- Author:
- Traditional
- Composer:
- Traditional
- Genre:
- Love/Pop/Feminist/Judeo-Spanish
- Subject:
- Love
- Additional song notes:
- Sweet Nights
- On album:
- A-078(b) (Sarah Aroste / A La Una / In The beginning)
- Track ID:
- 37299
- Vocals:
- Sarah Aroeste
- Electric Guitar:
- Alan Cohen
- Piano, percussion and vocals:
- Yoel Ben-Simon
- Drums and Darbuka:
- Vin Scialla
- fretless bass:
- Emmanuel Mann
- Nay:
- Bridget Robbins
- First line:
- Noches, noches, buenas noches Noches son d'enamorar
- First line (Ladino):
- Night, Night, sweet nights Nights for making love
- Language:
- Ladino
- Style:
- Love/Sex/Bed/Fish/Sea
- Length:
- 7:19