Tracks with this artist
Ahavas Olam (Helfman) — אהבת עוֹלם (העלפֿמאַן)
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Genre:
- Religious/Liturgical/Biblical/Deuteronomy 06:4-09
- Subject:
- Love/God/Heart/Mind/Teach/Children/Hand/Frontlets/Door Posts
- Origin:
- Tanakh v.1 437
- Transliteration:
- Ephemera 1124
- Translation:
- Tanakh v.1 437
- Additional song notes:
- Thou shall love thy Lord...
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 970
- Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- First line:
- Ahavas olam beys Yisroel amkho ahavto. Toyre umitsvos...
- First line (Hebrew):
- אהבת עולם בּית ישׂראל עמך אהבתּ. תּוֹרה וּמצווֹת חקים וּמשפּטים...
- Track comment:
- with Borkhu and Borukh Ato (Asher Bidvoro)
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Adon Olam (Helfman) — אדון עוֹלם (העלפֿמאַן)
- Author:
- Ibn Gabirol, Solomon — שׁלמה אבּן-גבּירוֹל
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Genre:
- Religious/Hymn
- Origin:
- HAL 4/Zim 30/Levin N 20
- Transliteration:
- HAL 4/Zim 30/Levin N 20/S-046(b)/T-025(a)/A-034(a)/B-067(a)/Z-020(a)
- Translation:
- HAL 4/Zim 30/Levin N 21/Alb M-019(a)/Alb M-030(a)/Alb B-067(a)
- Additional song notes:
- "Lord of the Universe"/ See Nulman 3
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 909
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- First line:
- Adon olam asher malakh, Beterm kol yetsir nivra,
- First line (Hebrew):
- אדוֹן עוֹלם אשר מלך בּטרם כּל יִציר נברא. לעת נעשׂה בּחפצוֹ כּל...
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Aleynu — עלינוּ
- Genre:
- Religious/Prayer
- Subject:
- Supplication
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 1173
- Composer/Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- First line:
- Aleynu leshabeyekh ladon hakol. Lasays gedula leyotsayr...
- First line (Hebrew):
- עלינוּ לשבּח לאדוֹן הכּל. לתת גדלה ליוֹצר בּראשית.
- Track comment:
- Let us now praise the Lord of the universe and acclaim...
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Veneamar (Helfman) — ונאמר (העלפֿמאַן)
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Genre:
- Liturgy/Religious/Shabos/Biblical/Prophet
- Subject:
- Adoration/Zachariah/Unity/Soverignty
- Origin:
- Tanakh 2 1532
- Translation:
- Tanakh 2 1532/Alb M-030(a)/Alb M-019(a)
- Additional song notes:
- And the Lord shall be King over all the earth; in that day shall the Lord be One and his name one.
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 2127
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- First line (Hebrew):
- בּיוֹם ההוּא יהיה יהוֹה אחד וּשמוֹ אחד:
- Track comment:
- On that day the Lord shall be one and His name shall be one.
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Barkhu — בּרכוּ
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 1941
- Composer/Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- First line:
- Barkhu et adonay hamvorokh
- First line (Hebrew):
- בּרכוּ את-יהוה המברך
- Track comment:
- with Borukh Ato (Asher Bidvoro) and Ahavas Olam
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Borukh Ato (Asher Bidvoro)
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 2542
- Composer/Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- Track comment:
- with Borkhu and Ahavas Olam
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Half Kadish (Khatsi Kadish, Heb)
- On album:
- xS-074(a)
- Track ID:
- 5999
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- Artist:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Track comment:
- Recorded under "Half Kadish"
- Language:
- Hebrew
Kadish — קדיש
- Also known as:
- Kaddish
- Author:
- Shechter, Ayal — שכטר, אייל
- Genre:
- Religious/Liturgica/Sanctification
- Origin:
- Alb B-058(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb B-058(a)
- Translation:
- Vorbei 235/Alb B-058(a)
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 7729
- Composer/Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- First line:
- Yitgadal vyitkadash shemey rabo. Beolmo di...
- First line (Hebrew):
- יתגדל ויתקדש שמה רבּא. בּעלמא די ברה כרעוּתה. וימליך מלכוּתה...
- Track comment:
- with Kidush
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Khatsi Kadish (Half Kadish, Heb)
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 8195
- Composer/Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- Track comment:
- Recorded under "Half Kadish"
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Kiddush (Helfman) — קידוש (העלפֿמאַן)
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Genre:
- Liturgical/Religious
- Subject:
- Blessing/Wine/Sanctification
- Origin:
- Zim 11/Alb K-047(d)
- Transliteration:
- Zim 11/Alb K-047(d)/
- Translation:
- Alb M-030(a)Alb R-026(b)/Zim 11/Alb K-047(d)/CD B-076(a)/Vorbei 235
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 8416
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- First line:
- Barukh ata hashem eloheynu meylekh hoalam, borey pri hagafen
- First line (Hebrew):
- בּרוּך אתּה יי עלהינוּ מלך העוֹלם בּוֹרא פּרי הגפן
- Track comment:
- Blessed art thou, O Lord, King of the Universe, who has...
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Ma Tovu (Helfman) — מה-טבוּ (העלפֿמאַן)
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Genre:
- Biblical/Prayer
- Subject:
- Dwellings/Goodness/Numbers 024:05
- Origin:
- Alb B-033(g)
- Translation:
- Alb M-038(a)/CD G-056(b)Alb D-012(f)/Alb M-019(a)
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 9543
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- First line (Hebrew):
- מה-טבוּ אהליך יעקב. משכּנתיך ישׂראל: ואני בּרב חסדך. אבא ביתך.
- Track comment:
- "How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob, your dwelling places..."
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Mi Khamokha — מי כמכה
- Also known as:
- Exodus 15:11
- Genre:
- Biblical/Exodus 15:11
- Subject:
- God/Power/Sovereignty/Eternity/Moses
- Origin:
- Tanakh v.1 161
- Translation:
- Tanakh v.1 161
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 10375
- Composer/Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- First line:
- Mi khamokha boaylim adonay. Mi kamokha nedor bakokosh.
- First line (Hebrew):
- מי כמכה בּאלם יהוֹה. מי כּמכה נאדר בּקדש. נוֹרא תהלת עשׂה-פלא.
- Track comment:
- Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among them acclaimed as...
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Oleynu (Aleynu, Heb) — עלינוּ (עבֿרית)
- On album:
- xS-074(a)
- Track ID:
- 11435
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- Artist:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- First line:
- Aleynu leshabeyekh ladon hakol. Lasays gedula leyotsayr...
- First line:
- עלינוּ לשבּח לאדוֹן הכּל. לתת גדלה ליוֹצר בּראשית.
- Track comment:
- Let us now praise the Lord of the universe and acclaim...
Shema (Helfman) — שמע (העלפֿמאַן)
- Genre:
- Religious/Liturgy/Dueteronomy/Biblical/Tenet
- Subject:
- Unity of God/Affirmantion/Deutoronomy 06:04
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 13603
- Composer/Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- First line:
- Shema Yisroel, Adonay Elohenu, Adonay Ekhod.
- First line (Hebrew):
- שמע ישׂראל יהוֹה אלהינוּ יהוֹה אחד.
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Vayukhulu (Heb) — ויכולו (עבֿרית)
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 16283
- Composer/Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial