Tracks with this artist
Glik — גליק
- Author:
- Meisell, Bella — מײַזעל, בעלאַ
- Composer:
- Olshanetsky, Alexander — אָלשאַנעצקי, אַלעקסאַנדער
- Genre:
- Theatre/Lament
- Subject:
- Fate/Happiness/Love
- Song comment:
- From the musical "Der Letster Tants"
- Origin:
- Alb T-028(f)
- Transliteration:
- Warem 76/Alb W-031(a)Alb D-004(k)/Alb M-057(a)/Alb K-059(d)/Alb T-028(f)
- Translation:
- Alb W-031(a)/Alb D-004(k)/Ephemera 1520 p 26
- Music:
- Warem 76/Ephemera 1520 p
- Additional song notes:
- Luck
- On album:
- G-037(a) (Hanna Greenbaum In Yiddish Songs — חנה גרינבאום ייִדישע לידער)
- Track ID:
- 5697
- Artist:
- Greenbaum, Hanna — גרינבױם, חנה
- Artist:
- Osherovits, M., orchestra — אָשעראָװעץ, מ., אָרקעסטער
- First line:
- Glik, vos iz faran on a shir, ober bloyz nisht far mir,
- First line (Yiddish):
- גליק, װאָס איז פֿאַראַן אָן אַ שיר, אָבער בלױז נישט פֿאַר מיר,
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish
Kinder Yorn (Gebirtig) — קינדער יאָרן (געבירטיג)
- Also known as:
- Shnot Yaldut
- Author:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Composer:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Folk
- Subject:
- Nostalgia/Childhood/Aging/Memory/
- Origin:
- Gebir ML 9/ML MTAG 222/Alb A-001(h)/Belarsky 221/Alb B-007(a)/Gebir Lemm 44
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 222/Alb B-007(a)/Alb L-054(a)/Alb A-005(e)/Alb T-031(b)
- Translation:
- Alb G-022(a)/GYF 55/Alb B-007(a)/Alb L-054(a)/Alb A-005(e)Gebir SIMC 4
- Music:
- GYF 53/ML MTAG 221/Belarsky 47/ Gebir Lemm 44
- On album:
- G-037(a) (Hanna Greenbaum In Yiddish Songs — חנה גרינבאום ייִדישע לידער)
- Track ID:
- 8444
- Artist:
- Greenbaum, Hanna — גרינבױם, חנה
- Artist:
- Osherovits, M., orchestra — אָשעראָװעץ, מ., אָרקעסטער
- First line:
- Kinder yorn, zise kinder yorn, eybik bleybt ir vakh in...
- First line (Yiddish):
- קינדער יאָרן, זיסע קינדער יאָרן, אײביק בלײבט איר וואַך אין מײַן זכּרון
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish
Mayn Shtetele Belz — מײַן שטעטעלע בעלז
- Also known as:
- Belz
- Author:
- Jacobs, Jacob — זשאַקאָבס, זשאַקאָב
- Composer:
- Olshanetsky, Alexander — אָלשאַנעצקי, אַלעקסאַנדער
- Genre:
- Theatre/Nostalgia/Memory/Literary Origin
- Subject:
- Place/Belz/Childhood
- Origin:
- GYF 20/ML PYS 260/Alb G-035(b)/Vinkov 5 309
- Transliteration:
- Alb B-007(c)/GYF 23/Alb L-048(a)/Alb B-007(c)/Alb G-013(c)/ML PYS 260/
- Translation:
- Alb H-006(a)/Alb L-023(b)/GYF 23/Alb J-024(a)1/Alb K-029(g)/Vinkov 5 311
- Music:
- GYF 20/Estella 26/ML PYS 260/Vinkov 5 308
- Additional song notes:
- From the play "Ghetto Song" or "Song of the Ghetto
Also translation and transliteration published in Alb T-028(b)
Characterized by Karsten Troyke as "Traditional"
- On album:
- G-037(a) (Hanna Greenbaum In Yiddish Songs — חנה גרינבאום ייִדישע לידער)
- Track ID:
- 9949
- Artist:
- Greenbaum Hanna — גרינבױם, חנה
- Artist:
- Osherovits, M., orchestra — אָשעראָװעץ, מ., אָרקעסטער
- First line:
- Dertseyl mir alter, dertseyl mir geshvind, Veyl ikh vil...
