Tracks with this artist
Hinakh Yafa (Song of Songs 01:15) — הנך יפה (שיר השירים ד)
- Also known as:
- Shir Hashirim 01:15
- Also known as:
- Song of Songs 01:15
- Genre:
- Biblical/Song of Songs/Shir Hashirim
- Subject:
- Beauty/Eyes/Hair/
- Origin:
- Alb D-002(c)/Alb D-002(b)/Alb K-051(e)
- Transliteration:
- Alb D-002(c)/(a)/Alb D-002(b)/Alb K-051(e)/Alb S-075(a)
- Translation:
- Alb D-002(c)/Alb D-002(b)/Alb K-051(e)/Alb S-075(a)
- On album:
- xA-029(a)
- Track ID:
- 13891
- Composer:
- Moustaki, J. — מוסטקי, י.
- Artist:
- Amrani, Shalom & Barak
- Arranger:
- Hadar, Yosef — הדר, יוסף
- First line:
- Hinakh yafa rahayati aynayikh yonim beveyr letsmatekh.
- First line (Hebrew):
- הנך יפה רעיתי, עיניך יונים בּבעד לצמתך. שיניך כּעדר הרחלים...
- Track comment:
- "Behold, thou are fair, my love; behold, thou art fair,"
- Language:
- Hebrew
Shuva Elay — שובה אלי
- Author:
- Ettinger, Amos — אתינגער, עמוס
- Composer:
- Hadar, Yosef — הדר, יוסף
- Genre:
- Israeli/Literary Origin
- Subject:
- War/Desert/Father/Death/Horse/Return
- Origin:
- ALB H-049(a)
- Transliteration:
- ABL B-007(m)
- Translation:
- ABL B-007(m)
- Additional song notes:
- Return to Me
- On album:
- A-029(a) (Israel Today Songs of Jerusalem by the Amranim)
- Track ID:
- 14338
- Artist:
- Amrani, Shalom & Barak
- Arranger:
- Hadar, Yosef — הדר, יוסף
- First line:
- Haorot shuv kavu kitmol, bashvilim mehadhed, kol parsot sussi haoved,
- First line:
- האורות שוב כבו כתמול, בשבילים מהדהד, קול פרסות סוסי שאבד בכול,
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Once more the lights are low, and on the paths there is...
Dror Yikra — דרוֹר יקרא
- Also known as:
- Proclaim Liberty
- Author:
- Ben-Lavrat, Donash — בּן־לברט, דונש
- Genre:
- Prayer/Religious
- Subject:
- Freedom/Peace/Prosperity/Protection/Observance/Shabos
- Origin:
- Alb S-004(j)/Zim 9/Netzer 316/Alb Y-003(a)/ALB M-064(a)/Cardozo 37
- Transliteration:
- Zim 9/Bekol Ram 24/Alb Y-003(a)/Alb B-007(m)/Alb F-015(b)/Cardozo 36
- Translation:
- Alb F-015(b)/Bekol Ram 24/Alb B-007(m)/Alb F-015(b)/ALB M-064(a)/Cardozo 37
- Music:
- Cardozo 36
- Related information in folder 607:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliteration and English translation on internet taken from Bekol Ram ,
2, Explanation and Hebrew text along with music and biographical info of the lyricist Rebenu Adonim HaLevy ben Levtrat, "Dunash" from the internet.
- On album:
- A-029(a) (Israel Today Songs of Jerusalem by the Amranim)
- Track ID:
- 4328
- Arranger:
- Amranim
- Vocal:
- Amrani, Shalom & Barak
- Arranger:
- Hadar, Yosef — הדר, יוסף
- First line:
- Dror yikra leven im bat, Veyintsorkhem k'mo bavat,
- First line (Hebrew):
- דרוֹר יקרא לבן עם בּת, וינצרכם כּמוֹ בּבת.
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- He will proclaim freedom for all his children And will...
- Language:
- Hebrew
Hinakh Yafa (Moustaki) — הנך יפה (מסטאקי)
- Genre:
- Biblical/Song of Songs/Shir Hashirim
- Subject:
- Beauty/Eyes/Hair/Song of Songs, Shir Hashirim 04:01
- Origin:
- Alb D-002(c)/Alb D-002(b)/Alb K-051(e)
- Transliteration:
- Alb D-002(c)/(a)/Alb D-002(b)/Alb K-051(e)/Alb S-075(a)
- Translation:
- Alb D-002(c)/Alb D-002(b)/Alb K-051(e)/Alb S-075(a)
- On album:
- A-029(a) (Israel Today Songs of Jerusalem by the Amranim)
- Track ID:
- 6552
- Vocal:
- Amrani, Shalom & Barak
- Arranger:
- Hadar, Yosef — הדר, יוסף
- First line:
- Hinakh yafa rahayati aynayikh yonim beveyr letsmatekh.
- First line (Hebrew):
- הנך יפה רעיתי, עיניך יונים מבּעד לצמתך. שיניך כּעדר הרחלים...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- "Behold, thou are fair, my love; behold, thou art fair,"
- Language:
- Hebrew
Sha Shtil! — שאַ שטיל!
- Genre:
- Anti-Khasidic/Humorous/Folk/Satire
- Subject:
- Rebe/Khasidim/Dance/Sing/Activities
- Origin:
- Vinkov 3 100/Alb L-022(a)/ML PYS 144/Alb B-007(b)/Alb B-036(a)/C-060(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb B-036(a)/Silverman YSB 96/Alb S-083(a)/Alb G-005(c)/Alb M-049(a)
- Translation:
- Alb M-049(a)/Alb S-068(b)/Alb S-083(a)/Alb L-048(a)/Silver 96/C-060(a)
- Music:
- Vinkov 3 100/Kremer 40/Silver 96/ML PYS 144/
- On album:
- A-029(a) (Israel Today Songs of Jerusalem by the Amranim)
- Track ID:
- 13386
- Artist:
- Amrani, Shalom & Barak
- Arranger:
- Tene, Nimrod — טנא, נמרוד
- First line:
- Sha! Shtil! Makht nisht keyn gerider! Der rebe geyt shoyn...
- First line (Yiddish):
- שאַ! שטיל! מאַכט נישט קײן גערידער! דער רבּי גײט שױן טאַנצן װידער
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish