Tracks with this artist
A Sudenyu — אַ סועדהניו
- Also known as:
- Meshiekhs Sudenyu
- Also known as:
- Vos Vet Zayn Az Meshiekh Vet Kumen
- Also known as:
- Zog Zhe Rebenyu
- Genre:
- Folk/Messiah/Meshiekh/Khasidic
- Subject:
- Feast/Messiah/Meshiekh/Food/Great Ox/Leviathan/Torah/Dance/
- Origin:
- Alb B-007(b)/Vinkov 3106)/ML PYS 170/
- Transliteration:
- ML PYS 170/Alb A-036(a)/Alb B-007(b)/Vinkov 3106/Alb R-034(k)
- Translation:
- ML PYS 170/Vinkov 3106/Alb A-036(a)/Alb B-07(b)/Alb R-/034(k)/Alb V0310
- Music:
- ML PYS 170/Vinkov 3 106
- Related information in folder 453:
- Document type:
- Article
- Author:
- Philologos
- Publisher:
- Forward
- Date:
- 9/1/2000
- Comments:
- Discussion of the term "shor ha-bor and Yaym, Ha-meshumor".
- On album:
- C-023(h) (B'Kol Ishah The Voice of Women Cantors)
- Track ID:
- 22477
- Artist:
- Klein, A. & Alisa Pomerantz-Boro
- Artist:
- Potoker O., & L. Zeitlin, arr
- Piano:
- Bartsch, Tom
- First line:
- Zog zhe rebenyu, vos zhe vet zayn az moshiekh vet shoyn...
- First line (Yiddish):
- זאָג זשה רבּיניו, װאָס זשה װעט זײַן אַז משיח װעט שױן קומען?
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Credited to S. Kisselgof ?? Recorded under Zog Zhe Rebenyu
- Language:
- Yiddish