Authentic Israeli-Oriental Folk Songs Featuring Yeminite and Druze Influences
- Album ID:
- A-074(a)
- Format:
- Audio CD
- Publisher:
- Hataklit Ltd CD 9425
- Date of issuance:
- 2006
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Provenance:
- Purchase Jewish Musuem, April 7, 2011
- Genre:
- Compilation/Druz/Yemenite
- Where produced:
- Israel
- Number of tracks:
- 17
Ez Vakeves (Heb)
- On album:
- A-074(a) (Authentic Israeli-Oriental Folk Songs Featuring Yeminite and Druze Influences)
- Track ID:
- 39593
- Language:
- Instrumental
- Length:
- 1:46
Debka Hilel — דבּקה הלל
- On album:
- A-074(a) (Authentic Israeli-Oriental Folk Songs Featuring Yeminite and Druze Influences)
- Track ID:
- 39594
- Language:
- Instrumental
- Length:
- 1:58
Yemenite Medley (Heb) — מחרוזת מזרחית (עבֿרית)
- On album:
- A-074(a) (Authentic Israeli-Oriental Folk Songs Featuring Yeminite and Druze Influences)
- Track ID:
- 39595
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Length:
- 3:37
Hava Nagila Medley — הבה נגילה מעדלי
- On album:
- A-074(a) (Authentic Israeli-Oriental Folk Songs Featuring Yeminite and Druze Influences)
- Track ID:
- 39596
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Length:
- 3:51
Debka Druze
- On album:
- A-074(a) (Authentic Israeli-Oriental Folk Songs Featuring Yeminite and Druze Influences)
- Track ID:
- 39597
- Language:
- Instrumental
- Length:
- 2:37
El Ginot Egoz (Song Of Songs 6:11) — אל-גנתּ אגוֹז (שיר השירים ו)
- On album:
- A-074(a) (Authentic Israeli-Oriental Folk Songs Featuring Yeminite and Druze Influences)
- Track ID:
- 39598
- Language:
- Instrumental
- Length:
- 3:51
Debka Haabir
- On album:
- A-074(a) (Authentic Israeli-Oriental Folk Songs Featuring Yeminite and Druze Influences)
- Track ID:
- 39599
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Length:
- 2:37
Shepherd's Song
- Composer:
- Admon, Yedidya — אדמון, י.
- Genre:
- Israeli/Occupation
- Subject:
- Shepherd/Sheep/Birth/Lamb/Shearing
- Translation:
- Alb H-005(e)
- Additional song notes:
- Be tender to may sheep, for last night she gave birth to a little lamb in my tent. Shearing time...
- On album:
- A-074(a) (Authentic Israeli-Oriental Folk Songs Featuring Yeminite and Druze Influences)
- Track ID:
- 39600
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Length:
- 2:16
Hevenu Shalom Aleykhem — הבאנוּ שלוֹם עליכם
- Also known as:
- Lid Fun Sholom (Hevenu Shalom..)
- Genre:
- Folk/Hora/Israeli
- Subject:
- Peace
- Origin:
- Coopersmith NJS 78/Alb E-009(a)/Bugatch 66/Alb L-015(a)
- Transliteration:
- Bugatch 66/Alb H-002(c)/Alb G-005(c)/Alb S-085(a)/Alb E-009(a)/Alb L-015(a)
- Translation:
- Coopersmith NJS 78/Alb S-085(a)/
- Music:
- Coopersmith NJS 78/Bugatch 66/Kammen Jaff 4
- Additional song notes:
- We Bring You Peace
See Israeli and Jewish Song Hits for the Eb Alto Saxaphone Kammen Jaff Book Index M108.I82 1963, page 4
English adaptation by Pearl Bernyoe
- On album:
- A-074(a) (Authentic Israeli-Oriental Folk Songs Featuring Yeminite and Druze Influences)
- Track ID:
- 39601
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Length:
- 2:33
Rumia ve'Yoel
- Genre:
- Yemminite/Druze
- On album:
- A-074(a) (Authentic Israeli-Oriental Folk Songs Featuring Yeminite and Druze Influences)
- Track ID:
- 39602
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Length:
- 5:35
Bat Ha'Carmel
- Genre:
- Yemenite
- Additional song notes:
- Daughter of Mt. Carmel
- On album:
- A-074(a) (Authentic Israeli-Oriental Folk Songs Featuring Yeminite and Druze Influences)
- Track ID:
- 39603
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Length:
- 2:15
Yemenite Step Medley
- Genre:
- Yemenite
- On album:
- A-074(a) (Authentic Israeli-Oriental Folk Songs Featuring Yeminite and Druze Influences)
- Track ID:
- 39604
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Length:
- 2:02
se'i Yona
- On album:
- A-074(a) (Authentic Israeli-Oriental Folk Songs Featuring Yeminite and Druze Influences)
- Track ID:
- 39605
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Length:
- 2:01
Eretz Zavat Halav
- Additional song notes:
- land of golden milk
- On album:
- A-074(a) (Authentic Israeli-Oriental Folk Songs Featuring Yeminite and Druze Influences)
- Track ID:
- 39606
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Length:
- 1:49
U'she'avtem Mayim
- On album:
- A-074(a) (Authentic Israeli-Oriental Folk Songs Featuring Yeminite and Druze Influences)
- Track ID:
- 39607
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Length:
- 2:08