- Agricola, Catharina (1628 - )
- Aïssé, C. E. (Charlotte Elisabeth), 1695?-1733 [aka Charlotte-Elizabeth Aicha Aisse] (ca. 1694 - 1733) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Akerlaecken, Maria Margareta van (1605 - ca. 1662)
- Allen, Hannah, active 1683 [aka Hannah Archer Allen Hatt] (fl. 1683) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Andreini, Isabella, 1562-1604 [aka Isabella Canali; Isabella Da Padova] (1562 - 1604) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Anguissola, Sofonisba, approximately 1532 or 1533-1625 (ca. 1532 - November 16, 1625) ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Ariadne (fl. 1695) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Ascarelli, Devorè (fl. 1601)
- Astell, Mary, 1666-1731 (November 12, 1666 - May 11, 1731) ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex (multiple editions)
Letters Concerning the Love of God (London: J. Norris, Printed by S. Manship and R. Wilkin, 1695) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters concerning the love of God, between the author of the Proposal to the ladies, and Mr. John Norris: wherein his late discourse, showing that it ought to be intire and exclusive of all other loves, is further cleared and justified (Printed for Samuel Manship and Richard Wilkin, 1705) (page images at HathiTrust)
Moderation Truly Stated: or, A Review of a Late Pamphlet Entitul'd Moderation a Vertue; With a Prefatory Discourse to Dr. D'Aveanant Concerning His Late Essays on Peace and War (London: Printed by J. L. for R. Wilkin, 1704) (multiple formats at archive.org)
Reflections upon marriage. (London : Printed for W. Wilkin, 1706., 1706) (page images at HathiTrust)
A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, For the Advancement of Their True and Greatest Interest, In Two Parts, by a Lover of Her Sex (London: Printed for R. Wilkin, 1697) (multiple formats at archive.org)
Some Reflections Upon Marriage, Occasion'd by the Duke and Dutchess of Mazarine's Case; Which is Also Considered (first edition; London: Printed for J. Nutt, 1700) (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
Some Reflections Upon Marriage; With Additions (fourth edition; London: Printed for W. Parker, 1730) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Aubin, Penelope, approximately 1679-approximately 1738 (ca. 1679 - 1738) ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
The History of Genghizcan the Great, First Emperor of the Antient Moguls and Tartars (London: Printed for J. Darby et al., 1722)
The Inhuman Stepmother: or, The History of Miss Harriot Montague (based on Aubin's Life of Charlotta Du Pont; 2 volumes; London: J. Roson, 1770) (PDF with commentary at Chawton House Library)
The Life of Charlotta du Pont, an English Lady: Taken From Her Own Memoirs (London: A. Bettesworth, 1723) (PDF at Chawton House Library)
The Noble Slaves: or, The Lives and Adventures of Two Lords and Two Ladies, Who Were Shipwrecked and Cast Upon a Desolate Island, Near the East Indies, in the Year 1710 (Dublin: W. Jones, n.d.) (multiple formats at Google)
- Audland, Anne, 1625 or 1626-1705 [aka Mrs. Thomas Camm; Mrs. John Audland; Anne Newby] (ca. 1625 - 1705) ; More Information ; More Information
- Aulnoy, Madame d' (Marie-Catherine), 1650 or 1651-1705 [aka Marie-Catherine Le Jumel de Barneville Aulnoy] (ca. 1650 - 1705) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
[Mémoires sur la cour d'Espagne.] (Paris, 1902) (page images at HathiTrust)
Cherry and fair star : a grand Eastern spectacle in two acts. (R. Hobbs, 1831) (page images at HathiTrust)
Choix de Contes de fées (Nelson, 1913) (page images at HathiTrust)
A collection of novels and tales of the fairies (Printed for J. Brotherton W. Meadows ... Tho. Edlin ... amd Tho. Astley ..., 1722) (page images at HathiTrust)
A Collection of Novels and Tales of the Fairies: Written by That Celebrated Wit of France, the Countess D'Anois (6th edition, 3 volumes; Dublin: Printed by J. Potts, 1770)
Contes (2 volumes, in French)
Contes de fées (Hachette, 1914) (page images at HathiTrust)
Contes de fées (Hachette, 1908) (page images at HathiTrust)
Contes des fées. (Fonteney et Peltier, 1849) (page images at HathiTrust)
Contes du temps passé (Librairie Delagrave, 1925) (page images at HathiTrust)
D'Aulnoy's fairy tales (Lawrence and Bullen, 1892) (page images at HathiTrust)
Die Märchen der Baronin Aulnoy. (H. Ulrich, 1914) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
The Fairiest, or, Surprising and Entertaining Adventures of the Aerial Beings (translated or adapted stories from d'Aulnoy's tales; London: Printed for W. Lane, 1795) (multiple formats at archive.org)
Fairy tales (Philadelphia : David McKay Company, 1923., 1923) (page images at HathiTrust)
Fairy tales and novels. (F.C. and J. Rivington [etc.], 1817) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Fairy Tales of Madame d'Aulnoy (new edition, with additional illustrations; London: Lawrence and Bullen, 1898) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Fairy Tales of Madame d'Aulnoy (from an 1892 compilation, with additional d'Aulnoy tales from Lang collections) (HTML with commentary at surlalunefairytales.com)
Fortunio and his seven gifted servants; a fairy extravaganza, in two acts, founded on the popular nursery tale by the Countess d'Anois (Lacy, 1875) (page images at HathiTrust)
Graciosa and Percinet (S.G. Fairbrother , 1844) (page images at HathiTrust)
Histoire de Jean de Bourbon, prince de Carency. (Brunet, 1729) (page images at HathiTrust)
Histoire d'Hypolite, comte de Duglas. (Chez George de Backer ..., 1699) (page images at HathiTrust)
Histoire d'Hypolite, comte de Duglas (Chez Valleyre et Cailleau, 1757) (page images at HathiTrust)
Histoire d'Hypolite, comte de Duglas ... (J. Lions, 1699) (page images at HathiTrust)
Ingenious and diverting letters of a lady travels into Spain. (J.J. and P. Knapton, 1735) (page images at HathiTrust)
The ingenious and diverting letters of the Lady's ----- travels into Spain. Describing the devotions, nunneries, humour, customs, laws, militia, trade, diet, and recreations of that people ... The 7th ed. With the addition of a letter of the state of Spain, as it was in the year 1700. (S. Crouch, 1708) (page images at HathiTrust)
Invisible prince (S.G. Fairbrother, 1846) (page images at HathiTrust)
La Cour et la Ville de Madrid vers la Fin du XVIIe Siècle: Relation du Voyage d'Espagne (in French; Paris: E. Plon et cie, 1874) (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
The lady's travels into Spain, or, A genuine relation of the religion, laws, commerce, customs, and manners of that country (T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1808) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Lady's travels into Spain; or, A genuino relation of the religion, laws, commerce, customs and manners of the country (Printed for T. Davies, 1774) (page images at HathiTrust)
Le comte de Warwick (Par la Compagnie des libraires, 1740) (page images at HathiTrust)
Le comte de Warwick. Sur l'imprimé de Paris. (J. Desbordes, 1715) (page images at HathiTrust)
Les contes choisis (Librairie Pittoresque de la Jeunesse, 1847) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoires de la Comptesse D'Aulnoy. (A. Michel, 1926) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Memoires de la cour d'Espagne (Chez N. Etienne Lucas, 1716) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of the Court of England in 1675 (London: John Lane, 1913) (multiple formats at archive.org)
Memoirs of the court of England in 1675 (G. Routledge & sons, ltd.;, 1927) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Memoirs of the court of England in 1675 (George Routledge & sons Ltd.;, 1913) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of the court of England : in the reign of King Charles II. (J. Woodward, 1708) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Prince of Carency: A Novel (London: Printed by W. Wilkins, 1719)
Princess Belle-Etoile (London and New York: J. Lane, n.d.) (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Relation du voyage d'Espagne. (Van Bulderen, 1705) (page images at HathiTrust)
Relation du voyage d'Espagne. (Librairie C. Klincksieck, 1926) (page images at HathiTrust)
Relation du voyage d'Espagne. (Chez Henri van Bulderen, marchand libraire ..., 1692) (page images at HathiTrust)
Relation du voyage d'Espagne : Contenant une description exacte de Païs, des meurs, des coutumes, des habitans, privilegies inquisition, faite des taureaux, fontaines extraordinaires, montagne de sel, habillemens des Espagnols & des Espagnolles, Philippe IV. Roi d'Espagne ce qui lui arrive à l'égard d'une Dame qu'il aimoit, & plusieurs autres particularités, &c. (Chez Jacob van Ellinkhuysen, 1715) (page images at HathiTrust)
Temple of the fairies (Vernor and Hood, 1804) (page images at HathiTrust)
The White Cat, and Other Old French Fairy Tales (New York: Macmillan, 1928) (page images at HathiTrust)
The white cat, and other old French fairy tales (Macmillan, 1967) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Avery, Susanna, active 1688 (fl. 1688)
- Azevedo, Angela de ( - 1644)
- Bacon, Anne Cooke, Lady, 1528?-1610 (ca. 1528 - August 27, 1610) ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; Gravesite ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Bahini [aka Bahinabai; Bahina Bai] (ca. 1628 - ca. 1700)
- Baillie, Grizel, Lady, 1665-1746 [aka Grisell Baillie] (December 25, 1665 - December 6, 1746) ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Barber, Mary, approximately 1685-1755 (ca. 1685 - June 14, 1755) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Barbier, Marie Anne, -1742 (1670 - 1742) ; In French ; Wikidata
- Barker, Jane, 1652-1732 [aka Galesia] (1652 - 1732) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
The Amours of Bosvil and Galesia, As Related to Lucasia in St. Germains Garden (originally published 1713) (HTML at Wayback Machine)
The Entertaining Novels of Mrs. Jane Barker (2 volumes; London: Printed for A. Bettesworth and E. Curll, 1719)
Exilius: or, the Banish'd Roman (London: E. Curll, 1715) (HTML at pierre-marteau.com)
The Lining of the Patch-Work Screen Design'd for the Farther Entertainment of the Ladies (originally published 1726) (HTML at Wayback Machine)
A Patch-Work Screen for the Ladies: or, Love and Virtue Recommended, in a Collection of Instructive Novels (London: Printed for E. Curll, 1723) (multiple formats at Google)
Poetical Recreations Consisting of Original Poems, Songs, Odes, &c; With Several New Translations, In Two Parts: Part I, Occasionally Written By Mrs. Jane Barker; Part II, By Several Gentlemen of the Universities, and Others (London: Printed for B. Crayle, 1688) (HTML at Michigan)
- Bathurst, Elizabeth, -1691 ( - 1691) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Beck, Sarah, -1679 [aka Mrs. John Beck; Sarah Gardner] ( - June 13, 1679)
- Bégon, Élisabeth, 1696-1755 (1696 - 1755) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Behn, Aphra, 1640-1689 (July 10, 1640 - April 16, 1689) ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
The Adventure of the Black Lady: A Novel (London: Printed for S. Briscoe, 1697) (HTML at Emory)
The City Heiress (HTML at Virginia)
Collection de romans et contes (Cussac, 1788) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Emperor of the Moon: A Farce, As It Is Acted by Their Majesties Servants, at the Queens Theatre (second edition; London: Printed by R. Holt, for J. Knight and F. Saunders, 1688) (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
An Essay on Translated Prose (HTML at Emory)
History of Bacon in Virginia. (Printed for Jacob Tonson, at the Judges Head in Chancery-Lane, near Fleetstreet, 1689) (page images at HathiTrust)
History of Bacon in Virginia (London : Printed for James Knapton at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690., 1690) (page images at HathiTrust)
The history of oracles, and the cheats of the pagan priests (Printed by W. O. for S. Briscoe, 1699) (page images at HathiTrust)
History of the royal slave (Temple, 1886) (page images at HathiTrust)
Isabella. (Printed for John Bell, at the British Library, in the Strand, 1780) (page images at HathiTrust)
Isabella: or, The fatal marriage. A play. Alter'd from Southern. As it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane ... (J. and R. Tonson, 1758) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Lady's Looking-Glass, to Dress Herself By: or, The Whole Art of Charming (HTML at Emory)
Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister (Gutenberg text)
Love-letters between a nobleman and his sister; with the history of their adventures ... (Printed for J. Tonson [etc.], 1735) (page images at HathiTrust)
Love-letters between a nobleman and his sister; with the history of their adventures. In three parts. (Printed for D. Brown [etc.], 1759) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Lucky Chance (from volume III of The Works of Aphra Behn) (Gutenberg text)
The Novels of Mrs. Aphra Behn (London: George Routledge and Sons; New York: E. P. Dutton, 1913) (multiple formats at archive.org)
The novels of Mrs. Aphra Behn (G. Routledge & Sons, limited;, 1913) (page images at HathiTrust)
Oroonoko; a tragedy, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal by His Majesty's servants. (Mnemosyne Pub. Co., 1969) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Oroonoko : a tragedy, as it was acted at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majesty's servants, in the year 1699 (Printed for C. Hitch; J. Brindley; J. King; T. Waller; J. Hodges; and C. Bathurst, 1749) (page images at HathiTrust)
Oroonoko: Or, The Royal Slave (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Plays... (Printed for M. Poulson, and sold by A. Bettesworth, 1724) (page images at HathiTrust)
The plays, histories, and novels of the ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn. With life and memoirs. (J. Pearson, 1871) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Plays, histories, and novels of the ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn : with life and memoirs (J. Pearson, 1871) (page images at HathiTrust)
The plays, histories, and novels of the ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn. With life and memoirs. Complete in six volumes... (J. Pearson, 1871) (page images at HathiTrust)
The plays, histories, and novels of the ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn. With life and memoirs. Complete in six volumes... (J. Pearson, 1871) (page images at HathiTrust)
Plays written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn ... (Printed for M. Poulson, 1724) (page images at HathiTrust)
Plays written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn : in four volumes. (M. Poulson ;, 1724) (page images at HathiTrust)
Poems by the Most Eminent Ladies of Great Britain and Ireland: Re-Published From the Collection of G. Colman and B. Thornton, Esqrs., With Considerable Alterations, Additions, and Improvements (2 volumes; London: W. Stafford, n.d.) (page images at HathiTrust)
The poetical works of Abraham Cowley ... (Apollo Press, 1784) (page images at HathiTrust)
The poetical works of Abraham Cowley : in four volumes. From the text of Dr. Sprat, &c with the life of the author ... (Apollo Press, 1777) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Roundheads: or, The Good Old Cause (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
The Rover: Or, The Banish't Cavaliers (HTML at Virginia)
Royal slave and other novels. (G. Routledge ;, 1905) (page images at HathiTrust)
A School for Greybeards, or, The Mourning Bride: a Comedy (based on Behn's "Lucky Chance"; London, G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1786) (multiple formats at archive.org)
A school for greybeards; or, The mourning bride: a comedy, in five acts. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane. (G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1786) (page images at HathiTrust)
Selected works and commentary (index at luminarium.org)
Sir Patient Fancy: A Comedy As it is Acted at the Dukes Theatre (London: Printed by E. Flesher for R. Tonson, 1678) (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
The ten pleasures of marriage : and the second part of the confession of the new married couple (London : Privately printed for the Navarre Society Limited and Harry F. Marks, 1923) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
The ten pleasures of marriage, and the second part The confession of the new married couple; attributed to Aphra Behn. (Priv. print. for W. Godwin, 1933) (page images at HathiTrust)
The ten pleasures of marriage and the second part The confession of the new married couple, attributed to Aphra Behn; reprinted with an introduction (Priv. print. for the Navarre society limited, 1922) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
The Unfortunate Happy Lady: A True History (HTML at EEBO TCP)
A Week's Conversation on the Plurality of Worlds (sixth edition, with Addison's defense on the Newtonian philosophy; London: Printed for A. Bettesworth et al., 1737)
The Widdow Ranter: or, The History of Bacon in Virginia (2008 commentary; originally published 1690) (PDF at unl.edu)
The Works of Aphra Behn (6 volumes; London: W. Heinemann; Stratford-on Avon: A. H. Bullen, 1915)
The works of Aphra Behn (W. Heinemann; [etc.,etc.], 1915) (page images at HathiTrust)
The works of Aphra Behn (W. Heinemann ;, 1915) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Bell, Deborah, 1688 or 1689-1738 [aka Mrs. John Bell] (1688 - 1738) ; Wikidata
- Bell, Susanna, -1672 ( - March 13, 1672)
- Bernard, Catherine, 1662-1712 (1662 - September 16, 1712) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Beyeren, Johanna Hoobius van ( - 1645)
- Biddle, Ester [aka Esther Biddle] (1629 - 1696) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Blackborow, Sarah ( - 1665)
- Blackwell, Elizabeth, active 1737 [aka Mrs. Alexander Blackwell; Elizabeth Blachrie] (ca. 1700 - 1758) ; More Information ; Wikipedia
- Blandford, Susannah (1658 - )
- Blaugdone, Barbara, 1608 or 1609-1704 (ca. 1608 - 1704) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Blencowe, Ann Wallis, Lady, 1656- (1656 - 1718)
- Boothby, F. (Frances), active 1670 (fl. 1670) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Boudewijns, Katharina (ca. 1520 - ca. 1603)
- Boursier, Louise Bourgeois, approximately 1563-1636 [aka Louise Bourgeois] (1563 - December 20, 1636) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Bowers, Bathsheba, 1672 or 1673-1718 (ca. 1672 - 1718) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Brabant, Marie de (ca. 1530 - ca. 1600)
