Unter Dem Kinds Vigele — אונטער דעם קינדס װיגעלע
- Genre:
- Folk/Lullaby
- Subject:
- Lamb/Food/Raisens/Almonds/Torah/Piety/Dreams
- Origin:
- Vinkov 1 90/Brounoff.7/
- Transliteration:
- Alb P-001(a)/Rubin Treas 17/Alb D-004(l)/Alb G-052(a)
- Translation:
- Alb P-001(a)/Rubin Treas 17/Alb D-004(l)/Alb G-052(a)/Brounoff.7/Vinkov 1 90
- Music:
- Vinkov 1 90/Brounoff.7/Rubin Treas 17
- On album:
- A-060(c) (Songs From the Attic/ Lider Fun Boydem 5/ The Best of 78 Records/Yiddish Children Songs — לידער פֿון בוידעם 5\ די בעסטע פֿון 78 פּלאַטן, ייִדישע קינדער לידער)
- Track ID:
- 34591
- Artist:
- Steven Scott Orchestra
- Lead Trumpet:
- Menchin, Sy
- Vocal:
- Padden, Rose
- Trumpet/ Violin/Arranger:
- Greene, Emil
- Bass:
- Max, Harry
- Trumpet:
- Kurz, Marv
- Tenor Sax/Clarinet/Violin:
- Pattner, Abbe
- Tenor Sax/Clarinet/Violin/Flute:
- Goldsmith, Sid
- Drums/Timbales:
- Lombardi, Lou
- Accordion:
- Nystrom, Alf
- First line:
- Unter dem kinds vigele, shteyt a klor vays tsigele, dos tsigele z'geforn handlen
- First line (Yiddish):
- אונטער דעם קינדס װיגעלע, שטײט אַ קלאָר װײַס ציגעלע, דאָס ציגעלע איז...
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Folk
- Length:
- 2:51