Tracks with this artist
Hava Nagila (Nathanson) — הבה נגילה
- Also known as:
- Kene Hora (Hava Nagila)
- Also known as:
- Living With the H Tune
- Author:
- Nathanson, Moshe
- Genre:
- Folk/Hora
- Subject:
- Dance/Celebration/Joy
- Song comment:
- See Page 130 for extended info on the song
- Origin:
- Coopersmith NJS 111/Nath 15/Alb S-033(a)/Alb Z-013(a)/Alb N-014(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb N-014(a)/Coopersmith NJS 111/Alb N-014(b)/Alb S-033(a)/Alb K-007(a)
- Translation:
- Coopersmith NJS 111/Alb S-033(a)/Alb Z-013(a)/Alb N-014(b)/Alb B-032(a)
- Music:
- Coopersmith NJS 111/Nath 15/Pasternak BHN 130/Metro Scher 15
- Additional song notes:
- Originally Chassidic Sadigurer (Bukovina, Poland) nigun. Text -
claimed by Idelsohn, but text usually attributed to Moshe -
Nathanson. See Pasternak's "Beyond Hava Nagila" p 130: Nulman, p -
- Related information in folder 832:
- Comments:
- 1. 10/26/2007 Article by Leah Hochbaum Rosner in English Forward, Oct. 26, 2007, titled "Singing 'Happy Birthday' to 'Hava Nagila' as Party Classic nears 100".
2. 8/28/2008 Article published on the internet as of August 28, 2008 by James Loeffler titled "Hava Nagila's Long, Strange Trip: The unlikely history of a Hasidic melody.
3. 7/20/212 Article from the Forward of July 20, 2012 by Renee Ghert-Zand titled "From Ukraine to You Tube: How 'Hava Nagila' Became a Global Hit"
4. 2/24/2017 Article from Wikipedia as of February 24, 2017 titled Hava Nagila
- On album:
- D-001(b) (Jewish Dances George Schwartz His Orchestra and Singers)
- Track ID:
- 6246
- Artist:
- Schwartz, George, Orch & Singers
- First line:
- Hava nagila, venismekha. hava neranena, venismakha. Uru...
- First line (Hebrew):
- הבה נגילה ושׂמחה. הבה נרננה, ונשׂמחה. עורוּ אחים בּלב שׂמח.
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Hebrew
Az Der Rebe... — אַז דער רבי...
- Genre:
- Folk/Humorous/Maskilic/Satiric
- Subject:
- Rebe/Chasidim/Sleep/Yawn/Dance/Sing/Mimic/Cry
- Origin:
- Alb B-007(a)/Alb G-035(b)/
- Transliteration:
- Alb B-007(a)
- Translation:
- Vorbei 373/Alb B-007(a)/Alb P-038e)
- Music:
- Metro Album 39
- Additional song notes:
- Est, Geynets, Lakht, Tantst, Veynt, Zingt
- On album:
- D-001(b) (Jewish Dances George Schwartz His Orchestra and Singers)
- Track ID:
- 1746
- Vocal:
- Schwartz, George, Orch & Singers
- First line:
- Az der rebe est, Un az der rebe est, Shlingen ale khasidim,
- First line (Yiddish):
- אַז דער רבי עסט, און אַז דער רבי עסט, שלינגען אַלע חסידים,
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish
Dayenu — דינוּ
- Genre:
- Holiday/Haggadah/Passover/
- Subject:
- Sufficiency/Torah/Sabbath/Israel/Exodus/Egypt/Thankfullness
- Origin:
- Coopersmith NJS 54
- Transliteration:
- Coopersmith NJS 54/Alb K-022(b)/Alb R-001(a)/Schwartz 14
- Translation:
- Coopersmith NJS 54/Alb R-001(a)/Schwartz 14/Metro Album 13
- Music:
- Coopersmith NJS 54/Schwartz 14/Metro Album 13
- Related information in folder 696:
- Comments:
- 1. Soviet version, reflecting changes from the original text, from Anna Sternshis's book "Soviet and Kosher".