- First line (Yiddish):
- דערצײל מיר אַלטער, דערצײל מיר געשװינד, װײַל איך װיל װיסן אַלץ..
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish
Oyfn Veg Shteyt A Boym — אױפֿן װעג שטײט אַ בױם
- Also known as:
- Al Haderekh Ets Omeyd
- Also known as:
- Afn Veg Shteyt A Boym
- Author:
- Manger, Itzik — מאַנגער, איציק
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Folk
- Subject:
- Child/Mother/Burdens/Birds/Tree/Imagination/Mother Love
- Song comment:
- P. Laskovski sometimes credited as composer./ From "Volkns Ibern Dakh"
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 164/Manger 369/Manger Illust/Alb L-023(a)/Alb F-024(e)/GYF 66/
- Transliteration:
- GYF 67/ML MTAG 164/ L-022(a)/Alb A-044(a)/Alb F-018(a)/CD L-054(a)/CD O-016(a)
- Translation:
- Leftwich GP 547/GYF 67/Alb L-004(a)/Alb L-023(a)/Manger Wolf 102/Sh Sh 414
- Music:
- ML MTAG 164/
- Additional song notes:
- By The Wayside Stands A Tree
See also illustration in Manger Illust
See transliteration and translation in Ephemera 1552
Shmuel Fisher credited as compposer in the lyrics provided by Klezmania
- Related information in folder 111:
- Comments:
- 1. Essay titled "The Destiny of a Poem" by Itzik Manger, translated from the Yiddish by Joseph Leftwich and published in Volume 2 of "The Way We Think" describing Manger's visit to Waraw in April 1948 including an incident dealing with his poem "Oyfn Veg Shteyt A Boym."
See folder 3 (Manger, Itzik)
2. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
3. Article in the English Forward of January 29, 2010 by Philologos exploring the relationship of Manger's "Oyfn Veg Shteyt A Boym" and the folk song "Groyser Got, Groyser Got, Lomir Davenen Minkhe, Az Yidn Veln Forn Keyn Eretz Yisroel, Vet Zayn Susn V"Simkhe".
4 3/2/2014 Program for performances of the The Megile of Itzik Manger for March 2-16, 2014 at the Center for the Performing Arts published by the Folksbiene.
- Related information in folder 996:
- Comments:
- 1. Article in English Forward of January 29, 2010 by Philologos titled "A Tree Grows in Zion" dealing with Manger's Song with the Zionist pioneer song and coming to the conclusion that Laskowsky could not have written the melody to the Manger song
- On album:
- G-037(a) (Hanna Greenbaum In Yiddish Songs — חנה גרינבאום ייִדישע לידער)
- Track ID:
- 11956
- Artist:
- Greenbaum, Hanna — גרינבױם, חנה
- Artist:
- Osherovits, M., orchestra — אָשעראָװעץ, מ., אָרקעסטער
- First line:
- Oyfn vegt shteyt a boym, shteyt er eyngeboygn,
- First line (Yiddish):
- אױפֿן װעג שטײט אַ בױם, שטײט ער אײַנגעבױגן, אַלע פֿײגל פֿונעם...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish
Papirene Kinder — פּאַפּירענע קינדער
- Author:
- Rund, Morris
- Composer:
- Meyerowitz, David — מײעראָװיץ, דוד
- Genre:
- Lament/Letter/
- Subject:
- Separation/Lonliness/Loss/Mother/Son/Pictures
- Origin:
- Ephemera 353
- Translation:
- Ephemera 353
- Additional song notes:
- Paper Children
- Related information in folder 353:
- Comments:
- 1. Yiddish text of "Papirene Kinder" by Morris Rund in Yiddish Forward of March 8, 1991. (Chana Mlotek)
2. Yiddish text of poem titled "Papirene Kinder"
by unknown author published in Yiddish Forward of March 8, 1991.
