Tracks with this artist
Psalm 148:13 — תהלים קמח
- Also known as:
- Hodo Al Erets (Bugatch)
- Also known as:
- Hodo Al Erets (Kalmanoff)
- Also known as:
- Hodo Al Erets (Lewandowski)
- Also known as:
- Hodo Al Erets (Neumann)
- Also known as:
- Hodo Al Erets (Bloch)
- Additional song notes:
- See "Hodo Al Erets (Kalmanoff")
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 6681
- Conductor:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Vocal:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Vocal:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
- Track comment:
- Part IV - Avodath Hakodesh
- Language:
- English
Lekhu Adonay (Avodath Hakodesh, E)
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 9036
- Composer:
- Bloch, Ernest
- Artist:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Artist:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Artist:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
- Track comment:
- Part III- Avodath Hakodesh
Silent Devotion (Avodath Hakode..)
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 14391
- Composer:
- Bloch, Ernest
- Artist:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Artist:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Artist:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
- Track comment:
- Part III - Avodath Hadodesh
Adon Olam (Bloch) — אדון עוֹלם (בלאָך)
- Author:
- Ibn Gabirol, Solomon — שׁלמה אבּן-גבּירוֹל
- Composer:
- Bloch, Ernest
- Genre:
- Religious/Hymn
- Origin:
- HAL 4/Zim 30/Levin N 20
- Transliteration:
- HAL 4/Zim 30/Levin N 20/S-046(b)/T-025(a)/A-034(a)/B-067(a)/Z-020(a)
- Translation:
- HAL 4/Zim 30/Levin N 21/Alb M-019(a)/Alb M-030(a)/Alb B-067(a)
- Additional song notes:
- "Lord of the Universe"/ See Nulman 3
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 892
- Artist:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Artist:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Artist:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
- Track comment:
- Part V - Avodath Hakodesh
- Language:
- English
Avodath Hakodesh (Sacred Service) — עבודת הקודש
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 1646
- Composer:
- Bloch, Ernest
- Artist:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Artist:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Artist:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
- Track comment:
- Performed in English
- Language:
- English
Barkhu (Avodath Hakodesh) — בּרכוּ (עבודת הקודש)
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 1936
- Composer:
- Bloch, Ernest
- Artist:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Artist:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Artist:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- First line (English):
- בּרכוּ את-יהוה המברך
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
- Language:
- English
Benediction (Avodath Hakodesh, E)
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 2228
- Composer:
- Bloch, Ernest
- Artist:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Artist:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Artist:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
- Track comment:
- Part V - Avodath Hakodesh
Kaddish (Avodath Hakodesh) — קדיש (עבודת הקודש, ענגליש)
- Genre:
- Religious/Liturgical/Santification
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 7735
- Composer:
- Bloch, Ernest
- Artist:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Artist:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Artist:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- First line (English):
- יתגדל ויתקדש שמה רבּא. בּעלמא די ברה כרעוּתה. וימליך מלכוּתה...
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
- Track comment:
- Part V - Avodath Hakodesh
- Language:
- English
Ma Tovu (Bloch) — מה-טבוּ (בלאָך)
- Genre:
- Biblical/Prayer
- Subject:
- Dwellings/Goodness/Numbers 024:05
- Origin:
- Alb B-033(g)
- Translation:
- Alb M-038(a)/CD G-056(b)Alb D-012(f)/Alb M-019(a)
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 9532
- Artist:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Artist:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Artist:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- First line (English):
- מה-טבוּ אהליך יעקב. משכּנתיך ישׂראל: ואני בּרב חסדך. אבא ביתך.
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
- Track comment:
- "How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob, your dwelling places..."
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Classical
Mi Khamokha (Bloch) — מי כמכה (בלאָך)
- Composer:
- Bloch, Ernest
- Genre:
- Biblical/Exodus 15:11
- Subject:
- God/Power/Sovereignty/Eternity/Moses
- Origin:
- Tanakh v.1 161
- Translation:
- Tanakh v.1 161
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 10372
- Artist:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Artist:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Artist:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
- Language:
- English
Meditation (Prelude Avodath Hak..)