- On album:
- D-001(b) (Jewish Dances George Schwartz His Orchestra and Singers)
- Track ID:
- 2935
- Artist:
- Schwartz, George, Orch & Singers
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Style:
- Instrumental
Bulbes — בולבעס
- Also known as:
- Naye Bulbes
- Also known as:
- Potatoes
- Genre:
- Folk
- Subject:
- Potatoes/Food/Poverty/Humorous
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 74/Alb B-036(a)/
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 74/Alb B-036(a)/Alb O-009(a)/
- Translation:
- Alb O-001(a)/Alb R-033(a)/Alb S-006(a)/Alb Z-010(b)/Alb O-009(a)
- Music:
- ML MTAG 75/
- On album:
- D-001(b) (Jewish Dances George Schwartz His Orchestra and Singers)
- Track ID:
- 2656
- Artist:
- Schwartz, George, Orch & Singers
- First line:
- Zuntik--bulbes, Montik--bulbes, Dinstik un mitvokh--bulbes,
- First line (Yiddish):
- זונטיק--בולבעס, מאָנטיק--בולבעס, דינסטיק און מיטװאָך--בולבעס,
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish
Di Mizinke Oysgegebn — די מיזינקע אױסגעגעבן
- Also known as:
- Di Rod (Kales Tsad)
- Also known as:
- Mizinke Tants
- Also known as:
- The Krenzl Dance
- Also known as:
- Wedding Dance (Di Mizinke...)
- Author:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Composer:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Genre:
- Folk/Marriage/Family
- Subject:
- Youngest Child/Marriage/Celebration/Klezmer/Guests/Family
- Origin:
- Warsh Ye Yid 13/Alb G-026(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb R-022(a)/Alb B-007(b)ML MTAG 54
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 54/Alb S-083(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb G-022(a)/Alb L-009(a)/Kinderbuch 172/
- Translation:
- Kinderbuch 172/Alb G-022(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb S-083(a)/Alb B-007(b)/Sh Sh 198
- Music:
- ML MTAG 55/Kinderbuch 172/SM Scher 13
- Additional song notes:
- Originally entitled "Di Rod (Kales Tsad)" "(צד כּלהס)
The Youngest Daughter Married/
Org, Translit & Translat in Alb B-211(a)/ Translit in Alb P-038(d)
- Related information in folder 91:
- Comments:
- 1. Sheet music of song titled "Titina". Lyrics by Bertal-Maubon & Ronn. Music by Leo Daniderff published by Harms, NY, 1922. Melody accompanies Charley Chaplin song and dance routine in "City Lights". Melody has a strinking similarity to "Di Mezinke Oysgegebn"'
2. Article in Wikipedia as of 12/8/2009 titled "Je cherche Apres Titine" (I Am Looking For Titine) giving a history of the song.
- On album:
- D-001(b) (Jewish Dances George Schwartz His Orchestra and Singers)
- Track ID:
- 3717
- Artist:
- Schwartz, George, Orch & Singers
- First line:
- Shtarker! Beser! Di rod, di rod makht greser! Groys hot mikh
- First line (Yiddish):
- שטאַרקער, בעסער! די ראָד, די ראָד מאַכט גרעסער! גרױס האָט מיך
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Originally entitled "Di Rod (Kales Tsad)" "(צד כּלהס) ראָד "די
- Language:
- Yiddish
Freylekh Medley (Schwartz) — פֿרײלעך מעדלי (שװאַרץ)
- On album:
- D-001(b) (Jewish Dances George Schwartz His Orchestra and Singers)
- Track ID:
- 5391
- Artist:
- Schwartz, George, Orch & Singers
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Style:
- Klezmer/Instrumental
Hevenu Shalom Aleykhem — הבאנוּ שלוֹם עליכם
- Also known as:
- Lid Fun Sholom (Hevenu Shalom..)
