Daniele Bedarida voce/ Shema' qoli/ La vei di canti: musiche ebraiche a Livorno 2 — שמע קולי
- Album ID:
- B-129(b)2
- Format:
- Audio CD
- Publisher:
- Comunita Ebraica di Livorno 1/08
- Playing time:
- 63:25
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Provenance:
- Gift of Daniele Bedarida (via Arthur Kiron), July 2010
- Genre:
- Religious/Cantorial/Livorna Tradition
- Where produced:
- Italy
- Number of tracks:
- 26
- Additional notes:
- Part 2 of two album set. This album has not been catalogued at the title or track level.
- Penn library link:
- to be catalogued