Ani Ma'amin — אני מאמין
- Author:
- Maimomides
- Genre:
- Religious
- Subject:
- Faith/Credo/Belief/Meshiakh
- Origin:
- Alb V-001(c)/ML WAH 76/Alb B-003(a)/Alb M-038(a)/Alb M-041(a)/Ephemera 1203
- Transliteration:
- ML WAH 76/Alb R-001(b)/Alb Z-010(g)/Alb A-034(a)/Alb G-005(b)/Alb O-009(a)
- Translation:
- ML WAH 76/Alb L-021(b)/Alb R-001(b)/Alb B-003(a)/Alb Z-010(g)/Alb M-041(a)/
- Music:
- MG WAH 76
- Additional song notes:
- 12th Principle of faith formulated by Maimonides 12th Century/ See also for transliteration Albs S-092(a)/Alb S-002(e). For addl translations see Albs A34(a)/G-005(b)/ O-009(a)/T-015(a)/C-023(h)/A-018(a)/S-002(e)
See also song titled "Yidn Zingn Ani Ma'amin"
Hebrew text with Album Notes and Ephemera 1203
English Adaptation with Album Notes and Ephemera 1204
- On album:
- S-002(h) (Martha Schlamme sings Jewish & Israeli Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 26381
- Vocal:
- Schlamme, Martha
- Conductor Instrumental Ensemble:
- Shapira, Elaykum
- First line:
- Ani ma'amin, be'emuno shleymo bevias hamoshiakh. .
- First line (Hebrew):
- אני מאמין, בּאמונה שלמה בּביאת המשיח.
- Track comment:
- "I believe with full faith that the Messiah will come."
- Language:
- Hebrew