Tracks with this artist
One Stone
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(b) (Chana Rothman / We Can Rise)
- Track ID:
- 38296
- Artist:
- Rothman, Chana
- Artist:
- Lanzbom, C,
- Artist:
- Pelton, Shawn
- Artist:
- Castro, Jamba
- Artist:
- Fruchter, Yoshie
- Artist:
- Weisenberg, Joey
- Artist:
- Nir, Nimrod
- First line:
- I throw one stone in the water, and I'm free
- Language:
- English
Walk a mile
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(b) (Chana Rothman / We Can Rise)
- Track ID:
- 38297
- Artist:
- Rothman, Chana
- Artist:
- Lanzbom, C,
- Artist:
- Pelton, Shawn
- Artist:
- Castro, Jamba
- Artist:
- Fruchter, Yoshie
- Artist:
- Weisenberg, Joey
- Artist:
- Nir, Nimrod
- First line:
- You can't raise a nation on money alone, just take a look around at the seeds
- Language:
- English
Lay Down Your Swords
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(b) (Chana Rothman / We Can Rise)
- Track ID:
- 38298
- Artist:
- Rothman, Chana
- Artist:
- Lanzbom, C,
- Artist:
- Pelton, Shawn
- Artist:
- Castro, Jamba
- Artist:
- Fruchter, Yoshie
- Artist:
- Weisenberg, Joey
- Artist:
- Nir, Nimrod
- First line:
- From where I stand, Across the sea, I can't understand, Can't let it be
- First line (English):
- זה כואב לי בלב האם זה שווה את כל הכאב
- Language:
- English
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(b) (Chana Rothman / We Can Rise)
- Track ID:
- 38289
- Vocals, acoustic guitar, slide guitar, flute:
- Rothman, Chana
- electric guitar:
- Lanzbom, C,
- drums:
- Pelton, Shawn
- bass:
- Castro, Jamba
- First line:
- Deliver us, we are broken, be our rock, there's no soild gound, and lift us up
- Language:
- English
We can Rise
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(b) (Chana Rothman / We Can Rise)
- Track ID:
- 38290
- Vocals, acoustic guitar, slide guitar, flute:
- Rothman, Chana
- acoustic guitar:
- Lanzbom, C,
- drums:
- Pelton, Shawn
- bass:
- Castro, Jamba
- electric guitar:
- Fruchter, Yoshie
- First line:
- I lift my eyes up to the sun, where on earth wil my help come from?
- First line (English):
- אשא עיניי אל ההרים מאין יבוא מאין יבוא עזרי
- Language:
- English
More then One Way
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(b) (Chana Rothman / We Can Rise)
- Track ID:
- 38291
- Vocals, acoustic guitar, slide guitar, flute:
- Rothman, Chana
- electric guitar:
- Lanzbom, C,
- drums:
- Pelton, Shawn
- bass:
- Castro, Jamba
- First line:
- I look to the mountain, I look to the sea, I look to the faces of all around me
- Language:
- English
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(b) (Chana Rothman / We Can Rise)
- Track ID:
- 38292
- Vocals, acoustic guitar, slide guitar, flute:
- Rothman, Chana
- electric guitar:
- Lanzbom, C,
- drums:
- Pelton, Shawn
- bass:
- Castro, Jamba
- mandolin:
- Weisenberg, Joey
- First line:
- I put my bike away for the winter, Outside there's snow on my car,
- Language:
- English
Draw a Circle
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(b) (Chana Rothman / We Can Rise)
- Track ID:
- 38294
- Artist:
- Rothman, Chana
- Artist:
- Lanzbom, C,
- Artist:
- Pelton, Shawn
- Artist:
- Castro, Jamba
- Artist:
- Fruchter, Yoshie
- Artist:
- Weisenberg, Joey
- Artist:
- Nir, Nimrod
- First line:
- Draw a circle that looks liek this Around those people that you miss
- Language:
- English
The Wind
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(b) (Chana Rothman / We Can Rise)
- Track ID:
- 38295
- Artist:
- Rothman, Chana
- Artist:
- Lanzbom, C,
- Artist:
- Pelton, Shawn
- Artist:
- Castro, Jamba
- Artist:
- Fruchter, Yoshie
- Artist:
- Weisenberg, Joey
- Artist:
- Nir, Nimrod
- First line:
- The wind she blows me close to you I say these words, I pray they're true,
- Language:
- English