Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle (-1673) Image from Wikipedia
| 1600
- Wroth, Mary, Lady, ca. 1586-ca. 1640
- Weamys, Anna, approximately 1630-
- Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of, 1624?-1674
- "The Inventory of Judgements Commonwealth, the Author cares not in what World it is established"
in The Worlds Olio, Written By the Right Honorable, the Lady Margaret Newcastle. London: Printed for J. Martin and J. Allestrye, 1655.
- The Convent of Pleasure, as first published in Plays, never before printed. London: Printed by A. Maxwell, 1668.
- The Description of a New World, Called the Blazing-World Written By the Thrice Noble, Illustrious, and Excellent Princesse the Duchess of Newcastle.
London: Printed by A. Maxwell, 1668.
- Behn, Aphra, 1640-1689
| 1700
- Manley, Mrs. (Mary de la Rivière), 1663-1724
- Haywood, Eliza Fowler, 1693?-1756
- Lennox, Charlotte, ca. 1729-1804
- Scott, Sarah, 1723-1795
- Hamilton, Mary, Lady, 1739-1816
- Munster Village. London: Printed for Robson and Co. New Bond Street; Walter, Charing Cross; and Robinson, Paternoster Row, 1778.
- Knight, Ellis Cornelia, 1757-1837

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797-1851) From a painting by Samuel John Stump, circa 1820.
| 1800
- Mostowska, Anna Olimpia (née Radziwill), abt. 1762-1810 [Poland (Russian Empire)]
- Matylda i Daniło (Matylda and Danilo) In Moje rozrywki (My Pastimes), vol. 2 Vilnius: Józef Zawadzki, 1806, transl. from Stéphanie Félicité, Comtesse de Genlis (Gothic horror)
- Zamek Koniecpolskich (The Koniecpolski Family Castle) In Moje rozrywki (My Pastimes), vol. 3 (1806) (Gothic horror)
- Nie zawsze tak się czyni, jak się mówi (You Don’t Always Do As You Say) In Moje rozrywki (My Pastimes), vol. 3 (1806) (Gothic horror)
- Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 1797-1851
- Frankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus. London, Printed for Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor, & Jones, 1818
- The Last Man. London: Colburn, 23 January 1826 (1st edition)
- "Transformation", by the author of 'Frankenstein', in The Keepsake for MDCCCXXXI. London: Hurst, Chance & Co., [1830], pp. 18-39.
- "Valerius: The Reanimated Roman" Written ca. 1819; first published in Robinson, Charles E., ed., Mary Shelley: Collected Tales and Stories. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976. [Copyright to expire in 2072.]
- "Roger Dodsworth: The Reanimated Englishman". Submitted in 1826 to the New Monthly Magazine, first published in
Yesterday and to-day
by Cyrus Redding. London, T. C. Newby, 1863, pp. 150-165.
- "The Mortal Immortal, A Tale",
by the author of 'Frankenstein', in The Keepsake for MDCCCXXXIV, London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman [1833], pp. 71-87.
- Wright, Frances, 1795-1852
- Loudon, Mrs. (Jane), 1807-1858
- Griffith, Mary, d. 1846
- Three Hundred Years Hence .
Text as first published in
"Camperdown; or, News from Our Neighbourhood:
Being Sketches by the author of 'Our Neighbourhood.'"
Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1836.
- Fox, Mary, Lady
- Chamberlain, Betsey Guppy, 1797-1886
- "A New Society" by "Tabitha", in the Lowell Offering. Ser. 2, v. 1 (Apr. 1841), pp. 191-192.
- Żmichowska, Narcyza, 1819-1876 (pseud. Gabryella) [Poland (Congress Poland)]
- Poganka (The Heathen) (1846), multiple editions incl. Kraków, Nakładem Krakowskiej spółki wydawniczej, [1930]. Transl. into English by Ursula Phillips as The Heathen: A Novel, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2012. (Gothic horror)
- Appleton, Jane Sophia, 1816-1884
"Sequel to the Vision of
Bangor in the Twentieth Century" [Anon.] in Voices from the Kenduskeag. Bangor: David Bugbee, 1848. pp. 243-265.
- Ellis, Jane A.
- Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell, 1788-1879
- Davis, Rebecca Harding, 1831-1910
- "The Harmonists" in The Atlantic Monthly Vol. 17, No. 103 (May 1866), pp. 529-538.
- Spofford, Harriet Elizabeth Prescott, 1835-1921
- Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, 1844-1911
- The Gates Ajar. First published: Boston: Fields, Osgood, 1868.
- "A Dream within a Dream" in The Independent, Vol. 26, No. 1, February 19, 1874.
- Beyond the Gates. Boston, New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1883.
- The Gates Between. Boston, New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1887.
- Corbett, Elizabeth T.
- Ives, Cora Semmes, 1834-1916
| 1870
- Cridge, Annie Denton (1825-1875)
- Woodhull, Victoria C. (Victoria Claflin), 1838-1927
- Broughton, Rhoda, 1840-1920
"Behold, It Was a Dream" first published in The Temple Bar, November 1872; reprinted in Tales for Christmas Eve (1872); Re-issued as Twilight stories (1879).
- Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
- Thomas, Bertha
- Howland, Marie Stevens, 1836-1921
- Papa's Own Girl: A Novel. New York: John P. Jewett, 1874. vt. The Familistere: A Novel Boston: Christopher Publishing House, 1918.
- McLandburgh, Florence
- Cobbe, Frances Power, 1822-1904
- Drane, Augusta Theodosia, 1823-1894
- "The New Utopia" serialized in The Irish Monthly, beginning Feb. 1877, pp. 160-. Published as New Utopia. London: Catholic Truth Society, 1898.
- Douglas, Amanda Minnie, 1832-1916
- Spence, Catherine Helen, 1825-1910
- Handfasted. Submitted to the Sydney Mail in 1879 but not published until edited, with a preface and afterword by Helen Thomson, Australia: Penguin Books, Ringwood, 1984.
- A Week in the Future. serialized in The Centennial Magazine: An Australian Monthly. December 1888 (Vol. 1 No. 5) to July 1889.
| 1880
- Lane, Mary E. Bradley
"Mizora: A Prophecy: A Mss. Found Among the Private Papers of Princess Vera Zarovitch: Being a True and Faithful Account of her Journey to the Interior of the Earth, with a Careful Description of the Country and its Inhabitants, their Customs, Manners, and Government." serialized in the Cincinnati Commercial 1880-1881; Published as Mizora: A Prophecy. New York, G. W. Dillingham, 1890.
- Wood, J., Mrs. [aka Butler, William Mill, 1857-]
Pantaletta: A Romance of Hesheland. New York: American News Co., 1882.
- Dugdale, Henrietta Augusta (Harriet)
Cabell, Polly [aka Cabell, Mary Hopkins]
- Longley, Mary T. (Mary Theresa), 1853-1928
- Kendall, May (1861 - ca. 1943) and Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912
- "That Very Mab" by May Kendall and Andrew Lang. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1885.
- Kryzhanovskai︠a︡, V. I. (Vera Ivanovna) (pseud. J. W. Rochester), 1861-1924 [Russia]
- Épisode de la vie de Tibère (Episode in the Life of Tiberius). Paris: E. Dentu, [1885/1886].
- L'Élixir de longue vie: les immortels sur la terre (The Elixir of Life: The Immortals on Earth) (1901). Transl. from Russian by Marc Semenof. Paris: Gallimard, 1928. [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2024]
Vol. 1 of pentalogy Les mages [French] or Маги [Russian]. Маги (The Magi) (1902). Kyiv: Vachendorf Strelbytskyy Multimedia Publishing, 2017. Vol. 2 of pentalogy Les mages [French] or Маги [Russian].
- The Torch-Bearers of Bohemia. Translated from the Russian by Juliet M. Soskice. London: Chatto & Windus, 1916. New York: R. M. McBride, 1917. [In English.]
- На сосѣдней планетѣ: роман (On the Neighboring Planet: A Novel) (192?). Riga: N. Gudkov, [192-].
 Marie Corelli, 1855-1924
- Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924
- Dieudonné, Florence Carpenter, 1850-
- Dodd, Anna Bowman, 1855-1929
- Waterhouse, Elizabeth (1834-1918)
- Clapperton, Jane Hume (1832-1914)
- Swanwick, Anna, 1813-1899
- Sylva, Carmen 1843-1916. [pseud. of Elisabeth of Wied, Pauline Elisabeth Ottilie Luise zu Wied] [Romania]
- Corbett, George, Mrs., 1846- [Elizabeth Burgoyne Corbett]
- Ford, Mary Hanford, 1856-
- Mead, Lucia True Ames, 1856-1936
- Woods, Katharine Pearson, 1853-1923
- Zaleska de domo Perłowska, Maria Julia, 1831-1889 [Poland (Russian Empire)]
- Mason, Eveleen L. (Eveleen Laura), 1838-
 Lady Florence Dixie (1857-1905) Image from National Portrait Gallery
| 1890
- Bevington, L. S. (Louisa Sarah), 1845-1895
- Common-Sense Country by L. S. Bevington. London: Printed and Published by James Tochatti, "Liberty" Press, 1890.
- Curtis, Pauline Carsten
- Dixie, Florence, Lady, 1857-1905
- Aniwee; or, The Warrior Queen: A Tale of the Araucanian Indians and the Mythical Trauco People by Florence Caroline Douglas. London, Henry and company, 1890.
- Gloriana: or, The Revolution of 1900.
London: Henry and Co., 1890.
- Isola, or the Disinherited: A Revolt for Woman and all the Disinherited. London, Leadenhall Press, 1902.
- Izra, a child of solitude. Serialized in The Agnostic Journal September 1902-November 1905. London: John Long, 1906.
- Pittock, M. A. Weeks, Mrs.
- Schreiner, Olive, 1855-1920
- "Three Dreams in a Desert" in Dreams. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1890.
- Stone, Margaret M. Barbour (Margaret Manson Barbour), 1841-
- Bartlett, Alice Elinor Bowen (1848-1920)
- A new aristocracy by "Birch Arnold," author of "Until the daybreak." New York: Bartlett, 1891.
