Dem Ganevs Yikhes — דעם גנבֿס יחוּס
- Also known as:
- Dem Rebns Nign (Dem Ganevs...)
- Also known as:
- Nign Khasidi
- Also known as:
- Shmaravoznik
- Also known as:
- Vos Bistu Broyges
- Also known as:
- Vos Bistu Ketsele Broyges
- Also known as:
- Yikhes
- Genre:
- Folk/Underground/Thieves/Humorous/Insulting
- Subject:
- Pedigree/Family/Father/Mother/Sister/Brother/Occupation
- Song comment:
- Same melody as "Dem Rebns Nigun"
- Origin:
- Kotlansky 139/CD S-100(a)
- Transliteration:
- Kotlansky 139/Alb K-020(a)/Alb O-009(a)/Alb J-024(a)CD L-054(a)
- Translation:
- Alb J-024(a)/Alb O-009(a)/Kotylan 139/Alb Z-010(b)/CD S-100(a)/CD L-054(a)
- Music:
- Kotlyan 140
- Related information in folder 205:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliterated text of variant of Dem Ganevs Yikhes from email of March 2, 2003 sent by Bob Poe.
2. Article from Yiddish Forward of Nov 9, 2007 by Chana Mlotek titled "Vos Bistu, Kotinke Barugz?"
- On album:
- K-020(a) (The Klezmorim East Side Wedding)
- Track ID:
- 2969
- Artist:
- Klezmorim — קלעזמאָרים
- Artist:
- Liberman, Lev, lead vacal
- Artist:
- Liberman, Lev and David Gray, arr
- First line:
- Vos zhe bistu, Motkele, broyges, un vos zhe hostu aropgelozt
- First line (Yiddish):
- װאַס זשה ביסטו, מאָטקעלע, ברוגז, און װאָס זשע האָסטו...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Translation on album notes by Dr. Martin Shwartz.
- Language:
- Yiddish