No catalog information could be found on the album s-077(d).
Sholem Tants Mit Variatsyes — שלום טאַנץ מיט וואָריאַצייעס
- Genre:
- Klezmer/Instrumental/Custom/Wedding
- On album:
- S-077(d)
- Track ID:
- 31842
- Tsimbl/19th Century Accordion/Arrangement:
- Horowitz, Joshua
- 19th Century C and Eb Clarinets:
- Shepherd, Merlin — שעפּהערד, מערלין
- Violin:
- Gombai, Tamas
- Violin/3 String Bratsch:
- Toth, Sandor D.
- Cello:
- Kurtosi, Zsolt
- Style:
- Instrumental
- Length:
- 3:38