Etz Chayim — עץ חיים
- Also known as:
- Proverbs 03:18
- Also known as:
- Tree Of Life
- Genre:
- Liturgy/Religious
- Subject:
- Proverbs 03:18/Tree/Life/Torah/Lamentations 05:21
- Translation:
- Alb M-019(a)/Alb M-013(a)/Alb G-056(b)/Alb S-092(a)
- Additional song notes:
- Based upon Proverbs 03:18 and Lamentations 05:21
- On album:
- L-058(a) (Listen Up! A Capella - Jewphoria)
- Track ID:
- 31108
- Vocal Solo/Arrranger:
- Singer, Rebecca
- Vocal Solo/Arranger:
- Mann, Moshe
- Vocal/Arranger:
- Mendelson, Michael
- Vocal/Arranger:
- Singer, Steve
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- A Cappella/ Concert
- On album:
- H-023(a) (The Hester Street Troupe Generation To Generation)
- Track ID:
- 4892
- Artist:
- Hester Street Troupe
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- It (the Law) is a tree of life to them that take hold of it"
- Style:
- Instrumental