Tracks with this artist
Medieval Jerusalem Medley
- Genre:
- Medieval/Sephardic
- Subject:
- Jerusalem/Zion
- Translation:
- CD R-044(a)
- On album:
- R-044(c) (Juden im Mittelater-Aus Sepharad und Ashkenas/ Jalda Rebling)
- Track ID:
- 28310
- Lute:
- Apel, Hans-Werner
- Lute:
- Maass, Stefan
- Violin:
- Ansong, Susanne
- Harp:
- Heller, Sabine
- Portativ:
- Heller, Veit
- Percussion:
- Metzler, Michael
- Language:
- Hebrew/Ladino
- Style:
- Recicitive/Concert
Le Mi Anuss
- Author:
- Ha-Gorni, Issaac Ben Abraham
- Composer:
- Richard The Lionheart
- Genre:
- Medieval
- Subject:
- Despair
- Song comment:
- Contrafactum to "Ja nuns hons pris" ascribed to Richard the Lion Heart
- Translation:
- CD R-044(a)
- On album:
- R-044(c) (Juden im Mittelater-Aus Sepharad und Ashkenas/ Jalda Rebling)
- Track ID:
- 28300
- Lute:
- Apel, Hans-Werner
- Lute:
- Maass, Stefan
- Violin:
- Ansong, Susanne
- Harp:
- Heller, Sabine
- Portativ:
- Heller, Veit
- Percussion:
- Metzler, Michael
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Chant
- Length:
- 03:08
Quant Voi Les Oislaus Esjoir
- Author:
- De Bloise, Robert
- Composer:
- De Troyes, Chreiten
- Genre:
- Medieval/Lament
- Subject:
- Despair/Pain
- Song comment:
- Contrafactum to "Onque Del Beverage Ne Bai"
- Translation:
- CD R-044(a)
- On album:
- R-044(c) (Juden im Mittelater-Aus Sepharad und Ashkenas/ Jalda Rebling)
- Track ID:
- 28301
- Harp:
- Heller, Sabine
- Language:
- French
- Style:
- Chant
- Length:
- 03:03
Merci Douce Dame
- Author:
- Mathieu Le Juif
- Genre:
- Medieval
- Subject:
- Betrayal/Love
- Song comment:
- Contrafactum to "Bien Doit Chanter"/ Recorded with "Merci Douce Dame"
- Translation:
- CD R-044(a)
- On album:
- R-044(c) (Juden im Mittelater-Aus Sepharad und Ashkenas/ Jalda Rebling)
- Track ID:
- 28302
- Lute:
- Apel, Hans-Werner
- Lute:
- Maass, Stefan
- Violin:
- Ansong, Susanne
- Harp:
- Heller, Sabine
- Portativ:
- Heller, Veit
- Percussion:
- Metzler, Michael
- Language:
- French
- Style:
- Chant
- Length:
- 06:42
- Composer:
- Obadiah The Proselyte
- Genre:
- Medieval/Piyut
- Song comment:
- And I wept and spoke under the gates and the community taught me
- On album:
- R-044(c) (Juden im Mittelater-Aus Sepharad und Ashkenas/ Jalda Rebling)
- Track ID:
- 28292
- Lute:
- Apel, Hans-Werner
- Lute:
- Maass, Stefan
- Violin:
- Ansong, Susanne
- Harp:
- Heller, Sabine
- Portativ:
- Heller, Veit
- Percussion:
- Metzler, Michael
- Style:
- Chant
- Length:
- 04:14
Shir Hashirim 03:01 (Medieval) — על משכבי בלילות בקשתי
- Genre:
- Medieval/Biblical/Love
- Additional song notes:
- By night on my bed I sought him who my sould loveth: I sought him -
but I found him not.
- On album:
- R-044(c) (Juden im Mittelater-Aus Sepharad und Ashkenas/ Jalda Rebling)
- Track ID:
- 28293
- Lute:
- Apel, Hans-Werner
- Lute:
- Maass, Stefan
- Violin:
- Ansong, Susanne
- Harp:
- Heller, Sabine
- Portativ:
- Heller, Veit
- Percussion:
- Metzler, Michael
- First line (Hebrew):
- על-משכּכי בּלילוֹת בּקשתּי את שׁאהבה נפשׁי בּקשׁתּיו ולא מצאתיו.
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Chant
- Length:
- 03:35
Mi Al Har Horev — מי על הר חורב
- Also known as:
- Eulogy Of Moses
- Author:
- Obadiah The Proselyte
- Composer:
- Osherovits, M., arr — אָשעראָװעץ, מ., עיבוד
- Genre:
- Medieval/Piyyut
- Subject:
- Moses
- Song comment:
- "Amt" credited with text in liner notes of CD R-044(a)
- Origin:
- Alb C-024(a)
- Translation:
- Alb C-024(a)/R-044(a)
- On album:
- R-044(c) (Juden im Mittelater-Aus Sepharad und Ashkenas/ Jalda Rebling)
- Track ID:
- 28295
- Lute:
- Apel, Hans-Werner
- Lute:
- Maass, Stefan
- Violin:
- Ansong, Susanne
- Harp:
- Heller, Sabine
- Portativ:
- Heller, Veit
- Percussion:
- Metzler, Michael
- Track comment:
- Who was as strong and sure in his belief as was Moses on Mount Horev?
