Far Dem Nayem Dor/For The New Generation/Dina Matut — פֿאַר דעם נײַעם דור\ ייִדישע קינדער לידער\ דינאַ מאַטוט
- Album ID:
- F-084(a)
- Format:
- Audio CD
- Publisher:
- Dina Matut/Frank Uwe Neis & Andreas Schmitges
- Date of issuance:
- 2014
- Playing time:
- 68.00
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Provenance:
- Purchase March 2014, Dona Matut
- Genre:
- Children/Compilation/Concert
- Where produced:
- Germany
- Number of tracks:
- 23
- Additional notes:
- This album has not been catalogued at the title or track level.
- Penn library link:
- to be catalogued
- Related information in folder 1462:
- Comments:
- 1. 2/6/2015 (See 1461) Article in the Yiddish Forverts of February 6, 2015 by Itzik Gottesman titled "Tsvey Naye Compactlekh Vayzn Di Heshpe fun Gouishe Folkslider. (Two New CDs Show The Influence of Gentile Influences)