- Brodhead, Eva Wilder, 1870-1915
- Diana's Livery by Eva Wilder McGlasson. New York: Harper, 1891.
- Fitch, Anna M. (Anna Mariska) and Fitch, Thomas, 1838-1923
- Freeman, Ruth Ellis
- "Tales of a Great-Grandmother" in New Nation. 1:458-60, 505-7, 569-77, 1891.
- Skorpios, Antares [pseud. variously attributed to Barlow, Jane, 1857?-1917 and to her father Barlow, James William, 1826-1913]
- Yourell, Agnes Bond
- A Manless World. New York: G. W. Dillingham, 1891.
- Birkmaier, Elizabeth G.
- Blake, Lillie Devereux, 1833-1913
- Farningham, Marianne, 1834-1909 [Mary Ann Hearn]
- Hatch, Mary R. P. (Mary R. Platt), 1848-1935
- The Missing Man. Serialized in the Portland Maine Transcript. Print edition: Boston: Lee and Shepard, c1892.
- Moore, M. Louise
- Al-Modad; or Life Scenes beyond the
Polar Circumflex. A Religio-Scientific
Solution of the Problems of Present and Future Life. By an Untrammeled Free-Thinker. Shell Bank, Cameron Parish, La., M. L. Moore & M. Beauchamp, 1892.
- Peattie, Elia Wilkinson, 1862-1935 and Tibbles, Thomas Henry, 1840-1928
- Tincker, Mary Agnes, 1831-1907
- San Salvador. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin and Company, 1892.
- Bramston, M. (Mary)
- Coode, Helen Hoppner
- Diehl, Alice M. (Alice Mangold), 1844-1912
- Elmy, E. C. Wolstenholme (Elizabeth C. Wolstenholme) (1833-1918)
- Woman Free by Ellis Ethelmer. Congleton: Woman's Emancipation Union, 1893.
- Giles, Fayette Stratton [male author]
- Jones, Alice Ilgenfritz, 1846-1905 and Merchant, Ella
- Urbanowska, Zofia, 1849-1939 [Poland (Russian Empire)]
- Winslow, Helen M. (Helen Maria), 1851-1938
- Jones, Charlotte Rosalys
- Knapp, Adeline, 1860-1909
- Waisbrooker, Lois, 1826-1909
- A Sex Revolution. Topeka, Kan., Independent Pub. Co., 1894.
- Bernstorff, Fanny, Gräfin von, 1840-1930 [Germany]
- Alfred und Nanny bei den Zwergen. Eine lustige Geschichte aus dem Reiche der Heinzelmännchen (Alfred and Nanny with the Dwarfs. A Funny Story from the Brownie Kingdom) Kiel: Weiss, 1895.
- Franz und Minchens Abenteuer (Franz and Minchen's Adventure) Zurich: 1899.
- Miki, das Mondkind. Ein Märchen (Miki the Moon Child. A Fairy Tale) (1910)
- Was Großmütterlein erzählt (What Grandmother Told) (ca. 1910)
- Duchess, 1855?-1897 [Margaret Wolfe Hamilton Hungerford]
- Finkelstein, Millie
- Fuller, Alice W.
- Mears, Amelia Garland
- Lease, Mary Elizabeth, 1853-1933
- Sherwood, Margaret Pollock, 1864-1955
- Von Swartwout, Janet
- Heads: Or, The city of the gods; a narrative of Olombia in the wilderness. New York: Olombia Publishing Company, 1895.
- Braddon, M. E. (Mary Elizabeth), 1835-1915
- Duniway, Abigail Scott, 1834-1915
- Bijah's Surprises. 'Bijah's Surprises', serialized in the New Northwest, April 2, 1896-September 26, 1896. (revised 1914 as "Margaret Rudson, A Pioneer Story").
- Glyn, Coralie
- A Woman of Tomorrow: A Tale of the
Twentieth Century. London: Women's Printing Society, 1896.
- Graul, Rosa
- Meade, L. T., 1854-1914 and Eustace, Robert [1854-1943]
- "The Blue Laboratory" in Cassell's Family Magazine. Volume 23, May 1897.
- "The Brotherhood of the Seven Kings", short story, first published in The Strand Magazine. Oct. 1898.
- The Brotherhood of the Seven Kings. London: Ward, Lock & Co., 1899.
- "Where the Air Quivered" in The Strand Magazine, Dec. 1898.
- The Sanctuary Club. London: Ward, Lock & Co., 1900.
- "The Man Who Disappeared" in The Strand Magazine Volume XXII, December 1901, pp. 721-734.
- The Sorceress of the Strand. First appeared in The Strand Magazine Volume XXIV ["Madame Sara," "The Blood Red Cross," "The Face of the Abbot"] Jul-Dec 1902; Volume XXV ["The Talk of the Town", "The Bloodstone," and "The Teeth of the Wolf"] January-June, 1903. Published as The Sorceress of the Strand. London: Ward, Lock & Co., Limited, 1903.
- Blodgett, Mabel Fuller, 1869-
- Orpen, Adela E. (Adela Elizabeth Richards)
- Wait, Frona Eunice, 1859-1946
- Eccles, Charlotte O'Conor
- Kip, Katharine
- Mentor, Lillian Francis
- Coleridge, Christabel R. (Christabel Rose), 1843-1921
- The Thought-Rope. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1898.
- Forbush, Zebina [Frances H. Clarke]
- Holmes, Clara H.
- Parmele, Mary Platt, 1843-1911
- "Ariel; or the Author's World" in Answered in the Negative. New York: Parmele & Chaffee, 1898.
- Adolph, Anna
- Bellamy, Elizabeth
- "Ely's Animated Housemaid" in The Black Cat (December 1899), pp. 14-23.
- Dodge, Margaret
- Ford, Harriet, 1868-1949
- Orcutt, H. E. (Harriet E.)
- "The Empire of the Invisibles" by H. E. Orcutt.
First published in Intelligence, Vol. VII., No. 1, December 1897. pp. 65-...
Reprinted as: The Empire of the Invisibles by H. E. Orcutt. New York: The Metaphysical Pub. Co., 1899.
- Roberts, Evelyn Harvey
 Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins, 1859-1930 Image from the Pauline Hopkins Society Website
| 1900
- Mason, Caroline Atwater, 1853-1939
- Richberg, Eloise O. Randall
- Reinstern. Cincinnati, Ohio: Editor Publishing, 1900.
- Greenleaf, Sue
- Henley, Carra Depuy
- A Man from Mars. Los Angeles: B. R. Baumgardt, 1901.
- Grant, Ethel Watts Mumford, 1878-1940
- "When Time Turned" by Ethel Watts Mumford in The Black Cat. (January, 1901), pp. 25-32.
- Ling, Mary Anne Moore [aka Bentley, Mary Anne Moore]
- Cooley, Winnifred Harper
- Fessenden, Laura Dayton
- Gippius, Z. N. (Zinaida Nikolaevna), 1869-1945 [Russian]
- Third Book of Stories. St. Petersburg, 1902 (short stories, metaphysical themes)
- The Scarlet Sword: Fourth Book of Stories. St. Petersburg, 1906. (short stories, metaphysical & neo-Christian themes)
- "Он—белый" (He is White, short story) (1912). In Лунныы
ые муравьи (Lunar Ants) Moscow: Al’tsiona, 1912.
- "Живые и мертвые" (The Living and the Dead, short story). In Selected Works of Zinaida Gippius. Ed. by Temira Pachmass. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 1973.
- The Green Ring London: C.W. Daniel, 1916 (Play, dedicated to "the people of tomorrow".)
- Ogden, Eva L.
- Freeman, Mary Eleanor Wilkins, 1852-1930
- Hopkins, Pauline E. (Pauline Elizabeth) (1859-1930)
"Of One Blood; or, The Hidden Self" in Colored American Magazine. vol. 6, nos. 1-11, November, December, 1902, January-November 1903.
- Abbott, Mabel Ernestine
- "Those Fatal Filaments" in Argosy, volume 41, #2, January
1903. pp. 381-384.
- Allonby, Edith
- Jewel Sowers: A Novel. [Anon.] London: Greening & Co., 1903.
- Marigold: A Story. [Anon.] London: Greening & Co., 1905.
- The Fulfillment. posthumously published after she committed suicide, London: Greening & Co., 1905.
- Castle, Agnes, d. 1922 and Castle, Egerton, 1858-1920
- Kinkaid, Mary Holland McNeish
- Walda: A Novel by Mary Holland Kinkaid. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1903.
- Maturin, Edith Cecil
- "Our Animated Flat" by Mrs. Fred Maturin, in The Strand Magazine, July 1903. Volume xxvi, No. 151. pp. 48-57.
- Podlipská, Sofie, 1833-1897 [Austria-Hungary (Czech lands)]
- "Náměsíčná" (The Sleepwalker) [published posthumously] in Láska budoucnosti a jiné práce (Love in the Future and Other Works) (1903) Prague: Česká grafická unie, 1903. (romantic tale of a Moon-dweller and an Earth woman)
- "Vyhlídka do pekla" (A View into Hell) in Paměť a smrt a jiné novely (Memory and Death and Other Novellas) (1903) Prague: Česká grafická unie, 1903. (elderly patient experiences vision of strange otherworld) English translation by Tony Mileman.
- Weiss, Sara
- Whiteley, Elizabeth
- The Devil's Throne. London: Digby, Long & Co., 1903.
- Blaze de Bury, Marie, Baroness
- Delaire, Jean [Mrs. Muirson Blake; Elisa Touchemolin, 1868-1950]
- Around a Distant Star by Jean Delaire. London: John Long, 1904.
- Gilchrist, Rosetta Luce
- Guttenberg, Violet
- Stevens, Francis [Gertrude Mary Barrows Bennett] (1883-1948)
- "The Curious Experience of Thomas Dunbar" by G. M. Barrows, in Argosy, March 1904. pp. 663-669.
- "The Nightmare" in All-Story Weekly, April 14, 1917. vt. Nightmare!
- "Friend Island" in All-Story Weekly, Sept. 7, 1918.
- "The Citadel of Fear" serialized in Argosy, Sept 12 - Oct 19, 1918.
- "The Cerberus Heads" serialized in Street & Smith's The Thrill Book, 1919; vt. The Heads of Cerberus, Reading, Pa., Polaris Press, 1952.
- "Unseen-Unfeared" in People's Favorite Magazine, Feb. 10, 1919.
- "Claimed" in Argosy, 1920
- "Sunfire" in Weird Tales,
Part I: July/Aug 1923 (Volume 2, Issue 1), pp. 2-13;
Part II: Sept./Oct. 1923 (Volume 2, Issue 2), pp. 48-58, 90.
[copyright expired]:
Copyright was renewed for the periodical Weird Tales for v1 #2-4, v2 #1-4 & v3 #1;
it therefore applied to "Sunfire" until January 1, 2019, when the renewal expired.
- Cleeve, Lucas, d. 1908 [Adelina Georgina Isabella Kingscote]
- A woman's aye and nay by Lucas Cleeve. London: John Long, 1905.
- Crow, Martha Foote, 1854-1924
- Evans, Anna D.
- It Beats the Shakers, or a New Tune. New York: Anglo-American Corporation, 1905.
- Fry, Lena Jane
 Rokheya Shekhawat Hossein (1880 - 1932)
- Hossein, Rokheya Shekhawat (ca. 1878-1932)
- Sultana's Dream. Published in English in The Indian Ladies' Magazine, Madras, 1905.
- Nesbit, E. (Edith), 1858-1924
- The Story of the Amulet. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1905.
- "The Third Drug" by E. Bland, first published in The Strand Magazine, Volume 35, February 1908. pp. 179-188.
- "The Five Senses" first published in London Magazine, December 1909.
- Dormant. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1911; vt. Rose Royal, New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1912.
- "The Pavilion" in The Strand Magazine, Volume 50, November 1915, pp. 562-572.
- Prescott, Margaret Montague
- "The Great Sleep Tanks" in The All-Story Magazine, January 1905.
- Rogers, Bessie Story
- Young, F. E. Mills (Florence Ethel Mills), 1875-
- The War of the Sexes. London: John Long, 1905.
- Austin, Florence Edith
- "A Missile from Mars" in The Monthly Story Magazine, (vt. The Monthly Story Blue Book), August 1906.
- Bramson, Karen, 1875-1936
- Dr. Morel. Originally published in Danish, Denmark: Kobenhavn, 1906; Translated into English by David Stanley Alder as The Case of Dr. Morel, London: A. M. Philpot, 1926;[Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2022.] Published in English as Dr. Morel, New York: Greenberg Publishers, 1927;[Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2023.] Published in English as Sins of a Paris Doctor, 1950.
- Gale, Zona, 1874-1938
- Hilton, Dorothy Adelaide
- Dougall, L. (Lily), 1858-1923
- The Christ that is to be by the author of "Pro Christo et ecclesia". New York, The Macmillan company, 1907. vt. Christus Futurus. London: Macmillan, 1907.
- Murray, Kate
- The Blue Star, A romance of to-day. London: Grant Richards. 1907.
- Woods, Margaret L. (Margaret Louisa), 1856-
- Coleridge, Mary E. (Mary Elizabeth), 1861-1907
- "The White Women" in Poems by Mary E. Coleridge. London: Elkin Mathews, Vigo Street, 1908.
- Martin, Nettie Parrish
- Rath, E. J. [joint pseud. of Brainerd, Edith Rathbone, d. 1922 and Brainerd, Chauncey Corey, 1874-1922]
- Scrymsour Nichol, Catherine Agnes
- The Mystery of the North Pole. London: Francis Griffiths, 1908.
- Clyde, Irene [pseud. & transgender persona of Thomas Baty (1869-1954)]
- Hamilton, Cicely Mary, 1872-1952
- Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith, 1856-1923
| 1910
- Austin, Mary Hunter, 1868-1934
- Outland by "Gordon Stairs". London: Murray, 1910; Outland by Mary Austin. New York: Boni and Liveright, 1920.
- Dewey, Katharine Fay
- Hamilton, Cicely Mary, 1872-1952 and St. John, Christopher (Christopher Marie) [Christabel Marshall]
- Pollexfen, Muriel Alice
- The Grey Ghost. London: George Newnes, 1910 (collection of linked stories); also in Adventure, April-September 1911.
- "Monsieur Fly-by-Night", 1915.
- Suttner, Bertha von, 1843-1914 [Austria-Hungary]
- Biagi [Lottie F. Ambrose]
- Butt, Beatrice May
- The Laws of Leflo. London: John Ouseley, 1911.
- Gillmore, Inez Haynes, 1873-1970
 Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935) Image from Wikipedia
- Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 1860-1935
- Moving the Mountain. serialized in Forerunner, Vol. II, 1911, pp. 21-; published New York: Charlton Co., 1911.
- Herland. serialized in Forerunner, Vol VI., 1915. pp. 12-
- With Her in Ourland. serialized in Forerunner, Vol. VII, 1916. pp. 6-.
- "A Cabinet Meeting" in Impress, 5 Jan. 1895, pp. 4-5.
- "The Beauty of the Block" [nonfiction] in the Independent 1904, Vol. 57 (14 July): pp. 67-72.
- "A Woman's Utopia" in The Times Magazine, 1, Jan-Mar, 1907, pp. 215-220, 369-376, 498-504.
- "Aunt Mary's Pie Plant" in The Woman's Home Companion, 1908, 6 (June), 14, pp. 48-49.
- "A Garden of Babies" in Success, 1909, 12 (June), pp. 370-371, 410-411.
- "What Diantha Did" first appeared in the Forerunner (November 1909-October 1910), reprinted as What Diantha Did New York: Charlton, 1910.
- "Her Memories" in the Forerunner 1912, Vol. III (August), pp. 197-201.
- "Maidstone Comfort" in the Forerunner 1912, Vol. III (September), pp. 225-229.
- "A Strange Land" in Forerunner, Vol III., 1912. pp. 207-208.
- "Bee Wise" in the Forerunner 1913 Vol. IV. (July), pp. 169-173.
- "A Council of War" in the Forerunner 1913, Vol. IV. (August), pp. 197-201.
- "Applepieville" in the Independent 1920, vol. 103 (25 September 1920), pp. 365, 393-95
- Minnett, Cora
- The Day after To-morrow. London: F.V. White & Co., Ltd., 1911.
- Pardo Bazán, Emilia, condesa de, 1852-1921
- "Cometaria" (Spanish). In La Ilustración Española y Americana (The Spanish and American Enlightenment), 1911.
- "Cometary" (English translation by Álvaro Piñero González, [copyright 2018].)
- En las cavernas (Spanish). Madrid: s.n., 1912.
- In the caves (English translation and notes by Valerie Hegstrom,[copyright 2019].)
- Knowles, Mabel Winifred, 1875-1949
- A Message from Mars by Lester Lurgan. London: Greening and Co., 1912.
- Sumín, Jiří, 1863-1936 (pseud. of Amálie Vrbová) [Czech lands (Austria-Hungary)]
- Kroky osudu (The Tread of Fate) [short stories] (1912); includes "Až za hrob" (Beyond the Grave), a ghost tale. Prague: Vilímek, 1912.
- Povídky skoro o neuvěřitelné (Almost Unbelievable Tales) [short stories] (1918) Olomouc: Promberger, 1918.
- Bílý ďábel (The White Devil) [short stories] (1922)
- Marie, Queen, consort of Ferdinand I, King of Romania, 1875-1938 [Romania]
- Chester, Lillian and Chester, George Randolph, 1869-1924
- The Ball of Fire by George Randolph Chester and Lillian Chester. New York: Hearst's International Library Co., 1914.
- Dehan, Richard, 1863-1932 [Clotide Inez Mary Graves]
- Harrison, Eva
- Wireless Messages from Other Worlds.
London: J. N. Fowler, 1915.
- Albertson, Augusta
- Fisher, Mary A. (Mary Ann), 1839-
- Jones, Lillian B.
- Five Generations Hence. Fort Worth, Texas: Dotson-Jones, 1916.
- Shapiro, Anna Ratner
- Wilson, Theodora Wilson, d. 1941
- Procházková, Emilie [Czech lands (Austria-Hungary)]
- "Mysterie života: pouť ducha říší astrální" (The Mystery of Life: A Spirit’s Journey through the Astral Realm) (1917) in series Edice Spirit (vol. 2). Nová Paka: Sezemský, 1917.
- Komtesa Ester (Countesss Esther) (1920). V koloběhu světů (As Worlds Circulate), vol. 1. Prague: Česká společnost theosofická, 1920.
- Róza, pokračování Komtesy Ester (Rosa, A Sequel to Countess Esther) (1920). V koloběhu světů, vol. 2. Prague: Česká společnost theosofická, 1920.
- Uran, část první (Uranus, Part One) (1922). V koloběhu světů, vol. 3. Prague: Česká společnost theosofická, 1922.
- Uran, část druhá (Uranus, Part Two) (1922). V koloběhu světů, vol. 4. Prague: Zmatlík a Palička, 1922.
- V moři plamenů (In the Sea of Flames) and Země ohně (Saturn) (Land of Fire (Saturn) (1922). V koloběhu světů, vols. 5-6. Prague: Zmatlík a Palička, 1922.
- Marťané (The Martians) (1922). Prague: Zmatlík a Palička, 1922.
- "Pan řehoř" [undated manuscript, apparently lost.]
- Snedeker, Caroline Dale, 1871-1956
- Brémont, Anna (Dunphy), comtesse de
- The Black Opal. London: Jarrolds, 1918.
- Jurić Zagorka, Marija, 1873-1957 (pseud. Zagorka) [Croatia (Yugoslavia)]
- Crveni ocean (The Red Ocean) (1918-1919) Originally published serially in the journal Jutarnji list. Published in two parts: Zagreb: Jutamjilist, [2015]. (Adventure novel with elements of science fiction.)
