Zing Neshome Zing — זינג נשמה זינג
- Author:
- Reisen, Avrom — רײזען, אַבֿרהם
- Composer:
- Binder, Abraham Wolf
- Genre:
- Literary Origin
- Subject:
- Soul/Sing/Life/Song/Flowers/Dust/Death/Echo
- Sheet music:
- Folder:
- 578
- Series:
- 4
- Arranged for:
- Voice/Piano
- Translator:
- Sprung, D. L. (English)
- Texts:
- Yiddish/Transliteration/English
- Publisher:
- Metro Music Co.
- Publisher address:
- 58 Second Ave, New York, NY
- Date:
- 1928
- Provenance:
- Schper-Rosenthal Sheet Music Collection, Gift of Faye & Jerry Rosenthal
- Mel & Shrifra Gold Project, NYBC Catlg #:
- 318
- First line:
- Zing neshuma zing, freylekh oder bang, lebn thz a lid,
- First line (Yiddish):
- זינג נשמה, זינג, פֿריילעך אָדער באַנג, לעבן איז אַ ליד,
- Notes:
- Black lettering, Yiddish/English. Photos of A. W. Binder and Sophia Braslau (of the Metropolitan Opera House). Price 25 cents. Four verses in Yiddish on back cover.