- Bradstreet, Anne, 1612?-1672 [aka Anne Dudley Bradstreet] (1612 - September 16, 1672) ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Poetry ; Wikidata
Alas, all's vanity; or, A leaf from the first American edition of Several poems (Collectors' bookshop, 1942) (page images at HathiTrust)
The poems of Mrs. Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672) : together with her prose remains (The Duodecimos, 1897) (page images at HathiTrust)
Several Poems Compiled with Great Variety of Wit and Learning, Full of Delight (second edition; Boston: Printed by J. Foster, 1678)
Several Poems Compiled with Great Variety of Wit and Learning, Full of Delight (third edition, reprinted from the second edition; 1758) (multiple formats at archive.org)
The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America: or, Severall Poems, Compiled With Great Variety of Wit and Learning, Full of Delight (London: Printed for S. Bowtell, 1650)
The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse (P. Smith, 1932) (page images at HathiTrust)
The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse (A. E. Cutter, 1867) (page images at HathiTrust)
The works of Anne Bradstreet, in prose and verse (Peter Smith, 1962) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Brahe, Sophia, 1556-1643 (August 24, 1556 - 1643) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Sibylle Ursula von (1629 - 1691)
- Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Sophie Elisabeth (1613 - 1676)
- Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, Sophia Hedwig von [aka Sophia Hedwig von Pommern-Wolgast] (December 1, 1561 - January 30, 1631) ; In German
- Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, Sophia Hedwig von (June 13, 1592 - January 13, 1642) ; Wikipedia
- Brenner, Sophia Elisabeth, 1659-1730 (1659 - 1730) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Brereton, Jane, 1685-1740 [aka Jane Hughes; Melissa] (1685 - 1740) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Brongersma, Titia (ca. 1650 - ca. 1686)
- Bruno, Aeltgen (1629 - 1679)
- Buckingham, Katherine Villiers, Duchess of, 1603?-1649 (1603 - 1649) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Buffet, Marguerite ( - 1680) ; In French ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Caccini, Francesca, 1587-approximately 1640 (September 18, 1587 - ca. 1640) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Caesar, Mary Freman, 1677-1741 (1677 - 1741) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Cairns, Elizabeth, 1685-1741 (1685 - 1714) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Carey, Mary, Lady [aka Mary Jackson; Mary Payler] (ca. 1609 - ca. 1680) ; Wikipedia
- Carleton, Mary, 1642?-1673 [aka Mary Moders] (January 11, 1642 - January 22, 1673) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Caro, Ana [aka Ana Caro Mallén de Soto] (ca. 1590 - January 31, 1652) ; In Spanish
- Carriera, Rosalba, 1675-1757 (October 7, 1675 - April 15, 1757) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Cartwright, Johanna (fl. 1648)
- Cary, Elizabeth, Lady, 1585 or 1586-1639 [aka active 17th century E. F.; Elizabeth Tanfield Cary; Elizabeth Cary Falkland; Elizabeth Carew; Elizabeth Carey] (ca. 1585 - 1639) ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
The History of the Most Unfortunate Prince, King Edward II: With Choice Political Observations on Him and His Unhappy Favorites, Gaveston and Spencer, Containing Several Rare Passages of Those Times, not Found in Other Historians (presumed in this edition to be by Henry Cary, Viscount Falkland; now usually attributed to his wife Elizabeth; London: Printed by A. G. and F. P., 1680) (multiple formats at Google)
The Tragedie of Mariam, the Faire Queene of Jewry Written by That Learned, Vertuous, and Truly Noble Ladie, E. C. (London: Printed by T. Creede for R. Hawkins, 1613)
The Tragedy of Mariam, 1613 (reprint edition; London: Printed for the Malone Society by H. Hart at the Oxford University Press, 1914)
- Cary, Mary (fl. 1621) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Castillo, Francisca Josefa de la Concepción de, 1671-1742 [aka Francisca Josefa de Castillo y Guevara] (1671 - 1742) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Caumont de La Force, Charlotte Rose de, -1724 [aka Charlotte Rose Caumont de La Force] (1650 - 1724) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
Four and Twenty Fairy Tales, Selected From Those of Perrault and Other Popular Writers (London: G. Routledge and Co., 1858)
Histoire de Marguerite de Valois, reine de Navarre, Soeur de Francois I. (L. Plaignard, 1697) (page images at HathiTrust)
Histoire secrete de Bourgogne. (Impr. de Didot l'ainé, 1782) (page images at HathiTrust)
Histoire secrete de Henri IV, roi de Castille. (Chez Pierre & Henry, 1765) (page images at HathiTrust)
Histoire secrete de Henry IV, roy de Castille. (Pierre & Henry, 1981) (page images at HathiTrust)
Les jeux d'esprit, ou, La promenade de la princesse de Conti à Eu (Auguste Aubury, 1862) (page images at HathiTrust)
Les jeux d'esprit, ou, La promenade de la princesse de Conti à Eu ([publisher not identified], 1862) (page images at HathiTrust)
Souvenirs du re gne de Henri IV. Les amours de Catherine de Bourbon, soeur du roi et du comte de Soissons (G. Hurtrel, 1882) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Caylus, Madame de (Marthe-Marguerite), 1673-1729 [aka Marie Marguerite Le Valois de Vilette de Murçay Caylus] (1673 - 1729) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Cellier, Elizabeth, active 1680 (fl. 1680) ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
Malice Defeated: or, A Brief Relation of The Accusation and Deliverance of Elizabeth Cellier, Wherein Her Proceedings Both Before and During Her Confinement are Particularly Related and The Mystery of The Meal-Tub Fully Discovered; Together With an Abstract of Her Arraignment and Tryal (London: Printed for E. Cellier, 1680) (HTML at Michigan)
Trial of Elizabeth Cellier, the popish midwife, at the Old Baily, Septemb. 11, 1680, for printing and publishing the late notorious libel, intituled, Malice defeated, &c. (Printed by A. Godbid, for L.C., 1680) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Tryal and Sentence of Elizabeth Cellier, For Writing, Printing, and Publishing, a Scandalous Libel, Called Malice Defeated, &c... (London: Printed for T. Collins, 1680) (multiple formats at archive.org)
- Centlivre, Susanna, 1667?-1723 [aka Susanna Freeman; Susanna Carroll] (ca. 1667 - ca. 1723) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
[British theatre] (J. Bell, 1791) (page images at HathiTrust)
A bold stroke for a wife : a comedy (Published by Wells and Lilly ... [and 2 others], 1822) (page images at HathiTrust)
A bold stroke for a wife; a comedy. (printed for Stirling & Kenney, 1829) (page images at HathiTrust)
A bold stroke for a wife : a comedy, in five acts (J. Cumberland, 1830) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Busie Body (Los Angeles: W. A. Clark Memorial Library, University of California, 1949) (Gutenberg text)
The busy body (Wells and Lilly: New York, A. T. Goodrich & co., 1822) (page images at HathiTrust)
The busy body : a comedy, in three acts (Henry Lea , 1860) (page images at HathiTrust)
The cruel gift : a tragedy : as it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants (Printed for E. Curl and A. Bettesworth, 1717) (page images at HathiTrust)
Die Zwillinge : ein Trauerspiel in fünf Aufzügen (Joh. Jos. Jahn, 1791) (page images at HathiTrust)
The disappointment; a new ballad opera of one act. Alter'd from a farce after the manner of the Beggar's opera. As it is acted at the theatre in the Hay-market (Printed for S. Slow, 1732) (page images at HathiTrust)
The double gallant, or The sick lady's cure; a comedy in five acts. (J. Duncombe & Co., 1840) (page images at HathiTrust)
The dramatic works of the celebrated Mrs. Centlivre, with a new account of her life. (AMS Press, 1968) (page images at HathiTrust)
The dramatic works of the celebrated Mrs. Centlivre, with a new account of her life. (J. Pearson, 1872) (page images at HathiTrust)
The dramatic works of the celebrated Mrs. Centlivre, with a new account of her life. (J. Pearson, 1872) (page images at HathiTrust)
The gamester, a comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal (T. Lowndes, 1767) (page images at HathiTrust)
The ghost. A comedy of two acts. (J. Williams, 1767) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Gotham election : a farce (Printed and sold by S. Keimer, 1715) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mrs. Centlivre's works (Printed for J. Knapton [etc.], 1760) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Perjur'd Husband, or, The Adventures of Venice: A Tragedy (London: Printed for J. Knapton et al., 1761) (Gutenberg text)
Plays (J. Cumberland, 1824) (page images at HathiTrust)
Sick lady's cure (J. Bell, 1792) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Stolen Heiress, or, The Salamanca Doctor Outplotted: A Comedy (London: Printed for J. Knapton et al., 1761) (Gutenberg text)
Two old comedies: The belle's stratagem [by Mrs. Cowley] and The wonder [by Mrs. Centlivre] reduced and re-arranged by Augustin Daly for production at Daly's Theatre during the season 1893-94. (Privately printed from the prompt books of Daly's Theatre, 1893) (page images at HathiTrust)
Two old comedies : the belle's stratagem and the wonder ([New York] : Privately printed from the prompt Books of Daley's Theatre, 1893., 1893) (page images at HathiTrust)
A wife well manag'd : a farce. (Printed and sold by S. Keimer, 1715) (page images at HathiTrust)
Woman keeps a secret. (Thomas Hailes Lacy, 1840) (page images at HathiTrust)
The wonder: a comedy (Wells and Lilly, 1822) (page images at HathiTrust)
The wonder. A comedy, in five acts. (S. French, 1860) (page images at HathiTrust)
The wonder: a woman keeps a secret. A comedy. (C. Hitch, 1758) (page images at HathiTrust)
The wonder! A woman keeps a secret; a comedy. (printed for the Company of Booksellers, 1756) (page images at HathiTrust)
The wonder! : a woman keeps a secret : a comedy in five acts (Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1800) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Works of the Celebrated Mrs. Centlivre (3 volumes; London: Printed for J. Knapton et al., 1760-1761) (page images at HathiTrust)
The works of the celebrated Mrs. Centlivre ... : With a new account of her life. (Printed for J. Knapton [etc.], 1760) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cernínova, Zuzana [aka Zuzana Cerninova z Harasova] (1600 - 1654)
- Chandler, Mary, 1687-1745 (1687 - 1745) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Channel, Elinor (fl. 1654) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Chantal, Jeanne-Françoise de, Saint, 1572-1641 [aka Jeanne Francoise Fremyot Chantal; Jane Frances] (1572 - 1641) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Cheevers, Sarah, -1664 (1608 - 1664) ; Wikidata
A Brief History of the Voyage of Katharine Evans and Sarah Cheevers, to the Island of Malta; To Which is Added, A Short Relation from George Robinson, of the Sufferings which Befel him in His Journey to Jerusalem (London: Assigns of J. Sowle, 1715)
- Chéron, Elisabeth Sophie, 1648-1711 (October 3, 1648 - September 3, 1711) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Cheyne, Jane, 1621-1669 [aka Jane Cavendish] (1621 - October 8, 1669) ; More Information ; Wikipedia
- Chidley, Katherine (fl. 1641) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Christina, Queen of Sweden, 1626-1689 (1626 - 1689) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Chudleigh, Mary Lee, Lady, 1656-1710 (1656 - 1710) ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; PDF ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Clermont, Catherine de (1543 - February 18, 1603) ; Wikipedia
- Coit, Mehetabel Chandler (1673 - 1758)
- Cole, Mary (fl. 1655)
- Collier, Mary, 1688?-1762 (ca. 1690 - ca. 1762) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Collins, An, active 17th century (fl. 1653) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Conway, Anne, 1631-1679 [aka Anne Finch Conway; Anne Finch] (December 14, 1631 - February 18, 1679) ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Cook, Elizabeth (1529 - 1609)
- Coomans, Johanna (ca. 1590 - 1659)
- Cooper, Mrs. (Elizabeth), active 1737 [aka Mrs. John Cooper; Elizabeth Price] (1698 - 1761) ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Copia Sulam, Sarra, 1592-1641 (1592 - 1641) ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Cotton, Priscilla (fl. 1655)
- Cueva y Silva, Leonor de la (ca. 1600 - 1660) ; Wikidata
- Cunitz, Maria, 1607-1664 (ca. 1607 - August 22, 1664) ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- D'Anvers, Alicia [aka Alicia Clarke D'Anvers] (ca. 1668 - 1725) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- D. W. (Dorothy White) [aka Dorothy White] (1630 - February 6, 1686) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Dacier, Anne, 1654-1720 [aka Anne Lefevre Dacier] (ca. 1651 - 1720) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Davies, Christian, 1667-1739 [aka Mother Ross; Christian Welsh; Christian Jones] (1667 - 19739) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Davy, Sarah, approximately 1635-1667 [aka Sarah Roane Davy] (ca. 1639 - 1670) ; Wikidata
- Davys, Mary, 1674-1731 (1674 - 1732) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Delany, Mrs. (Mary), 1700-1788 [aka Mrs. Patrick Delany; Mrs. Alexander Pendarves; Mary Granville] (May 14, 1700 - April 15, 1788) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
The Autobiography and Correspondence Of Mary Granville, Mrs. Delany; With Interesting Reminiscences of King George The Third and Queen Charlotte (3 volumes; London: R. Bentley, 1861) (page images at HathiTrust)
The autobiography and correspondence of Mary Granville, Mrs. Delany : with interesting reminiscences of King George the Third and Queen Charlotte (R. Bentley, 1862) (page images at HathiTrust)
The autobiography and correspondence of Mrs. Delaney, Rev. from Lady Llanover's edition (Roberts Brothers, 1882) (page images at HathiTrust)
The autobiography and correspondence of Mrs. Delany. (Roberts Brothers, 1879) (page images at HathiTrust)
The autobiography and correspondence of Mrs. Delany. (Roberts Bros., 1880) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters from Mrs. Delany (widow of Doctor Patrick Delany) to Mrs. Frances Hamilton, from the year 1779, to the year 1788 : comprising many unpublished and interesting anecdotes of their late majesties and the royal family : now first printed from the original manuscripts. (Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, 1821) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters from Mrs. Delany (widow of Doctor Patrick Delany) to Mrs. Frances Hamilton, from the year 1779 to the year 1788 : comprising many unpublished and interesting anecdotes of their late Majesties and the royal family. (Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, 1820) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters from Mrs. Delany, widow of Doctor Patrick Delany, to Mrs. Frances Hamilton, from the year 1779 to the year 1788 : comprising many unpublished and interesting anecdotes of their late Majesties and the royal family. (Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, 1820) (page images at HathiTrust)
Life and correspondence of Mrs. Delany (Little, Brown, and co., 1898) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mrs. Delany at court and among the wits, being the record of a great lady of genius in the art of living ... (S. Paul & co., 1925) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Deshoulières, Madame (Antoinette), approximately 1634-1694 [aka Antoinette du Ligier de la Garde Deshouliers] (January 1, 1638 - February 17, 1694) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Deshoulières, Mademoiselle (Antoinette Thérèse), 1656-1718 (1656 - 1718) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Dixon, Sarah, 1671-1765 (1671 - 1765)
- Docwra, Anne, 1624-1710 (1624 - 1710) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Douglas, Eleanor, Lady, -1652 [aka Eleanor Davies; Eleanor Audley; Eleanor Touchet] (1590 - 1652) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Downing, Lucy Winthrop (ca. 1600 - 1679)
- Dowriche, Anne, active 1589 [aka Mrs. Hugh Dowriche; Anne Edgcumbe] (1559 - 1613) ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Drake, Judith, active 1696-1707 [aka Mrs. James Drake] (1670 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Druzbacka, Elzbieta (ca. 1698 - March 14, 1765) ; Wikipedia
- Du Deffand, Marie de Vichy Chamrond, marquise, 1697-1780 (1697 - 1780) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Du Noyer, Madame (Anne Marguerite Petit), 1663-1719 (1663 - 1719) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
The Correspondence of Madame Du Noyer (2 volumes; London: R. Bentley and Son, 1890)
Die hölle der lebendigen; das ist, Die welt-beruffene Bastille zu Paris, bey der lebens-beschreibung des abts Buquoy, in etlichen schreiben von zwey damen, davon sich die eine zu Paris, die andre im Haag aufgehalten, vorgestellt. ([n.p., 1715) (page images at HathiTrust)
Les filles de Madame Du Noyer, 1663-1720 (Fontemoning, 1921) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Lettres historiques et galantes (François Seguin, 1790) (page images at HathiTrust)
L'histoire du sieur abbé-comte de Bucquoy, singulièrement son évasion du Fôr-l'Évêque et de la Bastille, par Madame Du Noyer. Avec préliminaire et appendice biographiques et bibliographiques. (R. Pincebourde, 1866) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoires de Madame Du N**. Ecrits par elle-même ... (Cologne, 1710) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mémoires et Lettres galantes de Madame du Noyer, 1663-1720. (Michaud, 1912) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Dutton, Anne, 1692-1765 (1692 - 1765) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Dyer, Mary, -1660 [aka Mary Barrett Dyer] (1611 - June 1, 1660) ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Egerton, Elizabeth Cavendish, 1626-1663 [aka Elizabeth Cavendish; Countess of Bridgewater Elizabeth; Elizabeth Brackley] (ca. 1626 - June 14, 1663) ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Egerton, Sarah Fyge [aka Sarah Egerton; Sarah Field] (ca. 1670 - ca. 1723) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Egual, Doña Maria (1698 - 1735)
