A Collection of Jewish Folk Songs
- Album ID:
- J-017(a)
- Publisher:
- Golden Voice Recordings GRC 28
- Additional notes:
- Sung by Berele Chagy, Mordechai Hershman, David Roitman, -
Shloimele Rothstein. (Selections are primarily cantorials)
Leshonoh Haba'ah (Yid, Heb) — לשנה הבּאה (ייִדיש, עבֿרית)
- On album:
- J-017(a) (A Collection of Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 9091
- Vocal:
- Rothstein, Khazn Shloymele — ראָטשטײן, חזן שלמהלע
- First line:
- S'veln dayne eyniklekh, kumen tsu day haym vi a mol,
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
Hamavdil (Rumshinsky) — המבדיל (רומשינסקי)
- Author:
- Rumshinsky, Yosef — רומשינסקי, יאָסף
- Composer:
- Rumshinsky, Yosef — רומשינסקי, יאָסף
- Genre:
- Theatre/Shabos/Sabbath/Religious/Rite/Havdola
- Subject:
- Sabbath/Separation/Shabos/Holy/Profane
- Transliteration:
- Alb H-002(a)
- Translation:
- Alb M-068(a)55
- Additional song notes:
- From the operetta "Der Rebetsns Tokhter"
- On album:
- J-017(a) (A Collection of Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 6051
- Artist:
- Rothstein, Khazn Shloymele — ראָטשטײן, חזן שלמהלע
- First line:
- Hamavdil beyn kodesh lekhol khatoseynu. Hu yomkhol zareynu..
- First line (Hebrew\Yiddish):
- המבדיל בּין קודש לחוֹל חטאתינו. הוּא ימחול, זרענוּ וכספנוּ...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- ,ישׂראל פֿאָלק דײַן באַהיט ,אױ ,יעקבֿ און יצחק ,אַבֿרהם פֿון גאָט
- Language:
- Hebrew\Yiddish
Khazonim Af Probe — חזנים אױף פּראָבע
- Author:
- Avraham, Sholom Ben
- Composer:
- Secunda, Sholom — סעקונדאַ, שלום
- Genre:
- Humorous/Satire
- Subject:
- Cantors/Audition/Musical Style
- Transliteration:
- Alb H-002(c)
- Music:
- Ephemera 284
- On album:
- J-017(a) (A Collection of Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 8236
- Vocal:
- Hershman, Cantor Mordecai — הערשמאַן, חזן מרדכי
- First line:
- Ven di yomim noraim zenen nit veyt, vert a yarid oyf…
- First line:
- װען די ימים נוראים זענען ניט װײַט, װערט אַ יריד אױף חזנים,
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
Kidush — קידוש
- Genre:
- Liturgical/Religious
- Subject:
- Blessing/Wine/Sanctification
- Origin:
- Zim 11/Alb K-047(d)
- Transliteration:
- Zim 11/Alb K-047(d)/
- Translation:
- Alb M-030(a)Alb R-026(b)/Zim 11/Alb K-047(d)/CD B-076(a)/Vorbei 235
- Additional song notes:
- See Cardozo 96 for the the text, translation and melody line of the Kidush recited on the evenings of the Three Festivals
- On album:
- J-017(a) (A Collection of Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 8411
- Vocal:
- Rothstein, Khazn Shloymele — ראָטשטײן, חזן שלמהלע
- First line:
- Yom hashishi...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Hebrew
Mikita (Yid, Russian) — מיקיטע
- On album:
- J-017(a) (A Collection of Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 10442
- Artist:
- Roitman, Cantor David — רױטמאַן, חזן דוד
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
Vekakh Hoyo Omer
- Genre:
- Religious
- Song comment:
- "And So He Said"
- On album:
- J-017(a) (A Collection of Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 16340
- Artist:
- Roitman, Cantor David — רױטמאַן, חזן דוד
- First line:
- Mayn gebet un mayn geveyn, gotenyu, derher,
- First line:
- מײַן געבעט און מײַן געװײן, גאָטענו, דערהער
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Hebrew/Yiddish
- Style:
- Cantorial
Veohavto Lereakho Komokho- Yid-Heb
- On album:
- J-017(a) (A Collection of Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 16430
- Vocal:
- Hershman, Cantor Mordecai — הערשמאַן, חזן מרדכי
- First line:
- Veohavto lereakho komokho, Yidele, a mentsh zolstu zayn!
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
Veulai — ואולי (שרת)
- Also known as:
- Es Kon Zayn
- Also known as:
- Efsher Iz Di Gantse Zakh A Lign
- Also known as:
- Kineret (Rakhel, Bogdanski)
- Author:
- Rakhel — רחל
- Composer:
- Sharet, Yehuda — שרת, יהודה
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Pioneer/Zionist
- Subject:
- Kineret/Dream
- Origin:
- Belarsky Fav 31
- Transliteration:
- Belarsky Fav 28/Alb D-002(a)
- Translation:
- Belarsky Fav 28/Alb D-002(a)/Ausubel Poetry 107
- Music:
- Belarsky Fav 31
- Additional song notes:
- Translation in Ausubel published under title "Kinnereth" Alt translation: "and perhaps" on album y-056(a)
- Related information in folder 1201:
- Comments:
- 1. 12/4/2011 Yiddish Adaptation by Zalmen Shazer titled "Efshar Iz Di Gantze Zakh A Lign- Perhaps the Whole Thing Is A Lie. Provided by Chava Kremer December 12, 2011
- On album:
- J-017(a) (A Collection of Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 16508
- Vocalist:
- Chagy, Khazn Berele
- First line:
- Ve'ulai lo hayu hadvarim meolam, Ve'ulai lo hishkamti im…
- First line (Hebrew):
- ואולי לא היו הדברים מעולם, ואולי לא השכמתי עם שחר לגן...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- And perhaps these things have never been, and perhaps I...
- Language:
- Hebrew
Yemenite Song (Chagy, Heb)
- On album:
- J-017(a) (A Collection of Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 17258
- Vocalist:
- Chagy, Khazn Berele
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
Yismakh Moshe — ישׂמח משה
- On album:
- J-017(a) (A Collection of Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 17602
- Vocal:
- Hershman, Cantor Mordecai — הערשמאַן, חזן מרדכי
- First line:
- Der Shabos iz gegebn, bloyz far di Yidn aleyn, azoy in di...
- First line:
- דער שבּת איז געגעבן, בלױז פֿאַר די ייִדן אַלײן, אַזױ אין די תּורה...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Hebrew/Yiddish
Yo Adir
- Composer:
- Weinberg, Jacob
- Genre:
- Zioist/Prayer
- Subject:
- Building
- On album:
- J-017(a) (A Collection of Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 17679
- Vocal:
- Chagy, Khazn Berele
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Concert
Habeyt Mishomayim — הבּט משמים
- Also known as:
- Isaiah 63:15
- Genre:
- Prophet/Biblical/Isaiah 63:15
- Subject:
- Heavens/View/Distance/Compassion/Isaiah 63:15
- Origin:
- Tanakh v.2 1102
- Translation:
- Torah v.2 1102
- On album:
- J-017(a) (A Collection of Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 42925
- Artist:
- Roitman, Cantor David — רױטמאַן, חזן דוד
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)