From Shtetl to Swing / Alden Films (Video)
- Album ID:
- V0147
- Format:
- Publisher:
- Alden Films
- Date of issuance:
- 2008
- Playing time:
- 56:27
- Language:
- English
- Provenance:
- Purchase, Alden Films
- Genre:
- Documentary/Jazz/Immigration/Blacks/Jews
- Where produced:
- Clarksburg, NJ
- Number of tracks:
- 1
- Penn library link:
- NX652.J48 F76 2008
From Shtetl to Swing / Alden Films (Video)
- Genre:
- Documentary/Show Business
- Subject:
- Immigration/Integration/Music/Acculturation/Music/Persona
- On album:
- V0147 (From Shtetl to Swing / Alden Films (Video))
- Track ID:
- 35728
- Performer:
- Brice, Fanny
- Performer:
- Calloway, Cab
- Performer:
- Cantor, Eddie
- Performer:
- Garland, Judy
- Performer:
- Jolson, Al
- Performer:
- Marx Brothers
- Performer:
- Picon, Molly — פּיקאָן, מאָלי
- Performer:
- Schwartz, Maurice
- Performer:
- Tucker, Sophie
- Performer:
- Berlin, Irving
- Narrator:
- Fierstein, Harvey
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Narrative/Performances/Spoken Word