Azoy Vi S'iz Biter — אַזױ װי ס'אַיז ביטער
- Also known as:
- Vi Shlekht Un Vi Biter
- Also known as:
- Di Dinstmoyd
- Genre:
- Theatre
- Subject:
- Maid/Servant/Employer/Love/Place/Zhitomir
- Origin:
- ML PYS 108
- Transliteration:
- ML PYS 108
- Music:
- ML PYS 109
- On album:
- B-051(b) (A Nigundl/ Jewish Folksongs/ Soloists of the State Theatre of Bucharest — לידער פֿון ייִדישן פֿאָלקלאָר)
- Track ID:
- 28268
- Artist:
- Bucharest Jewish Theatre Orch
- Vocal:
- Abramovici, Trici
- First line:
- Azoy vi s'iz biter tsu dinen bay yenevits, azoy iz dos biter, un take gemeyn,
- First line (Yiddish):
- אַזױ װי ס'איז ביטער צו דינען בײַ יענעװיץ, אַזױ איז דאָס ביטער,
- Track comment:
- With "Paylishn" accent - "Yakh" instead of "Ikh"
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert/Orchestral Accomp/Theatre