3. Yiddish text of poem titled "Papirene Kinder by Yakov Adler published in Yiddish Forward of February 22, 1991. (Chana Mlotek)
English translations of "Papirene Kinder" by Rund and Adler from the internet. Translations by Manory/Thobi
- On album:
- G-037(a) (Hanna Greenbaum In Yiddish Songs — חנה גרינבאום ייִדישע לידער)
- Track ID:
- 12066
- Vocal:
- Greenbaum, Hanna — גרינבױם, חנה
- Artist:
- Osherovits, M., orchestra — אָשעראָװעץ, מ., אָרקעסטער
- First line:
- A brivele geshribn hot mayn manenyu mir, "Yankele, zindele..
- First line (Yiddish):
- אַ בריװעלע געשריבן האָט מײַן מאַמעניו מיר, "יאַנקעלע זינדעלע...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish
Reyzele — רײזעלע (ווידי
- Author:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Composer:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Love/Courtship/Folk
- Subject:
- Love/Courtship
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 48/Alb L-023(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb B-007(b)Belarsky Fav 31
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 48/Alb L-023(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb R-001(a)/Belarsky Fav 15
- Translation:
- Alb R-001(a)/Alb H-006(a)/Alb R-033(a)/Alb B-007(b)/Belarsky Fav 15
- Music:
- ML MTAG 50/Gold Zem 186/Belarsky Fav 15
- Additional song notes:
- See Heskes 1, entries 2165, 2931, 3281 respecting sheet music.
See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
- Related information in folder 731:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- G-037(a) (Hanna Greenbaum In Yiddish Songs — חנה גרינבאום ייִדישע לידער)
- Track ID:
- 12741
- Artist:
- Greenbaum, Hanna — גרינבױם, חנה
- Artist:
- Osherovits, M., orchestra — אָשעראָװעץ, מ., אָרקעסטער
- First line:
- Shteyt zikh dort in gesele, shtil fartrakht a hayzele,
- First line (Yiddish):
- שטײט זיך דאָרט אין געסעלע, שטיל פֿאַרטראַכט אַ הײַזעלע,
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish
Papirene Kinder — פּאַפּירענע קינדער
- Author:
- Rund, Morris
- Composer:
- Meyerowitz, David — מײעראָװיץ, דוד
- Genre:
- Lament/Letter/
- Subject:
- Separation/Lonliness/Loss/Mother/Son/Pictures
- Origin:
- Ephemera 353
- Translation:
- Ephemera 353
- Additional song notes:
- Paper Children
- Related information in folder 353:
- Comments:
- 1. Yiddish text of "Papirene Kinder" by Morris Rund in Yiddish Forward of March 8, 1991. (Chana Mlotek)
2. Yiddish text of poem titled "Papirene Kinder"
by unknown author published in Yiddish Forward of March 8, 1991.
3. Yiddish text of poem titled "Papirene Kinder by Yakov Adler published in Yiddish Forward of February 22, 1991. (Chana Mlotek)
English translations of "Papirene Kinder" by Rund and Adler from the internet. Translations by Manory/Thobi
- On album:
- Y-004(b) (S'benkt Zikh Aheym Di Beste Lider Fun Di Beste Zingers — ס'בענקט זיך אַהײם די בעסטע לידער פֿון די בעסטע זינגערס)
- Track ID:
- 21738
- Vocal:
- Greenbaum, Hanna — גרינבױם, חנה
- Artist:
- Osherovits, M., orchestra — אָשעראָװעץ, מ., אָרקעסטער
- First line:
- A brivele geshribn hot mayn manenyu mir, "Yankele, zindele..
- First line (Yiddish):
- אַ בריװעלע געשריבן האָט מײַן מאַמעניו מיר, "יאַנקעלע זינדעלע..."
