Julia: Freedom Talks (Number II at Gutenberg; seeking Number I)
- Shimer, Allen R.: History and Genealogy of the Shimer Family in America (Volume I (1908) and Volume II (1914) online; seeking Volume III (1921), and volumes IV-V (-1931?) if published)
- Southey, Robert: The Collected Letters of Robert Southey (Parts 1-6 (1791-1821) done, parts 7-9 to follow)
- Stern, Renée, and Muriel Fuller, eds.: Book Trails (volume 3,
volume 5,
volume 6,
and volume 7 listed; seeking public domain editions of 4 other volumes)
- Stewart, Isla, and Herbert E. Cuff: Practical Nursing (Volume I online; seeking Volume II)
- Straiton, Emma Valentia: The Celestial Ship of the North (Book 1 online; seeking book 2; both appear to be out of copyright in the US due to nonrenewal)
- Stift Melk: Catalogus Codicum Manu Scriptorum qui in Bibliotheca Monasterii Mellicensis O. S. B. Servantur (Volume 1 online for US access only; seeking volumes 2-8)
- Tennant, J. Ross: Memories of J. Ross Tennant (Volumes 1-3 and a limited preview of Volume 4 available; seeking complete volume 4; req. by Alpha W. Mayfield, awm(at)
- United States House Special Committee to Investigate Communist Propaganda in the United States (1930): Investigation of Communist Propaganda (most public volumes online; seeking part 1 volume 1, and part 2 volumes if they have since become public)
- United States Senate Committee on Appropriations: Department of Defense appropriations for fiscal year 1970 (Parts 1 and 2 online; seeking parts 4-6)
- United States Senate Committee on Commerce: "Morro Castle" and "Mohawk" Investigations (Preliminary report online; seeking 3 other reports)
- The Universal British Directory of Trade, Commerce, and Manufacture (1790s: Volume 2, Volume 4, and Volume 5 online; seeking volumes 1 and 3)
- The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (8 volumes freely readable online; volumes 3 and 4 have actively renewed 1941 copyrights)
- Urueta, José, ed.: Documentos para la Historia de Cartagena (volumes 1, 2, and 6 online; seeking volumes 3-5)
- Van Urk, John Blan: The Story of American Foxhunting: From Challenge to Full Cry (Volume 1 (1650-1861) of 2 online; seeking second volume, covering 1865-1906)
- Vernarecci, Augusto: Fossombrone dai Tempi Antichissimi ai Nostri (Volume 2 Part 2 online; seeking Volume 1, and Volume 2 Part 1)
- Vidal Quadras y Ramón, Manuel: Catálogo de la Colección de Monedas y Medallas de Manuel Vidal Quadras y Ramón de Barcelona (volumes 3 and 4 freely readable online; seeking volumes 1 and 2)
- Voltaire: An Essay on Universal History (volumes 1-2 and 4 of 1759 edition online; seeking volume 3; req. by Hassan Ullah Khan, jammykhan17(at)
- Virolleaud, Charles, ed.: L'Astrologie Chaldéenne: Le Livre Intitulé "Enuma (Anu ilu) Bel" (volume 1 freely readable online; seeking freely readable copies of other volumes)
- Webster, H. T.: New Eclectic Medical Practice (Volume 1 online, seeking volume 2)
- Wilner, Merton: Niagara Frontier: A Narrative and Documentary History (Volumes 3 and 4 online, seeking volumes 1-2, which appear to be public domain due to nonrenewal)
- Winkworth, Susanna: Letters and Memorials of Catherine Winkworth (volume 1 online; seeking volume 2)
- Wright, Audrey, and James McGillivray: Let's Learn English (Part 2 of 1950s edition online; seeking part 1; req. by nguyentuanson(at) and Loyality05(at)
- Youngberg, Norma R.: Story Craft (Volume I online; seeking 2 subsequent volumes; req. by halidgka(at)
Suggested books
These are books that people have asked for, and could be put online,
but I don't know if anyone is currently working on them. To my knowledge,
they are all either in the public domain in at least some edition (and some
have already been copyright cleared by Gutenberg), or
okayed by the copyright holder. In some cases,
the name of the person suggesting
the work is included. You can check with that person
to see if it's being worked on,
or if they know of any resources that might be helpful.
If you have access to one of these books, and would like to put
it online, see this page
to learn how to do it.
And if you know of an online copy of any of these titles,
please let us know.
