Dos Lid Der Libe — דאָס ליד דער ליבע
- Also known as:
- The Song Of Love
- Author:
- Schorr, Anshel — שאָר, אַנשעל
- Composer:
- Rumshinsky, Yosef — רומשינסקי, יאָסף
- Genre:
- Theater/Love
- Subject:
- Amour/Cupid/Apollo/Passion
- Transliteration:
- Slobin 128
- Additional song notes:
- From the musical of the same name - also titled "Shir Hashirim"
- On album:
- S-053(a) (Tenement Songs by Mark Slobin Recordings To Accompany Book)
- Track ID:
- 4078
- Author/Composer:
- Rumshinsky, Yosef — רומשינסקי, יאָסף
- Vocal:
- Saxton, Lydia
- Artist:
- Amos, Naomi, piano
- Piano:
- Amos, Naomi
- First line:
- A libeslid zing ikh far dir, akh, vi es gliet in hartzn...
- Track comment:
- From 1911 operetta "Shir Hashirim" See Slobin 128
- Language:
- Yiddish