Nit Bay Motyen (Elenkrig) — ניט בײַ מאָטיען (עלענקריג)
- Composer:
- Elenkrig, Abe
- Genre:
- Instrumental/Klezmer
- Song comment:
- Is this same as the song with same title sung by Lebedoff?
- Additional song notes:
- Nobody Will Put Anything OverThis Kid Is Elenkrig composer or is the song from his repertoire?
- On album:
- O-012(a) (Orient Express, Moving Shnorers)
- Track ID:
- 27225
- Artist:
- Orient Express Moving Schnorers
- Arranger:
- Wekstein, Pierre
- On album:
- K-026(m) (Klezmer! Jewish Music From Old World To Our World)
- Track ID:
- 28074
- Artist:
- Abe Elenkrig's Orchestra
- Track comment:
- Originally recorded 1912
- On album:
- K-026(b) (Klezmer Music The First Recordings: 1910-1927)
- Track ID:
- 11168
- Artist:
- Abe Schwartz Orchestra — אײב שװאַרץ אָרקעסטער
- On album:
- M-034(b) (The Mazeltones Seattle, Romania)
- Track ID:
- 11169
- Composer:
- Elenkrig, Abe
- Artist:
- Mazeltones
- First line:
- In di beste, sheynste erter, nutst men shteydik di drey...
- First line:
- אין די בעסטע, שײנסטע ערטער, נוצט מען שטענדיק די דרײ װערטער,
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- From the musical " Motke From Slobodke".
- On album:
- S-067(a) (Abe Schwartz Master of Klezmer Music Volume One)
- Track ID:
- 11170
- Artist:
- Abe Schwartz Orchestra — אײב שװאַרץ אָרקעסטער
- Track comment:
- From 78 recording
- On album:
- N-013(c) (The Nisht Geferlach Klezmer Band Klezmering Again!)
- Track ID:
- 11171
- Artist:
- Nisht Geferlekh Klezmer Band — נישט געפֿערלעך קלעזמער באַנדע
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)