- Adams, D. A. W. et al: I.G. Farbenindustrie: The Manufacture of Miscellanous Dyestuff Intermediates (Excluding Naphthalene Derivates) (BIOS Final Report #1153; other reports are here)
- Agricola, George (tr. Bandy): De Natura Fossilium (Textbook on Mineralogy) (1955; appears to be public domain due to nonrenewal of copyright req. by Joanna Raczka, jraczka(at)
- Allen, Audrey Mayhew: Gladys in Grammarland (req. by Jacob Silvia, jacob.silvia(at)
- Allen, Merritt Parmelee: Johnny Reb (1952; copyright was apparently not renewed)
- Altsheler, Joseph: The Golden Leaf (long-unpublished manuscript held here; transcription formerly online)
- Altsheler, Joseph: The Texan Triumph (c1913; a partial preview of an ebook based on a formerly free online copy is here)
- André, R.: Colonel Bogey's Sketch Book A Handbook for Beginners
- Andrews, Ralph W.: Indians as the Westerners Saw Them (1963; copyright not renewed, and no obvious active copyrights on what it reprints)
- Arndt, William: Bible Difficulties (copyright appears not to have been renewed; req. by Bryce Coffey, b_coffey(at)
- Atkinson, William Walker: Scientific Parenthood (1911; 20 parts were announced though we do not know if more than 8 were published)
- Atkinson, William Walker: A Series of Lessons in Personal Magnetism (all known online scans, including this one, are from a copy missing pages 33-40)
- Avery, J. et al: I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G.: Manufacture of Intermediates for Dyestuffs at Griesheim, Hoechst, Ludgwigshafen, Mainkur and Offenbach (BIOS Final Report #986; other reports are here)
- Avery, J. et al: I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G.: Manufacture of Thioindigoid and Sulphur Dyestuffs at Hoechst and Mainkur (BIOS Final Report #983; other reports are here)
- Baden-Powell, Agnes, and Robert Baden-Powell: The Handbook for Girl Guides: or, How Girls Can Help to Build Up the Empire (British Girl Guides manual; American adaptations can be found here)
- The Bankers' Magazine for March-June 1939 (other issues are here; req. by Ed Constanza, edconstanze(at)
- Barozzi, Francesco: Descrittione dell'Isola di Creta (originally published 1577; republished in various editions)
- Barr, Thomas C.: Caves of Tennessee (req. by Roger Bunch, wizzard308(at); copyright apparently not renewed)
- Beiträge zur Philosophie des Deutschen Idealismus (main 4-volume journal series, 1918-1927; supplement series is here).
- Beard, Charles A.: President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War, 1941 in a country outside the US (US copyright persists through 2043; copyright appears to have expired in most other countries)
- Bell Telephone Laboratories: Index of Monographs (volumes published 1953-1964, covering monographs from 1922-1963)
- Bellamy, Virginia Woods: Number Knitting: The New All-Way Stretch Method (1952; copyright not renewed; req. by Tricia Nelson, tricianelson(at); some examples from the book here)
- Bergson, Henri: The Two Sources of Morality and Religion (in an uncopyrighted edition)
- The Best Terrible Tales From the French
- Bible Stories for Little Folks
- Blanco, Rubio: That Blonde Dream, and Other Wampus Creek Crimes (1920)
- Blyth, James: A Haunted Inheritance (req. by playitagainmax(at)
- Boncompagno da Signa: Rhetorica Novissima if a public domain translation exists
- Bond, Alma Halbert: Who Killed Virginia Woolf? (contact the author via celebration.women(at)
- The Book of Dede Korkut in a public-domain translation
- Bowen, Marjorie: Blanche Fury in a country where it is public domain (as it is in most countries outside the US; req. by Konstantina Spyropoulou, konstantina.spyropoulou(at)
- Bowman, Sylvia E., ed.: Edward Bellamy Abroad (appears to be be public domain due to nonrenewal, but no longer available on HathiTrust)
- Boyer, Richard Owen: The Cold-War Murder: The Frame-Up Against Ethel and Julius Rosenberg (appears to be public domain due to nonrenewal)
