Tracks with this artist
Tumbalalajka — טום בלליקה
- Also known as:
- Tum Balalayke
- Also known as:
- Twistin' The Freylekhs (Instr)
- Also known as:
- Play Balalaike
- On album:
- Y-018(b) (Where Dreams Are Born Jewish Lullabies)
- Track ID:
- 19107
- Artist:
- Rosenthal, Margie & Ilene Safyan
- First line:
- Tell me, oh pretty one, tell if you know, what needs no...
- First line:
- שטײט אַ בחור און ער טראַכט, טראַכט און טראַכט אַ גאַנצע נאַכט,
- Language:
- Yiddish/English
Talit (Heb) — טלית (עבֿרית)
- On album:
- Y-018(b) (Where Dreams Are Born Jewish Lullabies)
- Track ID:
- 19108
- Author/Composer:
- Don, P.
- Artist:
- Rosenthal, Margie & Ilene Safyan
- First line:
- Tinatseyl nafshi, verukhi venishmati utfilati min...
- Track comment:
- With the talit around me, I am protected as an eagle...
- Language:
- Hebrew
Over The Rainbow (Eng)
- On album:
- Y-018(b) (Where Dreams Are Born Jewish Lullabies)
- Track ID:
- 19109
- Author:
- Arlen, Harold
- Composer:
- Harburg, E.
- Artist:
- Rosenthal, Margie & Ilene Safyan
- First line:
- Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high, there's a land...
- Track comment:
- From the "Wizard of Oz"
Durme Durme Mi Angelica Hijico
- On album:
- Y-018(b) (Where Dreams Are Born Jewish Lullabies)
- Track ID:
- 19110
- Artist:
- Rosenthal, Margie & Ilene Safyan
- First line:
- Durme durme mi angelico chico de tu nacion criature de zion,
- Track comment:
- Sleep my little angel, baby of Zion, may you never know...
- Language:
- Ladino
Wings Of Love (Eng, Heb)
- On album:
- Y-018(b) (Where Dreams Are Born Jewish Lullabies)
- Track ID:
- 19111
- Author/Composer:
- Solomon, R.
- Artist:
- Rosenthal, Margie & Ilene Safyan
- First line:
- When I take you in my arms, my little Jewish boy,
- Track comment:
- Shmor nah malakhel halallah, sheyifros aleha kanfey...
Raisins and Almonds
- Also known as:
- Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen
- Also known as:
- Shlof Mayn Kind Shlof
- Author:
- Goldfaden, Avrom — גאָלדפֿאַדען, אַבֿרהם
- Composer:
- Goldfaden, Avrom — גאָלדפֿאַדען, אַבֿרהם
- On album:
- Y-018(b) (Where Dreams Are Born Jewish Lullabies)
- Track ID:
- 19112
- Translation, English:
- Wilder, Alec
- Artist:
- Rosenthal, Margie & Ilene Safyan
- First line:
- To my little one's cradle in the night, comes a new goat...
- First line:
- אין דעם בית־המקדש, אין אַ װינקל־חדר, זיצט די אַלמנה בת־ציון….
- Track comment:
- From the operetta "Shulamis"
- Language:
- English/Yiddish
Nigunim (Heb, Zehavi) — ניגונים (עבֿרית, זהבי)
- On album:
- Y-018(b) (Where Dreams Are Born Jewish Lullabies)
- Track ID:
- 19113
- Author:
- Fania — פניה
- Composer:
- Zehavi, Dovid — זהבי, דוד
- Artist:
- Rosenthal, Margie & Ilene Safyan
- First line:
- Shetaltem nigunim bi, imi veavi, nigunim, mizmorim...
- First line:
- שתלתם נגוּנים בּי, אמי ואבי. נגוּנים, מזמוֹרים שׁכוּחים.
- Track comment:
- Album notes credit lyrics to "F. Bergstein"
Scarlet Ribbons (Eng)
- On album:
- Y-018(b) (Where Dreams Are Born Jewish Lullabies)
- Track ID:
- 19114
- Author:
- Segal, J.
- Composer:
- Danzig, E.
- Artist:
- Rosenthal, Margie & Ilene Safyan
- First line:
- I peeked in to say good, when I heard my child in prayer.
- Language:
- English
Lailah Lailah — לילה לילה
- Also known as:
- Layla Layla
- Also known as:
- Layle Layle
- Author:
- Alterman, Natan — אלתּרמן, נתן
- Author:
- Alterman, Natan — אלתּרמן, נתן
- Composer:
- Zeira, Mordecai — זעירא, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Israeli/Folk/Lullaby
- Subject:
- Night/Wind/Sleep/Knight/Animal/Sword/Candle/Name
- Origin:
- Netzer 63
- Transliteration:
- Netzer 63/Bikel 105/YRD YPS 287/Alb Y-018(b)Alb Y-018(d)
- Translation:
- Alb K-047(a)/Bikel 105/Y-018(d)
- Music:
- Netzer 63/YRD YPS 287
- On album:
- Y-018(b) (Where Dreams Are Born Jewish Lullabies)
- Track ID:
- 19115
- Artist:
- Rosenthal, Margie & Ilene Safyan
- First line:
- Layla, layla, haruakh noshevet, layla, layla, homa...
- First line (Hebrew):
- לילה, לילה, הרוּח......, לילה, לילה, הוֹמה הצמרת,
- Language:
- Hebrew
Durme Durme Mi Alma Donzella
- On album:
- Y-018(b) (Where Dreams Are Born Jewish Lullabies)
- Track ID:
- 19116
- Artist:
- Rosenthal, Margie & Ilene Safyan
- First line:
- Durme durme mi alma donzella, durme durme sin ansia y dolor.
- Track comment:
- Sleep my princess without anxiety or pain, listen to my...
- Language:
- Ladino
Never Never Land (Eng)
- On album:
- Y-018(b) (Where Dreams Are Born Jewish Lullabies)
- Track ID:
- 19117
- Author:
- Styne, Jule
- Composer:
- Comden, Betty
- Artist:
- Rosenthal, Margie & Ilene Safyan
- Composer:
- Green, Adolph
- First line:
- I know a place where dreams are born and time is never...