- Elisabeth, Countess Palatine, 1618-1680 [aka Elisabeth Princess Palatine; Elisabeth von der Pfalz] (December 26, 1618 - 1680) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603 [aka Elizabeth Tudor] (1533 - 1603) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
An account of materials furnished for the use of queen Anne Boleyn, and the princess Elizabeth, by ... "the king's mercer," between the 20th Jany. 1535 ... and 27th April, 1536. (Philobiblon Society, 1862) (page images at HathiTrust)
An account of materials furnished for the use of Queen Anne Boleyn, and the Princess Elizabeth by ... "the king's mercer," between the 20th Jany. 1535 ... and 27th April, 1536. (Philobiblon Society, 1862) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Book of Common Prayer commonly called the first book of Queen Elizabeth. Printed by Grafton 1559. (W. Pickering, 1844) (page images at HathiTrust)
Declaration of the causes mooving the Queene of England to give aide to the defence of the people afflicted and oppressed in the lowe countries (By Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie, 1585) (page images at HathiTrust)
Elizabethae Reginae Angliae edictum : promulgatum Londini 29. Nouemb. Anni M.D.XCI. (s.n.], 1593) (page images at HathiTrust)
The girlhood of Queen Elizabeth, a narrative in contemporary letters (Boston, 1909) (page images at HathiTrust)
The girlhood of Queen Elizabeth, a narrative in contemporary letters (Constable, 1909) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Household account of the Princess Elizabeth, 1551-2 (Printed for the Camden Society, 1853) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of Queen Elizabeth and King James VI. of Scotland; some of them printed from originals in the possession of the Rev. Edward Ryder, and others from a MS. which formerly belonged to Sir Peter Thompson, Kt. (AMS Press, 1968) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters to the Argyll family, from Elizabeth queen of England, Mary queen of Scots, King James VI, King Charles I, King Charles II, and others. From originals preserved in the General register house. With an appendix. ([Printed by T. Constable], 1839) (page images at HathiTrust)
The mirror of the sinful soul; a prose translation from the French... (Asher, 1897) (page images at HathiTrust)
The mirror of the sinful soul. A prose translation from the French of a poem by Queen Margaret of Navarre (Asher and co., 1897) (page images at HathiTrust)
Proclamation against seditious books (Imprinted ... by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queens Most Excellent Majesty, 1588) (page images at HathiTrust)
Proclamation against the despisers (Imprinted ... by Newgate-Market, next unto Christs Church, by Richard Jugge, Printer to the Queens Majesty, 1573) (page images at HathiTrust)
Queen Elizabeth's Englishings of Boethius, De Consolatione Philosophiae, A.D. 1593; Plutarch, De Curiositate; Horace, De Arte Poetica (Part), A.D. 1598 (EETS original series #113; London: Pub. for the Early English Text Society by K. Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co., 1899) (multiple formats at archive.org)
Queen Elizabeth's Englishings of Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae, A.D. 1593; Plutarch, de curiositate [1598]; Horace, De arte poetica (part) A.D. 1598. (Pub. for the Early English Text Society by K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1899) (page images at HathiTrust)
Queen Elizabeth's Englishings of Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae, A.D. 1593; Plutarch, de curiositate [1598]; Horace, De arte poetica (part) A.D. 1598. (Pub. for the Early English Text Society by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1899) (page images at HathiTrust)
Queene Elizabeth's Speech to Her Last Parliament (HTML at Emory)
The sayings of Queen Elizabeth (John Lane;, 1923) (page images at HathiTrust)
To the most high and mightie prince Elizabet, by the grace of God Queene of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, defender of the fayth. &c. (Printed by Richard Watkins, 1594) (page images at HathiTrust)
The wit and wisdom of Queen Bess (J. Lane, 1925) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Ellwood, Mary, 1623 or 1624-1708 [aka Mrs. Thomas Ellwood] (ca. 1623 - 1708)
- Elson, Mary, 1623 or 1624-1707 (1623 - 1707)
- Elstob, Elizabeth, 1683-1756 (1683 - ca. 1756) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Enríquez de Guzmán, Feliciana (ca. 1580 - 1640) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Ephelia, active 1679 [aka Mary Villiers Stuart Richmond and Lennox; Mary Villiers; Mary Herbert; Mary Howard; Joan Philips; The Butterfly] (1622 - 1685) ; Portrait ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Evans, Katharine, -1692 [aka Mrs. John Evans] (1618 - 1692) ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikidata
A Brief History of the Voyage of Katharine Evans and Sarah Cheevers, to the Island of Malta; To Which is Added, A Short Relation from George Robinson, of the Sufferings which Befel him in His Journey to Jerusalem (London: Assigns of J. Sowle, 1715)
- Evelyn, Mary, 1665-1685 [aka Mary Evelyn] (1634 - 1709) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Fanshawe, Anne Harrison, Lady [aka Ann Fanshawe] (March 25, 1625 - 1680) ; Wikipedia
The Memoirs of Ann, Lady Fanshawe, Wife of the Right Honble. Sir Richard Fanshawe, Bart., 1600-72 (London and New York: John Lane, 1907)
Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe (Gutenberg text)
Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe, Wife of Sir Richard Fanshawe, Bart., Ambassador from Charles the Second to the Courts of Portugal and Madrid (new edition; London: H. Colburn and R. Bentley, 1830) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe, Wife of Sir Richard Fanshawe, Bt. Ambassador from Charles II to the Courts of Portugal and Madrid (London and New York: J. Lane, 1905)
- Fell, Margaret, 1614-1702 [aka Margaret Askew Fell Fox; Mrs. George Fox; Mrs. Thomas Fell; Margaret Askew] (1614 - April 23, 1702) ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
A Brief Collection of Remarkable Passages and Occurrences Relating to the Birth, Education, Life, Conversion, Travels, Services, and Deep Sufferings of that Ancient, Eminent, and Faithful Servant of the Lord, Margaret Fell, But By Her Second Marriage, Margaret Fox (London: Printed and sold by J. Sowle, 1710) (HTML and page images at Earlham)
The Citie of London Reproved for Its Abominations, Which Doth Concern All the Inhabitants Thereof That Are Guilty (London: Printed for Robert Wilson, 1660) (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
The Daughter of Sion Awakened and Putting on Strength (HTML at Emory)
A Declaration and an Information From Us the People of God Called Quakers (London: Printed for T. Simmons and R. Wilson, 1660) (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
An Evident Demonstration to Gods Elect (London: Printed for T. Simmons, 1660) (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
The examination and tryall of Margaret Fell and George Fox (at the severall assizes held at Lancaster the 14th and 16th days of the First Moneth, 1663/4. and the 29th of the 6th moneth 1664.) For their obedience to Christs commands who saith, Swear not at all. Also something and answear to Bishop Lancelot Andrews sermon concerning swearing. ([publisher not identified], 1664) (page images at HathiTrust)
A Journal or Historical Account of the Life, Travels, Sufferings, Christian Experiences, and Labour of Love, in the Work of the Ministry, of That Ancient Eminent and Faithful Servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox (2 volumes; London: J. Sowle, 1709)
A Journal or Historical Account of the Life, Travels, Sufferings, Christian Experiences, and Labour of Love in the Work of the Ministry, of That Ancient, Eminent, and Faithful Servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox (from an 1831 edition of Fox's works) (HTML at hallvworthington.com)
A journal or historical account of the life, travels, sufferings. Christian experiences, and labour of love, in the work of the ministry, of that ancient, eminent, and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox... (A. Pickard, 1836) (page images at HathiTrust)
A journal or historical account of the life, travels, sufferings, Christian experiences, and labour of love in the work of the ministry, of that ancient, eminent, and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox. (To be had of Kimber & Sharpless, Uriah Hunt, and Nathan Kite, Booksellers : stereotyped by J. Howe :, 1832) (page images at HathiTrust)
A journal or historical account of the life, travels, sufferings, Christian experiences, and labour of love, in the work of the ministry, of that ancient eminent, and faithful servant of Jesus Christ (Friends' bookstore, 1890) (page images at HathiTrust)
A journal; or historical account of the life, travels, sufferings, Christian experiences, and labour of love in the work of the ministry, of that ancient, eminent, and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox. (Printed for B. and T. Kite, Fry and Kammerer, printers, 1808) (page images at HathiTrust)
A journal or historical account of the life, travels, sufferings, Christian experiences, and labour of love, in the work of the ministry, of that ancient, eminent, and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox. (Printed by Isaac Collins, no. 189 Pearl Street, 1800) (page images at HathiTrust)
A journal or historical account of the life, travels, sufferings, Christian experiences, and labour of love, in the work of the ministry, or that ancient, eminent, and faithful servant of Jeseus Christ, George Fox ... (Pub. at Friend's Book-Store, 1677) (page images at HathiTrust)
A journal or historical account of the life, travels, sufferings, Christian experiences, and labour of love, in the work of the ministry, of that ancient, eminent, and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox. (Friends' Book-store, 1800) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Life of Margaret Fox, Wife of George Fox (Philadelphia: Assn. of Friends for the Diffusion of Religious and Useful Knowledge, 1859) (page images and uncorrected OCR text at MOA)
The life of Margaret Fox, wife of George Fox. (Assn. of Friends for the Diffusion of Religious and Useful Knowledge, 1859) (page images at HathiTrust)
The life of Margaret Fox, wife of George Fox. Comp. from her own narrative and other sources; with a selection from her epistles, etc. (Assn. of Friends for the Diffusion of Religious and Useful Knowledge, 1859) (page images at HathiTrust)
A Loving Salutation to the Seed of Abraham Among the Jews (from a 1710 compilation of writings) (HTML and page images at Earlham)
This Was Given to Major Generall Harrison and the Rest (London: Printed for T. Simmons, 1660) (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
A True Testimony from the People of God (Who By the World Are Called Quakers) (HTML at Emory)
Womens Speaking Justified, Proved, and Allowed of by the Scriptures (London, 1666) (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
- Ferraud, Anna Bellinzani President Michel (1657 - 1740)
- Ferrazzi, Cecilia, 1609-1684 (1609 - January 17, 1684) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Fiennes, Celia, 1662-1741 (June 7, 1662 - April 10, 1741) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Fisher, Mary, approximately 1623-1698 [aka Mrs. John Cross; Mrs. William Bayly] (1623 - 1698) ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Fiske, Sarah, 1627-1692 [aka Mrs. Moses Fiske] (1652 - December 2, 1692)
- Fletcher, Elizabeth, active 17th century (fl. 1660)
- Fontaines, Marie-Louise-Charlotte de Pelard de Givry, comtesse de, -1730 (1660 - September 3, 1730) ; In French ; Wikidata
- Forster, Mary, 1619?-1686 (1619 - 1686) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Fowler, Constance Aston, approximately 1621- (ca. 1621 - 1664) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Freke, Elizabeth, 1642-1714 (1642 - 1714) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Galilei, Maria Celeste, 1600-1634 [aka Sister Marie Celeste; Virginia Galilei] (August 13, 1600 - 1634) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Gama, Leonarda Gil da, 1672- [aka Maria Madalena Eufemia da Gloria] (1672 - )
- Geoffrin, Marie-Thérèse Rodet, 1699-1777 (June 26, 1699 - October 6, 1777) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Giffard, Martha, Lady, 1638-1722 (1638 - 1722) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
The Life and Character of Sir William Temple, Bart.; Written By a Particular Friend (London: Printed for B. Motte, 1728) (page images at HathiTrust)
Martha, Lady Giffard, Her Life and Correspondence (1664-1722): A Sequel to the Letters of Dorothy Osborne (London: George Allen and Sons, 1911) (multiple formats at archive.org)
The Works of Sir William Temple, Bart. (2 volumes; London: Printed for T. Woodward et al., 1750) (page images at HathiTrust)
The works of Sir William Temple, bart., ... (Printed for J. Round, 1740) (page images at HathiTrust)
The works of Sir William Temple, Bart. : In two volumes. ... To which is prefix'd some account of the life and writings of the author. (Printed for J. Round, J. Tonson, J. Clarke, B. Motte ... [and 3 others], 1731) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Gilman, Anne, -1686 ( - 1686)
- Glueckel, of Hameln, 1646-1724 [aka Gluckel von Hameln; Glikl bas Judah Leib] (ca. 1645 - 1724) ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Gomez, Madame de, 1684-1770 [aka Madeleine-Angelique Poisson de Gomez] (1684 - 1770) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
Anecdotes persanes, dediées au roy ... (Chez J.-B. Mazuel, 1727) (page images at HathiTrust)
Crementine, reine de Sanga; histoire indienne. (Chez Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas Mazuel, 1727) (page images at HathiTrust)
Crémentine, reine de Sanga; histoire indienne ... (Clousier, 1739) (page images at HathiTrust)
Histoire de Jean de Calais (s.n.], 1861) (page images at HathiTrust)
Histoire de Jean de Calais (s.n.], 1858) (page images at HathiTrust)
Histoire de Jean de Calais, roi de [sic] Portugal ou La vertu recompensee ([s.n.], 1810) (page images at HathiTrust)
Histoire secrete de la conqueste de Grenade (Chez P. Prault, 1729) (page images at HathiTrust)
Jornadas divertidas, politicas sentencias y hechos memorables de los reyes y heroes de la antiguedad. Escritas por la Seneca del siglo XVII, Madama de Gomez. (I. de Hernandez Pacheco, 1792) (page images at HathiTrust)
La Belle Assemblée: Being a Curious Collection of Some Very Remarkable Incidents Which Happen'd to Persons of the First Quality in France; Interspers'd With Entertaining and Improving Observations Made by Them on Several Passages in History, Both Ancient and Modern (fifth edition, 4 volumes; London: Printed for D. Browne et al., 1743)
La belle assemblée : being a curious collection of some very remarkable incidents which happen'd to persons of the first quality in France : interspers'd with entertaining and improving observations made by them on several passages in history both ancient and modern (Printed for D. Browne ... [and 9 others], 1743) (page images at HathiTrust)
Les journées amusantes, dédiées au roi (Par la Compagnie, 1776) (page images at HathiTrust)
Les journées amusantes, dedie'es au roy (Par la Compagnie, 1777) (page images at HathiTrust)
Persian anecdotes, or, Secret memoirs of the court of Persia (Printed for Weaver Bickerton ..., 1730) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Goodhue, Sarah, 1641-1681 [aka Sarah Whipple Goodhue] (1641 - 1681) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Gordon, Geertruyd [aka Geertruijd Gordon de Graeuw] (1650 - 1728)
- Gournay, Marie Le Jars de, 1565-1645 (October 6, 1565 - July 13, 1645) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Grafigny, Mme de (Françoise d'Issembourg d'Happoncourt), 1695-1758 (1695 - 1758) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Greiffenberg, Catharina Regina von, 1633-1694 (September 7, 1633 - April 10, 1694) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Grignan, Françoise Marguerite de Sévigné, comtesse de, 1646-1705 (1646 - 1705) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Grymeston, Elizabeth [aka Elizabeth Bernye Grymeston] (1563 - 1603) ; Wikipedia
- Guise, Anne [aka Arabella Guise; Annabella Blount; Mrs. Edward Blount] (fl. 1700)
- Gulbadan, Begam, 1524-1603 (1524 - 1603) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Guyon, Jeanne Marie Bouvier de La Motte, 1648-1717 (April 13, 1648 - June 9, 1717) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
Autobiography of Madame Guyon (multiple formats at CCEL)
Autobiography of Madame Guyon (Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1897) (page images at HathiTrust)
Autobiography of Madame Guyon (The Christian Witness Co., 1917) (page images at HathiTrust)
Autobiography of Madame Guyon ... (Office of "Words of Faith", 1880) (page images at HathiTrust)
Concise View of the Way to God, and of the State of Union (HTML at passtheword.org)
Der gottseligen Frau la Mothe Guyon geisterhebende Beschäftigungen des Herzens mit Gott durch die lebendige Erfahrungs-Erkenntniss der göttlichen Liebe, oder : Die Geheimnisse des innwendigen Christenthums, geoffenbaret in der Schule der himmlischen Weisheit ([s.n.], 1802) (page images at HathiTrust)
Die heilige liebe Gottes und die unheilige naturliebe nach ihren unterschiedenen wirkungen, in XLIV anmuthigen sinnbildern und erbaulichen versen vorgestellet. (J. Schweitzer, 1828) (page images at HathiTrust)
Die ihren Gott liebende Seele, vorgestellt in den Sinnbildern des Hermanni Hugonis über seine Pia desideria, und des Ottonis Vaenii, über die Liebe Gottes, mit neuen Kupffern und Versen, welche zielen auf das innere Christenthum, aus dem Frantzösischen ins Teutsche übersetzt. (Verlegt von Emerich Felix Bader, 1743) (page images at HathiTrust)
Discours chrétiens & spirituels sur divers sujets : qui regardent la vie interieure, tirés la plupart de la Ste. Écriture (Chez les Libraires Associés, 1790) (page images at HathiTrust)
The exemplary life of the pious Lady Guion (Printed by Joseph Crukshank, 1804) (page images at HathiTrust)
The exemplary life of the pious Lady Guion (Printed by J. Mills ... for Darton and Harvey ... , London, and J. Mills, Bristol, 1806) (page images at HathiTrust)