- Brady, Cyrus Townsend: Most Politely: Being the Strange and Exhilarating Experiences of a Certain Young Friend of Mine with Some Unusually Intelligent Animals (req. by Alex Pengelly, Greenishbird(at)
- Brayton, D. L., trans.: Isaiah in Pwo Karen
- Brenda (aka Georgina Castle Smith): The Secret Terror
- Brinkman, Michael W.: Sonnets: In Pursuit of Life (Contact the author at brinkman(at)
- Brookes, R. and Jedidiah Morse: The General Gazetteer (1816 Melvin Lord edition from Boston; a British General Gazetteer from that year is here)
- Brown, Leslie A.: The Indian Christians of St. Thomas (1956; may be public domain due to nonrenewal if first edition simultaneously published in the US)
- Browne, Hablot Knight: Sketches of the Seaside and the Country (original hosting site disappeared)
- Bruce, Mary Grant: Son of Billabong in a life+60 years or shorter country (still copyrighted in Australia)
- Bruno, Giordano: On the Infinite Universe and Worlds (req. by Encarnacion Perez, e.perezjr.(at)
- Campbell, Alexander: Five Discourses on Hell
- Castelnau, Joseph-Henri: Lian de Pensadas (req. by Yves Gourgaud, ive.gourgaud(at)
- Chambers, Oswald: Baffled to Fight Better (req. by Don Elbourne, delbourne(at)
- Chassary, Paul et al.: Poésies Languedociennes (1882; req. by Yves Gourgaud, ive.gourgaud(at)
- Chirikov, E. N.: Zver iz Bezdby (1926)
- Christopher, Matt: Look for the Body (and any other books of his that have unrenewed copyrights, as seems to be the case for this one)
- Cobb, Nathan Augustus: Extract From Ms. Report on the Parasites of Stock (a portion here, but full extract apparently runs 62 pages)
- Cody, H. A.: Fighting Stars (original 1927? or 1928 edition should be public domain by now)
- Coleridge, Christabel R.: The Tender Mercies of the Good (1895; earlier host site went away)
- Collins, A. Frederick: Experimental Mechanics (1931; appears to be public domain due to nonrenewal)
- Colver, Alice Ross: Babs at College (req. by Patrick,
- Colver, Alice Ross: Babs at Home (req. by Patrick,
- Costain, Thomas B.: The White and the Gold in Canada or another life+60 years or less country (still copyrighted elsewhere)
- Craig, Jonathan: Alley Girl (1954; appears to be public domain due to nonrenewal)
- Crowe, Bill and Phyllis: Heaven, Hell, and Salt Water (should be US public domain if the first edition was US-published, as appears to be the case; req. by Larry Sims, lsimms(at)
- Cummins, Jim: Jim Cummins' Book, Written by himself: The Life Story of the James and Younger Gang and Their Comrades (req. by Denny Lien)
- Curtis, Adela Marion: Creative Silence: A Manual of Meditation (req. by Leshy Kobb, leshy99(at)
- Curtis, Adela Marion: In Praise of Littleness (req. by Leshy Kobb, leshy99(at)
- Curtis, Adela Marion: Keys of Heaven (Verba Christi) (1 volume published, titled "The Kingdom"; req. by Leshy Kobb, leshy99(at)
- Curtis, Adela Marion: The Making of the Man-Maker (req. by Leshy Kobb, leshy99(at)
- Curtis, Adela Marion: The Way of Silence: Studies in Meditation (7 volumes; preferably second edition if out of copyright; req. by Leshy Kobb, leshy99(at)
- Daily Comfort in Threefold Links: A Precept, a Promise, and a Prayer for Every Day in the Year (ca. 1898)
- The Daily Worker (1924-1958; the run appears to be public domain due to nonrenewal; req. by Walter Lessun, waltl(at)
- Daubeny, Ulric: The Elemental: Tales of the Supernormal and the Inexplicable (1919)
- De Waters, Lillian: The Voice of Revelation (1950; appears to be out of copyright due to nonrenewal)
- Deldevez, E. M. E.: Souvenirs d'Etudes: Harmonie, Contrepoint Fugue, Composition (req. by Ferenc Mikita, probapostafiok(at)
- Denison, Charles W.: Old Slade: or, Fifteen Years Adventures of a Sailor (req. by Judith Hannoun, judith.hannoun(at)
- Descartes, Rene: Principles of Philosophy (complete: selections are here)
- Drinkwater, John: The Death of Leander, and Other Poems
- Dubois, Jean: Marriage Physiologically Discussed