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Chant
- Length:
- 04:34
Adonay Mi Adam
- Author:
- Ibn Gabirol, Solomon — שׁלמה אבּן-גבּירוֹל
- Genre:
- Medieval
- Subject:
- Nature of Man
- Song comment:
- What is man, Oh Lor? Were he not from flesh and blood, his days would pass...
- Translation:
- CD R-044(a)
- On album:
- R-044(c) (Juden im Mittelater-Aus Sepharad und Ashkenas/ Jalda Rebling)
- Track ID:
- 28296
- Harp:
- Heller, Sabine
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Chant
- Length:
- 04:40
Borukh Hagever (Medieval)
- Composer:
- Obadiah The Proselyte
- Genre:
- Medieval/Biblical
- Subject:
- Trust/God/Blessing
- Song comment:
- Blessed is the man who trusts in God./Text from Jeremiah, Proverbs, Job.
- On album:
- R-044(c) (Juden im Mittelater-Aus Sepharad und Ashkenas/ Jalda Rebling)
- Track ID:
- 28297
- Lute:
- Apel, Hans-Werner
- Lute:
- Maass, Stefan
- Violin:
- Ansong, Susanne
- Harp:
- Heller, Sabine
- Portativ:
- Heller, Veit
- Percussion:
- Metzler, Michael
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Chant
- Length:
- 02:47
Et S'autrement Ne Puis
- Author:
- Mathieu Le Juif
- Genre:
- Medieval
- Subject:
- Betrayal/Love/Curse
- Song comment:
- Contrafactum to "Mon Cor Et Mi"/ recorded with "Auant Voi Les Oisiaus EsJoir"
- Translation:
- CD R-044(a)
- On album:
- R-044(c) (Juden im Mittelater-Aus Sepharad und Ashkenas/ Jalda Rebling)
- Track ID:
- 28303
- Lute:
- Apel, Hans-Werner
- Lute:
- Maass, Stefan
- Violin:
- Ansong, Susanne
- Harp:
- Heller, Sabine
- Portativ:
- Heller, Veit
- Percussion:
- Metzler, Michael
- Language:
- French
- Style:
- Chant
- Length:
- 06:42
Swer Adelichen Tuot
- Author:
- Suskind Von Trimberg
- Composer:
- Konrad Von Wurzberg
- Genre:
- Medieval
- Subject:
- Nobility/Decency/Duty
- Song comment:
- Contrafactum to "Aspis Ein Wurm Geheizen Is" ascribed to Konrad Von Wurzburg
- Translation:
- CD R-044(a)
- On album:
- R-044(c) (Juden im Mittelater-Aus Sepharad und Ashkenas/ Jalda Rebling)
- Track ID:
- 28304
- Lute:
- Apel, Hans-Werner
- Lute:
- Maass, Stefan
- Violin:
- Ansong, Susanne
- Harp:
- Heller, Sabine
- Portativ:
- Heller, Veit
- Percussion:
- Metzler, Michael
- Track comment:
- Whoever acts in decency I wish to call noble.
- Language:
- German
- Length:
- 01:51
Kung Herr Hochgelibter Got
- Author:
- Suskind Von Trimberg
- Composer:
- Rumslant
- Genre:
- Medieval/Religious
- Subject:
- Praise/Sovereignty of God
- Song comment:
- Contrafactum to "Sit Man Daz Bose Bi Den Guoten"
- Translation:
- CD R-044(a)
- On album:
- R-044(c) (Juden im Mittelater-Aus Sepharad und Ashkenas/ Jalda Rebling)
- Track ID:
- 28305
- Lute:
- Apel, Hans-Werner
- Lute:
- Maass, Stefan
- Violin:
- Ansong, Susanne
- Harp:
- Heller, Sabine
- Portativ:
- Heller, Veit
- Percussion:
- Metzler, Michael
- Track comment:
- King, Lord, highly praised God, all power rests in you.
- Language:
- German
- Style:
- Chant
- Length:
- 02:37
Gedenke Nieman Kann Erwern
- Author:
- Suskind Von Trimberg
- Composer:
- Friedrich Von Sonnenberg
- Genre:
- Medieval
- Subject:
- Thoughts
- Song comment:
- Contrafactum to "Nu Merke Ho Edle Man"
- Translation:
- CD R-044(a)
- On album:
- R-044(c) (Juden im Mittelater-Aus Sepharad und Ashkenas/ Jalda Rebling)
- Track ID:
- 28307
- Lute:
- Apel, Hans-Werner
- Lute:
- Maass, Stefan
- Violin:
- Ansong, Susanne
- Harp:
- Heller, Sabine
- Portativ:
- Heller, Veit
- Percussion:
- Metzler, Michael
- Track comment:
- Thoughts are refused niether the follish or the wise. They are free...
- Language:
- German
- Style:
- Concert