Fʹenelon & Mme Guyon ; documents nouveaux et inʹedits. (Hachette, 1907) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Geheimnisse des innwendigen Christenthums, geoffenbaret in der Schule der himmlischen Weisheit ([s.n.], 1802) (page images at HathiTrust)
A Guide to true peace, or, A method of attaining to inward and spiritual prayer (Henry Longstreth, 1846) (page images at HathiTrust)
Justifications de la doctrine de Madame de la Mothe-Guion : pleinement éclaircie, démontrée & autorisée par les Sts. Peres Grecs, Latins & auteurs cannonisés ou approuvés (Chez les Libraires Associés, 1790) (page images at HathiTrust)
La Sainte Bible, avec des explications & reflexions qui regardant la vie intérieure (chez les Libraires associés, 1790) (page images at HathiTrust)
La vie de Madame J. M. B. de La Mothe-Guyon (Chez les Libraries Associés, 1791) (page images at HathiTrust)
L'Ame amante de son Dieu : représentée dans les Emblemes de Hermannus Hugo, et dans ceux d'Othon Vaenius sur l'amour divin : avec des figures nouvelles, accompagnées de vers qui en font l'application aux dispositions les plus essentielles de la vie intérieure (Chez les Libraires Associés, 1790) (page images at HathiTrust)
L'attaque sur Verdun 20 février au 16 mars 1916 (Le Pays de France, 1916) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Lettres chretiennes et spirituelles sur divers sujets qui regardent la vie interieure, ou l'esprit du vrai christianisme ([s.n.], 1767) (page images at HathiTrust)
The life and religious experience of the celebrated Lady Guion. (Printed and published by Hoyt & Bolmore, 1820) (page images at HathiTrust)
The life of Lady Guion (Printed by S. Farley, 1772) (page images at HathiTrust)
The life of Lady Guion / written in French, by herself, now abridged, and translated into English. Exhibiting her eminent piety, charity, meekness, resignation, fortitude and stability; her labours, travels, sufferings and services, for the conversion of souls to God; and her great success, in some places, in that best of all employments on the earth. To which are added, accounts of the lives of worthy persons, whose memories were dear to Lady Guion. (Abraham Shearman, 1805) (page images at HathiTrust)
The mystical sense of the Sacred Scriptures, with explanations and reflections regarding the interior life (Office of "Words of faith", 1886) (page images at HathiTrust)
Pia desideria, ou, Les saints desirs de l'ame pieuse (Chez Jean de la Pierre, 1717) (page images at HathiTrust)
Poems (Bryce, 1887) (page images at HathiTrust)
Poems (Day, 1834) (page images at HathiTrust)
Poems (Printed and sold by Kimber, Conrad & Co ..., 1804) (page images at HathiTrust)
Poems (Printed and sold by J. Wakefield, 1802) (page images at HathiTrust)
Poems (J. Johnson and co., 1811) (page images at HathiTrust)
Poems. (J. Wakefield;, 1801) (page images at HathiTrust)
Poems of Madame de la Mothe Guion (Hamilton, Adams & Co. :, 1837) (page images at HathiTrust)
Poems : translated from the French of Madame De la Mothe Guion (Philadelphia : Printed and sold by Kimber, Conrad & Co., 1804., 1804) (page images at HathiTrust)
Poems : translated from the French of Madame De la Mothe Guion (New York : Mahlon Day, 1834., 1834) (page images at HathiTrust)
Poesies et cantiques spirituels sur divers sujets qui regardent la vie interieure, ou L'esprit du vrai Christianisme (Jean de la Pierre, 1722) (page images at HathiTrust)
Poésies et cantiques spirituels sur divers sujets qui regardent la vie intérieure ou l'esprit du vrai christianisme ... (Cologne, 1722) (page images at HathiTrust)
Poésies et cantiques spirituels sur divers sujets qui regardent la vie intérieure; ou, L'esprit du vrai christianisme (Chez les Libraires Associés, 1790) (page images at HathiTrust)
Selections from the devotional writings of Madame de la Mothe-Guyon. (Dayton, Ohio : United Brethren publishing house, [1904], 1904) (page images at HathiTrust)
A Short and Easy Method of Prayer (multiple formats at CCEL)
The Song of Songs of Solomon, With Explanations and Reflections having Reference to the Interior Life (New York: A. W. Dennett, 1879) (multiple formats at CCEL)
The Song of songs of Solomon : with explanations and reflections having reference to the interior life (J. Griffin, 1865) (page images at HathiTrust)
The song of songs of Solomon : with explanations and reflections having reference to the interior life (A.W. Dennett, 1879) (page images at HathiTrust)
Spiritual Progress: or, Instructions in the Divine Life of the Soul (multiple formats with commentary at CCEL)
Spiritual progress, or, Instructions in the divine life of the soul : intended for such as are desirous to count all things but loss that they may win Christ (M. W. Dodd, 1853) (page images at HathiTrust)
Spiritual Torrents (translated from the 1790 Paris edition) (HTML at passtheword.org)
Spiritual torrents (O. Clapp, 1853) (page images at HathiTrust)
Spiritual torrents ... (H.R. Allenson Limited, 1908) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Translations From the French of Madame de La Mothe Guyon (multiple formats at CCEL)
Views of Madame Guyon. (Elliot Stock, 1887) (page images at HathiTrust)
The worship of God, in Spirit and in Truth; or, A short and easy method of prayer, suited to every capacity; with two letters upon the same subject. (Printed by W. Pine, for T. Mills, 1775) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Halkett, Anne, Lady, 1622-1699 [aka Ann Halkett; Ann Murray] (ca. 1622 - 1699) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Hanson, Elizabeth, 1684-1737 [aka Elizabeth Meader Hanson] (1684 - 1737) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
An account of the captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, late of Kachecky in New-England who with four of her children, and servant-maid was taken captive by the Indians and carried into Canada : setting forth the various remarkable occurrences, sore trials and wonderful deliverances which befel them after their departure to the time of their redemption (Printed and sold by James Phillips ..., 1787) (page images at HathiTrust)
An account of the captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, late of Kachecky in New-England who, with four of her children, and servant-maid, was taken captive by the Indians, and carried into Canada : setting forth the various remarkable occurrences, sore trials, and wonderful deliverances which befel them after their departure, to the time of their redemption (Printed and sold by James Phillips ..., 1782) (page images at HathiTrust)
An Account of the Captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, Now or Late of Kachecky, in New-England: Who, With Four of Her Children and Servant-maid, Was Taken Captive By the Indians, and Carried Into Canada (London: Printed and sold by Samuel Clark ... , 1760) (multiple formats at archive.org)
An account of the captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, now or late of Kachecky, in New-England who, with four of her children and servant-maid, was taken captive by the Indians, and carried into Canada : setting forth the various remarkable occurrences, sore trials, and wonderful deliverances which befel them after their departure, to the time of their redemption (Printed and sold by Samuel Clark ..., 1760) (page images at HathiTrust)
God's mercy surmounting man's cruelty exemplified in the captivity and redemption of Elizabeth Hanson, wife of John Hanson, of Knoxmarsh at Kecheachy, in Dover township who was taken captive with her children and maid-servant, by the Indians, in New-England, in the year 1724, in which are inserted, sundry remarkable preservations, deliverances, and marks of the care and kindness of providence over her and her children, worthy to be remembered, the substance of which was taken from her own mouth, and published for general service. (Printed and sold by Daniel Lawrence, and Henry & John F. Hull, 1803) (page images at HathiTrust)
The remarkable captivity and surprising deliverance of Elizabeth Hanson wife of John Hanson of Knoxmarsh, at Kecheachy in Dover township, who was taken captive with her children and maid-servant by the Indians in New-England in the year 1724 ... the substance of which was taken from her own mouth. ([s.n.], 1824) (page images at HathiTrust)
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Anti-Pamela: or, Feign'd Innocence Detected (London: Printed for J. Huggonson, 1741) (illustrated HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
The British Recluse: or, The Secret History of Cleomira, Suppos'd Dead (London: D. Browne and S. Chapman, 1825) (illustrated HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
Der unsichtbare Kundschafter. (Maurer, 1791) (page images at HathiTrust)
Epistles for the ladies. (Printed and published by T. Gardner, 1749) (page images at HathiTrust)
Ermangarde : a tale of the twelfth century : royalist lyrics and other poems (Printed for G.A. Williams and Longman, London by J.J. Hadley, 1837) (page images at HathiTrust)
Fantomina: or, Love in a Maze, Being a Secret History of an Amour Between Two Persons of Condition (1725) (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
The Fatal Secret: or, Constancy in Distress (from a 1725 edition) (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
The Female Spectator (7th edition, 4 volumes; London: Printed for H. Gardner, 1771) (page images at HathiTrust)
The female spectator (Printed and sold by R. Chapman and A. Duncan, 1775) (page images at HathiTrust)
The female spectator. (Printed and published by T. Gardner, at Cowley's Head, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand, 1745) (page images at HathiTrust)
The female spectator; being selections from Mrs. Eliza Heywood's periodical (1744-1746) (John Lane, 1929) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
The Fortunate Foundlings (1744) (Gutenberg text)
The History of Miss Betsy Thoughtless (fourth edition, 4 volumes; London: Printed for L. Gardner, 1768)
The history of Miss Betsy Thoughtless (printed for Robert Main, 1752) (page images at HathiTrust)
The history of Miss Betsy Thoughtless : in four volumes. (Printed by T. Gardner, 1751) (page images at HathiTrust)
The history of Miss Betty Thoughtless. (Printed by T. Gardner, 1762) (page images at HathiTrust)
Idalia, or, The Unfortunate Mistress: A Novel (third edition; London: Dan Browne, 1725) (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
The invisibe [sic] spy (Printed for H. Gardner ..., 1773) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Invisible Spy (4 volumes; London: Printed for T. Gardner, 1755)
The invisible spy (Gardner, 1755) (page images at HathiTrust)
Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy (Printed for T. Gardner ..., and sold by all booksellers in town and country, 1753) (page images at HathiTrust)
La Belle Assemblée: Being a Curious Collection of Some Very Remarkable Incidents Which Happen'd to Persons of the First Quality in France; Interspers'd With Entertaining and Improving Observations Made by Them on Several Passages in History, Both Ancient and Modern (fifth edition, 4 volumes; London: Printed for D. Browne et al., 1743)
La belle assemblée : being a curious collection of some very remarkable incidents which happen'd to persons of the first quality in France : interspers'd with entertaining and improving observations made by them on several passages in history both ancient and modern (Printed for D. Browne ... [and 9 others], 1743) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Life and Romances of Mrs. Eliza Haywood (1915) (Gutenberg text)
The Life and Romances of Mrs. Eliza Haywood (New York: Columbia University Press, 1915) (multiple formats at archive.org)
Life's Progress Through the Passions: or, The Adventures of Natura (London: Printed by T. Gardner, 1748) (Gutenberg text)
Life's progress through the passions: or, The adventures of Natura. (Printed by T. Gardner ..., 1748) (page images at HathiTrust)
Love in Excess: or, The Fatal Enquiry (fourth edition corrected; London: Printed for D. Browne Jr., 1722) (multiple formats at archive.org)
Memoirs of a certain island adjacent to the kingdom of Utopia (Printed, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1726) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of a Certain Island Adjacent to the Kingdom of Utopia, Written by a Celebrated Author of That Country (first edition; London, 1725-1726) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of a Certain Island Adjacent to the Kingdom of Utopia, Written by a Celebrated Author of That Country (2 volumes; 1726)
Memoirs of an Unfortunate Young Nobleman Returned from a Thirteen Years Slavery in America, Where He Had Been Sent by the Wicked Contrivances of His Cruel Uncle (London: J. Freeman, 1743) (multiple formats at Google)
Memoirs of the court of Lilliput. (Printed for J. Roberts, 1727) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Opera of Operas: or, Tom Thumb the Great (libretto and argument only) (HTML at Rochester)
The Parrot, With a Compendium of the Times (full serial archives)
The Secret History of the Present Intrigues of the Court of Caramania (second edition, 1727) (multiple formats at Google)
The secret history of the present intrigues of the court of Caramania. (Printed: and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminister, 1727) (page images at HathiTrust)
The wife. (Printed for H. Gardner ..., 1773) (page images at HathiTrust)
A Wife to be Lett: A Comedy, As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's Servants (London: Printed for Dan. Browne et al., 1724) (multiple formats at Google)
- Heilsbach, Agnes van (1597 - 1640)
- Hendricks, Elizabeth [aka Elizabeth Hendericks] (fl. 1672)
- Hengel, Maria van (1613 - 1687)
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Charles I. in 1646. Letters of King Charles the First to Queen Henrietta Maria. (Printed for the Camden Society, 1856) (page images at HathiTrust)
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Lettres de Henriette-Marie de France, Reine d'Angleterre, à Sa Soeur Christine, Duchesse de Savoie (in French; Turin et al.: Bocca Frères, 1881)
Lettres inédites de Henriette-Marie de France, reine d'Angleterre (E. Perrin, 1884) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Hevelius, Elisabeth Koopmann (1647 - 1693)
- Heyns, Maria (1604 - ca. 1647)
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- Hit-him-home, Joan (fl. 1640)
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- Hohenzollern, Maria Cleopha von, 1599-1685 (June 11, 1599 - February 26, 1685)
- Hoolwerff, Henrica van (ca. 1681 - 1695)
- Hooton, Elizabeth, approximately 1600-1672 (1600 - 1672) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Horn, Agnetha (1629 - 1672)
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- Huber, Marie, 1695-1753 (1695 - 1753) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
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- Hutchinson, Lucy, 1620- (1620 - ca. 1675) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
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Memoirs of The Life of Colonel Hutchinson (London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, 1806)
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Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson (Scribner & Welford, 1885) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson (J.M. Dent;, 1913) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson ... (London, 1885) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson, govenor of Nottingham castle and town (G. Bell and sons, 1905) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson, govenor of Nottingham castle and town (G. Bell and sons, 1906) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson, governor of Nottingham (G. Routledge ;, 1906) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson, governor of Nottingham (Scrubner & Welford, 1885) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson, governor of Nottingham, by his widow Lucy. Edited from the original MS by Julius Hutchinson, to which are added the letters of Colonel Hutchinson and other papers. Rev. with additional notes by C.H. Firth (J.C. Nimmo, 1885) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson, Governor of Nottingham Castle and town. (G. Bell, 1889) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson, Governor of Nottingham Castle and Town, representative of the County of Nottingham in the Long Parliament, and of the Town of Nottingham in the first parliament of Charles the Second, with original anecdotes of many of the most distinguished of his contemporaries, and a summary review of public affairs (H. G. Bohn, 1863) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson : governor of Nottingham Castle and Town, representative of the county of Nottingham in the Long Parliament, and of the Town of Nottingham in the first Parliament of Charles II, etc. : with original anecdotes of many of the most distinguished of his contemporaries, and a summary review of public affairs (Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown ..., 1822) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson : governor of Nottingham Castle and town, representative of the county of Nottingham in the Long Parliament, and of the town of Nottingham in the first parliament of Charles the Second : with original anecdotes of many of the most distinguished of his contemporaries and a summary review of public affairs (H. G. Bohn, 1854) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson : governor of Nottingham Castle and town, representative of the county of Nottingham in the Long Parliament, and of the town of Nottingham in the first parliament of Charles II, etc. : with original anecdotes of many of the most distinguished of his contemporaries, and a summary review of public affairs (Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, by T. Bensley, 1808) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson, governor of Nottingham castle and town ... with original anecdotes of many of the most distinguished of his contemporaries, and a summary review of public affairs (Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, by T. Bensley, 1810) (page images at HathiTrust)
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- James, Elinor, approximately 1645-1719 [aka Mrs. Thomas James; Elinor Banckes] (ca. 1644 - July 17, 1719) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Jocelin, Elizabeth, 1596-1622 [aka Elizabeth Joceline] (1596 - 1622) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Jones, Sarah (fl. 17th cent.)