- Dulles, Foster Rhea: Russia and America: Pacific Neighbors (should be public domain if it doesn't reuse material from copyright-renewed earlier works)
- Durham, Victor G.: The Submarine Boys' Secret Mission
- Dwight, James: Golf: A Handbook for Beginners
- Easton, James: Health and Longevity (possibly a revised edition of a similarly titled book by the same author)
- Eden, Fannie: Motherless (ca. 1889; a Dutch translation is here)
- Edwards, Annie: Francis and Frances: or, An Unexplainable Phenomenon (req. by Denny Lien)
- Elizabeth, Mother: Restoration to the Sacred Heart (ca. 1925)
- Elizabeth, Mother: The Vocation of the Soul
- Ellis, Joseph Henry Harrison: Sam Houston and Related Spiritual Forces (1945; copyright apparently not renewed; first part of book up to preface here; req. by Kay Watson, drkwatson(at)
- Everett-Green, Evelyn: Alwyn Ravendale
- Everett-Green, Evelyn: The Conscience of Roger Trehern
- Everett-Green, Evelyn: Daddy's Ducklings
- Everett-Green, Evelyn: Dare Lorimer's Heritage
- Everett-Green, Evelyn: The Eversley Secrets
- Everett-Green, Evelyn: The Head of the House
- Everett-Green, Evelyn: The Last of the Dacres
- Everett-Green, Evelyn: Mrs. Desmond's Daughter
- Everett-Green, Evelyn: Odeyne's Marriage
- Everett-Green, Evelyn: Quadrille Court (usually published under her "Cecil Adair" pseudonym)
- Everett-Green, Evelyn: The Secret of the Old House
- Everett-Green, Evelyn: A Stepmother's Strategy
- Everett-Green, Evelyn: The Stronger Will
- Everett-Green, Evelyn: Sweepie
- Falls, De Witt Clinton: An A.B.C. of Golf
- The Feast of Flowers, and Other Tales (P. J. Kenedy; ca. 1896)
- Filitti, Ioan C.: Catagrafie Oficiala de Toti Boierii Tarii Romanesti la 1829 (1929; may be public domain outside the US)
- Flower, Jessie Graham: Grace Harlowe With the Marines at Chateau Thierry
- Flower, Jessie Graham: Grace Harlowe With the Red Cross in France
- Flower, Jessie Graham: Grace Harlowe With the U. S. Troops in the Argonne
- Flower, Jessie Graham: Grace Harlowe With the Yankee Shock Boys at St. Quentin (most of the first 17 chapters transcribed here)
- Fontane, Theodor: Effi Briest in a public domain translation (there's an abridged one by W. A. Cooper from 1914; there may be others)
- Garric, Gabriel: La Cabreta de San Estève (req. by Yves Gourgaud, ive.gourgaud(at)
- Gide, André: Corydon outside the US or in a clearly US-public-domain edition (online copies we've found to date are in the US and have post-1927 material in appendices)
- Gilbert, Jesse S.: The Old Paths
- Goode, Erich: Drugs in American Society (transcriber sought for 5th edition: contact Peter Webster, vignes(at)
- Gray, Harold: Little Orphan Annie (early strips and compilation books now public domain; req. by Bea,
- Griffith, George Chetwynd: The Great Weather Syndicate (1906; req. by Denny Lien)
- Günther, K.: Plutarchs Vita Camilli in Ihren Beziehungen zu Livius und Aurelius Victor (1899)
- Habershon, Ada R.: The Study of the Parables
- Halidom, M. Y.: The Poet's Curse (req. by Francesca Pratesi, francescapatresi(at)
- Halidom, M. Y.: The Poison Ring (req. by Francesca Pratesi, francescapatresi(at)
- Halidom, M. Y.: The Wizard's Mantle (req. by Francesca Pratesi, francescapatresi(at)
- Hancock, H. Irving: In the Battle for New York (req. by Fred Simkin, fsimkin(at)
- Hancock, H. Irving: Making the Last Stand for Old Glory (req. by Fred Simkin, fsimkin(at)
- Hancock, H. Irving: Uncle Sam's Boys on Their Mettle
- Hauser, Alphonse: Atlas volume for Cours de Construction Navale (text volume is here)
- Harding, Nelson: Ruthless Rhymes of Martial Militants
- Harris, Mark: The Southpaw (1953; appears to be public domain due to nonrenewal)
- Harrison, Florence: Elfin Song (req. by Bluejay Young, ktj(at)
- Hawkins, Jack: Never Say Die (1961; appears to be public domain due to nonrenewal)
- Hays, Mary: Harry Clinton: A Tale for Youth (req. by Kerstin Schutter, k.schuetter(at)
- Hayter, Thomas: Remarks on Mr. Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
- Henty, G. A.: John Hawke's Fortune
