Sheet Music
Vu Ikh Zol Nit Zayn Vel Ikh Dikh Libn — וואו איך זאָל ניט זייִן וועל איך דיך ליבן
- Author:
- Markowitz, Louis — מאַרקאָוויטש, לואי
- Composer:
- Trilling, Ilya — טרילינג, יליאַ
- Genre:
- Theater/Love
- Subject:
- Constancy/Songs/Parents/Music
- Additional song notes:
- From Louis Freiman's play "Who Iz Guilty?"
- Folder:
- 224
- Series:
- 4
- Arranged for:
- Voice/Piano
- Texts:
- Transliteration/Yiddish
- Publisher:
- Metro Music Co.
- Publisher address:
- 64 Second Ave, New York, NY
- Date:
- 1944
- Provenance:
- Schper-Rosenthal Sheet Music Collection, Gift of Faye & Jerry Rosenthal
- Mel & Shrifra Gold Project, NYBC Catlg #:
- 21
- First line:
- Oyb du vilst libe mir derklern, vil ikh deyn tatns lider…..
- First line (Yiddish):
- אויב דו ווילסט ליבע מיר דערקלערן, וויל איך דייַן טאַנץ לידער הערן
- Notes:
- Blue lettering in Yiddish and English. From Louis Freiman's Play, "Who is Guilty?". Blue photo insets of Ilia Trilling, Julius Adler, Louis Markowitz, Lillian Lux and Paul Burstein. Price 30 cents. Two copies.