- Language:
- Yiddish
Mayn Shtetele Belz — מײַן שטעטעלע בעלז
- Also known as:
- Belz
- Author:
- Jacobs, Jacob — זשאַקאָבס, זשאַקאָב
- Composer:
- Olshanetsky, Alexander — אָלשאַנעצקי, אַלעקסאַנדער
- Genre:
- Theatre/Nostalgia/Memory/Literary Origin
- Subject:
- Place/Belz/Childhood
- Origin:
- GYF 20/ML PYS 260/Alb G-035(b)/Vinkov 5 309
- Transliteration:
- Alb B-007(c)/GYF 23/Alb L-048(a)/Alb B-007(c)/Alb G-013(c)/ML PYS 260/
- Translation:
- Alb H-006(a)/Alb L-023(b)/GYF 23/Alb J-024(a)1/Alb K-029(g)/Vinkov 5 311
- Music:
- GYF 20/Estella 26/ML PYS 260/Vinkov 5 308
- Additional song notes:
- From the play "Ghetto Song" or "Song of the Ghetto
Also translation and transliteration published in Alb T-028(b)
Characterized by Karsten Troyke as "Traditional"
- On album:
- G-037(b) (Hanna Greenbaum Great yiddish Songs — ייִדישע לידער שירים גדולים ביידיש)
- Track ID:
- 25766
- Author:
- Jacobs, Jacob — זשאַקאָבס, זשאַקאָב
- Artist:
- Greenbaum Hanna — גרינבױם, חנה
- Artist:
- Osherovits, M., orchestra — אָשעראָװעץ, מ., אָרקעסטער
- First line:
- Dertseyl mir alter, dertseyl mir geshvind, Veyl ikh vil...
- First line (Yiddish):
- דערצײל מיר אַלטער, דערצײל מיר געשװינד, װײַל איך װיל װיסן אַלץ..
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish
Oyfn Veg Shteyt A Boym — אױפֿן װעג שטײט אַ בױם
- Also known as:
- Al Haderekh Ets Omeyd
- Also known as:
- Afn Veg Shteyt A Boym
- Author:
- Manger, Itzik — מאַנגער, איציק
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Folk
- Subject:
- Child/Mother/Burdens/Birds/Tree/Imagination/Mother Love
- Song comment:
- P. Laskovski sometimes credited as composer./ From "Volkns Ibern Dakh"
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 164/Manger 369/Manger Illust/Alb L-023(a)/Alb F-024(e)/GYF 66/
- Transliteration:
- GYF 67/ML MTAG 164/ L-022(a)/Alb A-044(a)/Alb F-018(a)/CD L-054(a)/CD O-016(a)
- Translation:
- Leftwich GP 547/GYF 67/Alb L-004(a)/Alb L-023(a)/Manger Wolf 102/Sh Sh 414
- Music:
- ML MTAG 164/
- Additional song notes:
- By The Wayside Stands A Tree
See also illustration in Manger Illust
See transliteration and translation in Ephemera 1552
Shmuel Fisher credited as compposer in the lyrics provided by Klezmania
- Related information in folder 111:
- Comments:
- 1. Essay titled "The Destiny of a Poem" by Itzik Manger, translated from the Yiddish by Joseph Leftwich and published in Volume 2 of "The Way We Think" describing Manger's visit to Waraw in April 1948 including an incident dealing with his poem "Oyfn Veg Shteyt A Boym."
See folder 3 (Manger, Itzik)
2. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
3. Article in the English Forward of January 29, 2010 by Philologos exploring the relationship of Manger's "Oyfn Veg Shteyt A Boym" and the folk song "Groyser Got, Groyser Got, Lomir Davenen Minkhe, Az Yidn Veln Forn Keyn Eretz Yisroel, Vet Zayn Susn V"Simkhe".
4 3/2/2014 Program for performances of the The Megile of Itzik Manger for March 2-16, 2014 at the Center for the Performing Arts published by the Folksbiene.
