Tracks with this artist
Hungry Hearts (Video)
- Author:
- Yezierska, Anzia
- Genre:
- Drama/ Silent Film
- Subject:
- Immigration/Poverty/Upward Mobility/Landlord/Tenant/Justice
- On album:
- V0154 (Hungry Hearts/ Cast: EA Warren/ Rosa Rosanova (Video))
- Track ID:
- 35731
- Director:
- Hopper, E. Mason
- Performer:
- Warren, E. A.
- Performer:
- Rosanova, Rosa
- Performer:
- Ferguson, Helen
- Performer:
- Washburn, Bryant
- Performer:
- Budin, A.
- Performer:
- Tilton, Edwin B.
- Performer:
- Siegmann, George
- Performer:
- Lederer, Otto
- Performer:
- Sprotte, Bert
- Style:
- Drama/Silent
- Length:
- 82:00
Kalarasher Bulgar
- On album:
- Z-014(i) ("Borsht with Bread Brothers" Klezmer/ Yale Strom & Hot Pstromi)
- Track ID:
- 42079
- Accordion:
- Stan, Peter
- Bass:
- Sprotte, Bert
- Percussion:
- Licht, David
- Violin:
- Strom, Yale
- Style:
- Instrumental/Klezmer/Jazz
- Length:
- 8:07
Ben Avarmeni
- On album:
- Z-014(i) ("Borsht with Bread Brothers" Klezmer/ Yale Strom & Hot Pstromi)
- Track ID:
- 42081
- Accordion:
- Stan, Peter
- Bass:
- Sprotte, Bert
- Percussion:
- Licht, David
- Violin/Whistling:
- Strom, Yale
- Style:
- Instrumental/Klezmer Jazz
- Length:
- 9:37