- Hesse, Hermann: Demian in an uncopyrighted translation
- Hill, Wycliffe: The Plot Genie
- Hill, Wycliffe: Ten Million Photoplay Plots
- Hodgson, William Hope: The Luck of the Strong
- Home, Gordon: Oxted, Limpsfield and Edengridge With Their Surroundings (1904; req. by donbeaumont100(at)
- Home Brew (magazine, 1922-1923)
- Hoppin, C. A.: The Making of Smith (4 MS volumes, 1910; one copy at Historical Society of Pennsylvania; any others? Req. by Sue Simonich, goldsage(at)
- Huizinga, Arnold: Belief in a Personal God (ca. 1910)
- Hunt, Violet: More Tales of the Uneasy (1925)
- Hutchinson, Horace G., ed.: British Golf Links
- Hutton, William: The Barbers
- Jacobs, Caroline E.: Blue Bonnet Keeps House
- Kay, Ross: The Underground Spy (1920)
- Kelly, Isabella: Joscelina: or, The Rewards of Benevolence (req. by Kerstin Schutter, k.schuetter(at)
- Kelly, Isabella: A Modern Incident in Domestic Life (req. by Kerstin Schutter, k.schuetter(at)
- The Kentucky Gazette (1787-1820; req. by mollyandcarlg(at)
- Kepler, Johannes: Somnium (if a public domain translation exists; 1947 Columbia master's thesis "The Dream" might qualify)
- Kerruish, Jessie Douglas: The Girl From Kurdistan (1918; req. by Denny Lien)
- Ketchum, Arthur: Letters to the Family (1955; copyright apparently unrenewed)
- Kierkegaard, Soren: Fear and Trembling (if distributable translation exists; Lowrie translation appears to be still under copyright in the US)
- Kingsbury, Francis, ed.: Jesus of Nazareth: His Life and Teaching (1924)
- Kipling, Rudyard: A Matter of Fact (1892 chapbook edition; story also appears in Many Inventions and other collections)
- Knowlson, T. S. : Selling Your Ability in a country outside the US (copyright persists in the US but not in most other countries)
- Lamb, Ruth: An Angel Guest in Human Guise (req. by Diana Tozer, dianactozer(at)
- Le Feuvre, Amy: Andy Man (req. by Karin Henri, Karintjieh(at)
- Le Feuvre, Amy: A Bit of Rough Road (book edition; magazine edition starts here; req. by Karin Henri, Karintjieh(at)
- Le Feuvre, Amy: The Discovery of Damaris
- Le Feuvre, Amy: Herself and Her Boy (in a public domain edition)
- Le Feuvre, Amy: Joan's Handful
- Le Feuvre, Amy: Joy Cometh in the Morning (req. by Karin Henri, Karintjieh(at)
- Le Feuvre, Amy: Joyce and the Rambler (req. by Karin Henri, Karintjieh(at)
- Le Feuvre, Amy: A Madcap Family
- Le Feuvre, Amy: The Mender (req. by Karin Henri, Karintjieh(at)
- Le Feuvre, Amy: Oliver and the Twins
- Letters Addressed to the Editor of the Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine on the Whipping of Girls and the General Corporal Punishment of Children (ca. 1870)
- Lewis, DeWitt F.: A Trip to the North Pole and Beyond to Civilization (1912 utopian book)
- Lobato, José Bento Monteiro: O Saci (first edition, 1921, illustrated by Voltolino; a later edition is here)
- Loomis, Charles P. and Zona K.: Modern Social Theories: Selected American Writers (most of the book at HathiTrust, but missing most of Chapter 1; appears to be public domain due to nonrenewal)
- Ludovici, Anthony M.: Catherine Doyle
- Ludovici, Anthony M.: Mansel Fellowes
- MacFadyen, Ralph: See Without Glasses (copyright on original 1948 edition appears to be unrenewed)
- Mack, Robert Ellice, ed.: Fair Flowers From "The Poet's Garden"
- Manley, Mrs.: Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Manley
- Mann, W. D. and Mrs. Burton Harrison: Fads and Fancies of Representative Americans (req. by Denny Lien)
- Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de: The Fortunate Peasant (req. by Michael Riziotis, rizes(at)
- Martin, Rodolphe: Premieiros Flous de ma Culido (req. by Yves Gourgaud, ive.gourgaud(at)
- Martianus Capella: De Nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii if a public domain translation exists
- McCracken, George: A History of Ancient Tusculum (1939; appears to be public domain due to nonrenewal)