- Macaulay, Rose, Dame
- McManus, L. [variously listed as MacManus, L. or McManus, Lily]
- "The Professor in Ireland", first serialised in the newspaper Sinn Fein, ??; The Professor in Ireland Dublin: M. H. Gill and Son, 1918.
- Bruère, Martha Bensley, 1879-1953
- Chapin, Alice Earle
- La Spina, Greye, 1880-1969 [Fanny Greye Bragg]
- "The Ultimate Ingredient" by Greye La Spina in The Thrill Book 15th Oct., 1919.
- Tweedsmuir, Susan, 1882- and Buchan, John, 1875-1940 [as 'Harmonia' and 'Cadmus']
- The Island of Sheep by 'Cadmus' and 'Harmonia'. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1919. [Note: later, a totally different book was published by John Buchan under the same title.]

Gertrude Atherton (1857-1948) Image from California Writers Club
| 1920
- Barclay, Florence L. (Florence Louisa), 1862-1921
- Johnston, Mary, 1870-1936
- Judson, Jeanne, 1890-
- Jesenská, Růžena, 1863-1940 [Czech lands (Czechoslovakia)]
- "Duše" (The Spirit) (1920), in Pohledy do duší: povídky a novely (Views of the Soul: Stories and Novellas) Prague: Otto, 1920. (a violinmaker's daughter is lifeless except when an instrument containing her soul is played)
- ___ (The Mysterious Encounter), in Pohledy do duší: povídky a novely (borrows from "The Ninth Wave", 1907, by William Sharp, 1855-1905, pseud. "Fiona Macleod")
- Nyklesová-Bukovanská, Josefina, 1888-1954 [Czech lands (Czechoslovakia)]
- Devět a každá jiná (Nine and Each One Different) (1920-1931). Prague: [self-published], 1931. Includes short stories previously published in newspapers including the comic fantasy "Marconiho telefon s Marsem" (Marconi’s Telephone with Mars) from Smích republiky 2, no. 6 (6 February 1920); and the story "Vzácná návštěva" (A Distinguished Visitor) from Lidové listy (1925) (comic fantasy)
- Conquest, Joan
- Barnett, Ada
- Griffiths, Isabel
- Three Worlds. London: Arthur H. Stockwell, 1922.
- Kayser, Martha Cabanné
- The Aerial Flight to the Realm of Peace.
St. Louis, Mo.: Lincoln Press and Publishing Co., c1922.
- Kerruish, Jessie Douglas
- Scrymsour, Ella M., 1888-
- Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948 [United States]
- Black Oxen by Gertrude Atherton. New York: A. L. Burt Co., c1923.
- Doney, Nina Murnie, 1884-1958 [United States]
- My Life on Eight Planets, or A Glimpse of Other Worlds.
Berkshire, New York: Doney & Cashill, 1923.
- Hunt, Laura Shellabarger [United States]
- Thompson, H. Alfarata Chapman (Harriet Alfarata Chapman), -1922 [United States]
- Coron, Hannah [England]
- Two Years Hence? London: J. M. Ouseley & Son, Ltd., n.d. [1924].
- Mills, Dorothy, Lady, 1889-1959 [England]
- The Arms of the Sun. London: Duckworth, 1924. [Lost race novel set in Africa]
- The Dark Gods. London: Duckworth, 1925. [probably not SF, also set in Africa]
- Phoenix. London: Hutchinson & Co., Ltd., 1926. [immortality through invention]
- Cleghorn, Sarah Norcliffe, 1876-1959 [United States]
- Perkins, Violet Lilian and Hood, Archer Leslie [United States]
- The Melody from Mars. By "Lilian Leslie". [joint pseud.]
New York: Authors' International Pub. Co., 1924.
- Pettersen, Rena Oldfield [United States]
- Venus. Philadelphia: Dorrance & Company, 1924.
- Tilschová, Anna Maria, 1873-1957 [Czech lands (Austria-Hungary)]
- Podivuhodná příhoda (A Remarkable Incident) (1924), in Černá dáma a tři povídky (The Black Queen and Three Stories). Prague: Šolc a Šimáček, 1924. (after an affair with her husband's brother, who then dies, a woman finds her husband transmogrifying into that brother) (transl. Geoff Chew in forthcoming collection of Czech short stories by women [2022]) (realism with fantastic elements)
- Bower, B. M., 1874-1940 [United States]
- "The Adam Chaser" (Chapters I-XIII). First appeared in The Popular Magazine, September 7, 1925, vol. LXXVII, no. 4, pp. 1-37. [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2021.]
- The Adam Chasers. First published in book form: Boston: Little, Brown, and company, 1927. Any new material entered the [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2023.]
- Chaney, Lenore [United States]
- "White Man's Madness" (January 1925) in Weird Tales, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 49-66.
- Dell, Berenice V. [United States]
- The Silent Voice. Boston: Four Seas, 1925.
- Murray, V. Torlesse (Violet Torlesse), -1874 [England]
- The Rule of the Beasts. London: Stanley Paul, 1925.
- Boswell, Diane [England]
- Posterity: A Novel. London: Jonathan Cape, 1926.
- Grant, I. F. (Isabel Frances) [England]
- A Candle in the Hills. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1926.
- Haldane, Charlotte Franken, 1894-1969 [England]
- Kempner, Magda, 1894-fall 1944 [Hungary (Transylvania, part of Romania after 1918)]
- Integrállények (Integral Creatures) (1926). In series Korunk konyvtára [Library of Our Time], no. 4. Cluj-Kolozsvár: Korunk, 1926.
- Harbou, Thea von, 1888-1954 [Germany] [GATT restoration?]
- Metropolis. Published in serial form in the magazine Illustriertes Blatt in 1925;
Published in novel form by Berlin: August Scherl, 1926; [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2022.];
English translation, London: The Reader's Library Publishing Company, 1927;
screenplay and film release, 1927 [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2023]; Various English translations, note Metropolis: New Revised Edition. [U.S.]: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013.
- Die Frau im Mond (The Woman in the Moon: A Novel). Berlin: August Scherl, 1928 [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2024];
translation by Baroness von Hutten as The Girl in the Moon, London: Readers Library, 1930;
vt. Rocket to the Moon, New York: World Wide Publishing Company, 1930;
screenplay and film release as Frau im Mond, vt. Woman in the Moon, 1930. Reprint with introduction by Ivor and Deborah Rogers as The Rocket to the Moon, Boston: Gregg Press, 1977.
- Spione. (Spies) (1928) [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2024]. Transl. into English by Helen Stiegler as Spies. London, New York: G. P. Putnam, 1929. [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2025]
- Harris, Clare Winger [United States]
- "A Runaway World" in Weird Tales, July 1926 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Fate of the Poseidonia" in Amazing Stories, June 1927 [copyright not renewed].
- "A Certain Soldier" in Weird Tales, November 1927 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Fifth Dimension" in Amazing Stories, December 1928 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Menace From Mars" in Amazing Stories, October 1928 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Miracle of the Lily" in Amazing Stories, April 1928, pp. 48-55 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Artificial Man" in Science Wonder Quarterly, Fall 1929 [copyright not renewed].
- "A Baby on Neptune" with Miles J. Breuer, M.D. in Amazing Stories, December 1929 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Diabolical Drug" in Amazing Stories, May 1929 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Evolutionary Monstrosity" in Amazing Stories Quarterly, Winter 1929 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Ape Cycle" in Science Wonder Quarterly, Spring 1930 [copyright not renewed].
- Away from the Here and Now: Stories in Pseudo-Science. Philadelphia: Dorrance, 1947.
- Jaeger, Muriel, 1892-1969 [England] [GATT restoration?]
- The Question Mark. London: Leonard & Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press, 1926. [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2022.]
- The Man with Six Senses. London: Leonard and Virginia Woolf's Hogarth Press, 1927. [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2023.]
- Retreat from Armageddon. London: Duckworth, 1936.
- Roger, Noëlle, -1874 [aka Pittard, Hélène Dufour] [Switzerland]
- Le nouvel Adam (1924); translated by P O Crowhurst as The New Adam by Noelle Roger. London: Stanley Paul & Co. Ltd., 1926. [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2022.]
- St. John-Loe, Gladys [England]
- The Door of Beyond. London: Duckworth, 1926. [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2022.]
- Burdekin, Katharine, 1896-1963 ["Murray Constantine"] [England] [GATT restoration?]
- The Burning Ring. London: T. Butterworth, 1927. [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2023.]
- The Rebel Passion by Kay Burdekin. London: T. Butterworth, 1929. [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2025]
- Proud Man by Murray Constantine. London: Boriswood, 1934.
- The Devil, Poor Devil! by Murray Constantine. London: Boriswood, 1934.
- Swastika Night by Murray Constantine. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd,. 1937.
- The End of This Day's Business. Written 1935, published New York: The Feminist Press, 1989.
- Christie, Agatha, 1890-1976 [England] [GATT restoration?]
- The Big Four. London: Collins, 1927. [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2023.]
- Crawford, Isabell C.
- The Tapestry of Time. Boston: The Christopher Publishing House, 1927. [copyright not renewed]
- Miller, Elizabeth York [England] [GATT restoration?]
- The Mark of Yekel: a story of mystery, romance and adventure. London: Geoffrey Bles, 1927. [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2023.]
- Borden, Mary [United States, France, England] [GATT restoration?]
- Jehovah's Day. London: W. Heinemann, 1928 [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2024].
- Campbell, Alice, 1887- [United States, France, England] [GATT restoration?]
- The Juggernaut. First appeared serially in Pall Mall Magazine [Britain], 1927-1928.
vt. Juggernaut. Garden City, N.Y.: Published for the Crime Club, Inc., by Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1928. [c. 1928 by Campbell, A. O.; copyright not renewed]
- Garby, Lee Hawkins [United States]
- The Skylark of Space
with Smith, E. E. (Edward Elmer), 1890-1965
Originally appeared in serial form in Amazing Stories, August, September and October 1928 [copyright not renewed]
Revised, in book form, as The Skylark of Space: The Tale of the First Interstellar Cruise.