- Juana Inés de la Cruz, Sister, 1651-1695 [aka Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz; Juana de Asbaje y Ramirez de Santillana] (November 12, 1648 - 1695) ; More Information ; Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Project with Searchable complete works in Spanish ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
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- Kent, Elizabeth Grey, Countess of, 1581-1651 (1581 - 1651) ; Wikipedia
- Keysers, Petronella [aka Petronella Kayser] (June 9, 1697 - )
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- Killigrew, Anne, 1660-1685 (1660 - June 16, 1685) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- King, Mary, 1686-1758 [aka Mary French] (1686 - 1758)
- Knight, Sarah Kemble, 1666-1727 (April 19, 1666 - September 25, 1727) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Kunicka, Maria (1610 - August 22, 1664) ; Wikipedia
- Kuntsch, Margaretha Susanna von, 1651-1717 [aka Margarethe Susanne Förster] (September 7, 1651 - March 27, 1717) ; In German ; Wikidata
- L'Héritier de Villandon, Marie-Jeanne, 1664-1734 (November 1664 - February 24, 1734) ; In French ; Wikidata
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Comtesse de Tende (HTML at fdt.net)
Histoire de la princesse de Monpensier sous le règne de Charles IXe, roy de France (La Connaissance, 1926) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Histoire de Madame Henriette d'Angleterre, premie re femme de Philippe de France, Duc d'Orle ans (J.-E. Dufour & P. Roux, 1779) (page images at HathiTrust)
Histoire de madame Henriette d'Angleterre, premiére femme de Philippe de France, duc d'Orleans. (Bernard, 1742) (page images at HathiTrust)
Histoire de Madame Henriette d'Angleterre, première femme de Philippe de France, duc d'Orléans. (M. Le Sincère, 1721) (page images at HathiTrust)
Histoire d'Henriette d'Angleterre, duchesse d'Orléans ... (1661-1670) (L. Hachette et cie, 1853) (page images at HathiTrust)
La nouvelle française de Segrais a Mme de La Fayette : L'Eugénie, de Segrais, suivie de La princesse de Montpensier, de Mme de La Fayette (Librairie Picart, 1926) (page images at HathiTrust)
La princesse de Clèves (University Press, 1925) (page images at HathiTrust)
La princesse de Clèves (Ménard et Desenne, fils, 1818) (page images at HathiTrust)
La princesse de Clèves (Ginn & Company, 1896) (page images at HathiTrust)
La Princesse de Clèves. (J. Tallandier, 1927) (page images at HathiTrust)
La princesse de Cleves. (Paris :, 1908) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
La princesse de Clèves (L. Conquet, 1889) (page images at HathiTrust)
La princesse de Clèves (Alphonse Lemerre, 1877) (page images at HathiTrust)
La princesse de Clèves (Oxford university press, 1927) (page images at HathiTrust)
La princesse de Clèves : suivie de la princesse de Montpensier (Garnier frères, 1859) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres à madame la marquise *** sur le sujet de La princesse de Clèves. Introd. et notes d'Albert Cazes. Avec un port. gravé sur bois par Achille Ouvré. (Bossard, 1925) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Mémoires de Hollande, histoire particulière en forme de roman (J. Techener, 1856) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mémoires de Mme de La Fayette (Librairie des bibliophiles, 1890) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoires de Mme de La Fayette précédés de La princesse de Clèves. (E. Flammarion, 1928) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoires précédés de La princesse de Clèves. (E. Flammarion, 1909) (page images at HathiTrust)
Oeuvres (Garnier, 1863) (page images at HathiTrust)
Œuvres complètes de Mesdames de La Fayette, de Tencin, et de Fontaines (P.A. Moutardier, 1832) (page images at HathiTrust)
Oeuvres complètes de Mesdames de La Fayette, de Tencin et de Fontaines, avec des notices historiques et littéraires (Chez Mme. Ve. Lepetit, 1820) (page images at HathiTrust)
Œuvres complètes de Mesdames de La Fayette, de Tencin et de Fontaines, précédées de notices historiques et littéraires (P. A. Moutardier, 1825) (page images at HathiTrust)
Oeuvres complètes de mesdames de La Fayette et de Tencin. (Faine jeune et compagnie [etc., etc.] An XII, 1804) (page images at HathiTrust)
Oeuvres de madame de La Fayette (Garnier, 1800) (page images at HathiTrust)
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Oeuvres de Mme. de La Fayette. La princesse de Clèves (A. Lemerre, 1909) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Oeuvres diverses de Me la Comtesse de la Fayette. (Chez Jean-Edme Dufour & Philippe Roux, 1779) (page images at HathiTrust)
Œuvres, pub. d'après les textes originaux (À la Cité des livres, 1925) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Princess de Montpensier (Gutenberg text)
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The Princess of Cleves (Gutenberg text)
The Princess of Cleves (G. Routledge & Sons, ltd.;, 1925) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Princess of Cleves: An Historical Novel (first English edition; London: Printed for J. Wilkie, 1777) (PDF at Chawton House Library)
The Princess of Cleves. By Madame de La Fayette. Tr. by Thomas Sergeant Perry. With illustrations drawn by Jules Garnier, and engraved by A. Lamotte. (Little, Brown, and company, 1891) (page images at HathiTrust)
Princesse de Cleves (E. Flammarion, 1917) (page images at HathiTrust)
Romanciers et conteurs du XVIIe siècle : pages choisies. (É. Mignot, 1913) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Romans et nouvelles de madame de La Fayette. (Garnier frères, 1922) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Romans et nouvelles de Madame de La Fayette. (Paris, 1882) (page images at HathiTrust)
Romans et nouvelles de Madame de La Fayette. (Garnier frères, 1882) (page images at HathiTrust)
Un érudit, homme du monde, homme d'église, homme de cour (1630-1721) (Hachette, 1879) (page images at HathiTrust)
Zayde : histoire espagnole (Par la Compagnie des Libraires associez, 1725) (page images at HathiTrust)
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- La Roche-Guilhem, Anne de, 1644-1707 (1644 - ca. 17007) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Lacerda, Bernarda Ferreira de, 1595-1644 (1595 - 1644) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Lambert, Anne Thérèse de Marguenat de Courcelles, marquise de, 1647-1733 (1647 - 1733) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Lancaster, Lydia Rawlinson [aka Mrs. Brian Lancaster] (March 8, 1683 - May 30, 1761)
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Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum
- Lasson, Anna Margaretha (1659 - 1738)
- Le Blon, Isabella (fl. 1636)
- Le Camus, Madame (fl. 1677)
- Lead, Jane, 1623-1704 [aka Jane Ward Leade] (March 1624 - August 19, 1704) ; More Information ; More Information ; Bibliography ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
The Ascent to the Mount of Vision (1699) (HTML at passtheword.org)
The Ascent to the Mount of Vision (John Thomson, 1905) (page images at HathiTrust)
Ein Garten-Brunn : gewässert durch die Ströhme der göttlichen Lustbarkeit ... oder, ein rechtes Diarium und ausführlich Tag-Verzeichnus alles desjenigen, was sich mit dieser theuren Autorin, in ihrem hohen Beruffe vom Jahre 1670 her zugetragen ... (Bey Heinrich Wetstein, [Dritte Theil, s.n.], 1697) (page images at HathiTrust)
Ein Garten-Brunn : gewässert durch die Ströhme der göttlichen Lustbarkeit, und hervorgrünend in mannichfaltigem Unterschiede geistlicher Pflantzen : di durch den reinen Anhauch zu einem Paradiese aufgeblasen ... oder, ein rechtes Diarium und ausführlich Tag-Verzeichnus alles desjenigen, was sich mit dieser theuren Autorin, in ihrem hohen Beruffe vom Jahre 1670 her zugetragen ... (Bey Heinrich Wetstein, 1697) (page images at HathiTrust)
Eine Offenbarung der Bottschafft des ewigen Evangelii : welches gepredigt zu werden nimmer aufhören soll, bis die Stunde des Ewigen Gerichts Christi kommen wird ... ([Heinrich Wetstein], 1697) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Enochian Walks With God (1694) (HTML at passtheword.org)
A Fountain of Gardens (3 volumes (last in 2 parts), 1697-1701)
The Heavenly Cloud Now Breaking (1681) (HTML at passtheword.org)
The Laws of Paradise (1695) (HTML at passtheword.org)
A Living Funeral Testimony: or, Death Overcome and Drown'd in the Life of Christ (appended poem omitted; 1702) (HTML at passtheword.org)
A Message to the Philadelphian Society; Followed by, A Second Message to the Philadelphian Society (both published 1696) (HTML at passtheword.org)
The Messenger of An Universal Peace (1698) (HTML at passtheword.org)
Offenbarung der Offenbarungen (T. Grieben's Verlag (L. Fernau), 1892) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Revelation of Revelations (1683) (HTML at passtheword.org)
The revelation of revelations : particularly as an essay towards the unsealing, opening, and discovering the seven seals, the seven thunders, and the New Jerusalem state. (Printed for J. Pratt, 1804) (page images at HathiTrust)
A Revelation of the Everlasting Gospel-Message (1697) (HTML at passtheword.org)
Selected works (HTML at passtheword.org)
The Signs of the Times Forerunning the Kingdom of Christ, and Evidencing When it is Come (1699) (HTML at passtheword.org)
Theologia Mystica: or, The Mystic Divinitie of the Aeternal Invisibles, viz., the Archetypous Globe, or the Original Globe, or World of All Globes, Worlds, Essences, Centers, Elements, Principles and Creations Whatsoever (1683) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
The Tree of Faith; and, The Ark of Faith (1696) (HTML at passtheword.org)
The Wars of David and the Peaceable Reign of Solomon (1700; material not by Lead omitted) (HTML at passtheword.org)
The Wars of David and the Peaceable Reign of Solomon (with additional materials; London: Printed by T. Wood, 1816) (multiple formats at Google)
The wars of David and the peaceable reign of Solomon : symbolizing the times of warfare and refreshment of the Saints of the most high God, to whom a Priestly kingdom is shortly to be given after the Order of Melch : zedeck : set forth in two treatises (T. Wood, 1816) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Wonders of God's Creation, Manifested in the Variety of Eight Worlds, As They Were Made Known Experimentally to the Author (1695) (HTML at passtheword.org)
- Lenclos, Ninon de, 1620-1705 [aka Anne de Lanclos] (November 10, 1620 - October 17, 1705) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
Briefe. (B. Cassirer, 1906) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Cartas de Ninon de Lenclós al Marques de Sévigné : aumentadas con la vida de aquella y adornadas con su retrato (en la Imprenta de Yenes, 1844) (page images at HathiTrust)
Coquette vengée. (E. Dentu, 1886) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Mme. de Coulanges, et de Ninon de l'Enclos, accompagnées de notices biographiques et de notes explicatives, suivies de La coquette vengée (Chaumerot jeune, 1823) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Ninon de Lenclos ([s.n., 1870) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Ninon de l'Enclos au marquis de Sévigné. (F. Joly, 1750) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Ninon de Lenclos au Marquis de Sévigné (chez les Libraires Associés, 1813) (page images at HathiTrust)
Life, Letters and Epicurean Philosophy of Ninon de L'Enclos
Life, letters, and Epicurean philosophy of Ninon de L'Enclos, the celebrated beauty of the seventeenth century. (Lion Pub. Co., 1903) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mémoires et lettres pour servir à l'histoire de la vie de mademoiselle de L'Enclos. (A Rotterdam [i.e. Paris?], 1751) (page images at HathiTrust)
The memoirs of Ninon de L'Enclos; with her letters to Mons. de St. Evremond, and to the Marquis de Sevigné. (Printed for J. Dodsley [etc.], 1776) (page images at HathiTrust)
The story of Ninon de L'Enclos, the celebrated Aspasia of France. With her remarkable letters on the delights of love, the perplexities of courtship, and the mysteries of marriage. (I. Yale [etc., etc.], 1843) (page images at HathiTrust)
Venus catedrática : (tratado de galantería) (Impr. de J. Pueyo, 1917) (page images at HathiTrust)
Von der liebe, den frauen u. der galanterie : aus Ninon de Lenclos briefen (R. Lutz, 1920) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Lescaille, Katharina (1649 - 1711)
- Lincoln, Elizabeth Clinton, Countess of [aka Elizabeth Knevitt Clinton; Elizabeth Knevet] (ca. 1574 - ca. 1630)
- Livingston, Alida Schuyler, 1656-1727 [aka Alida Schuyler van Rensselaer Livingston] (1656 - 1727) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Lloyd, Mary, 1681-1749 (1681 - 1749) ; Wikidata
- Lom, Elisabeth van ( - 1673)
- Lom, Mechtildis van (1600 - 1653)
- Louise de Coligny, Princess, consort of William I, Prince of Orange, 1555-1620 (1555 - 1620) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Lussan, Marguerite de, 1682-1758 (1682 - 1758) ; Wikidata
- Luxborough, Henrietta Knight, Baroness, 1699-1756 [aka Henrietta C. Knight; Henrietta St John] (1699 - 1756) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- MacLeod, Mary [aka Mairi nighean Alasdair Ruaidh] (ca. 1615 - 1705)
- Maintenon, Madame de, 1635-1719 [aka Françoise d'Aubigné Maintenon] (November 27, 1635 - April 15, 1719) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Makin, Bathsua, 1600-approximately 1675 [aka Bathsua Reginald; Mrs. Richard Makin] (ca. 1600 - ca. 1675) ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Malen, Jetske Reinou van der (1687 - 1752)
- Mancini, Maria, 1639-1715 [aka Maria Mancini principessa di Paliano Colonna] (August 28, 1639 - May 8, 1715) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Manley, Delarivier, -1724 [aka Mrs. Manley] (ca. 1663 - 1724) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
Court tales: or, A history of the amours of the present nobility. With a compleat key ... (London:, 1732) (page images at HathiTrust)
L'Atlantis de Madame Manley, : contenant les intrigues politiques, et amoureuses, de la noblesse d'Angleterre. Et de quelques Cours du Nord. Et où l'on découvre le secrèt des dernieres revolutions. Tome troisieme. ([Henri Scheurleer] ;, 1714) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Lost Lover, or, The Jealous Husband: A Comedy (HTML at Emory)
Secret Memoirs and Manners of Several Persons of Quality of Both Sexes, From the New Atalantis, an Island in the Mediteranean (2 volumes; London: Printed for J. Morphew and J. Woodward, 1709)
Secret Memoirs and Manners of Several Persons of Quality of Both Sexes, From the New Atalantis, an Island in the Mediterranean (second edition of the original volume; London: Printed for J. Morphew and J. Woodward, 1709)
Secret Memoirs and Manners of Several Persons of Quality of Both Sexes, From the New Atalantis, an Island in the Mediterranean (sixth edition, 4 volumes in 2; London: Printed for J. Morphew, 1720) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Maratti, Faustina, 1679?-1745 [aka Faustina Maratti Zappi] (ca. 1679 - 1745) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Marguerite, Queen, consort of Henry IV, King of France, 1553-1615 [aka Marguerite de Valois; Margherita di Valois] (1553 - 1615) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
Autobiography during the religious wars : from the Spanish Saint Teresa to the English cavaliers (1550-1630) ; including the self-narratives of Saint Teresa, Sir Francis Drake, Mary Queen of Scots, Sir Thomas Bodley, Sir Walter Raleigh, Marguerite de Valois, Duke de Sully, Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Herbert of Cherbury, and Sir Kenelm Digby (The National Alumni, 1927) (page images at HathiTrust)
Die erinnerungen der Margarete von Valois; mit vielen zeitgenössischen bildnissen. (G. Müller, 1913) (page images at HathiTrust)
La ruelle mal assortie : ou, entretiens amoureux d'une dame eloquente avec un cavalier gascon plus beau de corps que d'esprit et qui a autant d'ignorance comme elle a de sçauoir (A. Aubry, 1855) (page images at HathiTrust)
Les memoires de la roine Margverite. (C. Chappellain, 1628) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres inédites de Marguerite de Valois (1580) : tirées des archives de la ville de Condom (F. Foix, 1881) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres inédites de Marguerite de Valois a Pomponne de Bellièvre (E. Privat, 1897) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres inédites de Marguerite de Valois : tirées de la Bibliothèque impériale de Saint-Pétersbourg, 1579-1606 (H. Champion, 1886) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres missives la plupart autographes, inédites, de la reine Marguerite de Valois (F. Thibaud, 1881) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres oubliées, remises en lumière (Librairie Techener (H. Leclerc et P. Cornuau), 1891) (page images at HathiTrust)
Margaretha von Valois lebenserinnerungen nebst anderen dokumenten zu ihrem leben (Rösl & cie, 1922) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoiren, Briefe und sonstige Dokumente ihres Lebens (Insel-Verlag, 1912) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Mémoires (P. Jannet, 1858) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mémoires de Marguérite de Valois (Éditions Bossard, 1920) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Mémoires de Marguerite de Valois, première femme de Henri IV (Charpertier, 1860) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mémoires de Marguerite de Valois, suivis des anecdotes inédites de l'histoire de France (P. Jannet, 1858) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoires et lettres. (Paris, 1842) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mémoires et lettres de Marguerite de Valois. (J. Renouard et cie, 1842) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mémoires; suivis des Anecdotes inédites de l'historire de France penduant les XVIe et XVII siècles (Paris, 1850) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of Margaret de Valois ... containing the secret history of the court of France ... from 1565 to 1582 ... including a full account of the massacre of the Protestants, on St. Bartholomew's day ... (Robinson, 1813) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of Margaret de Valois, queen of Navarre ... (Nichols, 1895) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of Margaret de Valois, queen of Navarre, containing the secret history of the court of France during seventeen years, in the reigns of Charles IX and Henry III (G. Barrie & Sons, 1900) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of Marguerite de Balois, written by herself. (Merrill & Baker, 1903) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois. (P.F. Collier & son, 1910) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois ... (Merrill & Baker, 1800) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois, queen of France, wife of Henri IV; of Madame de Pompadour of the court of Louis XV; and of Catherine de Medici, queen of France, wife of Henri II; with a special introduction ... (P.F. Collier & Son, 1910) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mémoirs of Marguerite de Valois, queen of Navarre (L. C. Page, 1899) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois, Queen of Navarre, Written by Her Own Hand (London: J. C. Nimmo; New York: C. Scribner's sons, 1892)
Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois, Queen of Navarre, Written by Herself (Boston: L. C. Page and Co., 1899) (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
- María de Jesús, de Agreda, sor, 1602-1665 [aka María Fernández Coronel] (1602 - 1665) ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- María de San José, 1548-1603 [aka Maria de San Jose Salazar] (1548 - 1603) ; Wikidata
- Maria do Ceo, 1658-1753 [aka Marina Clemência] (September 11, 1658 - 1753) ; In Spanish ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Marie de l'Incarnation, mère, Saint, 1599-1672 [aka Marie Guyart] (1599 - 1672) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Marinella, Lucrezia, 1571-1653 [aka Lucrezia Marinelli Vacca] (1571 - 1653) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
La nobiltà et l'eccellenza delle donne, co' diffetti e mancamenti de gli huomini : discorso (Presso Gio. Battista Combi, 1621) (page images at HathiTrust)
La Nobilta, et L'Eccellenza delle Donne, Co'Diffetti, et Mancamenti de Gli Huomini (in Italian; Venice: Printed by Gio. Battista Ciotti sanese, 1601) (page images at HathiTrust)
Le lacrime di San Pietro (F. Piacentini, 1738) (page images at HathiTrust)
L'Enrico ovvero Bisancio acquistato. (Venezia., 1845) (page images at HathiTrust)
Nobilta, et eccellenze delle donne, et i diffetti, e mancamenti de gli huomini (Appresso Giouan Battista Giotti senese, 1600) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Masham, Damaris, Lady, 1658-1708 [aka Damaras Cudworth] (1658 - 1708) ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Massimi, Petronilla Paolini, 1663-1726 (1663 - 1726) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Matraini, Chiara, 1515-1604? (1515 - 1604) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Mazarin, Hortense Mancini, duchesse de, 1646-1699 [aka Hortense de Mancini] (1646 - July 2, 1699) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Melville, Elizabeth [aka Elizabeth Colville Colville of Culross] (ca. 1582 - ca. 1640) ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Memorata, Anna (1612 - )
- Meneres, Juana Josefa de (1651 - 1709)
- Merian, Maria Sibylla, 1647-1717 (April 2, 1647 - January 13, 1717) ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
Amboinsche rariteitkamer of eene bescryvinge van allerhande schaalvisschen : benevens de voornaamste hoorntjes en schulpen, als ook zommige mineraalen, gesteenten, enz. (Gedrukt by François Halma, boekverkoper in Konstantijn den Grooten, 1705) (page images at HathiTrust)
Derde en laaste deel der Rupsen begin, voedzel en wonderbaare verandering (Gedrukt voor den auteur ... Als mede by Gerard Valk ..., 1713) (page images at HathiTrust)
Europische insecten, naauwkeurig onderzogt, na 't leven geschildert, en in print gebragt (By J.F. Bernard, 1730) (page images at HathiTrust)
Histoire générale des insectes de Surinam et de toute l'Europe. (L.C. Desnos, 1771) (page images at HathiTrust)
Maria Sybilla Meriaen Over de voortteeling en wonderbaerlyke veranderingen der Surinaemsche insecten, : waer in de Surinaemsche rupsen en wormen, met alle derzelver veranderingen, naer het leeven afgebeeldt, en beschreeven worden; zijnde elk geplaest op dezelfde gewassen, bloemen, en vruchten, daer ze op gevonden zijn; beneffens de beschrijving dier gewassen : waer in ook de wonderbare padden, hagedissen, slangen, spinnen, en andere zeltzame gediertens worden vertoont, en beschreeven (By Joannes Oosterwyk, boekverkoper op den Dam in de Boekzael ..., 1719) (page images at HathiTrust)
Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium (in Dutch; Amsterdam: The author and G. Valck, ca. 1705) (multiple formats at archive.org)
- Meulen, Catharina vander (1634 - 1719)
- Meurdrac, Marie (fl. 1680) ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Mildmay, Grace, Lady, 1552-1620 [aka Grace Sherrington Mildmay] (1552 - 1620) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Moerloose, Isabella de (ca. 1660 - ca. 1712)
- Mollineux, Mary, approximately 1651-1695 [aka Mary Southworth; Mrs. Henry Molyneax] (1651 - 1695) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Monck, Mary, approximately 1677-1715 [aka Mrs. George Monk; Mary Molesworth] (1677 - 1715) ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Montagu, Mary Wortley, Lady, 1689-1762 [aka Mary Pierrepont] (1689 - ca. 1762) ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
The best letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (A. C. McClurg and company, 1890) (page images at HathiTrust)
The best letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (McClurg, 1909) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu; select passages from her letters (Seeley and co., limited, 1892) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu; select passages from her letters (Charles Scribner's Sons [1892?], 1892) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu; select passages from her letters. (Seeley, 1908) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu : select passages from her letters (Grolier Society, in the 1900s) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Letters and Works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (second edition, revised, in 3 volumes; London: R. Bentley, 1837)
The letters and works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. (AMS Press, 1970) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters and works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1837) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters and works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1893) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters and works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (R. Bentley, 1837) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters and works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (G. Bell and Sons, 1898) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters and works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (Baudry, 1837) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters and works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (Henry G. Bohn, 1861) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters and works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (A. and W. Galignani, 1837) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters and works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (Bickers, 1861) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Letters and works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (Henry G. Bohn, 1861) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters and works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (G. Bell, 1887) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters from the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu 1709 to 1762. (J.M. Dent & co.;, 1906) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of Lady M--y W-- M--e; written during her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, to persons of distinction, men of letters, &c. in different parts of Europe; which contain, among other curious relations, accounts of the policy and manners of the Turks. (printed for S. Payne, etc., 1767) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. (Mason, 1859) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. (Roberts, 1884) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (Roberts Brothers, 1876) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (Mason brothers , 1856) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montague, written during her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa (J. Pinard, 1805) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montague : written during her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, to which are added poems by the same author. (P. Didot and F. Didot, 1816) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montague, written during her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa : to which are added poems by the same author (P. Didot :, 1817) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters of Lady Wortley Montagu (Roberts brothers, 1869) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of M--y W--y M--e, written during her travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, to persons of distinction, men of letters, etc., in different parts of Europe. Which contain, among other curious relations, accounts of the policy and manners of the Turks. (M. Cooper, 1779) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of the right honourable Lady M--y W-----y M------e : written during her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, to persons of distinction, men of letters, &c. in different parts of Europe ... (Printed for T. Cadell [etc.], 1784) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M--y W---y M----e; written, during her travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, to persons of distinction, men of letters, &c. in different parts of Europe. Which contain, among other curious relations, accounts of the policy and manners of the Turks; drawn from sources that have been inaccessible to other travellers ... (Printed for T. Becket and P.A. De Hondt, 1763) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M--y W---y M----e, written during her travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, to persons of distinction, men of letters, etc. in different parts of Europe. Which contain among other curious relations, accounts of the policy and manners of the Turks; drawn from sources that have been inaccessible to other travellers. (Printed by A. Henricy, 1796) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of the right honourable Lady M--y W--y M--e : written during her travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, to persons of distinction, men of letters, &c. in different parts of Europe : which contain, among other curious relations, accounts of the policy and manners of the Turks ... (Printed for Alexander Donaldson :, 1781) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M--y W--y M--e : Written during her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, to persons of distinction, men of letters, etc. in different parts of Europe, which contain, among other curious relations, accounts of the policy and manners of the Turks. Drawn from sources that have been inaccessible to other travellers. Complete in one volume. (Sold by August Mylius, 1785) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M--y W----y M----e : written during her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, to persons of Distinction, men of letters, &c, in different parts of Europe. Which contain among other curious relations, accounts of the policy and manners of the Turks, drawn from sources that have been inaccessible to other travelers. (Printed for the Booksellers, 1794) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M--y W---y M-----e : written during her travels in Europe, Asia and Africa to persons of distinction, men of letters, &c. in different parts of Europe which contain, among other curious relations, accounts of the policy and manners of the Turks drawn from sources that have been inaccessible to other travelers. (Printed for T. Becket and P.A. DeHondt, 1763) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters; written during her travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, to persons of distinction, men of letters, &c in different parts of Europe. Which contain among other curious relations, accounts of the policy and manners of the Turks. (A. Mylius, 1781) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Lady Marie Wortley Montagu, 'ecrites pendant ses voyages en Europe, en Asie et en Afrique. (T. Barrois fils, 1816) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres; écrites pendant ses voyages en diverses parties du monde (Londres, 1764) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mary Wortley Montagu, written by herself. (Grolier, 1910) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Nonsense of Common-Sense, 1737-1738 (Evanston: Northwestern University, 1947) (multiple formats at archive.org)
The Nonsense of common-sense, 1737-1738 (AMS Press, 1970) (page images at HathiTrust)
Poems by the Most Eminent Ladies of Great Britain and Ireland: Re-Published From the Collection of G. Colman and B. Thornton, Esqrs., With Considerable Alterations, Additions, and Improvements (2 volumes; London: W. Stafford, n.d.) (page images at HathiTrust)
The poetical works of the right honourable Lady M-y W-y M--e. (Printed for T.Tonson [etc.], 1781) (page images at HathiTrust)
Selected Prose and Poetry of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Some letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. (George G. Harrap, 1900) (page images at HathiTrust)
Studies in some famous letters ... (Burleigh, 1899) (page images at HathiTrust)
The travel letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (J. Cape, 1940) (page images at HathiTrust)
Verses address'd to the imitator of the first satire of the second book of Horace (Printed for A. Dodd ;, 1733) (page images at HathiTrust)
The works of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, including her correspondence, poems, and essays (R. Phillips, 1803) (page images at HathiTrust)
The works of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Including her correspondence, poems, and essays. (R.Phillips, 1805) (page images at HathiTrust)
The works of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu : including her correspondence, poems, and essays. (Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown; John Murray; and Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1817) (page images at HathiTrust)
The works of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, including her correspondence, poems, and essays. (Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1812) (page images at HathiTrust)
The works of the right honourable lady Mary Wortley Montague, including her correspondence, poems, and essays. Published, by permission, from her genuine papers. (Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown; John Murray; and Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1817) (page images at HathiTrust)
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The Atomic Poems of Margaret (Lucas) Cavendish (HTML at Emory)
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The Convent of Pleasure (as first published in 'Plays, never before printed'; London: Printed by A. Maxwell, 1668) (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
The Description of a New World, Called the Blazing-World (London: Printed by A. Maxwell, 1668) (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
The life of the (1st) Duke of Newcastle : & other writings (J.M. Dent & Sons, Ltd. ;, 1916) (page images at HathiTrust)
The life of the duke of Newcastle (J.M. Dent ;, 1915) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
The Life of the thrice noble High and Puissant Prince, William Cavendish, Duke, Marquess, and Earl of Newcastle ... (Printed by A. Maxwell, 1667) (page images at HathiTrust)
The life of William Cavendish, duke of Newcastle, to which is added the true relation of birth, breeding and life (G. Routledge & sons limited;, 1903) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Life of William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle; To Which is Added the True Relation of My Birth, Breeding and Life (London: J. C. Nimmo, 1886)
The life of William Cavendish, duke of Newcastle, to which is added the true relation of my birth, breeding and life (G. Routledge & sons limited;, 1903) (page images at HathiTrust)
The life of William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, to which is added the true relation of my birth, breeding and life. Edited by C.H. Firth. (G. Routledge, 1906) (page images at HathiTrust)
The life of William Cavendish, duke of Newcastle : to which is added the true relation of my birth, breeding and life / by Margaret, duchess of Newcastle ; edited by C.H. Firth ... With four etched portraits. (Scribner & Wellford,London, 1886) (page images at HathiTrust)
The life of William Cavendish, duke of Newcastle, to which is added the true relation of my birth, breeding and life (Routledge ;, 1800) (page images at HathiTrust)
The life of William Cavendish, duke of Newcastle, to which is added the true relation of my birth, breeding and life (Routledge, 1906) (page images at HathiTrust)
The life of William Cavendish : Duke of Newcastle to which is added the true relation of my birth, breeding and life (G. Routledge & Sons ;, 1890) (page images at HathiTrust)
The life of William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, to which is added the true relation of my birth, breeding and life. Edited by C.H. Firth. (G. Routledge, 1914) (page images at HathiTrust)
The life of William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, to which is added the true relation of my birth, breeding and life (J.C. Nimmo, 1886) (page images at HathiTrust)
The lives of William Cavendishe, Duke of Newcastle, and of his wife, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle. (J. R. Smith, 1872) (page images at HathiTrust)
Natures Picture Drawn by Fancies Pencil to the Life: Being Several Feigned Stories, Comical, Tragical, Tragi-Comical, Poetical, Romanicical, Philosophical, Historical, and Moral (second edition; London: Printed by A. Maxwell, 1671) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Orations of Divers Sorts Accommodated to Divers Places (London, 1662) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
The philosophical and physical opinions (Printed for J. Martin and J. Allestrye ..., 1655) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Philosophical and Physical Opinions Written by Her Excellency the Lady Marchionesse of Newcastle (London: Printed for J. Martin and J. Allestrye, 1655) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Philosophical Letters: or, Modest Reflections Upon Some Opinions in Natural Philosophy (London, 1664) (multiple formats at archive.org)
Playes Written by the Thrice Noble, Illustrious and Excellent Princess, the Lady Marchioness of Newcastle (London: Printed by A. Warren, for J. Martyn et al., 1662) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Poems and Fancies (London: Printed by T. R. for J. Martin, and J. Allestrye, 1653) (multiple formats at archive.org)
Poems by the Most Eminent Ladies of Great Britain and Ireland: Re-Published From the Collection of G. Colman and B. Thornton, Esqrs., With Considerable Alterations, Additions, and Improvements (2 volumes; London: W. Stafford, n.d.) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Worlds Olio (London: Printed for J. Martin and J. Allestrye, 1655) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Niesen, Geertruyd Deriks (fl. 1677)
- Odaldi, Annalena, Suor [aka Lessandra Odaldi] (April 28, 1572 - December 1, 1638)
- Ogier, Barbara (1648 - 1720)
- Oly, Catharina Jans (1585 - 1651)
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Aus den Briefen der Herzogin Elisabeth Charlotte von Orléans an die Kurfürstin Sophie von Hannover: Ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte des 17. und 18 Jahrhunderts (2 volumes in German; Hannover: Hahn, 1891) (page images at HathiTrust)
Aus den Briefen der Herzogin Elisabeth Charlotte von Orléans an die Kurfürstin Sophie von Hannover. Ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte des 17. und 18 Jahrhunderts. (Hahn, 1991) (page images at HathiTrust)
Aus den briefen der herzogin Elisabeth Charlotte von Orléans an Étienne Polier de Bottens. (Litterarischer verein in Stuttgart, 1903) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Briefe der Herzogin Elisabeth Charlotte von Oreals (Insel, 1908) (page images at HathiTrust)
Briefe der Herzogin Elisabeth Charlotte von Orléans (Insel-Verlag, 1908) (page images at HathiTrust)
Briefe der herzogin Elisabeth Charlotte von Orléans ... (Literarischer verein in Stuttgart, 1867) (page images at HathiTrust)
Briefe der Herzogin ELisabeth Charlotte von Orl'eans an ihre fruhere hofmeisterin A. K. v. Harling, und deren Gemahl, Geh. Rath fr. v. Harling zu Hannover. (Hahn, 1895) (page images at HathiTrust)
Briefe der Herzogin Elisabeth Charlotte von Orléans, gen. Liselotte. Im Auswahl hrsg. von Hermann Bräuning-Oktavio. (R. Voigtländer, 1920) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Briefe der prinzessin Elisabeth Charlotte von Orleans an die raugräfin Louise 1676-1722 (Literarischer verein, 1843) (page images at HathiTrust)
Correspondance complète de Madame, duchesse d' Orléans ... (Charpentier, 1855) (page images at HathiTrust)
Correspondance complète de Madame duchesse d'Orléans née Princesse Palatine, mère du régent (Charpentier, 1869) (page images at HathiTrust)
Correspondance complète de Madame duchesse d'Orleans née Princesse Palatine, mère du regent (Charpentier, 1857) (page images at HathiTrust)
Correspondance complète de madame duchesse d'Orléans née princesse palatine, mère du régent (Charpentier, 1863) (page images at HathiTrust)
Correspondance complète de madame duchesse d'Orléans née princesse palatine, mère du régent (Charpentier, 1891) (page images at HathiTrust)
Correspondance complète de Madame, duchesse d'Orléans, née princesse palatine, mère du régent (Elibron Classics, 2003) (page images at HathiTrust)
Correspondance complète de Madame duchesse d'Orléans née Princesse Palatine, mère du régent (Charpentier, 1891) (page images at HathiTrust)
Correspondance de Madame duchesse d'Orléans; extraite de ses lettres originales déposées aux archives de Hanovre et de ses lettres (É. Bouillon, 1890) (page images at HathiTrust)
Correspondance de Madame duchesse d'Orléans extraite de ses lettres originales déposées aux archives de Hanovre et de ses lettres (É. Bouillon, 1890) (page images at HathiTrust)
Correspondance de Madame duchesse d'Orléans; extraite des lettres publiées par M. de Ranke et M. Holland. (A. Quantin, 1880) (page images at HathiTrust)
The correspondence of Madame, Princess Palatine (privately printed for members of the Versailles Historical Society, 1899) (page images at HathiTrust)
The correspondence of Madame, Princess Palatine mother of the regent (Hardy, Pratt & company, 1902) (page images at HathiTrust)
The correspondence of Madame, Princess Palatine, mother of the regent : of Carie-Adélaïde de Savoie, duchesse de Bourgogne; and of Madame de Maintenon, in relation to Saint-Cyr (W. Heinemann :, 1899) (page images at HathiTrust)
The correspondence of Madame, Princess Palatine, mother of the regent; of Marie-Adélaïde de Savoie, duchesse de Bourgogne; and of Madame de Maintenon, in relation to Saint-Cyr (Hardy, Pratt & co., 1902) (page images at HathiTrust)
The correspondence of Madame, Princess Palatine, mother of the regent; of Marie-Adélaide de Savoie, duchesse de Bourgogne; and of Madame de Maintenon, in relation to Saint-Cyr. (Hardy, Pratt, 1899) (page images at HathiTrust)
The correspondence of Madame, Princess Palatine, of Marie-Adélaïde de Savoie, and of Madame de Maintenon (P. F. Collier, 1899) (page images at HathiTrust)
Die Briefe der Liselotte von der Pfalz, Herzogin von Orleans (Langewiesche-Brandt, 1916) (page images at HathiTrust)
Die Briefe der Liselotte von der Pfalz, Herzogin von Orleans (Langewiesche-Brandt, 1914) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Die Briefe der Liselotte von der Pfalz, Herzogin von Orleans (W. Langewiesche-Brandt, 1923) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Die Briefe der Liselotte von der Pfalz, Herzogin von Orleans (Langewiesche-Brandt, 1912) (page images at HathiTrust)
Elisabeth Charlotte, Herzogin von Orleans : eine Auswahl aus ihren Briefen (B.G. Teubner, 1907) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Elisabeth Charlottens Briefe an Karoline von Wales und Anton Ulrich van Braunschwelg--Wolpenbüttel. (Graser, 1909) (page images at HathiTrust)
Hof und gesellschaft in Frankreich am anfang des 18. jahrhunderts. Neue folge der briefe über die zustände am französischen hofe. (Franckh, 1800) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters of Madame: the correspondence of Elizabeth-Charlotte of Bavaria (D. Appleton and company, 1925) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters of Madame : the correspondence of Elizabeth-Charlotte of Bavaria, princess palatine, duchess of Orleans, called "Madame" at the court of King Louis XIV (Arrowsmith, 1924) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
The letters of Madame: the correspondence of Elizabeth-Charlotte of Bavaria, Princess Palatine, duchess of Orleans, called "Madame" at the court of King Louis XIV. (D. Appleton, 1924) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres inédites de la princesse Palatine (J. Hetzel, 1863) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres nouvelles et inédites de la Princesse Palatine (Didot, 1863) (page images at HathiTrust)
Life and letters of Charlotte Elizabeth, princess Palatine and mother of Philippe d'Orléans, regent of France 1652-1722 (Chapman and Hall, limited, 1889) (page images at HathiTrust)
Life and letters of Charlotte Elizabeth princess Palatine and mother of Philippe d'Orléans, regent of France 1652-1722 (Chapman and Hall, limited, 1889) (page images at HathiTrust)
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Mémoires, fragmens historiques et correspondance de Madame la duchesse d'Orléans, princesse palatine, mère du régent (Paulin, 1832) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mémoires sur la cour de Louis XIV et de la régence. Extraits de la correspondance allemande de Madame Élisabeth-Charlotte; précédés d' une notice sur cette princesse, et accompagnés de notes. (Paris, 1823) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of the court of Louis XIV and of the regency. Being the secret memoirs of Elizabeth-Charlotte, duchesse d'Orléans, mother of the regent . (L. C. Page, 1899) (page images at HathiTrust)
Memoirs of the Court of Louis XIV, and of the Regency, Being the Secret Memoirs of the Mother of the Regent (Gutenberg text)
Nouvelles lettres de madame la duchesse d'Orléans : princesse Palatine, mère du régent (Charpentier, 1853) (page images at HathiTrust)
The reign and amours of the Bourbon regimé; a brilliant description of the courts of Louis XIV, amours, debauchery, intrigues, and state secrets, including suppressed and confiscated mss. (Priv. print. for members of the Versailles Historical Society, 1889) (page images at HathiTrust)
Secret memoirs of the court of Louis XIV. and of the regency (G. and W. B. Whittaker, 1824) (page images at HathiTrust)
Secret memoirs of the court of Louis XIV : and of the regency (G. Barrie, 1900) (page images at HathiTrust)
Secret memoirs of the court of Louis XIV and of the regency (Grolier Society, 1800) (page images at HathiTrust)
Secret memoirs of the court of Louis XIV and of the regency (Grolier Society, 1905) (page images at HathiTrust)
Secret memoirs of the court of Louis XIV and of the regency extracted from the German correspondence of the Duchess of Orleans, mother of the regent (H. S. Nichols & co., 1895) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Osborn, Sarah, 1693-1775 [aka Sarah Byng Osborne] (1693 - 1775) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Osborne, Dorothy, 1627-1695 [aka Lady Temple] (1627 - 1695) ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
The letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple. (J. M. Dent;, 1914) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple (1652-54) (illustrated HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
Letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple 1652-54 (Dodd, Mead, and company, 1888) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters of Dorothy Osborne to William Temple (The Clarendon press, 1959) (page images at HathiTrust)
The love letters of Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple (A. Moring, the De La More press, 1903) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
The love letters of Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple (A. Morning, the De La More press, 1903) (page images at HathiTrust)
The love letters of Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple, 1652-54 (New York : Dodd, Mead & Company, 1901., 1901) (page images at HathiTrust)
The love letters of Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple, 1652-54 (Publishers' Syndicate, 1901) (page images at HathiTrust)
Martha, lady Giffard, her life and correspondence (1664-1722), a sequel to the letters of Dorothy Osborne (George Allen & sons, 1911) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Oxley, Mary (fl. 1650)
- Parr, Susanna (fl. 1659)
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The Countess of Pembroke's Antonie (E. Felber, 1897) (page images at HathiTrust)
Pembroke booklets, 1-6 (Tutin, 1905) (page images at HathiTrust)
A poem on our Saviour's passion (J. Wilson, 1862) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Psalmes of David : translated into divers and sundry kindes of verse ... (Chiswick : From the Chiswick Press, by C. Whittingham for R. Triphook, 1823., 1823) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Psalmes of David translated into divers and sundry kindes of verse, more rare and excellent for the method and varietie than ever yet hath been done in English. (By C. Whittingham for R. Triphook, 1823) (page images at HathiTrust)
Rock honeycomb. Broken pieces of Sir Philip Sidney's Psalter. Laid up in store for English homes. (Ellis and White: [etc., etc.], 1877) (page images at HathiTrust)
Sonnets and miscellaneous verse (J. R. Tutin, 1905) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Tragedie of Antonie (HTML at Renascence Editions)
- Penington, Mary, 1625-1682 [aka Mrs. William Springett; Mrs. Isaac Penington; Mary Proude] (1625 - 1682) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Penn, Hannah Callowhill, 1671-1726 (February 11, 1671 - December 20, 1726) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Perier, Madame (Gilberte), 1620-1685 or 1687 [aka Gilberte Pascal] (1620 - 1687) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
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- Petyt, Maria, 1623-1677 (1623 - 1677) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Philips, Katherine, 1632-1664 [aka Katherine Fowler Philips; Orinda] (January 1, 1632 - June 22, 1664) ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
Minor Poets of the Caroline Period (3 volumes; Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1905-1921)
Poems by the Most Deservedly Admired Mrs. Katherine Philips, the Matchless Orinda (audio reading of a book originally published 1667) (multiple audio formats at archive.org)
Poems by the most deservedly admired Mrs. Katherine Philips, the matchless Orinda : to which is added Monsieur Corneille's tragedies of Pompey and Horace, with several other translations out of the French. (London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1710., 1710) (page images at HathiTrust)
Poems by the Most Eminent Ladies of Great Britain and Ireland: Re-Published From the Collection of G. Colman and B. Thornton, Esqrs., With Considerable Alterations, Additions, and Improvements (2 volumes; London: W. Stafford, n.d.) (page images at HathiTrust)
Pompey. A tragoedy, [Ornament] (Printed by J. Crooke, for S. Dancer, 1663) (page images at HathiTrust)
Selected poems. (J.R. Tutin, 1904) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Selected poems. (J.R. Tutin, 1904) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Piotrowczykowa, Anna Teresa (fl. 17th cent.)
- Piotrowczykowa, Jadwiga (fl. 17th cent.)
- Pix, Mary, 1666-1720 [aka Mary Griffith Pix] (1666 - May 17, 1709) ; More Information ; Gravesite ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Polwhele, Elizabeth (ca. 1651 - 1691) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Pomfret, Henrietta Louisa Jeffreys Fermor, Countess of, 1698-1761 (1698 - December 15, 1761) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
Correspondence Between Frances, Countess of Hartford, (Afterwards Duchess of Somerset,) and Henrietta Louisa, Countess of Pomfret, Between the Years 1738 and 1741 (3 volumes; London: R. Phillips, 1805)
- Poole, Elizabeth (1622 - 1668) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Primrose, Diana (fl. 1630) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Puttemans, Anna (1621 - November 26, 1673)
- Questiers, Catharina (November 21, 1631 - February 3, 1669) ; Wikipedia
- R. T. (Rebecca Travers), 1609-1688 [aka Mrs. William Travers; Rebecca Booth] (1609 - April 15, 1688) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Ranelagh, Lady [aka Katherine Boyle; Katherine Jones] (March 22, 1615 - December 23, 1691) ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Rethaan, Anna (1684 - 1729)
- Rohan, Catherine de Parthenay-Larchevêque, vicomtesse de, 1554-1631 (March 22, 1554 - October 26, 1631) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Rowe, Elizabeth Singer, 1674-1737 (1674 - 1737) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
Devout exercises of the heart in meditation and soliloquy, prayer and praise (E. Stevenson & F. A. Owen, 1855) (page images at HathiTrust)
Devout exercises of the heart, in meditation and soliloquy, prayer and praise (D. Hitt and T. Ware, for the Methodist Connexion in the United States, 1813) (page images at HathiTrust)
Devout exercises of the heart, in meditation and soliloquy, prayer and praise (published by Robert Johnson ..., 1806) (page images at HathiTrust)
Devout exercises of the heart, in meditation, soliloquy, prayer, and praise (printed by T. Dobson, 1791) (page images at HathiTrust)
Friendship in death; in letters from the dead to the living. To which are added letters moral and entertaining, in prose and verse. (R. Johnson, 1805) (page images at HathiTrust)
Friendship in death; in twenty letters from the dead to the living. (J.C., 1745) (page images at HathiTrust)
Friendship in death: in twenty letters from the dead to the living. To which are added, letters moral & entertaining, in prose & verse. In three parts (W. Strahan [etc.], 1783) (page images at HathiTrust)
Friendship in death: in twenty letters from the dead to the living. To which are added, Letters moral and entertaining, in prose and verse. In three parts. (Printed by W. Nicholson, 1808) (page images at HathiTrust)
Friendship in death: in twenty letters from the dead to the living. To which are added, letters moral and entertaining, in prose and verse. In three parts. (Printed by A. Donaldson, and sold at his shops in London and Edinburgh., 1768) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
The history of Joseph, A poem. In eight books (Printed for T.Worrall, 1736) (page images at HathiTrust)
The History of Joseph: A Poem in Ten Books (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
The history of Joseph, a poem, in ten books. (T. Buckingham, 1815) (page images at HathiTrust)
The miscellaneous works, in prose and verse, of Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe (Printed for Henry Lintot, 1756) (page images at HathiTrust)
The miscellaneous works, in prose and verse, of Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe (Printed for J. Buckland [etc.], 1772) (page images at HathiTrust)
The miscellaneous works : in prose and verse of Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe, published by her order, by Mr. Theophilus Rowe, to which are added poems on several occasions, by Mr. Thomas Rowe, and to the whole is prefixed, an account of the lives and writings of the authors. (Printed for Henry Lintot, 1750) (page images at HathiTrust)
The miscellaneous works in prose and verse : the greater part now first published (London : Printed for R. Hett and R. Dodsley, 1739., 1739) (page images at HathiTrust)
Poems by the Most Eminent Ladies of Great Britain and Ireland: Re-Published From the Collection of G. Colman and B. Thornton, Esqrs., With Considerable Alterations, Additions, and Improvements (2 volumes; London: W. Stafford, n.d.) (page images at HathiTrust)
Poems on several occasions (J. Tonson, and J. Barber, 1725) (page images at HathiTrust)
Poems on several occasions ... (Printed for J. and R. Tonson, S. Draper and H. Lintot, 1754) (page images at HathiTrust)
Vermischte poetische Werke, nebst einigen prosischen Gesprächen. Aus dem Englischen. (C.G. Hertel, 1772) (page images at HathiTrust)
The works of Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. (Printed for J. & A. Arch ;, 1796) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Rowlandson, Mary White, approximately 1635-1711 [aka Mrs. Samuel Talcott] (ca. 1636 - January 5, 1711) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
Captives Among the Indians: First-Hand Narratives of Indian Wars, Customs, Tortures, and Habits of Life in Colonial Times (Outing Adventure Library #3; New York: Outing Pub. Co., 1915)
Captives among the Indians; first-hand narratives of Indian wars, customs, tortures, and habits of life in colonial times (N. Doubleday, 1915) (page images at HathiTrust)
Captives among the Indians : first-hand narratives of Indian wars, customs, tortures, and habits of life in colonial times (Outing publishing, 1916) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Captivity and Deliverance of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, of Lancaster, Who Was Taken By the French and Indians (Brookfield: Printed by Hori Brown, from the press of E. Merriam & Co., 1811)
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson (Gutenberg text)
The narrative of the captivity and restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. First printed in 1682 at Cambridge, Massachusetts, & London, England. Now reprinted in facsimile; whereunto are annexed a map of her removes, biographical & historical notes, and the last sermon of her husband, Rev. Joseph Rowlandson. (J. Wilson and son], 1903) (page images at HathiTrust)
The narrative of the captivity and restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. First printed in 1682 at Cambridge, Massachusetts, & London, England. Now reprinted in fac-simile; whereunto are annexed a map of her removes, biographical & historical notes, and the last sermon of her husband, Rev. Joseph Rowlandson. (J. Wilson and son], 1903) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
The narrative of the captivity and restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, first printed in 1682 at Cambridge, Massachusetts, & London, England (Houghton Mifflin company, 1930) (page images at HathiTrust)
A Narrative of the Captivity, Sufferings, and Removes, of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, Who Was Taken Prisoner by the Indians, With Several Others, and Treated in the Most Barbarous and Cruel Manner by Those Vile Savages; With Many Other Remarkable Events During Her Travels (Boston: T. and J. Fleet, 1791) (multiple formats at archive.org)
A narrative of the captivity, sufferings, and removes, of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, who was taken prisoner by the Indians; with several others... Written by her own hand. (re-printed and sold by Thomas and John Fleet, at the Bible and Heart, Cornhill, 1856) (page images at HathiTrust)
A narrative of the captivity, sufferings, and removes, of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, who was taken prisoner by the Indians at the destruction of Lancaster in 1675. (Ballard & Bynner, 1853) (page images at HathiTrust)
Narratives of the Indian Wars, 1675-1699 (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1913)
Narratives of the Indian wars, 1675-1699 (Barnes, 1913) (page images at HathiTrust)
The soveraignty & goodness of God, together, with the faithfulness of His promises displayed; being a narrative of the captivity and restauration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. ([Boston, 1937], 1937) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Soveraignty and Goodness of God Together, With the Faithfulness of His Promises Displayed: Being a Narrative of the Captivity and Restauration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson (second edition; Cambridge, MA: Printed by S. Green, 1682)
True history of the captivity and restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson (Printed first at New-England: and reprinted at London, and sold by Joseph Poole, at the Blue Bowl in the Long-Walk, by Christs-Church Hospital, 1682) (page images at HathiTrust)
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A comparative view of social life in England and France, from the restoration of Charles the Second to the present time. (R. Bentley, 1844) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters of Lady Rachel Russell. (Whittingham, 1830) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of Lady Rachel Russell; from the manuscript in the library at Boburn abbey. To which are prefixed, an introduction, vindicating the character of Lord Russell against Sir John Dalrymple, &c., and the trial of Lord William Russell for high treason, extracted from the State trials. Embellished with three elegant engravings. (Printed by J. M'Creery, for J. Mawman [etc.], 1809) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of Lady Rachel Russell; from the manuscript in the library at Woburn Abbey. To which is prefixed, an introduction, vindicating the character of Lord Russell against Sir John Dalrymple, &c. (Printed for E. Thomas, and S. Colbert, 1775) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of Lady Rachel Russell, from the manuscript in the library at Woburn Abbey. To which is prefixed, an introduction, vindicating the character of Lord Russell against Sir John Dalrymple, &c. (Printed for E. and C. Dilly, 1773) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of Lady Rachel Russell : from the manuscript in the library at Woburn Abbey : with an introduction vindicating the character of Lord Russell against Sir John Dalrymple, &c., and the trial of Lord William Russell for high treason. (Printed by J.F. Dove, 1826) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of Lady Rachel Russell; : from the manuscript in the library at Wooburn Abbey. : To which is prefixed, an introduction, vindicating the character of Lord Russell against Sir John Dalrymple, &c. : To which is added, The trial of Lord William Russell for high treason. Extracted from the State trials. (Printed for C. Dilly ..., 1793) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Letters of Lady Rachel Russell : from the originals at Woburn Abbey (John Sharpe, 1819) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of Lady Rachel Russell. Two volumes in one. (Wells and Lilly, 1820) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of Rachel, Lady Russell. (Parry and McMillan, 1854) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of Rachel, lady Russell (Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1853) (page images at HathiTrust)
Some account of the life of Rachael Wriothesley, lady Russell (Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1819) (page images at HathiTrust)
Some account of the life of Rachael Wriothesley, lady Russell (Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1819) (page images at HathiTrust)
Some account of the life of Rachael Wriothesley, Lady Russell (Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1820) (page images at HathiTrust)
Some Account of the Life of Rachael Wriothesley Lady Russell, by the Editor of Madame du Deffrand's Letters; Followed by a Series of Letters From Lady Russell to Her Husband (third edition; printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, and J. Ridgway, 1820) (multiple formats at archive.org)
Some account of the life of Rachael Wriothesley Lady Russell, by the editor of Madame du Deffrand's letters, followed by a series of letters from Lady Russell to her husband...et.al. (Longman, 1820) (page images at HathiTrust)
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- San Felix, Sor Marcela de (1605 - ca. 1687) ; Wikipedia
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- Savini, Aretafila (1687 - )
- Schurman, Anna Maria van, 1607-1678 (November 5, 1607 - May 14, 1678) ; In German ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
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Almahide, ou L'esclaue reine ... (chez Augustin Courbé ..., 1660) (page images at HathiTrust)
Almahide, ou L'esclaue reine ... (chez Augustin Courbé ..., 1661) (page images at HathiTrust)
Almahide, ou L'esclaue reyne ... (chez Louis Billaine ..., 1663) (page images at HathiTrust)
Almahide, ou L'esclaue reyne ... (chez Louis Billaine ..., 1663) (page images at HathiTrust)
Artaméne; or, Le grand Cyrus (A. Courbe, 1967) (page images at HathiTrust)
Artamene, ou, Le Grand Cyrus (A. Covrbe', 1650) (page images at HathiTrust)
Artamenes: or, The Grand Cyrus (5 volumes; London: Printed for H. Moseley and T. Dring, 1653-1655) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Clelia: An Excellent New Romance, the Whole Work in Five Parts, Dedicated to Mademoiselle de Longueville (5 parts in 1; 1677-1678) (at name.umdl.umich.edu)
Clelie, histoire romaine (chez Augustin Courbé ... : et Iean Blaeu, à Amsterdam, 1761) (page images at HathiTrust)
Clélie, histoire romaine (T. Iolly, 1967) (page images at HathiTrust)
Clelie, histoire romaine ... (chez Augustin Courbé ..., 1656) (page images at HathiTrust)
Clelie, histoire romaine ... (chez Augustin Courbé ..., 1656) (page images at HathiTrust)
De la poësie françoise: jusques à Henry quatrième (Sansot, 1907) (page images at HathiTrust)
De la poësie françoise jusques à Henry Quatrième ... Avec une introd. et des notes (Sansot, 1907) (page images at HathiTrust)
El Artamenes o El gran Cyro (En la Imprenta Real :, 1682) (page images at HathiTrust)
Entretiens de morale, dediez au Roy. Tome premier. (chez Jean Anisson..., 1692) (page images at HathiTrust)
Entretiens de morale, dediez au Roy. Tome second. (chez Jean Anisson..., 1692) (page images at HathiTrust)
Female orators (Printed and are sold by T. Tebb [etc.], 1714) (page images at HathiTrust)
Histoire de Mathilde d'Aguilar. (M. Roguet, 1736) (page images at HathiTrust)
Ibrahim: or, The Illustrious Bassa (London: Printed for H. Moseley, W. Bentley, and T. Heath, 1652) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
The illustrious ladies of antiquity. (Printed for the author, 1744) (page images at HathiTrust)
Isabelle Grimaldi, princesse de Monaco (Aux éditions du Monde nouveau, 1923) (page images at HathiTrust)
La Clelia historia romana (presso Francesco Storti, 1655) (page images at HathiTrust)
Les conversations sur divers sujets. (D. du Fresne, 1682) (page images at HathiTrust)
Les Historiettes de Tallemant des Réaux : mémoires pour servir à l'histoire du XVIIe siècle (Levavasseur, 1834) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Mademoiselle De Scudéry à M. Godeau. (A. Levavasseur, 1835) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mademoiselle de Scudéry, sa vie et sa correspondance (L. Techener, 1873) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mademoiselle de Scudéry, sa vie et sa correspondance (Techner, 1873) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mademoiselle de Scudéry, sa vie et sa correspondance, avec un choix de ses poésies (L. Techener, 1873) (page images at HathiTrust)
Un tournoi de trois pucelles en l'honneur de Jeanne d'Arc: lettres inédites de Conrart, de Mlle de Scudéry et de Mlle du Moulin (A. Picard, 1878) (page images at HathiTrust)
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- Sena, Agatha Maria (1692 - 1772)
- Senorina de Silva, Isabel (ca. 1660 - 1740)
- Sévigné, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, marquise de, 1626-1696 (February 5, 1626 - April 17, 1696) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
Ana: ou, Collection de bons mots, contes, pensées détachées, traits d'histoire et anecdotes des hommes célèbres, depuis la naissance des lettres jusqu'à nos jours; suivis d'un choix de propos joyeux, mots plaisans, réparties fines et contes à rire, tirés de différens recueils. (chez Visse, 1789) (page images at HathiTrust)
The best letters of Madame de Sevigne (A.C. McClurg and company, 1890) (page images at HathiTrust)
The best letters of Madame de Sévigné (A. C. McClurg and company, 1904) (page images at HathiTrust)
The best letters of Madame de Sévigné (A. C. McClurg and company, 1891) (page images at HathiTrust)
Choix de lettres morales de Mesdames de Sévigné, Grignan, Maintenon et Simiane: a lu̓sage des maisons de̓ducation (Lavigne, 1835) (page images at HathiTrust)
Choix de lettres. Publié avec une notice littéraire et des notes (Librairie de la Société bibliographique, 1877) (page images at HathiTrust)
Collection de bons mots (Belin, 1799) (page images at HathiTrust)
Collection de vingt portraits du siècle de Louis XIV : (J.J. Blaise, 1818) (page images at HathiTrust)
Le premier texte des Lettres de Mme de Sévigné : réimpression de l'édition de 1725 (Librairie des bibliophiles, 1880) (page images at HathiTrust)
Les idées morales de Madame de Sévigné (Bloud, 1909) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Letters from the Marchioness de Sévigné to her daughter the Countess de Grignan. (J. Sewell [et al.], 1801) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters from the Marchioness de Sevigne to her daughter the Countess de Grignan. (Spurr & Swift, 1927) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters from the Marchioness de Sévigné to her daughter the Countess de Grignan (London : J. Spurr & Swift, 1927., 1927) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters of Madame de Sévigné (J.P. Horn & Company, 1927) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of Madame de Sévigné (Ginn & Co., 1899) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Letters of Madame de Sévigné to Her Daughter and Friends (revised edition; Boston: Roberts Bros., 1874) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters of Madame de Sévigné to her daughter and friends (Roberts Brothers, 1878) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters of Madame De Sévigné : to her daughter and friends (Mason Brothers, 1856) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters of Madame de Sévigné to her daughter and friends. (Roberts brothers, 1889) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of Madame de Sévigné to her daughter and her friends. (Printed for J. Walker [etc.], 1811) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of Madame de Sévigné to her daughter and her friends ... (E.P.Dutton, 1927) (page images at HathiTrust)
Letters of Madame de Sévigné to her daughter and her friends. Selected, with an introductory essay (Brentano's, 1927) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters of Madame de Sévigné to her daughter the Countess de Grignan. (Spurr & Swift, 1927) (page images at HathiTrust)
