Tracks with this artist
Veyeda Kol Pa'ol (Spivak) — וידע כּל פּעול (ספּיוואַק)
- Genre:
- Liturgy/High Holy Days
- Subject:
- Soverignty
- Origin:
- Alb Y-003(b)/Seder Avo 288
- Transliteration:
- Alb Y-003(b)
- Translation:
- Seder Avo 289/Alb N-030(a)
- On album:
- N-030(a) (The Noam Singers Feature the Hebrew Version of Those Were The Days — כאלה היו הימים)
- Track ID:
- 33565
- Vocal/Guitar:
- Frank, Morty
- Guitar:
- Schwartz, Steve
- Arranger:
- Noam Singers
- Vocal:
- Meller, Izzy
- Electric Bass Guitar:
- Goldstein, Jay
- Tof:
- Leifer, Shmuel
- First line:
- Veyeda kol pa'ol ki ato fealto, veyavin kol yotsur ki ato...
- First line (Hebrew):
- וידע כּל פּעול כּי אתה פעלתי ויבין כּל יצור כּי אתה יצרתי,
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Pop
- Length:
- 2:15
Lekhol Adam Kokhav — לכל אדם כוכב
- Author:
- Ben Shakh, Gilad
- Genre:
- Pop
- Subject:
- Star/Heaven/
- Origin:
- Alb N-030(a)
- Additional song notes:
- Song tells of a star in heavon for each person.
- On album:
- N-030(a) (The Noam Singers Feature the Hebrew Version of Those Were The Days — כאלה היו הימים)
- Track ID:
- 33567
- Artist:
- Noam Singers
- Vocal/Guitar:
- Frank, Morty
- Vocal/Arranger:
- Meller, Izzy
- Guitar:
- Schwartz, Steve
- Electric Bass Guitar:
- Goldstein, Jay
- Tof:
- Leifer, Shmuel
- First line (Hebrew):
- לכל אדם כוכב יש בשמים, כוכב המתגלה עם רדת יום.
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Pop
- Length:
- 2:44
Yishlakh — ישלח
- Genre:
- Religious
- Subject:
- Moshiekh/Messiah/Resurrection
- Origin:
- Album N-030(a)
- On album:
- N-030(a) (The Noam Singers Feature the Hebrew Version of Those Were The Days — כאלה היו הימים)
- Track ID:
- 33568
- Artist:
- Noam Singers
- Vocal/Guitar/Arranger:
- Frank, Morty
- Guitar:
- Schwartz, Steve
- Vocal:
- Meller, Izzy
- Electric Bass Guitar:
- Goldstein, Jay
- Tof:
- Leifer, Shmuel
- First line (Hebrew):
- ישלח לקץ הימין משיחינו לפדות מחכי קץ ישועתו, מתים יהיה א־ל ברוב חסדו,
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Pop
- Length:
- 3:02
In Nayem Beys Hamikdosh — אין נײַעם בּית המקדש
- Author:
- Singer, Reverend Avrom — זינגער, אַבֿרהם
- Composer:
- Singer, Reverend Avrom — זינגער, אַבֿרהם
- Genre:
- Pop
- Subject:
- Temple/Moshiekh/Messiah/Restoration
- Origin:
- Alb N-030(a)
- On album:
- N-030(a) (The Noam Singers Feature the Hebrew Version of Those Were The Days — כאלה היו הימים)
- Track ID:
- 33569
- Arranger:
- Noam Singers
- Vocal/Guitar:
- Frank, Morty
- Guitar/Vocal:
- Schwartz, Steve
- Vocal:
- Meller, Izzy
- Electric Bass Guitar:
- Goldstein, Jay
- Tof:
- Leifer, Shmuel
- First line:
- Shpiln fidelekh, tantsn yidelekh,…kleyn un groys, in dem nayem beys hamikdosh,
- First line (Yiddish):
- שפּילמ פֿידעלעך, טאַנצן ייִדעלעך, טף ונשים קלײן און גרױס, אין דעם נײַעם בית..
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Pop
Yodin Bagoyim — ידין בגוים
- Genre:
- Religious/Morality
- Subject:
- Justice
- On album:
- N-030(a) (The Noam Singers Feature the Hebrew Version of Those Were The Days — כאלה היו הימים)
- Track ID:
- 33570
- Arranger:
- Noam Singers
- Vocal/Guitar:
- Frank, Morty
- Guitar:
- Schwartz, Steve
- Vocal:
- Meller, Izzy
- Electric Bass Guitar:
- Goldstein, Jay
- Tof:
- Leifer, Shmuel
- First line (Hebrew):
- ידין בגוים מלא גויות מחץ ראש על ארץ רבה, מנחל בדרך ישתה על כן ירים ראש.
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Pop
- Length:
- 3:07
Ushavtem Mayim (Meller) — וּשאבתּם מים (מעלער)
- Composer:
- Meller, Amos — מלר, עמוס
- Genre:
- Biblical/Prophetic
- Subject:
- Water/Joy/Isaiah 012:03
- Origin:
- Coopersmith NJS 132/Bugatch 35/Alb F-026(a)/Alb S-004(c)
- Transliteration:
- Coopersmith NJS 132/Bugatch 35/K-007(b)
- Translation:
- Coopersmith NJS 132/Alb S-085(a)Alb S-004(c)
- Additional song notes:
- Joyfully Shall You Draw Water
- On album:
- N-030(a) (The Noam Singers Feature the Hebrew Version of Those Were The Days — כאלה היו הימים)
- Track ID:
- 33571
- Artist:
- Noam Singers
- Vocal/Guitar:
- Frank, Morty
- Guitar:
- Schwartz, Steve
- Vocal:
- Meller, Izzy
- Electric Bass Guitar:
- Goldstein, Jay
- Tof:
- Leifer, Shmuel
- First line:
- Ushavtem mayim, mayim besaon (3x), mayim hayushua.