Cranston, R.I., The Southgate Press, Inc. / Buffalo Book Company, 1946.
[revisions copyright renewed]
- Gazella, E. V. [aka Gazella, Edith Virginia] [United States]
- The Blessing of Azar, A Tale of Dreams and Truth. Boston: Christopher, 1928. [copyright not renewed]
- Merriman, Effie Woodward, 1857- [United States]
- Rejuvenated. Minneapolis, Minn., The Midwest Co., c1928 [c. 1928 by Mrs. James C. Fifield; copyright not renewed].
- Beauclerk, Helen, 1892–1969 [England] [GATT restoration?]
- Bowhay, Bertha Louisa [England] [GATT restoration?]
- Elenchus Brown: The Story of an Experimental Utopia compiled by a Student of Battersea Polytechnic. Illustrations by Harvey Langdon. London: H.R. Allenson, Limited, 1929. [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2025]
- Buyno-Arctowa, Maria, 1877?-1952 [Poland]
- Wyspa mędrców (Island of Sages) (4 vol.) (1929-1930) [Republication:] Warsaw: Alfa, 1991.
- Zielony szaleniec (Green Madman) (1933) Warsaw: M. Arcta, 1933.
- Dziecko morza (Child of the Sea) (1934) Warsaw: [M. Arcta], 1934.
- Comstock, Sarah [United States]
- The Moon Is Made of Green Cheese. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran & compan, Inc., 1929. [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2025]
- Crane, Nathalia [United States]
- An Alien from Heaven. New York: Coward-McCann, 1929 [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2025].
- Ellis, Sophia Wenzel [United States]
- Hansen, L. Taylor (Lucile Taylor) [United States]
- "The Undersea Tube." in Amazing Stories, November 1929 [copyright not renewed].
- "What the Sodium Lines Revealed." in Amazing Stories Quarterly, Winter 1929 [copyright not renewed].
- "The City on the Cloud." in Wonder Stories, October 1930 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Man from Space" in Amazing Stories, February, 1930 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Prince of Liars" in Amazing Stories, October 1930 [copyright not renewed].
- Irving, Minna, d. 1940 [United States]
- Lorraine, Lilith, 1894-1967 [aka Wright, Mary Maud Dunn, 1894-1967] [United States]
- The Brain of the Planet. New York: Stellar Publishing Corp., 1929. Editor Hugo Gernsback. First edition in book form, published as "Science Fiction Series" No. 5. [copyright not renewed].
- "Into the 28th Century" in Science Wonder Quarterly, 1930, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 250-267, 276 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Jovian Jest" in Astounding Stories of Super-Science, May, 1930 [copyright not renewed].
- Banners of Victory. Emory University, Atlanta [etc.]: Banner press, c1937 [copyright not renewed].
- The Avalonian, New Orleans: Lilith Lorraine, 1952. Editor Lilith Lorraine, only issue of magazine. [copyright not renewed].
- Nisot, Mavis Elizabeth Hocking [aka Penmare, William], 1893-1973. [England] [GATT restoration?]
- The Man Who Could Stop War by "William Penmare". London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1929 [Public domain in the USA as of January 1, 2025]
- Roy, Lillian Elizabeth, 1868-1932 [United States]
- The Prince of Atlantis. New York: Educational Press, 1929 [copyright not renewed].
- Stone, Leslie F. (Leslie Francis), 1905-1991 [United States]
- When the Sun Went Out. New York: Stellar Publishing Corp., 1929. Editor Hugo Gernsback; Frontis by Frank R. Paul. First edition in book form, published as "Science Fiction Series" No. 4. [copyright not renewed]
- "Men With Wings" in Air Wonder Stories 1:58-87, July 1929 [copyright not renewed].
- "Out of the Void." Serialized in Amazing Stories August 1929, Vol. 4, No. 5. [part 1 of 2] and September 1929, Vol. 4, No. 6. [part 2 of 2]; [copyright not renewed]. Expanded version published in 1967 as a stand-alone novel.
- "Letter of the Twenty-fourth Century" in Amazing Stories, December 1929, Vol. 4, No. 9. [copyright not renewed].
- "Women With Wings" in Air Wonder Stories 1:985-1003, May 1930. Sequel to "Men With Wings" [copyright not renewed].
- "Through the Veil" in Amazing Stories 5:174-181, May 1930, Vol. 5, No. 2., pp. 174-180 [copyright not renewed].
- "Across the Void" in Amazing Stories 5:6-27 + 142-86, April, 1931 [part 1 of 3]; Amazing Stories, May 1931 [part 2 of 3]; Amazing Stories, June 1931 [part 3 of 3]. Illustrated by H. W. Wesso. Sequel to Out of the Void. [copyright not renewed].
- "The Conquest of Gola" in Wonder Stories, April 1931 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Hell Planet" in Wonder Stories, June 1932 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Man Who Fought a Fly" in Amazing Stories, October 1932, pp. 610-621 [copyright not renewed].
- "Gulliver, 3000 A.D." in Wonder Stories, May 1933 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Rape of the Solar System" in Amazing Stories, December 1934 [copyright not renewed].
- "When the Flame-Flowers Blossomed" in Weird Tales, November 1935. [copyright not renewed]. Reprinted in The Avon Science Fiction Reader No. 2, Edited by Donald A. Wollheim, New York: Avon Novels, Inc., 1951.
- "Cosmic Joke" in Wonder Stories, January 1935 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Man With the Four Dimensional Eyes" in Wonder Stories, August 1935 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Fall of Mercury" in Amazing Stories, December 1935 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Human Pets of Mars" in Amazing Stories 10:83-120, October, 1936 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Great Ones" in Astounding Stories, July 1937 [copyright renewed]: Copyright was renewed for the periodical Astounding Stories for 1937; it therefore applies to "The Great Ones".
- "Death Dallies Awhile" in Weird Tales, June 1938 [copyright not renewed].
- "Gravity Off!" in Future Fiction, July 1940 [copyright not renewed].
- West, Rebecca, 1892-1963 [England] [GATT restoration?]

Ellen Olney Kirk (1842-1928) Image from Farmer, Lydia Hoyt. ed. The National Exposition Souvenir: What America Owes to Woman. Chicago: Charles Wells Moulton, 1893.
| 1930
- Black, Pansy E. (Pansy Ellen), 1890-1957 [United States]
- The Valley of the Great Ray. New York: Stellar Publishing Co, 1930. Editor Hugo Gernsback. First edition in book form, published as "Science Fiction Series" No. 11. [copyright not renewed].
- The Men from the Meteor. New York: Stellar Publishing Co, 1932. Editor Hugo Gernsback. First edition in book form, published as "Science Fiction Series" No. 13. [copyright not renewed].
- Eberle, Merab, 1891-1959 [United States]
- "The Mordant" in Amazing Stories, March 1930, pp. 1181-1184.
- The Thought Translator. New York: Stellar Publishing Co, 1930. Editor Hugo Gernsback. First edition in book form, published as "Science Fiction Series" No. 9. [copyright not renewed]. (Published with "The Creation" by Milton Mitchell.)
- Long, Amelia Reynolds, 1904-1978 [United States]
- The Mechanical Man. New York: Stellar Publishing Co, 1930. Editor Hugo Gernsback. First edition in book form, published as "Science Fiction Series" No. 7. [copyright not renewed]. (Published with "The Thought Stealer" by Frank Bourne.)
- "A Leak in the Fountain of Youth" by A. R. Long. in Astounding Stories, August 1936 [issue copyright renewed].
- "Cosmic Fever" by A. R. Long. in Astounding Stories, February 1937 [issue copyright renewed].
- "Reverse Phylogeny" in Astounding Stories, June 1937 [issue copyright renewed].
- "Bride of the Antarctic" by "Mordred Weir" in Strange Stories, June 1939, pp. 72-76. [issue copyright renewed].
- Ludwick, Kathleen [United States]
- Rice, Louise Guest and Tonjoroff-Roberts [United States]
- Rupert, M. F. [United States]
- Saltoun, M[ary Helena] [England] [GATT restoration?]
- After. London: Duckworth, 1930.
- Stephens, I. M. [aka Clark, Inga Marie Stephens Pratt] with Pratt, Fletcher
- "The Pineal Stimulator" in Amazing Stories, November 1930 [copyright not renewed]
- "A Voice Across the Years" in Amazing Stories Quarterly, Winter 1932 (later expanded as Alien Planet)
- See ISFDB for further titles.
- Tillyard, Aelfrida, 1883-1959 [England] [GATT restoration?]
- Concrete: A Story of Two Hundred Years Hence. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1930.
- The Approaching Storm. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1932.
- Vassos, Ruth, 1893- [United States]
- Ultimo: An Imaginative Narration of Life Under the Earth. New York: E.P. Dutton & Company, Inc., 1930. Illustrated by Art Deco painter John Vassos [copyright renewed].
- Kirk, Ellen Olney, 1842-1928 [United States]
- A Woman's Utopia, by a Daughter of Eve. London: Ernest Benn, 1931. Published posthumously [copyright not renewed].
- Lee, Norman, Mrs.
- A Woman -- or What? London: Alston Rivers, 1931.
- Stuart, G., Mrs.
- On the Shores of the Infinite. London: Simpkin Marshall, Ltd., Norwich: Jarrold & Sons, Ltd., 1931.
- Heald, Hazel, 1896-1961 [United States] [revision client of H. P. Lovecraft]
- "The Man of Stone", in Wonder Stories, October 1932, Volume 4, No. 5, 440-45, 470 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Horror in the Museum", in Weird Tales, July 1933, 22, No. 1, 49-68 [issue copyright renewed].
- "Winged Death", in Weird Tales, March 1934, 23, No. 3, 299-315 [copyright not renewed].
- "Out of the Aeons", in Weird Tales, April 1935, 25, No. 4, 478-496 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Horror in the Burying-Ground", in Weird Tales, May 1937, 29, No. 5, 596-606 [copyright not renewed].
- Holden, Inez, 1906-1974 [England] [GATT restoration?]
