WanDerRer/ Tsuzamen Fray/ Hans Breuer
- Album ID:
- B-092(b)
- Format:
- Audio CD
- Publisher:
- WanDeRer
- Date of issuance:
- 2014
- Language:
- Yiddish/German
- Provenance:
- Gift of Robert & Molly Freedman 2005, Purchased from Hans Breuer
- Genre:
- Folk Style/Strange
- Where produced:
- Austria
- Number of tracks:
- 15
- Additional notes:
- This album has not been catalogued at the title or track level./Also see Book titled "Schlepping Through The Alps" by Sam Apple, Ballantine Books, 2005. / Also Songbook by Breurer
- Penn library link:
- to be catalogued
- Related information in folder 1474:
- Comments:
- 1 5/1/2015 Article in Yiddish Forverts dated May 1, 2015 by Itzik Gottesman titled "Naye Zinglider Funem Estraykher Pastukh" (New Songs From The Austrian Shepherd)