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 10144
- Composer:
- Bloch, Ernest
- Artist:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Artist:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Artist:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
Return Scroll To Ark (Avodath..)
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 12730
- Composer:
- Bloch, Ernest
- Artist:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Artist:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Artist:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
- Track comment:
- English - Part IV Avodath Hakodesh
Shema (Bloch) — שמע (בלאָך)
- Genre:
- Religious/Liturgy/Deuteronomy/Biblical
- Subject:
- Unity of God/Affirmation/Deuteronomy 06:04
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 13588
- Composer:
- Bloch, Ernest
- Artist:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Artist:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Artist:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- First line:
- Shema Yisroel, Adonay Elohenu, Adonay Ekhod.
- First line (English):
- שמע ישׂראל יהוֹה אלהינוּ יהוֹה אחד.
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
- Track comment:
- Part III - Avodath Hakodesh
- Language:
- English
Seu Sheorim (Bloch) — שׂאוּ שערים (בלאָך)
- Composer:
- Bloch, Ernest
- Genre:
- Psalms/Biblical
- Subject:
- Hills/Mountains/Lord
- Song comment:
- Part III - Avodath Hakodesh
- Origin:
- Psalm 024:07/Alb B-033(g)/
- Translation:
- Alb B-033(g)/Alb M-019(a)/Alb M-030(a)
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 13335
- Conductor, London Philharmonic Orchestra:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Vocal:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Vocal:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- First line:
- Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be lifted up, ye everlasting doors
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Classical/Orchestral/Cantorial/Choral
Tsur Yisroel (Bloch) — צור ישׂראל (בלאָך)
- Author:
- Najara, Rabbi Israel Ben Moses
- Composer:
- Bloch, Ernest
- Genre:
- Religious/Liturgy
- Subject:
- Shabos
- Transliteration:
- Alb S-047(c)/F-005(a)
- Translation:
- Alb G-056(b)/Alb F-005(a)/Alb M-019(a)/Alb M-030(a)/Vorbei 253
- Additional song notes:
- Rock of Israel
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 15693
- Artist:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Artist:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Artist:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- First line:
- Tsur Yisroel kumo B'ezras Yisroel.
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
- Track comment:
- Rock of Israel, arise to the help of Israel,
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Classical
Torah Tzivoh (Avodath Hakodesh, E)
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 15411
- Composer:
- Bloch, Ernest
- Artist:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Artist:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Artist:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
- Track comment:
- Part III - Avodath Hakodesh Taking the Scroll from the Ark
Toras Adonay (Avodath Hakodesh)
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 15414
- Composer:
- Bloch, Ernest
- Artist:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Artist:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Artist:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
- Track comment:
- Part IV - Avodath Hakodesh - Eng
Veohavto (Avodath Hakodesh, Eng)
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 16425
- Composer:
- Bloch, Ernest
- Artist:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Artist:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Artist:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
- Track comment:
- Part I - Avodath Hakodesh - Eng
Va Anakhu (Avodath Hakodesh, Eng)
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 16196
- Composer:
- Bloch, Ernest
- Artist:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Artist:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Artist:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
- Track comment:
- Part V - Avodath Hakodesh - Eng
Yih'yu Leratson (Avodath Hakodesh) — יהיוּ לרצוֹן (עבֿרית, עבודת הקודש)
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 17560
- Composer:
- Bloch, Ernest
- Artist:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Artist:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Artist:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- First line:
- Yih'yu l'ratson imrey fi v'hegyon libi l'fonekha.
- First line:
- יהיוּ לרצוֹן אמר-פי והגיוֹן לבּי לפניך. יי צוּרי וגוֹאלי:
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
- Track comment:
- "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart.."
Sacred Service (Avodath Hakodesh) (Pt 1-3) — עבודת הקודש
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 36814
- Composer:
- Bloch, Ernest
- Artist:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Artist:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Artist:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Primary track
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Classical/Orchestral/Cantorial/Choral
Sacred Service (Avodath Hakodesh) (Pt 4-5) — עבודת הקודש
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 36815
- Composer:
- Bloch, Ernest
- Artist:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Artist:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Artist:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Primary track
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Classical/Orchestral/Cantorial/Choral