- Born Old, Died Young. London, Duckworth, 1932.
- Kosáryné Réz, Lola, 1892-1985 [Hungary] (Jánosné Kosáry Réz, Eleonóra Mária Anna)
- Kampa Daria naplója (The Diary of Daria Kampa) (1932-1949) (incomplete/unpublished/rewritten science fiction.)
- Cost, March, -1973 [aka Morrison, Margaret Mackie] [Scotland] [GATT restoration?]
- A Man Named Luke. London: Collins, 1932; New York, A.A. Knopf, 1933 [copyright renewed].
- The Dark Glass. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1935 [copyright renewed].
- The Dark Star. New York: The Vanguard Press, Inc., 1939 [copyright not renewed].
- The Bespoken Mile. London: Collins, 1950; New York: Vanguard Press 1959 [copyright renewed].
- Brash, Margaret Maud [aka Kendell, John], 1880-1965 [England] [GATT restoration?]
- Unborn Tomorrow. London: W. Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 1933.
- Moore, C. L. (Catherine Lucile), 1911- [United States] [C. L. Moore generally renewed her copyrights.]
- "Shambleau" in Weird Tales, November 1933 [story copyright renewed].
- "Julhi" in Weird Tales, March 1935. [story copyright renewed]
- "Nymph of Darkness" with Forest Ackerman in Fantasy Magazine, April 1935 [copyright not renewed].
- "Yvala" in Weird Tales, February 1936 [copyright not renewed].
- "Lost Paradise" in Weird Tales, July 1936 [copyright not renewed].
- "The Tree of Life" in Weird Tales, October 1936 [copyright not renewed].
- "Quest of the Starstone" with Forest Ackerman in Weird Tales, November 1937 [copyright not renewed].
- "Werewoman" with Harry Kuttner in Leaves #2, 1938 [copyright not renewed].
- "Song in a Minor Key" in Scienti-Snap, February 1940 [copyright not renewed].
- "No Woman Born" in Astounding Science Fiction, December 1944 [copyright renewed].
- Curtis, Monica, 1892- [England] [GATT restoration?]
- Landslide. London: V. Gollancz, 1934.
- Broster, D. K. (Dorothy Kathleen), 1877-1950 [England] [GATT restoration?]
- World Under Snow. London: Heinemann, 1935.
- Cross, Victoria [aka Cory, Vivian] [England] [GATT restoration?]
- Martha Brown, M.P.: A Girl of Tomorrow. London: F. Werner Laurie, 1935.
- Ertz, Susan [England] [GATT restoration?]
- Woman Alive. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1935.
- Gresswell, Elise Kay [England] [GATT restoration?]
- When Yvonne Was Dictator. London: John Heritage, 1935.
- Meynell, Esther [England] [GATT restoration?]
- Time's Door. London: Chapman & Hall, 1935.
- O'Nair, Mairi [Canada, England] [GATT restoration?]
- The Girl with the X-Ray Eyes. London: Mills and Boon, 1935.
- Urbanová, Růžena Charlotta, née Malfaitová, 1888-1978 [Czech lands (Austria-Hungary)]
- Le Mystére de la cité sous-marine, roman d’aventures (The Mystery of the Underwater City: An Adventure Novel) (1935). Paris: Milpiet, 1935 and Prague: G. Voleský/československá grafická unie, 1935. (Verne-type novel)
- L’oiseau blanc (The White Bird) (1937) [Paris]: 1937. Published serially in Prague in Czech as Bílý pták in Vlasta (1947), nos. 2-16. (futuristic SF novel; author expresses fears for Czechoslovakia; title matches name of biplane that disappeared in an attempted Paris-New York flight in 1927.)
- Owens, Claire Myers, 1896-1983 [United States]
- The Unpredictable Adventure: A Comedy of Woman's Independence (Utopianism and Communitarianism) by Claire Myers Spotswood.
Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1935. copyright renewed]
- Brill-Novotná, Růžena, 1908-1944 [Czech lands (Czechoslovakia)]
- Rekord Henryho Laurenta: letecký román (Henry Laurent’s Record: A Novel of Aviation) (1936). Prague: Rebec, 1936.
- Jameson, Storm, 1891-1986 [aka Lamb, William] [England] [GATT restoration?]
- In the Second Year. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1936; London: Cassell & Company Ltd, 1936.
- The World Ends by William Lamb. London: J. M. Dent, 1937.
- Then We Shall Hear Singing: A Fantasy in C Major. London: Cassell & Company, 1942; New York, The Macmillan company, 1942. [copyright renewed]
- The Moment of Truth. London: Macmillan, 1949; New York, The Macmillan company, 1949.
- Karlin, Alma M., 1889-1950 (Karlin, Alma Ida Willibalde Maximiliana) [Slovenia (Yugoslavia)]
- Isolanthis: Roman vom Sinken eines Erdteils (Isolanthis: A Novel of the Sinking of a Continent) (1936). [In German] Leipzig: Grethlein, 1936. [In Slovenian] Isolanthis: roman o potopu celine. Ljubljana: Sanje, 2012. [Again in German] reissued by Lindenbaum Verlag GmbH in 2021, ed. Karl Maria Guth with secondary title Roman vom Untergang Atlantis (A Novel of the Fall of Atlantis). (Atlantis novel with theosophical elements.)
- Stevenson, D. E. (Dorothy Emily), 1892-1973 [Scotland] [GATT restoration?]
- The Empty World: A Romance of the Future. London: H. Jenkins, ltd., 1936; vt. A world in spell. New York, Farrar & Rinehart, inc., 1939.
- Adam, Ruth, 1907-1977 [England] [GATT restoration?]
- War on Saturday Week. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1937; London: Chapman & Hall, 1937.
- Frankau, Pamela, 1908-1967 [England] [GATT restoration?]
- Some New Planet. London: John Lane, 1937.
- Grubhofferová, Marie, 1901-1977 [Czech lands (Czechoslovakia)]
- Prázdniny ve hvězdách (Holiday among the Stars) (1937). Prague: Alois Hynek, 1937.
- Mezihvězdní piráti (Interstellar Pirates) (1939). Prague: Sběratel, 1939.
- Von Ravn, Clara, 1870- [aka Von Ravn, Clara Iza, 1870-1942] [United States]
- De Forest, Eleanor [United States]
- Armageddon; A Tale of the Antichrist. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1938. [copyright not renewed.]
- Morris, Martha Marlowe and Speer, Laura B. [United States]
- No Borderland. Dallas: Mathis, Van Nort & Company, 1938. [copyright not renewed].
- Newton, Bertha [England] [GATT restoration?]
- My Life in Time. London: C.W. Daniel Company, 1938.
- Quick, Dorothy, 1900-1962 [United States]
- Strange Awakening. New York: House of Field, Inc. Publishers, 1938. [copyright not renewed].
- Raleigh, Hilary Mason, 1893- [England] [GATT restoration?]
- The Machinations of Dr. Grue. London: Geoffrey Bles, 1938.
- Weinbaum, Helen [aka Kasson, Helen] [United States]
- "Tidal Moon" with Stanley G. Weinbaum in Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1938. [Issue copyright renewed]
- "Honeycombed Satellite" in Thrilling Wonder Stories, July 1940. [Issue copyright renewed]
- "The Radium-Bugs" in Super Science Stories, September 1940. [Issue copyright renewed]
- "Bargain with Colossus" in Science Fiction, Vol. 2 No. 4, March 1941. [copyright not renewed]
- "The Genius Bureau" in Future Fiction, Vol. 1, No. 5, April 1941. [copyright not renewed]
- "Devil Dogs of Space" in Science Fiction, Vol. 2, No. 6, September 1941. [copyright not renewed]
- "Double Destiny" in Science Fiction Quarterly, No. 2, Winter 1941. [copyright not renewed]
- Farnsworth, Mona [aka Newhall, Muriel] (ca.1904-ca.1981)
- Garfield, Frances [aka Wellman, Frances Obrist; Wellman, Manley Wade, Mrs.]
- "The High Places" in Weird Tales April 1939, pp. 123-127. [copyright not renewed]
- See ISFDB for further titles.
- Běhounková, Ludmila (pseud. V. S. Martin), 1908-1976 [Czech lands (Czechoslovakia)]
- Boj o zeměkouli (The Fight for the Globe) (1939). Rodokaps no. 237. Prague: Rodokaps, 1939.
- Howorth, Muriel [England] [GATT restoration?]
- This Is Armageddon. London: Arthur H. Stockwell, Limited, 1939.
- Pargeter, Edith, 1913-1995 [England] [GATT restoration?]
- The City Lies Four-Square: A Novel. London: William Heinemann, 1939.
- Spiers, Hetty and Langford Reed, Herbert [England] [GATT restoration?]
- The Mantle of Methuselah: A Farcical Novel. London: Rich & Cowan, 1939.
- Uttley, Alison, 1884-1976 [England] [GATT restoration?]
- A Traveller in Time. London: Faber and Faber, ltd., 1939.

Fannie Hurst (1889-1968) Photograph by Carl Van Vechten,
from Wikimedia Commons.
| 1940
- Metlova-Kearns, Maria [aka Hathaway, Louise] [United States]
- The Enchanted Hour by Louise Hathaway. San Francisco: John J. Newbegin, 1940. [copyright not renewed].
- O'Hearn, Marian [aka Allen, Anita] [United States]
- Brackett, Leigh [United States]
- "Martian Quest" in Astounding Science Fiction, February 1940. [Issue copyright renewed]
- "Water Pirate" in Super Science Stories, Vol. 2, No. 2, January 1941, pp. 35-45. [Issue copyright renewed]
- "The Halfling" in Astonishing Stories, Vol. 4, No. 3, February 1943. [Issue copyright renewed]
- See UNZ.org for further publications and Wikipedia for additional titles.
- Rice, Jane [United States]
- Caba, Olga, 1913-1995 [Romania] Born in Subcarpathian Ruthenia, today Ukraine.
- "Ondinele" (Undine) (1941) (short story). In Gândirea (20), 8 (October 1941), pp. 412-416. (Underwater adventure with an undine.)
- "Scoici" (Shells) (1942) (short story). In Gândirea (21), 5 (May 1942), pp. 241-247. (A female tourist in Capri is told by a siren that the god Pan died when he saw the first steamship.)
- Additional works published in the 1980s, including the novel Totaliter aliter (Totally Different) (1982), Bucharest: Cartea Românească, 1982; and the short-story collection Nuvele fantastice (Fantastic Short Stories; includes a revised version of "Shells") (1984), Bucharest: Cartea Românească, 1984. See also the scholarly monograph Olga Caba [in Romanian] by Ligia Dimitru, Cluj: Limes, 2012.
- Livingston, Marjorie Prout [England] [GATT restoration?]
- The Future of Mr. Purdew: A Novel. London: Wright & Brown, Ltd., 1941.
- Ronan, Margaret [United States]
- Perri, Leslie [aka Baumgardt, Doris Marie Claire] [United States]
- "Space Episode" in Future combined with Science Fiction, Volume 2, number 2, December 1941. [copyright not renewed]
- "In the Forest" in If (Worlds of If Science Fiction) Vol 2, No 4., September 1953. [copyright not renewed]
- "Under the Skin" in Infinity Science Fiction, June 1956; vt. The Untouchables in New Worlds Science Fiction, #49 July 1956. [copyright not renewed]
- Rosmond, Babette (1917-1997)
- "Are You Run-Down, Tired-" by Babette Rosmond Lake with Leonard M. Lake in Unknown Worlds, October 1942 [issue copyright renewed].
- "One Man's Harp" in Unknown Worlds, August 1943 [issue copyright renewed].
- "Error Hurled" in Science Fiction Discoveries New York: Bantam Books, 1976 [copyright renewal not required]
- See ISFDB for further titles.
- Hull, Edna Mayne [United States]
- "The Flight That Failed" vt. "Rebirth: Earth" by E. M. Hull and/or A. E. van Vogt
in Astounding Science Fiction, Vol 30, No 4, December 1942. [Issue copyright renewed]
- See Wikipedia for additional titles.
- Dardanelle, Louise
- World Without Raiment, A Fantasy. New York: Valiant, 1943. [copyright not renewed]
- Thomas, Doris [aka Vancel, Doris]
- "The Bracelet" in Fantastic Adventures, April 1943 [copyright not renewed]
- Brown, Beth
- Universal Station. New York: Regent House, 1944. [copyright not renewed]
- Deegan, Frances M.
- Law, Winifred [Australia] [GATT restoration?]
- Through Space to the Planets Sydney: New Century Press, 1944.
- Rangers of the Universe Sydney: New Century Press, 1945.
- Page, P. K. (Patricia Kathleen), 1916-2010 [aka Cape, Judith] [England, Canada] [GATT restoration?]
- The Sun and the Moon by Judith Cape. New York: Creative Age Press, 1944.
- "Unless the Eye Catch Fire", written 1972, published in The Malahat Review #50, Special Issue, "The West Coast Renaissance II", April 1979.
- Tippmannová, Marie, 1908-1976 [Czech lands (Czechoslovakia)]
- Honzovo perpetuum mobile (Honza’s Perpetual-Motion Machine) (1944). Prague: B. Smolíková-Mečířová, 1944. (Rural youth patents perpetual-motion threshing machine.)
- Aichinger, Ilse (1921–2016) [Austria]
[GATT restoration?]
- Rede unter dem Galgen (1952; “Speech Under the Gallows”, short stories). Contains among others "Das Plakat" (1948, "The poster"), "Spiegelgeschichte" (1948-49, "Story in a Mirror") and "Engel in der Nacht" (1949, "Angels in the Night"). Wien: Jungbrunnen Verlag, 1952.
- Gefesselte (1953, "The Bound Man", short stories) Frankfurt a. M: S. Fischer, 1953.
American copyright registration 24Aug53; renewed 8Dec81 [copyright renewed]
- Knöpfe (1953, "Buttons", radio play; 1957, stage play adaptation)
- The Bound Man and Other Stories (1956, English translation) New York, Noonday Press, 1956.
American copyright registration 11Jun56; renewed 19Jul84 [copyright renewed]
- Zu keiner Stunde (1957; “Never at Any Time”) Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1957.
American copyright registration 28Mar57; renewed 6Nov85 [copyright renewed]
- Schlechte Wörter (1976; “Inferior Words”). Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1976. [copyright renewal not required]
- Davy, Catherine Amelia [United States]
- After the Clouds. New York, NY: House of Field-Doubleday, 1945. [copyright not renewed]
- Hessenstein, Gabrielle, Countess [Hungary] [GATT restoration?]
- Monkey Paradise: A Tale of the Jungle. London: Methuen & Co, 1945.
- Hurst, Fannie, 1889-1968 [United States]
- The Hands of Veronica. London: Jonathan Cape, 1945; London & New York: 1947.
American copyright registered 22Jan47; renewed 25Jan74 [copyright renewed]
- See UNZ.org for further publications
- Kavan, Anna, 1901-1968 [France, England] [GATT restoration?]
- I Am Lazarus. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1945. First published in USA with Asylum Piece, 1946.
- See UNZ.org for further publications and Wikipedia for additional titles.
- Scheinpflugová, Olga, 1902-1968 [Czech lands (Czechoslovakia)]
- Acheirové (The Acheirs) (1945). Published serially in Svět práce (The World of Labor) (1945), nos. 1-11. (Utopian novel.)
- Stevens, Gale [United States]
- de Courcy, Dorothy and de Courcy, John [United States]
- "Don't Mention It!" in Amazing Stories, May 1946, pp. 134-148. [copyright not renewed]
- "Foundling on Venus" in Fantastic Universe, March 1954 [copyright not renewed]
- See ISFDB for further titles.
- De Ford, Miriam Allen, 1888-1975 [United States]
- "The Last Generation?" in Harper's, November 1946 [copyright renewed], reprinted in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Winter-Spring 1950, reprinted in collection Xenogenesis, March 1969.
- See ISFDB for further titles.
- Du Bois, Theodora, 1890- [United States]
- Murder Strikes an Atomic Unit. Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1946. [copyright renewed]
- High Tension. Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1950. [copyright renewed]
- Solution T-25. Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1951. [copyright renewed]
- Chetwynd, Bridget [England] [GATT restoration?]
- Future Imperfect. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1946.
- Holmberg, Millicent [United States]
- "To Whom It May Concern" in Amazing Stories, June 1946, pp. 118-127. [copyright not renewed]
- Lurie, June
- "New Faces for Sale" (essay) in Fantastic Adventures, July 1946 [copyright not renewed]
- "Unwilling Exile" (story) in Fantastic Adventures, February 1950 [copyright not renewed]
- See UNZ.org for further publications and ISFDB for further titles.
- Szepes, Mária, 1908-2007 [Hungary]
- A vörös oroszlány (The Red Lion) (1946). Budapest: [unknown], 1946; all known original copies destroyed. Republished in Hungarian as A vörös oroszlány: fantasztikus regény, Budapest: Kozmosz, 1984. Transl. into German as Der rote Löwe, München: Heyne, 1993 [print], München-Zürich: Piper, 2004 [print] and 2017 [e-book]; into English as The Red Lion: The Elixir of Eternal Life, An Alchemist Novel, Yeim, Washington: Horus, 1997; and into Romanian as Leul rosu, Brasov: Mix, 2002. (alchemy, transmutation, and spiritual awakening)
- Later German-language publications include Sonnenwind (Solar Wind), Der Zauberspiegel (The Magic Mirror) and Märchenland Gondwana (Fairyland Gondwana).
- Ferris, Fran [United States]
- Norton, Andre
- Rogers, Margaret [United States]
- "I Have Been in the Caves" in Amazing Stories, January 1947, pp. 8-27. [copyright not renewed]
- St. Clair, Margaret [United States]
- Bayliss, Marguerite F. (Marguerite Farlee), 1895- [United States]
- Earth Eagles. New York: Henry Holt & Co.:, 1947. [copyright renewed]
- Barnard, Marjorie, 1897-1987 and Eldershaw, Flora, 1897-1956 [Australia] [GATT restoration?]
- Tomorrow & Tomorrow & Tomorrow by M. Barnard Eldershaw. Melbourne, Australia: Georgian House, 1947.
- Yerxa, Frances [aka Hamling, Frances Deegan]
- "Negative Problem" in Amazing Stories, August 1947 [copyright not renewed]
- "One More Spring" in Amazing Stories, September 1947 [copyright not renewed]
- "I Wake Up Dreaming" in Fantastic Adventures, June 1948 [copyright not renewed]
- See UNZ.org for further publications and ISFDB for further titles.
- Ben, Lisa [Pseudonym; anagram of "lesbian"] [United States]
- Bradley, Marion Zimmer
- "Outpost" in Spacewarp (fanzine), December, 1948, reprinted in Amazing Stories, December 1949
- "Keyhole" and "Women Only" in Vortex Science Fiction, winter 1953 [copyright not renewed]
- "Year of the Big Thaw" in Fantastic Universe, May 1954 [copyright not renewed]
- "The Planet Savers" in Amazing Stories, November, 1958 [copyright not renewed]
- The Door Through Space New York: Ace Books, Inc., 1961.
- The Colors of Space Derby, Connecticut: Monarch Books, Inc., 1963.
- See ISFDB for further titles.
- Burton, Elizabeth, 1908- [aka Kerby, Susan Alice] [England, Canada] [GATT restoration?]
- The Roaring Dove by Susan Kerby, New York: Dodd, Mead, 1948.
vt. Gone to Grass by Susan Alice Kerby. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1948.
- Mr. Kronion: A Novel by Susan Alice Kerby. London: Werner Laurie Ltd., 1949.
- Chapin, Maud Hudnut, 1872- [United States]
- The Lost Star and Other Stories. Portland, Me.: Falmouth Pub. House, 1948. [copyright not renewed]
- Claire, Molly
- "Peril in Dragonia" in Fantastic Adventures, April 1949 [copyright not renewed]
- Craigie, Dorothy, 1901- [aka Glover, Dorothy; Craigie, David] [England] [GATT restoration?]