- Genre:
- Folk/Hora/Israeli
- Subject:
- Peace
- Origin:
- Coopersmith NJS 78/Alb E-009(a)/Bugatch 66/Alb L-015(a)
- Transliteration:
- Bugatch 66/Alb H-002(c)/Alb G-005(c)/Alb S-085(a)/Alb E-009(a)/Alb L-015(a)
- Translation:
- Coopersmith NJS 78/Alb S-085(a)/
- Music:
- Coopersmith NJS 78/Bugatch 66/Kammen Jaff 4
- Additional song notes:
- We Bring You Peace
See Israeli and Jewish Song Hits for the Eb Alto Saxaphone Kammen Jaff Book Index M108.I82 1963, page 4
English adaptation by Pearl Bernyoe
- On album:
- D-001(b) (Jewish Dances George Schwartz His Orchestra and Singers)
- Track ID:
- 6500
- Artist:
- Schwartz, George, Orch & Singers
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- "We bring you greetings of peace"
- Style:
- Instrumental
Nign Bialik — ניגון ביאַליק
- Also known as:
- Bialik's Nign
- On album:
- D-001(b) (Jewish Dances George Schwartz His Orchestra and Singers)
- Track ID:
- 11054
- Artist:
- Schwartz, George, Orch & Singers
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Style:
- Instrumental
Di Tsvey Mekhutenestes
- Also known as:
- Mekhuteneste Mayne
- On album:
- D-001(b) (Jewish Dances George Schwartz His Orchestra and Singers)
- Track ID:
- 10216
- Artist:
- Schwartz, George, Orch & Singers
- First line:
- Mekhuteneste mayne, mekhuteneste getraye, Oy, lomir zayn...
- First line (Yiddish):
- מחותּנתטע מײַנע, מחותּנתטע געטרײַע, אױ, לאָמיר זײַן אױף אײביק...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish
Sher — שער
- Also known as:
- Rusishe Sher
- Also known as:
- Rusisher Sher
- Also known as:
- Russian Sher
- Also known as:
- Sher, Rushisher
- Also known as:
- Sher, Russian
- Also known as:
- Galician Sher
- Also known as:
- Sher, Galacian
- Also known as:
- Sher, Galitsianer
- Also known as:
- Galitsianer Sher
- Also known as:
- Russian Scissors
- Composer:
- Schwartz, Abe — שװאַרץ, אײב
- Genre:
- Dance
- On album:
- D-001(b) (Jewish Dances George Schwartz His Orchestra and Singers)
- Track ID:
- 13644
- Artist:
- Schwartz, George, Orch & Singers
- First line:
- Shtarker! Beser! Di rod, di rod makht greser! Groys hot mikh
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
Tumbalalajka — טום בלליקה
- Also known as:
- Tum Balalayke
- Also known as:
- Twistin' The Freylekhs (Instr)
- Also known as:
- Play Balalaike
- On album:
- D-001(b) (Jewish Dances George Schwartz His Orchestra and Singers)
- Track ID:
- 15802
- Artist:
- Schwartz, George, Orch & Singers
- First line:
- Shteyt a bokher un er trakht, Trakht un trakht a gantse...
- First line (Yiddish):
- שטײט אַ בחור און ער טראַכט, טראַכט און טראַכט אַ גאַנצע נאַכט,
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish
V'taher Libenu — וטהר לבּנוּ
- Also known as:
- Vetaher Libenu
- Genre:
- Religious
- Subject:
- Prayer/Purity/Worship
- Origin:
- Alb E-009(a)/Netzer 335/Coopersmith NJS 90
- Transliteration:
- Coopersmith NJS 90/Alb H-002(c)/Alb S-085(a)/Alb E-009(a)/Alb T-008(a)
- Translation:
- Coopersmith NJS 90/Alb S-085(a)
- Music:
- Coopersmith NJS 90
- On album:
- D-001(b) (Jewish Dances George Schwartz His Orchestra and Singers)
- Track ID:
- 16173
- Artist:
- Schwartz, George, Orch & Singers
- First line:
- וטהר לבּנוּ לעבגך בּאמת.
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Style:
- Instrumental