- McFadden, Louis: Collective Speeches (1970 compilation; if that selection is copyright, a comparably comprehensive collection of speeches will do)
- McGeer, Gerald Grattan: The Conquest of Poverty (1933; must be outside the US due to probable copyright there)
- McJunkin, R. D.: Geology of Big Basin Redwoods State Park, Santa Cruz County, California (1983; if no copyright was claimed; none was registered, and many state reports of this type lack a notice)
- McKenzie, Fred A.: The Irish Rebellion: What Happened and Why (1916; req. by Henry Theakson, henry.theakston(at)
- Meade, L. T., et al.: A Golden Apple, and Other Stories (other stories by Manwell, Pollard, Nesbit, and Dawson; ca. 1902)
- Meyrink, Gustav: Uncopyrighted translations of books
- Moldeven, Meyer: Military-Civilian Teamwork in Suicide Prevention (contact the author at MikeMldvn(at)
- Monro, Isabel Stevenson: Costume Index (1937; appears to be public domin due to nonrenewal; 1957 supplement is here)
- The Monthly Record of the Free Church of Scotland (1901-2009; early issues should be public domain)
- Mother Superior of the Order of St. Elizabeth: Vocation of the Religious Life (1921)
- Moulinier, Paul: Lei Set Doulour de la Pauressa (req. by Yves Gourgaud, ive.gourgaud(at)
- Moxness, Ruth Longhouse: Some Descendants of William Smead, Pioneer Branch County Michigan Line if published without a copyright notice, or permission granted
- Murphy, Joseph: Believe in Yourself (1955; appears to be in US public domain due to nonrenewal)
- New York Times Book Review (some are available via our New York Times issue listings; seeking more convenient access to just the Book Reviews)
- Norman, Ernest L.: The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation (in an edition prior to 1964; later editions may be copyrighted)
- O'Brien, Michael J.: An Alleged First Census of the American People (1930; appears to be public domain due to nonrenewal of copyright)
- O'Connell, John P., and Jex Martin, eds. The Life of Christ: Our Lord's Life, With Lessons in His Own Words for Our Life Today (1950s; copyright apparently not renewed; req. by Kristin Reagan, moppy5587(at)
- O'Neil, Socrate Alelard E.: Negro Problem Solved (ca. 1918)
- Ogyu Sorai: uncopyrighted translations (req. by Petri Tonteri, petri(at)
- Oncken, Wilhelm, ed.: Historia Universal (46-volume Spanish edition, 1917-1922; volumes 5-22, 38-39, and 43-46 online, seeking 22 other volumes; req. by Brus Leguas, bleguas(at)
- Packard, Vance, et al.: Your Goals and You (1962; no copyright renewal found)
- Pain, Barry; and James Blyth: The Shadow of the Unseen (req. by playitagainmax(at)
- Parsons, Henry Moore: Christ in the Desert: or, The Tempter Foiled (req. by Frankie Parsons, frankiepankie87(at)
- Patchin, Frank Gee: The Battleship Boys in the Wardroom
- Patchin, Frank Gee: The Battleship Boys on the Sky Patrol
- Patchin, Frank Gee: The Battleship Boys Under Fire
- Physical Culture, October 1938 issue (appears to be out of copyright due to nonrenewal; other issues are available)
- Platt, Washington: Strategic Intelligence Production: Basic Principles (1957; copyright appears not to have been renewed)
- Podolsky, Edward: Stop Worrying and Get Well (or earlier edition, Worry and Disease; no copyright renewal found for either; req. by Aleksandra Sobala, panna.jaskiniowa(at)
- Price, Warren Elbridge: Price's Catalogue of Paper Covered Books: A Catalogue (1905; req. by Denny Lien)
- Die Rakete (either scans that only have pre-1929 issues, or the 3-volume 1927-1929 reprint when it's all US public domain in 2025)
- Ratirahasya in a public domain translation (req. by Alan Ward, alan.007(at)
- Rauschenbusch, Walter: A Gospel for the Social Awakening (1950 compilation appears to have no active US copyrights; req. by Orville Eastland, orville_third(at)
- Rael, Juan Bautista: A Study of the Phonology and Morphology of New Mexican Spanish, Based on a Collection of 410 Folk-tales (1937; copyright apparently not renewed)
- Ramsey, Milton Worth: The Austral Globe (ca. 1892; req. by Denny Lien)
