Us'shuvo (Heb)
- On album:
- D-008(c) (The Sound of the Shofar Conducted by Charles Davidson)
- Track ID:
- 16067
- Composer:
- Lewandowski, Cantor Louis
- Artist:
- Smolover, Cantor Raymond
- Narrator:
- Wiseman, Joseph
- Conductor:
- Davidson, Cantor Charles — דודסן, יחזקאל, חזן
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Part of "The Sound of the Shofer" - Rosh Hashono
- Language:
- Hebrew
- On album:
- B-157(b)(2)
- Track ID:
- 40463
- Vocal:
- Bolton, Elizabeth