The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua
- Album ID:
- R-025(a)
- Format:
- 12" 33rpm album
- Publisher:
- Odyssey Y 35226
- Date of issuance:
- 1979
- Language:
- Hebrew/ Italian
- Genre:
- Medieval/Compilation
- Where produced:
- New York
- Number of tracks:
- 19
Ho Si Nell' Alma Impresso (Latin)
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 6638
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- Track comment:
- For two sopranos and continuo.
Sinfonia (Book 1, No 10, Rossi)
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 14489
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- Track comment:
- For four instruments
Sinfonia (Book 1, No 11, Rossi)
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 14490
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- Track comment:
- For four instruments.
Sinfonia (Book 1, No 15, Rossi)
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 14491
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- Track comment:
- For four instruments.
Sinfonia (Book 2, No 10, Rossi)
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 14492
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- Track comment:
- For four instruments
Sinfonia (Book 2, No 16, Rossi)
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 14493
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- Track comment:
- Four four instruments.
Sinfonia (Book 2, No 17, Rossi)
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 14494
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- Track comment:
- For four instruments.
A Wedding Ode
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 667
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- Track comment:
- For eight part choir, acapella.
- Language:
- Latin
Al Nehorot Bavel (Rossi) — על נהרות בּבל (ראָסי)
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Genre:
- Biblical/Psalm 137:01
- Subject:
- Pledge/Jerusalem/Memory/Babylon/Exile/
- Transliteration:
- Alb A-024(b)
- Translation:
- Alb L-024 (b)
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 1088
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- First line:
- Al nehorot bavel, sham yashavnu, gam bakhinu,
- First line (Hebrew):
- על נהרות בּבל, שם ישבנוּ גם-בּכינוּ בּזכרנוּ את-ציוֹן,
- Track comment:
- For four part choir, acapella.
- Language:
- Hebrew
Ashrei Ish (Psalm 112:01) — אשרי איש (תהלים קיב)
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 1535
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- First line:
- Haleluya, ashrei ish yorei et adonay
- First line (Hebrew):
- הללויה: אשרי-איש ירא את-יהיה בּמצוּתיו חפץ מאד
- Track comment:
- "Halleluya. Happy is the man that feareth the Lord"
- Language:
- Hebrew
Barkhu — בּרכוּ
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 1940
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- First line:
- Barkhu et adonay hamvorokh
- First line (Hebrew):
- בּרכוּ את-יהוה המברך
- Track comment:
- For three part choir acapella
- Language:
- Hebrew
Coro Mio (My Love, Latin)
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 2826
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- Artist:
- Hakes, Jean, soprano
- Track comment:
- For voices and instruments.
Dir Mi Che Vi Mira
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 3874
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- Track comment:
- Five part madrigal, acapella.
- Language:
- Latin
Elohim Hashivenu — אלהים השיבנוּ
- Also known as:
- Psalm 080:04
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Genre:
- Religious/Psalm/Liturgy
- Subject:
- Psalm 080:04/High Holidays
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 4624
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- First line (Hebrew):
- אלהים השיבנוּ והאר פּניך ונושע:
- Track comment:
- "O God of hosts, restore us; Show your favor that we may..."
- Language:
- Hebrew
Felice Chi Vi Mira (Latin)
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 5160
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- Track comment:
- Five part madrigal, acapella
- Language:
- Latin
Ghiaccio E Foco Nell' Amata (Lat)
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 5658
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- Track comment:
- For two tenors and continuo. "Ice and Fire In Love"
Non E Quest'il Ben Mio (Latin)
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 11241
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- Track comment:
- For two sopranos and continuo.
Odcha Ki Anitani (Rossi) — אוֹדך כּי עניתני (ראָססי)
- Genre:
- Psalm/Biblical
- Subject:
- Psalm 118:21-24/Thanks/Praise/Answer/Rejection/Cornerstone
- Origin:
- Alb Z-013(a)/Alb B-033(g)/Pasternak CH 149
- Transliteration:
- Pasternak CH 93
- Translation:
- Alb Z-013(a)/Alb B-033(g)/Pasternak CH 149
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 11361
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica Society
- Director:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- First line:
- Odekha ke anitani, vat'hi li leshua,
- First line (Hebrew):
- אוֹדך כּי עניתני ותּהי-לי לישוּעה, אבן מאסוּ הבּוֹנים...
- Track comment:
- I will give thanks unto Thee, for thou has answered me,
- Language:
- Hebrew
Ohime (Alas, Latin)
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 11416
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- Artist:
- Daigon, Ruth, Soprano
- Track comment:
- For voices and instruments.
Sonata Detta La Casalasca (Instr)
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 14595
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- Track comment:
- For four instruments.
Suite Of Dances (Book 3, Rossi)
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 14704
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- Track comment:
- For four instruments.
Vo' Fuggir Lontan' Da Te (Latin)
- On album:
- R-025(a) (The Music of Salamone Rossi, Hebreo, de Mantua)
- Track ID:
- 16639
- Composer:
- Rossi, Solomon
- Artist:
- New York Pro Musica
- Artist:
- Greenberg, Noah, director
- Track comment:
- For two tenors, violin, recorder and continuo.