- First line (Hebrew):
- וּשאבתּם-מים מים בּשׂשׂוֹן (3) מים הישוּעה.
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Pop
Be-kol Shofar — בקול שופר
- Author:
- de la Fuente, Maurice
- Genre:
- Religious/Biblical
- Subject:
- Abraham/Isaac/Sacrifice
- Additional song notes:
- Biblical story of the Akeyda in song. See Genesis 022.
- On album:
- N-030(a) (The Noam Singers Feature the Hebrew Version of Those Were The Days — כאלה היו הימים)
- Track ID:
- 33572
- Guitar/Arranger:
- Schwartz, Steve
- Vocal:
- Meller, Izzy
- Electric Bass Guitar:
- Goldstein, Jay
- Tof:
- Leifer, Shmuel
- Artist:
- Noam Singers
- Vocal/Guitar:
- Frank, Morty
- First line:
- בקול שופר ישמיע ישועה, יום זה זכות לבני עמך,
- Language:
- Hebrew/English
- Style:
- Pop/Spoken Word
- Length:
- 4:52
Esa Einai (Almani) — אשׂא עיני (אלמוני)
- Composer:
- Almani
- Genre:
- Psalms/Biblical/Sephardic
- Subject:
- Faith/Moutains/Help
- Origin:
- Psalm 121:01/N-010(b)/B-021(a)/Alb M-041(a)/Alb C-001(a)/Tanakh v.2 1729
- Transliteration:
- N-010(b)/Alb C-001(a)/Alb C-001(f)/Alb A-034(a)/
- Translation:
- N-010(b)/Alb B-021(a)/Alb M-041(a)/Alb C-001(f)/Alb H-033(a)/Tanakh v.2 1729
- On album:
- N-030(a) (The Noam Singers Feature the Hebrew Version of Those Were The Days — כאלה היו הימים)
- Track ID:
- 33573
- Electric Bass Guitar:
- Goldstein, Jay
- Tof:
- Leifer, Shmuel
- Artist:
- Noam Singers
- Vocal/Guitar:
- Frank, Morty
- Guitar:
- Schwartz, Steve
- Vocal/Arranger:
- Meller, Izzy
- First line:
- me'ayin yavo, yavo ezri (4x), ezri ma'im Hashem (3x), ezri shomayim veharetz,
- First line (Hebrew):
- מאין יבא יבא עזרי (4), עזרי מעם ה' (3), עשׂה שמים וארץ
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Length:
- 2:37
Ani Ma'amin (Weiss) — אני מאמין (ווײַס)
- Genre:
- Religious
- Subject:
- Faith/Credo/Belief/Meshiakh
- Origin:
- Alb V-001(c)/ML WAH 76/Alb B-003(a)/Alb M-038(a)/Alb M-041(a)Alb V-001(b)
- Transliteration:
- ML WAH 76/Alb R-001(b)/Alb Z-010(g)/Alb A-034(a)/Alb G-005(b)/Alb O-009(a)
- Translation:
- ML WAH 76/Alb L-021(b)/Alb R-001(b)/Alb B-003(a)/Alb Z-010(g)/Alb M-041(a)/
- Music:
- Alb V-001(c)/MG WAH 76
- Additional song notes:
- 12th Principle of faith formulated by Maimonides 12th Century/ See also for transliteration Albs S-092(a)/Alb S-002(e). For addl translations see Albs A34(a)/G-005(b)/ O-009(a)/T-015(a)/C-023(h)/A-018(a)/S002(e)
- On album:
- N-030(a) (The Noam Singers Feature the Hebrew Version of Those Were The Days — כאלה היו הימים)
- Track ID:
- 33574
- Artist:
- Noam Singers
- Vocal/Guitar/Arranger:
- Frank, Morty
- Guitar:
- Schwartz, Steve
- Vocal:
- Meller, Izzy
- Electric Bass Guitar:
- Goldstein, Jay
- Tof:
- Leifer, Shmuel
- First line:
- Ani ma'amin, be'emuno shleymo, ani ma'amin (2x), ani, ani ma'amin…
- First line (Hebrew):
- אני מאמין, בּאמונה שלמה, אני מאמין (2), אני אני מאמין…
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Pop
- Length:
- 2:53
Vahavoism — והביאותים
- Author:
- Meyers, Don
- Genre:
- Religious
- Subject:
- Festivals/Pilgramage/Gift/Sacrafices/Temple/Dance
- Origin:
- Alb N-030(a)
- On album:
- N-030(a) (The Noam Singers Feature the Hebrew Version of Those Were The Days — כאלה היו הימים)
- Track ID:
- 33575
- Vocal/Guitar:
- Frank, Morty
- Electric Bass Guitar:
- Goldstein, Jay
- Tof:
- Leifer, Shmuel
- Vocal:
- Meller, Izzy
- Artist:
- Noam Singers
- Guitar/Arranger:
- Schwartz, Steve
- First line (Hebrew):
- והביאותים אל הר קדשי ושימחתים בבית תפילתי, עולותיהם וזבחיהם לרצון על מזבחי.
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Pop
- Length:
- 3:14