Novi Sacz Sirba
- Genre:
- Folk/Klezmer/Instrumental/Custom/Wedding
- Additional song notes:
- the transcription of this tune can be found in Wolf Kostakowsky's book International hebew Wedding Music (New York 1916) under the genertic title Romanian Sirba. Popular in the southwest of Poland around the area of Nowy Sacz, hence the title of the tune.
- On album:
- B-077(b) (Budowitz / Wedding Without A Bride/ Khusn On A Kale / Un Mariage Sans Mariee — חתונה אָן אַ כּלה)
- Track ID:
- 31839
- Tsimbl/19th Century Accordion/Arrangement:
- Horowitz, Joshua
- 19th Century C and Eb Clarinets/Arrangement:
- Shepherd, Merlin — שעפּהערד, מערלין
- Violin:
- Gombai, Tamas
- Violin/3 String Bratsch:
- Toth, Sandor D.
- Cello:
- Kurtosi, Zsolt
- Style:
- Sirba
- Length:
- 1:50
- On album:
- S-130(b) (Jason Rosenblatt/Harmonica Galitzianer/Shtreiml Brand/ with: Josh Dolgin/Thierry Arsenault/Ariel Harrod)
- Track ID:
- 38114
- Harmonica (Bb):
- Rosenblatt, Jason
- accordion:
- Dolgin, Josh
- drums, percussion:
- Arsenault, Thierry
- bass:
- Harrod, Ariel
- Length:
- 2:09