- Related information in folder 996:
- Comments:
- 1. Article in English Forward of January 29, 2010 by Philologos titled "A Tree Grows in Zion" dealing with Manger's Song with the Zionist pioneer song and coming to the conclusion that Laskowsky could not have written the melody to the Manger song
- On album:
- G-037(b) (Hanna Greenbaum Great yiddish Songs — ייִדישע לידער שירים גדולים ביידיש)
- Track ID:
- 25768
- Artist:
- Greenbaum, Hanna — גרינבױם, חנה
- Artist:
- Osherovits, M., orchestra — אָשעראָװעץ, מ., אָרקעסטער
- First line:
- Oyfn veg shteyt a boym, shteyt er eyngeboygn,
- First line:
- אױפֿן װעג שטײט אַ בױם, שטײט ער אײַנגעבױגן, אַלע פֿײגל פֿונעם...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
Papirene Kinder — פּאַפּירענע קינדער
- Author:
- Rund, Morris
- Composer:
- Meyerowitz, David — מײעראָװיץ, דוד
- Genre:
- Lament/Letter/
- Subject:
- Separation/Lonliness/Loss/Mother/Son/Pictures
- Origin:
- Ephemera 353
- Translation:
- Ephemera 353
- Additional song notes:
- Paper Children
- Related information in folder 353:
- Comments:
- 1. Yiddish text of "Papirene Kinder" by Morris Rund in Yiddish Forward of March 8, 1991. (Chana Mlotek)
2. Yiddish text of poem titled "Papirene Kinder"
by unknown author published in Yiddish Forward of March 8, 1991.
3. Yiddish text of poem titled "Papirene Kinder by Yakov Adler published in Yiddish Forward of February 22, 1991. (Chana Mlotek)
English translations of "Papirene Kinder" by Rund and Adler from the internet. Translations by Manory/Thobi
- On album:
- G-037(b) (Hanna Greenbaum Great yiddish Songs — ייִדישע לידער שירים גדולים ביידיש)
- Track ID:
- 25769
- Composer:
- Meyerowitz, David — מײעראָװיץ, דוד
- Vocal:
- Greenbaum, Hanna — גרינבױם, חנה
- Artist:
- Osherovits, M., orchestra — אָשעראָװעץ, מ., אָרקעסטער
- First line:
- A brivele geshribn hot mayn manenyu mir, "Yankele, zindele..
- First line (Yiddish):
- אַ בריװעלע געשריבן האָט מײַן מאַמעניו מיר, "יאַנקעלע זינדעלע...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish
Reyzele — רײזעלע (ווידי
- Author:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Composer:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Love/Courtship/Folk
- Subject:
- Love/Courtship
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 48/Alb L-023(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb B-007(b)Belarsky Fav 31
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 48/Alb L-023(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb R-001(a)/Belarsky Fav 15
- Translation:
- Alb R-001(a)/Alb H-006(a)/Alb R-033(a)/Alb B-007(b)/Belarsky Fav 15
- Music:
- ML MTAG 50/Gold Zem 186/Belarsky Fav 15
- Additional song notes:
- See Heskes 1, entries 2165, 2931, 3281 respecting sheet music.