- The Voyage of the Lunar I by "David Craigie". London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1948.
- Dark Atlantis by "David Craigie". London: Heinemann, 195l.
- Hill, Dorothy
- The Little Blue Man. London, New York: Skeffington & Son., 1948.
- Jackson, Shirley, 1916-1965 [United States]
- "The Lottery" in The New Yorker, 26 June 1948 [issue copyright renewed]
- "One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts" in The Magazine of fantasy and science fiction January 1955
[issue copyright renewed RE0000151333]
- The Sundial New York: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1958
[copyright renewed RE292463]
- See ISFDB for other works.
- Merril, Judith, 1923-1997 [United States]
- "That Only a Mother" in Astounding June 1948. [issue copyright renewed]
- See ISFDB for additional titles.
- Shiras, Wilmar H. [United States]
- Cradock, Fanny, 1909-1994 [England] [GATT restoration?]
- Gateway to Remembrance. London: Andrew Dakers, 1949.
- The Eternal Echo. London: Andrew Dakers, 1950.
- Easton, Norma Lazell [United States]
- "The Avenger" in Amazing Stories, November 1949 [copyright not renewed]
- MacLean, Katherine
- "Defense Mechanism" in Astounding, October, 1949 [issue copyright renewed]
- "And Be Merry..." in Astounding, February 1950 [issue copyright renewed]
- "Incommunicado" in Astounding, June 1950 [issue copyright renewed]
- "Contagion" in Galaxy, October 1950 (first issue of Galaxy) [issue copyright renewed]
- Short, Gertrude, 1902-1968 [United States]
- A Visitor from Venus. New York: William-Frederick Press, 1949. [copyright not renewed]
- Sutton, Paralee Sweeten [United States]
- White City: A Novel. Palo Alto, Calif.: Palopress, 1949. [copyright not renewed]

Carol Emshwiller
from Wikimedia Commons.
| 1950
- Standish, Lynn [United States]
- "Joyboy - 3000!" in Fantastic Adventures, February 1950 [copyright not renewed]
- See UNZ.org for further publications and ISFDB for further titles.
- Jacobs, Sylvia [United States]
- Henderson, Zenna [United States]
- "Come On, Wagon!" in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1951 [issue copyright renewed RE0000035496]
- See ISFDB for further titles.
- Brown. Florence Verbell
- Buck, Doris Pitkin [United States]
- "Aunt Agatha" in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1952 [issue copyright renewed RE0000068554]
- See ISFDB for further titles.
- Chase, Helen Reid [United States]
- "Night of Fire" in The Avalonian, New Orleans: Lilith Lorraine, 1952. Editor Lilith Lorraine. [only issue of magazine]
[copyright not renewed].
- Clingerman, Mildred McElroy [United States]
- "Minister Without Portfolio" in Invaders of Earth edited by Groff Conklin. New York: The Vanguard Press, Inc., 1952. [copyright renewed]
- See ISFDB for further titles.
- Drussaï, Garen [United States]
- "Extra-Curricular" in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1952 [issue copyright renewed RE0000068552]
- "Grim Fairy Tale" in Vortex Science Fiction, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1953 [copyright not renewed]
- "The Closet" in Vortex Science Fiction, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1953 [copyright not renewed]
- "The Twilight Years" with Kirk Drussaï, in If, June 1955 [copyright not renewed]
- Woman's Work (1956) in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1956 [issue copyright renewed RE0000216995]
- Hamm, T. D. [aka Evans, Thelma Hamm; Evans, Mrs. E. E.] [United States]
- "The Last Supper" in If, September 1952 [copyright not renewed]
- "Native Son" in Imagination, July 1953 [copyright not renewed]
- See ISFDB for further titles.
- Griffith, Ann Warren [United States]
- "Captive Audience" in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1953 [issue copyright renewed RE0000108876]
- McCaffrey, Anne [United States]
- "Freedom of the Race" in Science-Fiction Plus, October, 1953. [copyright not renewed]
- See ISFDB for further titles.
- Emshwiller, Carol [United States]
- "Built for Pleasure" in Long Island Suburban, November 1954 [copyright not renewed]
- "This Thing Called Love" in Future Science Fiction, #28, Dec 1955 [copyright not renewed]
- See ISFDB for further titles.
- Jones, Alice Eleanor [United States]
- "Life, Incorporated" in Fantastic Universe, April 1955 [copyright not renewed]
- "Created He Them" in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1955 [issue copyright renewed RE0000181346]
- "Miss Quatro" in Fantastic Universe, June 1955 [copyright not renewed]
- "Recruiting Officer" in Fantastic, October 1955 [copyright not renewed]
- "The Happy Clown" in If, December 1955 [copyright not renewed]
- Urban, Helen W.
- "Pass the Salt" in Science Fantasy, April 1955 [copyright not renewed]
- "The Glory of Ippling" in Galaxy, December 1962 [copyright not renewed]
- See ISFDB for further titles.
- Downe, Kathleen [United States]
- "Why Not a Woman?" (essay) in Authentic Science Fiction Monthly, #57 May 1955 [copyright not renewed]
- Wilhelm, Kate, (debut 1956) [United States]
- "The Pint-Size Genie" in Fantastic, October 1956 [copyright renewed RE0000229524]
- See ISFDB for further titles.
- Reed, Kit [United States]
- Ashwell, Pauline [aka Whitby, Pauline] [United States]
- Gotlieb, Phyllis, 1926-2009 [aka Gotlieb, Phyllis Fay Bloom] [United States]
- "A Grain of Manhood" in Fantastic Science Fiction Stories, September 1959 [copyright not renewed]
- See ISFDB for further titles.
- Russ, Joanna, 1937-2011 [United States]
- "Nor Custom Stale" in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, September 1959 [issue copyright renewed RE0000362926]
- See ISFDB for further titles.

Ursula K. Le Guin
from Wikimedia Commons.
| 1960
- Armock, Mary [United States]
- "First Born" in Fantastic Science Fiction Stories, February 1960 [copyright not renewed]
- Dorman, Sonya, 1924-2005 [aka Sonya Dorman Hess] [United States]
- "Harry the Tailor" in Cosmopolitan, 1961 [issue copyright renewed] except for October and November.
- "The Putnam Tradition" in Amazing Stories, January 1963 [copyright not renewed]
- See ISFDB for further titles.
- Anderson, Karen, 1932- [United States]
- Constant, Barbara [United States]
- Le Guin, Ursula K., 1929-2018 [United States]
- "April in Paris" in Fantastic Stories of Imagination, September 1962 [copyright renewed RE0000648874]
- See ISFDB for further titles.
- Tiptree, James, Jr., 1915-1987 [aka Sheldon, Alice] [United States]
- "Birth of a Salesman", in Analog, 1968 [copyright renewal not required]
- "Fault" in Fantastic, August 1968 [copyright renewal not required]
- See ISFDB for further titles.
Texts are listed chronologically, with multiple works by the same author grouped together in order of appearance. I've tried to give publication information for the first appearance of each book, but may not have found both American and British editions. If you don't find something where you expect to see it, try searching for part of the title or the author's name.
Author names are listed in bold according to the Library of Congress' authority controlled form of the name, where one is available. Unauthorized forms, or additional information not in the authorized form, appear without boldface. Where the title page shows that a work appeared under a variant form or pseudonym, that original attribution follows the title: e.g. "A Vision of our Country in the Year 1900" by "Miss J. A. E." Where a work was co-written with a man, it is listed under the woman's name first, and the attribution following the title indicates the original publication order of the authors.
I have listed several works which often appear in bibliographies of women's works, but whose attribution to a women is questionable, using a grey font to distinguish them from the rest of the list, and indicating their probable authorship. I've also grey-fonted male co-authors, to make it easier to distinguish between actual male authors and women's pseudonyms.
I've concentrated on pre-1930 works which are no longer under copyright.
For works published from January 1930 to December 1963, U.S. copyright renewal requirements take effect. Works by women become more frequent after this time, but are also less likely to be in the public domain and available online due to copyright.
Copyright information given here relates to copyright laws of the United States of America: Copyright laws in other countries are different. Also, while I have tried to accurately document copyright status based on renewal information, it is always possible that I have missed something. If you are interested in reprinting the works listed here, be sure to do your own checking first!
I would like to thank L.Timmel Duchamp for Science Fiction and Utopias by Women, 1818-1949: A Chronology, which inspired me to start this list. I found additional useful information in:
Utopian Literature, by Glenn Negley. Lawrence, Kansas: The Regents Press of Kansas, 1977.
British and American Utopian Literature, 1516-1975, an Annotated Bibliography by Lyman Tower Sargent. Boston: G. K. Hall & Co., 1979.
Women's Utopias in British and American Fiction by Nan Bowman Albinski. London and New York: Routledge, 1988.
"Bibliography of Utopian Fiction by United States Women 1836-1988" by Carol Farley Kessler in Utopian Studies, 1990, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-58.
Daring to Dream: Utopian Fiction by United States Women Before 1950. Kessler, Carol Farley, ed. 2nd edition, Syracuse University Press, 1995.
"American Utopian Literature (1888-1900): An Annotated Bibliography" by Kenneth M. Roemer in American Literary Realism, 1870-1910 Vol. 4, No. 3, Summer, 1971, pp. 227-254.
"'A Condition of Potentiality': American Women's Utopian and Science Fiction, 1920-1960" by Bridgitte Barclay Arnold. Ph.D. thesis, University of Texax at Arlington (2009).
The Dreaming Sex: Early Tales of Scientific Imagination by Women, Mike Ashley, editor. London and Chicago: Peter Owen, 2010.
Davin, Eric Leif (2006). Partners in Wonder: Women And the Birth of Science Fiction, 1926-1965. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. ISBN 9780739112670.
Yaszek, Lisa. Galactic Suburbia: Recovering Women's Science Fiction (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, c2008)
Note that some of these authors may have included a broader range of utopian materials than I have chosen to include in this list.