- Ramsey, Milton Worth: Six Thousand Years Hence (1891; req. by Denny Lien)
- Raphael, John Nathan: Up Above: Being a Record of the Doings of the "Shadow People" in the Year of Grace 1915 (1913)
- Raymond, Evelyn: Dorothy's Schooling (1908)
- Reich, Wilhelm: Listen, Little Man! (in a country with life+60 or shorter terms)
- Reich, Wilhelm: Mass Psychology of Fascism (in a country with life+60 or shorter terms)
- Rice, Wallace and Frances (eds.): The Little Book of Brides (ca. 1910)
- Richards, Lela Horn: Blue Bonnet of the Seven Stars
- Riddell, John Leonard: Report of John L. Riddell, M.D., One of the Special Committee Appointed by the Last Legislature to Report on the Method of Obtaining a Complete Geological Survey of the State (1837; this book may be mislabeled with this title, but only has short quotes from it)
- Rimbaud, Arthur: uncopyrighted translations
- Romania: Ancheta Industrială din 1901-1902 (2 volumes, 1903-1904)
- Roux, Antoine: Flous de Sablas (req. by Yves Gourgaud, ive.gourgaud(at)
- Roux, Antoine: Lou Testament d'un Sarra-Piastras (req. by Yves Gourgaud, ive.gourgaud(at)
- Saint-Exupery, Antoine de: The Little Prince in a country where this is in the public domain (which may be several; copyright evidence needed for translations)
- Saintine, X.-B.: The Fairy Tales of Science (translated from this French book)
- Samuel, Charles Grandison: The Sinner's Friend (ca. 1903)
- Sangree, Allen: The Jinx: Stories of the Diamond (this copy is mostly complete, but missing most pages between 207 and 242. This copy has a slightly different but overlapping set of missing pages.)
- Scott, John A.: We Would Know Jesus (1936; appears to be out of copyright due to nonrenewal; req. by Erick J Adams, pastorerick(at)
- Scott, Will: Giglamps (1924)
- The Seamstress: A Guide to Plain and Fancy Needlework... (1848)
- Sei Shonagon: The Pillow-Book (Makura no Shoshi) if PD translation exists (req. by Michael Deguara, piao(at)
- Sell, Henry T.: Bible Study by Books
- Settle, Elkanah: The City Ramble (req. by Amit Kumthekar, amit.kumthekar(at)
- Settle, Elkanah: The Lady's Triumph (req. by Amit Kumthekar, amit.kumthekar(at)
- Settle, Elkanah: The Virgin Prophetess (1701; later editions go by other titles; req. by Amit Kumthekar, amit.kumthekar(at)
- Shaftesbury, Edmund (pseudonym of Webster Edgerly): The Great Psychic
- Shakespeare, William: A Midsummer-Night's Dream (1898 Educational Pub. Co. edition with notes by W. F. Baugust; other editions are here)
- Shirley, Jeannette B., and Bernice Smith Burnett: History of Our Smith's (ca. 1930; appears to be out of copyright due to non-renewal)
- Skinner, Mike: The Undoing of Jenny (1962; appears to be out of copyright due to non-renewal)
- Shimer, Edgar Dubs: Fairyland (also published as The Fairyland Reader; appears to be out of copyright due to nonrenewal; req. by astraea(at)
- Sinclair, Upton: World's End in a country with life+50 years or shorter copyright terms
- Smith, G. E. P.: The Proposed Water Code (1916; HathiTrust may have a different scanned book mislabeled with this title)
- Smith, S. E., ed.: History of the Anti-Separate Coach Movement of Kentucky
- Smith, Thorne: Dream's End (1927)
- Somerville, Augustus: Shikar Near Calcutta (req. by Achintyarup Ray, aray0(at)
- Southworth, E. D. E. N.: When Love Commands
- Steel, Flora Annie Webster: The Gift of the Gods
- Steiner, Franklin: The Religious Beliefs of Our Presidents (1936, appears to be public domain due to nonrenewal; partial transcription here)
- Stern, Bernhard: Die Moderne Türkei (req. by mehmetm.alan(at)
- Stewart, William Drummond: Edward Warren
- Stockton, Thomas Coates: The Stockton Family of New Jersey and Other Stocktons (req. by Charlene King-Fournier, 3597(at)
- Strobl, Karl Hans: Die Eingebungen des Arphaxat (or another collection containing "Der Automat von Horneck"; req. by alex.minis(at)