See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
- Related information in folder 731:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- G-037(b) (Hanna Greenbaum Great yiddish Songs — ייִדישע לידער שירים גדולים ביידיש)
- Track ID:
- 25770
- Artist:
- Greenbaum, Hanna — גרינבױם, חנה
- Artist:
- Osherovits, M., orchestra — אָשעראָװעץ, מ., אָרקעסטער
- First line:
- Shteyt zikh dort in gesele, shtil fartrakht a hayzele,
- First line (Yiddish):
- שטײט זיך דאָרט אין געסעלע, שטיל פֿאַרטראַכט אַ הײַזעלע,
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish
Vos Geven Iz Geven Un Nito — װאָס געװען איז געװען און ניטאָ
- Also known as:
- Vos Geven Iz Nishtu
- Author:
- Meyerowitz, David — מײעראָװיץ, דוד
- Composer:
- Meyerowitz, David — מײעראָװיץ, דוד
- Genre:
- Theatre/Vaudeville/Lament
- Subject:
- Aging/Memory
- Origin:
- ML PYS 274
- Transliteration:
- Warem 224/ML PYS 274/Alb J-024(a)1/Estella 8
- Translation:
- Alb T-015(a)/Alb J-024(a)1/Alb M-068(a)04
- Music:
- Warem 224/ML PYS 275/Estella 8
- Additional song notes:
- What Was Once Is No More
- On album:
- G-037(b) (Hanna Greenbaum Great yiddish Songs — ייִדישע לידער שירים גדולים ביידיש)
- Track ID:
- 25771
- Artist:
- Greenbaum, Hanna — גרינבױם, חנה
- Artist:
- Osherovits, M., orchestra — אָשעראָװעץ, מ., אָרקעסטער
- First line:
- Vos geven iz geven, nisht mer do, erloybt lozt aykh...
- First line (Yiddish):
- װאָס געװען איז געװען, נישט מער דאָ, ערלױבט לאָזט אײַך...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish
Glik — גליק
- Author:
- Meisell, Bella — מײַזעל, בעלאַ
- Composer:
- Olshanetsky, Alexander — אָלשאַנעצקי, אַלעקסאַנדער
- Genre:
- Theatre/Lament
- Subject:
- Fate/Happiness/Love
- Song comment:
- From the musical "Der Letster Tants"
- Origin:
- Alb T-028(f)
- Transliteration:
- Warem 76/Alb W-031(a)Alb D-004(k)/Alb M-057(a)/Alb K-059(d)/Alb T-028(f)
- Translation:
- Alb W-031(a)/Alb D-004(k)/Ephemera 1520 p 26
- Music:
- Warem 76/Ephemera 1520 p
- Additional song notes:
- Luck
- On album:
- G-037(b) (Hanna Greenbaum Great yiddish Songs — ייִדישע לידער שירים גדולים ביידיש)
- Track ID:
- 25764
- Artist:
- Greenbaum, Hanna — גרינבױם, חנה
- Artist:
- Osherovits, M., orchestra — אָשעראָװעץ, מ., אָרקעסטער
- First line:
- Glik, vos iz faran on a shir, ober bloyz nisht far mir,
- First line (Yiddish):
- גליק, װאָס איז פֿאַראַן אָן אַ שיר, אָבער בלױז נישט פֿאַר מיר,
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish
Kinder Yorn (Gebirtig) — קינדער יאָרן (געבירטיג)
- Also known as:
- Shnot Yaldut
- Author:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Composer:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Folk
- Subject:
- Nostalgia/Childhood/Aging/Memory/
- Origin:
- Gebir ML 9/ML MTAG 222/Alb A-001(h)/Belarsky 221/Alb B-007(a)/Gebir Lemm 44
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 222/Alb B-007(a)/Alb L-054(a)/Alb A-005(e)/Alb T-031(b)
- Translation:
- Alb G-022(a)/GYF 55/Alb B-007(a)/Alb L-054(a)/Alb A-005(e)Gebir SIMC 4
- Music:
- GYF 53/ML MTAG 221/Belarsky 47/ Gebir Lemm 44
- On album:
- G-037(b) (Hanna Greenbaum Great yiddish Songs — ייִדישע לידער שירים גדולים ביידיש)
- Track ID:
- 25765
- Artist:
- Greenbaum, Hanna — גרינבױם, חנה
- Artist:
- Osherovits, M., orchestra — אָשעראָװעץ, מ., אָרקעסטער
- First line:
- Kinder yorn, zise kinder yorn, eybik bleybt ir vakh in...
- First line (Yiddish):
- קינדער יאָרן, זיסע קינדער יאָרן, אײביק בלײבט איר וואַך אין מײַן זכּרון
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish