Tracks with this artist
Oyfn Oyvn Zitst A Meydl — אױפֿן אױװן זיצט אַ מײדל
- Also known as:
- Tumba Tumba Ba
- Genre:
- Folk
- Subject:
- Courting/Oven/Sewing/Thread/Attraction
- Origin:
- Ber Fef 242/ML MTAG 44/Alb R-049(a)/Alb R-024(d)/Alb B-090(x)
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 44/Alb R-049(a)/Alb P-002(b)/WEVD 2/Alb P-024(d)/Alb K-068(e)/B-090(x
- Translation:
- Alb R-049(a)/Alb O-001(a)/Alb P-002(b)/Alb T-015(c)/Alb L-024(b)/Alb R-002(d)/
- Music:
- Ber Fef 242/ML MTAG 44
- On album:
- C-038(a) (Beth Anne Cole Yiddish Songs Song Under The Stair)
- Track ID:
- 25189
- Artist:
- Cole, Beth Anne
- Artist:
- Davis, Lona Davis, piano
- Guitar:
- Katz, Brian
- First line:
- Oyfn oyvn zitst a meydl, tumba, tumba, tumba ba,
- First line:
- אױפֿן אױװן זיצט אַ מײדל, טומבאַ, טומבאַ, טומבאַ באַ
- Track comment:
- Gil Aldema, arr -- in the style of Martha Schlamme
Tsvey Taybelekh — צװײ טײַבעלעך
- Genre:
- Folk/Love/Lament
- Subject:
- Doves/Love/Curse/Interference/Separation
- Song comment:
- Song associated with Liuba Levitshka in the Vilna Ghetto
- Origin:
- ML SOG 34/Kalisch 151/Rubin Oak 88/Alb R-024(d)
- Transliteration:
- ML SOG 34/Kalisch 12/Rubin Oak 70/Alb R-024(d)WEVD 2/Alb V0121
- Translation:
- ML SOG 35/Kalisch 12/Rubin Oak 70/Alb R-024(d)Alb O-001(a)/Alb V0121
- Music:
- ML SOG 35/Kalisch 10Rubin Oak 70
- On album:
- C-038(a) (Beth Anne Cole Yiddish Songs Song Under The Stair)
- Track ID:
- 25190
- Artist:
- Cole, Beth Anne
- Artist:
- Davis, Lona Davis, piano & arr
- Guitar:
- Katz, Brian
- First line:
- Tsvey taybelekh zenen ibern vaser gefloygn,
- First line (Yiddish):
- צװײ טײַבעלעך זענען איבערן װאַסער געפֿלױגן, אין די פּיסקעלעך...
- Track comment:
- in the style of Martha Schlamme
- Language:
- Yiddish
A Pastekhl (Folk) — אַ פּאַסטעכל
- Genre:
- Folk/Allegory/Mixed Language
- Subject:
- Shepherd/Lost Sheep
- Origin:
- Alb R-007(g)
- Transliteration:
- Alb R-007(g)/Alb R-007(f)4/Alb F-018(b)
- Translation:
- Alb H-006(a)/Alb R-007(g)/Alb R-007(f)4
- Additional song notes:
- Ukranian/Yiddish
- On album:
- C-038(a) (Beth Anne Cole Yiddish Songs Song Under The Stair)
- Track ID:
- 25191
- Vocal:
- Cole, Beth Anne
- Piano:
- Davis, Lona Davis, piano
- Guitar/Arranger:
- Katz, Brian
- First line:
- A mol iz geven a pastekh, hot er gepashet shof,
- First line (Yiddish):
- אַ מאָל איז געװען אַ פּאַסטעך, האָט ער געפּאַשעט שאָף,
- Track comment:
- in the style of Martha Schlamme
- Language:
- Yiddish
Tayere Malke — טײַערע מלכּה
- Also known as:
- Bim Bom (Tayere Malke)
- Also known as:
- Der Bekher (Warshavsky)
- Author:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Composer:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Genre:
- Folk/Holiday/Peysekh/Passover
- Subject:
- Wife/Toast/Drinking/Passover/Enemies/Wine Cup/
- Origin:
- Alb L-001(a)/Warshav 19/Alb M-029(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb B-004(c)Kinderbuch 84
- Transliteration:
- Alb B-004(c)/Alb B-007(a)/Alb L-001(a)/Alb L-024(a)/Kinderbuch 85/CD K-029(j)
- Translation:
- Alb L-024(a)/Kinderbuch 85/Alb B-007(a)/Alb T-018(a)/CD K-029(j)/Sh Sh 200
- Music:
- ML YT 64/Kinderbuch 84
- Additional song notes:
- Originally titled "Der Bekher"
- On album:
- C-038(a) (Beth Anne Cole Yiddish Songs Song Under The Stair)
- Track ID:
- 25192
- Artist:
- Cole, Beth Anne
- Artist:
- Davis, Lona Davis, piano
- Guitar:
- Katz, Brian
- First line:
- Tayere Malke, gezunt zolstu zayn, gis on dem bekher,
- First line (Yiddish):
- טײַערע מלכּה, געזונט זאָלסטו זײַן, גיס אָן דעם בעכער,
- Track comment:
- in the style of Martha Schlamme
- Language:
- Yiddish
Khatskele, Khatskele — חצקעלע, חצקעלע
- Also known as:
- Orem Iz Nit Gut
- On album:
- C-038(a) (Beth Anne Cole Yiddish Songs Song Under The Stair)
- Track ID:
- 25193
- Vocal:
- Cole, Beth Anne
- Piano:
- Davis, Lona Davis, piano
- Guitar:
- Katz, Brian
- First line:
- Khatskele, Khatskele, shpil mir a kazatskele, khotsh an...
- First line:
- חצקעלע, חצקעלע, שפּיל מיר אַ קאַזאַצקעלע, כאָטש אַן אָרימע, אַבי אַ..
- Track comment:
- in the style of Martha Schlamme
Her Nor Du Sheyn Meydele — הער נאָר דו שײן מײדעלע
- Also known as:
- Zog Mir Du Sheyn Meydele
- Also known as:
- Her nor, du schejn Mejdele
- Also known as:
- Zog Mir Sheyn Meydele
- Genre:
- Love/Privation/Emigration
- Subject:
- Journey/Depravation/Emigration
- Origin:
- Alb K-023(a)/ML MTAG 32/Alb K-075(a)/
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 32/Alb R-001(a)/Alb K-075(a)/Alb N-020(a)/
- Translation:
- Alb R-001(a)/Alb N-020(a)/Alb K-075(a)/G-069(a)
- Music:
- ML MTAG 32
- On album:
- C-038(a) (Beth Anne Cole Yiddish Songs Song Under The Stair)
- Track ID:
- 25194
- Artist:
- Cole, Beth Anne
- Artist:
- Davis, Lona Davis, piano
- Guitar:
- Katz, Brian
- First line:
- Her nor, du sheyn meydele, zog nor du fayn meydele,
- First line (Yiddish):
- הער נאָר, דו שײן מײדעלע, זאָג נאָר דו פֿײַן מײדעלע,
- Track comment:
- in the style of Martha Schlamme
- Language:
- Yiddish
Shlof Shlof Shlof — שלאָף שלאָף שלאָף
- On album:
- C-038(a) (Beth Anne Cole Yiddish Songs Song Under The Stair)
- Track ID:
- 25195
- Artist:
- Cole, Beth Anne
- Artist:
- Davis, Lona Davis, piano
- Guitar/Arranger:
- Katz, Brian
- First line:
- Shlof, shlof, shlof, der tate vet forn in dorf,
- First line:
- שלאָף, שלאָף, שלאָף, דער טאַטע װעט פֿאָרן אין דאָרף,
- Track comment:
- in the style of Martha Schlamme
Mit A Nodl — מיט אַ נאַדל
- Genre:
- Folk/Occupation
- Subject:
- Tailor/Needle/Pride/Clothes
- Origin:
- Ber Fef 18/Ephemera 1104/Epelboym70
- Transliteration:
- Alb R-001(b)/Alb R-007(f)2/Alb R-007(g)/Schack 43/Alb L-049(a)/Epelboym 70
- Translation:
- Alb L-049(a)/Alb R-001(b)/Alb R-007(g)/Alb R-007(f)2/Rubin 81/Alb S-006(a)
- Music:
- Kotylan 145/Rub Treas 80/Ber Fef 18/Epelboym 70
- Additional song notes:
- See Koytlan for a variant version of the song.Relationship with "My Favorite Things" referred to in Gottlieb p. 46
- Related information in folder 1104:
- Comments:
- 1. Original Yiddish Text and melody from Ber Fef p. 18
- On album:
- C-038(a) (Beth Anne Cole Yiddish Songs Song Under The Stair)
- Track ID:
- 25196
- Artist:
- Cole, Beth Anne
- Piano:
- Davis, Lona Davis, piano
- Guitar/Arranger:
- Katz, Brian
- First line:
- Mit a nodl, on a nodl, ney ikh mir b'koved godl,
- First line (Yiddish):
- מיט אַ נאָדל, און אַ נאָדל, נײ איך מיר בּכּבֿוֹד גדוֹל,
- Track comment:
- in the style of Martha Schlamme
- Language:
- Yiddish
Freylekh (Nign, Cole) — פֿרײלעך (ניגון, קאָל)
- On album:
- C-038(a) (Beth Anne Cole Yiddish Songs Song Under The Stair)
- Track ID:
- 25197
- Artist:
- Cole, Beth Anne
- Artist:
- Davis, Lona Davis, piano
- Guitar:
- Katz, Brian
- First line:
- Mit a nodl, on a nodl, ney ikh mir b'koved godl,
- Track comment:
- in the style of Martha Schlamme
- Style:
- Chasidic
Vos Zhe Vilstu ? — װאָס זשע װילסטו ?
