Tracks with this artist
- Author:
- Yasmin Levy
- Composer:
- Traditional
- Genre:
- Sephardi / Israeli / Andalusia / Flamenco
- Additional song notes:
- Thanks to Life
- On album:
- L-071(a) (Ariel Lazarus / Keter Malchut / Sephardic Prayers and Songs — כתר מלכות)
- Track ID:
- 40143
- Vocals amd Guitars:
- Lazarus, Ariel
- Drums, Percussion, Electric Bass,:
- Eckert, Dan
- Flute:
- Syring, Natalie
Lecha Dodi
- Genre:
- Religious/Liturgical
- On album:
- L-071(a) (Ariel Lazarus / Keter Malchut / Sephardic Prayers and Songs — כתר מלכות)
- Track ID:
- 40144
- Vocals amd Guitars:
- Lazarus, Ariel
- Drums, Percussion, Electric Bass, and Guitar:
- Eckert, Dan
- Flute:
- Syring, Natalie
- double bass:
- Oren, Shy
Cuando El Rey Nimrod
- On album:
- L-071(a) (Ariel Lazarus / Keter Malchut / Sephardic Prayers and Songs — כתר מלכות)
- Track ID:
- 40145
- Vocals amd Guitars:
- Lazarus, Ariel
- Drums, Percussion, Electric Bass, and Guitar:
- Eckert, Dan
- Flute:
- Syring, Natalie
- Bassoon:
- Boggs, J.T.
- Second Violin:
- Prugar, Marta
- viola:
- Nierychto, Monika
- cello:
- Ignaczack, Ewelina
- Double bass:
- Oren, Shy
Dror Yikra — דרוֹר יקרא
- Also known as:
- Proclaim Liberty
- Author:
- Ben-Lavrat, Donash — בּן־לברט, דונש
- Genre:
- Prayer/Religious
- Subject:
- Freedom/Peace/Prosperity/Protection/Observance/Shabos
- Origin:
- Alb S-004(j)/Zim 9/Netzer 316/Alb Y-003(a)/ALB M-064(a)/Cardozo 37
- Transliteration:
- Zim 9/Bekol Ram 24/Alb Y-003(a)/Alb B-007(m)/Alb F-015(b)/Cardozo 36
- Translation:
- Alb F-015(b)/Bekol Ram 24/Alb B-007(m)/Alb F-015(b)/ALB M-064(a)/Cardozo 37
- Music:
- Cardozo 36
- Related information in folder 607:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliteration and English translation on internet taken from Bekol Ram ,
2, Explanation and Hebrew text along with music and biographical info of the lyricist Rebenu Adonim HaLevy ben Levtrat, "Dunash" from the internet.
- On album:
- L-071(a) (Ariel Lazarus / Keter Malchut / Sephardic Prayers and Songs — כתר מלכות)
- Track ID:
- 40146
- Drums, Percussion, Electric Bass, and Guitar:
- Eckert, Dan
- Vocals amd Guitars:
- Lazarus, Ariel
- Flute:
- Syring, Natalie
Yimlokh (Heb) — ימלך (עבֿרית)
- On album:
- L-071(a) (Ariel Lazarus / Keter Malchut / Sephardic Prayers and Songs — כתר מלכות)
- Track ID:
- 40147
- Vocals amd Guitars:
- Lazarus, Ariel
- Drums, Percussion, Electric Bass, and Guitar:
- Eckert, Dan
- Flute:
- Syring, Natalie
Adon Olam — אדון עוֹלם
- Author:
- Ibn Gabirol, Solomon — שׁלמה אבּן-גבּירוֹל
- Composer:
- Oshrat, Kobi — אשרת, ק.
- Genre:
- Religious/Hymn
- Origin:
- HAL 4/Zim 30/Levin N 20
- Transliteration:
- HAL 4/Zim 30/Levin N 20/S-046(b)/T-025(a)/A-034(a)/B-067(a)/Z-020(a)
- Translation:
- HAL 4/Zim 30/Levin N 21/Alb M-019(a)/Alb M-030(a)/Alb B-067(a)
- Additional song notes:
- "Lord of the Universe"/ See Nulman 3
- On album:
- L-071(a) (Ariel Lazarus / Keter Malchut / Sephardic Prayers and Songs — כתר מלכות)
- Track ID:
- 40151
- Drums, Percussion, Electric Bass, and Guitar:
- Eckert, Dan
- Bassoon:
- Boggs, J.T.
- cello:
- Ignaczack, Ewelina
- Vocals amd Guitars:
- Lazarus, Ariel
- viola:
- Nierychto, Monika
- Double bass:
- Oren, Shy
- Second Violin:
- Prugar, Marta
- Flute:
- Syring, Natalie
Yigdal — יגדל
- Composer:
- Bar Yehudah of Rome, Daniel
- Genre:
- Religious/Liturgy/Hymn
- Subject:
- Praise/Unity/God/Sovreignty/Attributes/Eternal/
- Origin:
- Coopersmith NJS 94/Cardozo 21
- Transliteration:
- Coopersmith NJS 94
- Translation:
- Alb B-033(g)/Cardozo 21/Coppersmith NJS 94
- Music:
- Coopersmith NJS 94
- On album:
- L-071(a) (Ariel Lazarus / Keter Malchut / Sephardic Prayers and Songs — כתר מלכות)
- Track ID:
- 40152
- Vocals amd Guitars:
- Lazarus, Ariel
- Drums, Percussion, Electric Bass, and Guitar:
- Eckert, Dan
- Flute:
- Syring, Natalie
Ben Gurion, David
- On album:
- L-071(a) (Ariel Lazarus / Keter Malchut / Sephardic Prayers and Songs — כתר מלכות)
- Track ID:
- 40154
- Vocals amd Guitars:
- Lazarus, Ariel
- Drums, Percussion, Electric Bass, and Guitar:
- Eckert, Dan
- Flute:
- Syring, Natalie