- Stratton-Porter, Gene: Birds of the Limberlost (req. by Mary Mark Ockerbloom, celebration.women(at); and Heath Boehm, checklist_runner(at) Revised versions of the pieces in this book were among the pieces included in the collection Morning Face)
- Stump, David Leroy: The Love of Meltha Laone: or, Beyond the Sun (revision of his "From World to World"; req. by Denny Lien)
- Sutter, Julia: Maddalena, the Waldensian Maiden and her People (req. by Misty West, meeter(at)
- Swabacker, Leslie: Letters to My Daughter (1926)
- Sylvia, Ranee: The Street With Seven Houses
- Sylvia, Ranee: Toys
- The Syndicalist (UK periodical, 1912; not the same as the American periodical of the same name)
- The Syndicalist and Amalgamation News (UK periodical, 1913-1914)
- Taggart, Marion Ames: Sweet Nancy
- Takeda Shingen: uncopyrighted translations (req. by Petri Tonteri, petri(at)
- Talmage, T. de Witt: The Night Side of New York Life
- Taylor, John M. B. (or James Monro, which may be pseudonym): Eleven Years at Farm Work: Being a True Tale of Farm Servant Life, From 1863 Onwards
- The Teacher's Assistant in Needle-Work (any of various 19th century editions; some were by Elvina Mary Corbould, and some used "Needlework", without a hyphen, in the title)
- Television (the 1928 journal that began in the UK and spawned a US edition should have its first volume firmly in the public domain in 2025)
- Thomas, Benjamin Calley: Revival Hymns in Sgau Karen
- The Three Tongued Book: English, Karen, and Burmese
- Time and Tide (British magazine, 1920-1966)
- Truth (New York-based magazine, 1881-1905; req. by Fabio Ardizonne, fabioard(at)
- Turnbull, Coulson: The Rising Zodiacal Sign: Its Meaning and Prognostics (1922; old site went away; partial preview is here)
- United States Strategic Bombing Survey: A Detailed Study of the Effects of Area Bombing on Hamburg (1945 or 1947; probably public domain as a US government work)
- Verne, Jules: The Archipelago on Fire (French is here)
- Verne, Jules: A Tour of the World in Eighty Days (Hurst's Arlington edition, c. 1901; other translations are available online now)
- Victoria, Queen (ed. Buckle): The Letters of Queen Victoria, Third Series (public domain in many countries outside the US; will go public domain in the US 2026-2028; req. by Hossein Abadian, hoabadian(at); first and second series available now)
- Vigor, Mrs.: Eleven Additional Letters from Russia in the Reign of Peter II (req. by Konstantin Vassilyev, avalon-edit(at)
- Waite, Arthur E.: The Quest of the Golden Stairs (1927)
- Wallace, King: The Next War: A Prediction
- Walter, William W.: The Sickle (1918 or other public domain edition)
- Ward, Reginald Somerset: The Road to the Mystical City of Jerusalem (1912; req. by Les K, leshy99(at)
- Wells, H. G.: A Machina de Explorar o Tempo (The Time Machine in Portuguese; a 1909 translation by Macedo exists; other public domain translations may as well; req. by Erick Soares Figueiredo, erick-figueiredo1(at)
- Whitehill, Dorothy: Joyful Adventures of Polly (1929)
- Whitehill, Dorothy: Polly and Lois
- Whitehill, Dorothy: Polly's Reunion (1924)
- Whitehill, Dorothy: The Twins Abroad (1929)
- Wilder, Laura Ingalls: The First Four Years in country with life+60 years or shorter copyright terms
- Williamson, George Hunt: uncopyrighted titles (req. by rosesinger2(at)
- Wingo, Charles E., and Mary C. Hletko: Sounds, Letters, and Words (1960; appears to be public domain due to nonrenewal of copyright)
- Woodroffe, John George, Sir: The Serpent Power (first edition is out of copyright now in US, second is out of copyright elsewhere; req. by Milind Indiresh Halageri, mihalageri(at)
- Woolrich, Cornell: Cover Charge (1926)
- Wright, Richard: Native Son in a country with life+60 years or shorter copyright terms
- Wright, Terry: Books on Ohio (contact the author at t_dallas(at)
- Yamaga Soko: uncopyrighted translations (req. by Petri Tonteri, petri(at)
- Zaluar, Augusto Emílio: O Doutor Benignus (1875; req. by Erick Soares Figueiredo, erick-figueiredo1(at)
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