- Also known as:
- Mayn Tayer Kind
- Genre:
- Folk
- Subject:
- Occupation/Husband/Mother/Daughter/Match
- Origin:
- Bugatch 106
- Transliteration:
- Silverman SJP 6/Alb R-001(a)/Gold Zem 156/Irza 17/Ephemera 1458
- Translation:
- Alb H-006(a)/Alb R-001(a)/Silverman SJP 7/Bugatch 106/Ephemera 1458
- Music:
- Silverman SJP 6/Gold Zem 155/Irza 17/Bugatch 106
- Additional song notes:
- See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
Ephemera 1458: See 2016 program for translat and translit
- Related information in folder 737:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- C-038(a) (Beth Anne Cole Yiddish Songs Song Under The Stair)
- Track ID:
- 25198
- Artist:
- Cole, Beth Anne
- Artist:
- Davis, Lona Davis, piano
- Guitar:
- Katz, Brian
- First line:
- Vos zhe vilstu, a shuster far a man, a shuster far a man,
- First line:
- װאָס זשע װילסטו, אַ שוסטער פֿאַר אַ מאַן, אַ שוסטער פֿאָר אַ מאַן,
- Track comment:
- in the style of Martha Schlamme
All The Way Home (Eng)
- On album:
- C-038(a) (Beth Anne Cole Yiddish Songs Song Under The Stair)
- Track ID:
- 25199
- Author/Composer/Artist:
- Cole, Beth Anne
- Artist:
- Davis, Lona Davis, piano & arr
- Guitar:
- Katz, Brian
- First line:
- You were five years old, and you came home and there were...
Dremlen Feygl Oyf Di Tsvaygn (Yampolsky) — דרעמלען פֿױגל אױף די צװײַגן (יאַמפּאָלסקי)
- Also known as:
- S'dremlen Feygl Oyf Di Tsvaygn
- Author:
- Rudnitski, Leah — רודניצקי, לאה
- Author:
- Rudnitski, Leah — רודניצקי, לאה
- Composer:
- Yampolsky, Leyb — יאַמפּאָלסקי, לײב
- Composer:
- Yampolsky, Leyb — יאַמפּאָלסקי, לײב
- Genre:
- Viglid/Lullaby/Holcaust/Lament
- Subject:
- Birds/Tree/Branches/Sleep/Child/Parents
- Origin:
- Kaczer 87/Alb D-004(g)/Alb C-015(a)/Alb V-001(a)/Alb M-029(a)/
- Transliteration:
- Alb K-014(a)/Alb M-029(a)/Alb R-007(c)/Alb Z-010(g)/Alb C-015(a)/Alb J-034(a)
- Translation:
- Alb C-015(a)/Alb K-014(a)/Alb D-004(g)/Alb F-032(c)/Alb G-006(b)/Alb J-034(a)
- Music:
- ML WAH 57/Ephemera 632/Green
- Additional song notes:
- Same melody as "S'iz Keyn Broyt In Shtub Nishto."
Birds Drowse On The Branches
See pamphlet in Book Index (short title "Green") Franklin Call # 1621 G 733 F7 1994 for Yiddish text, translation and transliteration. The pamphlet is boxed in a folio sized folder.
- On album:
- C-038(a) (Beth Anne Cole Yiddish Songs Song Under The Stair)
- Track ID:
- 25200
- Vocal:
- Cole, Beth Anne
- Artist:
- Davis, Lona Davis, piano & arr
- Guitar:
- Katz, Brian
- First line:
- Dremlen feygl oyf di tsvaygn, shlof, mayn tayer kind,
- First line:
- דרעמלען פֿײגל אױף די צװײַגן, שלאָף, מײַן טײַער קינד,
- Track comment:
- Same melody as "S'iz Keyn Broyt In Shtub Nishto."
Song Under The Stair (Eng)
- On album:
- C-038(a) (Beth Anne Cole Yiddish Songs Song Under The Stair)
- Track ID:
- 25201
- Author/Composer:
- Cole, Beth Ann
- Artist:
- Cole, Beth Anne
- Artist:
- Davis, Lona Davis, piano & arr
- Guitar:
- Katz, Brian
- First line:
- "There's a song under the stair", she said as she led me...