Zilber Shtern — זילבער שטערן
- Genre:
- Literary Origin
- Subject:
- Youth/Stars/Past/Heights/Death/Aging/Memory
- Origin:
- Schae Got Mus 38
- Transliteration:
- Schae Got Mus 38
- Translation:
- Schae Got Mus 62
- Music:
- Schae Got Mus 38
- On album:
- G-054(a) (Zumerteg Twenty Yiddish Songs by Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman — זומערטעג צװאָנציק זינגלידער בײלע שעכטער-גאָטעסמאַן)
- Track ID:
- 20555
- Author/Composer:
- Schaechter-Gottesman, Beyle — שעכטער־גאָטעסמאַן, בײלע
- Artist:
- Teitelbaum, Paula
- Director/Arranger:
- Schaechter, (Ben) Binyumen — שעכטער, (בען) בנימין
- First line:
- O, ir mayne zilber shtern, O, ir himlen mayne blo!
- First line:
- אָ, איר מײַנע זילבער שטערן, אָ, איר הימלען מײַנע בלאָ!
- Track comment:
- "Zumerteg"- text, translat, translit & music with album
- On album:
- T-035(a) (You Ask Me Why/Tova Sings Beyle/Theresa Tova)
- Track ID:
- 33756
- Drums and Percussion:
- Barnes, Daniel
- Acoustic Bass:
- Roth, Artie
- Piano:
- Herskowitz, Matt
- Vocal:
- Tova, Theresa
- Tenor Saxaphone:
- Jefferson, Kelly
- First line:
- O, ir mayne zilber shtern, O, ir himlen mayne blo!
- First line (Yiddish):
- אָ, איר מײַנע זילבער שטערן, אָ, איר הימלען מײַנע בלאָ!
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
- Length:
- 1:42