Epstein Brothers Orchestra and the Yeshiva Choir
- Album ID:
- E-018(c)
- Publisher:
- EB
- Provenance:
- Gift of Florida Atlantic University, February 2007
- Genre:
- Khasidic/Klezmer
- Number of tracks:
- 10
- On album:
- E-018(c) (Epstein Brothers Orchestra and the Yeshiva Choir)
- Track ID:
- 24993
- Vocal:
- Yeshiva Choir
- Artist:
- Epstein Brothers Orchestra
- First line:
- Drakhekho hashem hoydiayni orkhesekhe lamdiayni shomru...
- First line (Hebrew):
- דרכיך ה' הודיעני אירחותיך למדני שמרה נפשי והצילני אל אבוש...
- Language:
- Hebrew
Rikud (Instr, Epstein Bros) — ריקוד (אינסטר, ברידער עפּשטײן)
- On album:
- E-018(c) (Epstein Brothers Orchestra and the Yeshiva Choir)
- Track ID:
- 24994
- Artist:
- Epstein Brothers Orchestra
Hatey (Heb) — הטה (עבֿרית)
- On album:
- E-018(c) (Epstein Brothers Orchestra and the Yeshiva Choir)
- Track ID:
- 24995
- Vocal:
- Yeshiva Choir
- Artist:
- Epstein Brothers Orchestra
- First line:
- Hatey hashem ozenkha anayei ki enei vevyan ani,
- First line (Hebrew):
- הטה ה' אזנך ענני כּי עני ואביון אני, שמרה נפשי כּי חסיד אני,
- Language:
- Hebrew
Yodu Lashem (Heb) — יוּדוֹ לה
- On album:
- E-018(c) (Epstein Brothers Orchestra and the Yeshiva Choir)
- Track ID:
- 24996
- Vocal:
- Yeshiva Choir
- Artist:
- Epstein Brothers Orchestra
- First line:
- Yodu lashem khasdo veniflasov livnay odom.
- First line (Hebrew):
- יוּדוֹ לה' חסדו ונפלאותיו לבני אדם.
- Language:
- Hebrew
Doyne (Espstein Bros) — דױני (ברידער עפּשטײן)
- On album:
- E-018(c) (Epstein Brothers Orchestra and the Yeshiva Choir)
- Track ID:
- 24997
- Artist:
- Epstein Brothers Orchestra
- First line:
- יוּדוֹ לה' חסדו ונפלאותיו לבני אדם.
- Track comment:
- Part of Medley with a Volekh and Sheboyne Bays Hamikdosh
- Style:
- Instrumental
Volekh (Epstein Bros) — װאָלעך (ברידער עפּשטײן)
- On album:
- E-018(c) (Epstein Brothers Orchestra and the Yeshiva Choir)
- Track ID:
- 24998
- Artist:
- Epstein Brothers Orchestra
- Track comment:
- Part of Medley with a Doyne and Sheyibone Beys Hamikdosh
- Style:
- Instrumental
Sheyiboneh Beys Hamikdosh — שיבּנה בּית המקדש
- Genre:
- Religious/Prayer
- Subject:
- Temple/Restoration/Rebuilding
- Transliteration:
- SM 1318
- Translation:
- SM 1318
- Music:
- SM 1318
- On album:
- E-018(c) (Epstein Brothers Orchestra and the Yeshiva Choir)
- Track ID:
- 24999
- Artist:
- Epstein Brothers Orchestra
- First line:
- Sheyiboneh beys hamikdosh bimreheyra veyameynu veteyn...
- First line:
- שיבּנה בּית המקדש בּמהרה בימנוּ ותן חלקנוּ בּתוֹרתך.
- Track comment:
- Part of Medley with a Doyne and Volakh
Sholem Marsh (Instr) — שלום מאַרש (אינסטר)
- On album:
- E-018(c) (Epstein Brothers Orchestra and the Yeshiva Choir)
- Track ID:
- 25000
- Artist:
- Epstein Brothers Orchestra
Simon Tov Vemazl Tov — סמן טוֹב וּמזל טוֹב
- Genre:
- Folk
- Subject:
- Celebration/Joy/Congratulatgion/Rite
- Origin:
- Pasternak CH 153/Alb E-009(a)/Alb J-034(a)/Alb E-018(b)/Alb J-034(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb L-024(b)/Alb E-018(b)/Pasternak CH 125/Alb E-009(a)/
- Translation:
- Pasternak CH 153/Alb L-024(b)/Alb J-034(a)
- On album:
- E-018(c) (Epstein Brothers Orchestra and the Yeshiva Choir)
- Track ID:
- 25001
- Vocal:
- Yeshiva Choir
- Artist:
- Epstein Brothers Orchestra
- First line:
- Simon tov umazl tov yehey lanu ulekhol yisroel,
- First line (Hebrew):
- סמן טוֹב וּמזל טוב יהא לנוּ וּלכל ישׂראל אמן.
- Language:
- Hebrew
Rikud II (Instr, Epstein Bros) — ריקוד 2 (אינסטר, ברידער עפּשטײן)
- On album:
- E-018(c) (Epstein Brothers Orchestra and the Yeshiva Choir)
- Track ID:
- 25002
- Artist:
- Epstein Brothers Orchestra
Od Yishoma — עוֹד ישמע
- Also known as:
- Jeremiah 33:11
- Genre:
- Psalms/Biblical/Religious
- Subject:
- Jerusalem/Bride/Groom/Rejoicing
- Origin:
- HAL 6/Pasternak CH/Alb C-003(j)Alb C-001(f)/Alb C-001(g)/Alb E-018(b)/Eph 1410
- Transliteration:
- HAL 6/Alb C-001(g)/Alb E-018(b)/Alb W-021(d)/Ephemera 1410
- Translation:
- HAL 6/Pasternak CH 153/Alb C-003(j)/Alb C-001(f)/Alb C-001(g)/Alb W-021(d)
- On album:
- E-018(c) (Epstein Brothers Orchestra and the Yeshiva Choir)
- Track ID:
- 25003
- Vocal:
- Yeshiva Choir
- Artist:
- Epstein Brothers Orchestra
- First line:
- Od yishama b'arei yehuda uvekhutsot yerusholaim kol sason v'kol simcha…
- First line (Hebrew):
- עוֹד ישמע בערי יהודה ובחוצות ירושלים, קול ששון וקול שמחה, קול חתן וקול כלה,
- Language:
- Hebrew
Shomer Yisroel (Heb) — שוֹמר ישׂראל (עבֿרית)
- On album:
- E-018(c) (Epstein Brothers Orchestra and the Yeshiva Choir)
- Track ID:
- 25004
- Vocal:
- Yeshiva Choir
- Artist:
- Epstein Brothers Orchestra
- First line:
- Shomer yisroel shomor sheyris yisroel, ve'al yovad yisroel..
- First line (Hebrew):
- שׁוֹמר ישׂראל, שׁמוֹר שׁארית ישׁראל, ואל יאבד ישׂראל, האוֹמרים...
- Track comment:
- Guardian of Israel, guard the remnent of Israel. Let not...
- Language:
- Hebrew