Charlotte Yiddish Institute 1991; Bar Mitzvah Year Celebration (Video)
- Album ID:
- V0021
- Format:
- Video
- Publisher:
- Abraham Luski
- Date of issuance:
- 1991
- Playing time:
- 87:00
- Language:
- English/Yiddish
- Provenance:
- Gift of Abraham Luski, 1991
- Genre:
- Documentary/
- Where produced:
- Wildacres, Little Switzerland, NC
- Number of tracks:
- 1
- Additional notes:
- Sponsored by the Jewish Community Center of Charlotte, NC
- Penn library link:
- BM70.C53 1991
Charlotte Yiddish Institute/Bar Mitzvah
- Genre:
- Video/Documentary
- Subject:
- Activities/Classes/Workshops/Interviews
- On album:
- V0021 (Charlotte Yiddish Institute 1991; Bar Mitzvah Year Celebration (Video))
- Track ID:
- 33946
- Producer/Director/Speaker:
- Luski, Abraham (Abe) לוסקי, אַבֿרהם
- Music:
- Speaker:
- Mlotek, Zalmen — מלאָטעק, זלמן, (1951)
- Speaker:
- Norich, Anita
- Language:
- Yiddish/English
- Style:
- Spoken Word
- Length:
- 87:00