The letters of Madame de Sévigné to her daughters and friends (Roberts, 1869) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettre inédite du Marquis de Sévigné a la comtesse de Grignan, sa soeur, sur les affaires de leur maison (Dondy-Dupre, 1847) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres. (J.M. Dent & sons, ltd;, 1913) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres. (Didot, 1857) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres. (E. Mignot, 1912) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Lettres. (Gillimard, 1853) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres à sa fille et à ses amis. (J. Techener, 1861) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres; avec les notes de tous les commentateurs. (Librairie de Firmin Didot, 1867) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres, avec les notes de tous les commentateurs. (libr. de F. Didot frères, 1844) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres ... avec les notes de tous les commentateurs. ([publisher not identified], 1843) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies (Larousse, 1912) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies (Dent ;, 1912) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies accompagnees de notes explicatives sur les faits et les personnages du temps, precedees d'observations litteraires par Sainte-Beuve. (Paris :, 1865) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies; accompagnées de notes explicatives sur les faits et les personnages du temps, précédées d'observations littéraires par M. Sainte-Beuve et du portrait de Mme. de Sévigné (Garnier frères, 1876) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de madame de Sévigné (Hatier, 1921) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Lettres choisies de Madame de Sévigné. (Hachette, 1921) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Lettres choisies de madame de Sévigné (Hachette et c ie , 1880) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de Madame de Sévigné (Garnier frères, 1862) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de Madame de Sévigné (Dent ;, 1906) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de Madame de Sévigné. (Société de Saint Augustin, Desclée, De Brouwer et Cie, 1886) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de Madame de Sévigné (Didier, 1872) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de Madame de Sévigné. (Nelson, 1910) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de madame de Sévigné a sa fille et a ses amis (Didier, 1847) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de madame de Sévigné; accompagnées de notes explicatives sur les faits et les personnages du temps (Garnier frères, 1906) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de Madame de Sévigné. Accompagnées de notes explicatives sur les faits et les personnages du temps. (Garnier Frères, 1865) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de madame de Sévigné; accompagnées de notes explicatives sur les faits et les personnages du temps, précédées d'observations littéraires (Garnier frères, 1876) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de Madame de Sévigné, extraites de l'édition des Grands écrivains de la France (Hachette et cie., 1918) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Lettres choisies de madame de Sévigné : extraites de l'édition des Grands écrivains de la France (Émile Perrin, 1884) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de Madame de Sévigné, extraites de l'édition des Grands écrivains de la France (Hachette et Cie., 1882) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de Madame de Sévigné : extraites de l'edition des Grands écrivains de la France (Librairie de L. Hachetté, 1870) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de madame de Sévigné, extraites de l'édition des Grands éerivains de la France (Hachette et civ, 1891) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de Madame de Sévigné : précédées de son éloge par Madame A. Tastu : avec l'extrait du rapport de M. Villemain et les réflexions sur le style épistolaire par suard. (Didier, 1884) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de Mesdames de Sévigné et de Maintenon ... (De l'Impr. de Cox et Baylis, 1812) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de Mesdames de Sévigné et de Maintenon avec une préface et des notes par M. de Lévizac ... (J.E.G. Doufour, 1805) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de mesdames de Sévigné et de Maintenon, avec une préface et des notes, par m. de Lévizac. (J.E. Gabriel Dufour, 1803) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de Mme de Sévigné. (C. Marpon et E. Flammarion, 1890) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de Mme de Sevigne a sa fille et a ses amis (Didier, 1841) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de Mmes de Sévigné (Garnery, 1825) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies de Vme.de Sévigné. (E. Flammarion, 1907) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies. Extraites de l'édition des grands écrivains de la France (L. Hachette et cie, 1870) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres choisies, extraites de l'édition des Grands écrivains de la France : avec des notes biographiques, des annotations, des illustrations documentaires, un index des noms, un index des institutions, mœurs et coutumes et un index grammatical (Hachette, 1927) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame De Sévigné. (Firmin Didot, 1856) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame de Sévigné (Compagnie des Libraires, 1786) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame de Sévigné à sa fille et à ses amis. (J. J. Blaise, 1818) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame de Sévigné à sa fille et à ses amis; nouv. éd., mise dans un meilleur ordre, enrichie d'éclaircissemens et de notes historiques; augm. de lettres, fragmens, notices sur Madame de Sévigné et sur ses amis, éloges et autres morceaux inédits ou peu connus, tant en prose qu'en vers (Masson et Besson, 1806) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame de Sévigné ; avec les notes de tous les commentateurs. (Librairie de Firmin Didot Fréres, 1844) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame de Sévigné avec les notes de Tous les commentateurs. (F. Didot frères, 1860) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame de Sévigné, de sa famille et de ses amis. (L. Hachette et cie, 1863) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame de Sévigné, de sa famille et de ses amis (L. Hachette, 1862) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame de Sévigné, de sa famille et de ses amis. (J.J. Blaise, 1818) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame de Sévigné, de sa famille, et de ses amis (Dalibon, 1823) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame de Sévigné de sa famille et de ses amis (Librairie de L. Hachette et Cie., 1862) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame de Sévigné : de sa famille et de ses amis (Chez Janet et Cotelle, 1822) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame de Sévigné de sa famille et de ses amis : avec trois portraits et trois fac-scimile. (J.J. Blaise, Libraire de S.A.S. Madame la Duchesse d'Orléans Douairière, 1818) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame de Sévigné, de sa famille, et de ses amis : édition orné de 25 portraits dessinés par Devéria : augmenté de plusieurs lettres inédites, des 105 lettres publiées en 1804 par Klostermann ... précédées d'une nouvelle notice biographique sur Madame de Sévigné ... (Dalibon, 1823) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame de Sévigné de sa famille et de ses amis, précédées d'une notice par Charles Nodier. (A. Desrez, 1838) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame de Sévigné : nouveau choix de ses lettres les plus remarquables sous le rapport du style et de la pensée (E. Ardant et Cie., 1871) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame de Sévigné; précédées d'une notice historique et littéraire. (Furne, 1855) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame de Sévigné, précédées d'une notice historique et littéraire. (Furne et cie, éditeurs, 1860) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame la Marquise de Sévigné, a Madame la Comtesse de Grignan, sa fille : tome cinquieme. (chez Pierre Machuel ..., 1780) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame la Marquise de Sévigné, a Madame la Comtesse de Grignan, sa fille : tome huitieme. (chez P. Machuel ..., 1780) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame la Marquise de Sévigné, a Madame la Comtesse de Grignan, sa fille : tome premier. (chez P. Machuel ..., 1780) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame la Marquise de Sévigné, a Madame la Comtesse de Grignan, sa fille : tome second. (chez P. Machuel ..., 1780) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame la Marquise de Sévigné, a Madame la Comtesse de Grignan, sa fille : tome septieme. (chez Pierre Machuel ..., 1780) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame la Marquise de Sévigné, a Madame la Comtesse de Grignan, sa fille : tome sixieme. (chez Pierre Machuel ..., 1780) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Madame la Marquise de Sévigné, a Madame la Comtesse de Grignan, sa fille : tome troisieme. (chez P. Machuel ..., 1780) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Marie de Rabutin-Chantal Marquise de Sévigné à sa fille et à ses amis (J. Techener, 1861) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Mme. de Sévigné (Didot, 1843) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Mme de Sévigné : précédées du traité sur le style épistolaire de Madame de Sévigné (Firmin Didot, 1851) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Mme de Sévigné : précédées du traité sur le style épistolaire de Madame de Sévigné (Firmin Didot, 1856) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Mme de Sévigné : précédées d'une notice sur la vie, et du traite sur le style épistolaire de Madame de Sévigné (F. Didot, 1865) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Mme. de Sévigné : précedées d'une notice sur sa vie et du traité sur le style épistolaire de Madame de Sévigné (Librairie de Firmin Didot frères, 1856) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Mme de Sévigné: précédées du̓ne notice sur sa vie et du traité sur le style épistolaire de Madame Sévigné (F. Didot frères, 1849) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Mme. de Sévigné : précedées d'une notice sur sa vie et du traité sur le style épistolaire de Madame de Sévigné (Librairie de Firmin-Didot Frères, 1880) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Mme de Sévigné : précedées d'une notice sur sa vie et du traité sur le style épistolaire de Madame de Sévigné (Librairie de Firmin-Didot, 1891) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Mme. de Sévigné : précedés d'une notice sur sa vie et du traité sur le style épistolaire de Madame de Sévigné (Librairie de Firmin Didot Frères, 1851) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres de Sévigné. (Bossange et Masson, 1817) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres inedites de Madame de Sévigné (J. Klostermann Fils, 1814) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres inédites de Madame de Sévigné à Madame de Grignan, sa fille : extraites d'un ancien manuscrit, pub. pour la première fois, annotées et précédées d'une introduction (Hachette et cie., 1876) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres inʹedites de Mme de Sʹevigne. (Bossange et Masson, 1819) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres nouvelles, ou nouvellement recouvrées, de la Marquise de Sévigné, et de la Marquise de Simiane, sa petite-fille : pour servir de suite aux différentes éditions des Lettres de la Marquise de Sévigné : tome neuvieme. (chez Pierre Machuel ..., 1780) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres nouvelles ou nouvellement recouvrées de la marquise de Sévigné, et de la marquise de Simiane, sa petite-fille. Pour servir de suite aux différentes éditions des Lettres de la marquise de Sévigné. (J.E. Dufour, 1775) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres nouvelles, ou Nouvellement recouvrées, de la marquise de Sévigné, et de la marquise de Simiane, sa petite-fille. : Pour servir de suite au Recueil des lettres de la marquise de Sévigné. (Chez Lacombe ..., 1774) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lettres : précedées d'une notice sur sa vie et du traité sur le style épistolaire de Madame de Sévigné (F. Didot, 1866) (page images at HathiTrust)
Madame de Sévigné; cours professé à la Société des conférences (Perrin & cie, 1921) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mémoires de M. de Coulanges, suivis de lettres inédites de Madame de Sévigné (J.J. Blaise, 1820) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mémoires de m. de Coulanges, suivis de lettres inédites de madame de Sévigné, de son fils, de l'abbé de Coulanges, d'Arnauld-d'Andilly, d'Arnauld de Pomponne, de Jean de La Fontaine, et d'autres personnages du meme siècle (J. J. Blaise, 1820) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mme de Sévigné; textes choisis et commentés (Plon-Nourrit et cie, 1914) (page images at HathiTrust)
Nouveau choix de lettres de Madame de Sévigné, spécialement destiné aux petits séminaires et aux pensionnats de demoiselles (Ad Mame et cie., 1842) (page images at HathiTrust)
Nouveau choix des lettres de Madame de Sévigné : spécialement destiné aux petits séminaires et aux pensionnats de demoiselles (Ad. Mame, 1859) (page images at HathiTrust)
Nouveau choix des lettres de Madame de Sévigné spécialement destiné aux petits séminaires et aux pensionnats de demoiselles (Alfred Mame, 1874) (page images at HathiTrust)
Nouveau choix des lettres de Madame de Sévigné, spécialment destiné aux petits séminaires et aux pensionnats de demoiselles (A. Mame, 1842) (page images at HathiTrust)
Nouveau choix des lettres de Mme. de Sévigné, spécialement destiné aux séminaires et aux pensionnats de demoiselles, par l'Abbé A***. (J.F. Jamonet, 1837) (page images at HathiTrust)
Pages choisies des grands écrivains : Mme de Sévigné ; avec une introduction et des notes par René Doumic et L. Levrault. (Librairie Armand Colin, 1920) (page images at HathiTrust)
Recueil de lettres de Madame de Sévigné (Par la Compagnie des libraires, 1775) (page images at HathiTrust)
Recueil des lettres à Madame la comtesse de Grignan, sa fille. (Bauche, 1754) (page images at HathiTrust)
Recueil des lettres de Madame de Sévigné. (Chez Bossange, Masson et Besson, 1801) (page images at HathiTrust)
Recueil des lettres de Madame de Sévigné. (Guichard aîné, 1810) (page images at HathiTrust)
Recueil des lettres de Madame de Sévigné : augmentée d'un précis de la vie de cette femme célèbre, de réflexions sur ses lettres, (Bossange, Masson et Besson, 1801) (page images at HathiTrust)
Recueil des lettres de Madame la marquise de Sévigné, a Madame la comtesse de Grignan, sa fille. (Par la Compagnie des libraires., 1785) (page images at HathiTrust)
Recueil des lettres de madame la marquise de Sévigné, a madame la comtesse de Grignan, sa fille. (J. Racine, 1790) (page images at HathiTrust)
Recueil des lettres de Madame la marquise de Sévigné, à Madame la comtesse de Grignan, sa fille. (J. Racine, 1784) (page images at HathiTrust)
Selected letters of Madame de Sévigné (The University Press;, 1925) (page images at HathiTrust)
Selected letters of Madame de Sévigné (University press;, 1918) (page images at HathiTrust)
Selected letters of Madame de Sévigné, ed. for school use. (American book company, 1898) (page images at HathiTrust)
A selection from the letters of Madame de Sévigné and her contemporaries (At the Clarendon Press, 1868) (page images at HathiTrust)
Sevigniana, ou Recueil de pensées ingénieuses, d'anecdotes littéraires, historiques & morales (de l'Imprimerie de L. Fournier ;, 1787) (page images at HathiTrust)
Sevigniana : ou Recueil de pensées ingénieuses, d'anecdotes littéraires, historiques & morales, (L. Fournier, 1787) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Sharp, Jane, Mrs. (fl. 1671) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Shaw, Hester (fl. 1653)
- Shrewsbury, Mary Talbot, Countess of, -1636 [aka Mary Fortescue] (1601 - January 6, 1636) ; More Information
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- Smith, Margaret (fl. 1660) ; Wikipedia
- Somerset, Frances Seymour, Duchess of, 1699-1754 [aka Frances Seymour; Frances Thynne] (1699 - 1754) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
Correspondence Between Frances, Countess of Hartford, (Afterwards Duchess of Somerset,) and Henrietta Louisa, Countess of Pomfret, Between the Years 1738 and 1741 (3 volumes; London: R. Phillips, 1805)
- Sousa y Melo, Beatriz de (ca. 1650 - 1700)
- Southwell, Anne, Lady, 1573-1636 [aka Anne Harris] (1573 - 1636) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Sowernam, Ester (fl. 1617) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Staal, Marguerite-Jeanne, baronne de, 1684-1750 [aka Marguerite-Jeanne Cordier de Staal-Delaunay] (1684 - 1750) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Stanislawska, Anna (1651 - 1700)
- Stirredge, Elizabeth, 1634-1706 (1634 - 1706) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Stockfleth, Maria Katharina (ca. 1633 - 1692) ; Wikidata
- Strozzi, Barbara, 1619-1677 [aka Barbara Valle] (August 6, 1619 - November 11, 1677) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Suchon, Gabrielle, 1631-1703 (December 24, 1631 - March 5, 1703) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Sunderland, Dorothy Sidney, Countess of, 1617-1684 (1617 - 1684) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
Some account of the life of Rachael Wriothesley, lady Russell (Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1819) (page images at HathiTrust)
Some account of the life of Rachael Wriothesley, lady Russell (Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1819) (page images at HathiTrust)
Some account of the life of Rachael Wriothesley, Lady Russell (Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1820) (page images at HathiTrust)
Some Account of the Life of Rachael Wriothesley Lady Russell, by the Editor of Madame du Deffrand's Letters; Followed by a Series of Letters From Lady Russell to Her Husband (third edition; printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, and J. Ridgway, 1820) (multiple formats at archive.org)
- Suze, Henriette de Coligny Comtesse de la (fl. 17th cent.)
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- Tattlewell, Mary (fl. 1640)
- Tencin, Claudine Alexandrine Guérin de, 1682-1749 (April 27, 1682 - December 4, 1749) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
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- Tiktiner, Rivkah bat Me'ir [aka Rivke Bas Me'ir Tiktiner; Rebecca bat Meir Tiktiner] ( - April 13, 1605) ; More Information ; Wikipedia
- Tollet, Elizabeth, 1694-1754 (1694 - 1754) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Trapnel, Anna (fl. 1654) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
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- Veer, Cornelia van der Veer (1639 - ca. 1702)
- Veer, J. Adriana van der (ca. 1700 - ca. 1740)
- Venn, Anne (ca. 1626 - 1658)
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- Veronica Giuliani, Saint, 1660-1727 [aka Veronica Giuliani] (1660 - July 9, 1727) ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Vervoorn, Elisabeth (1617 - 1657)
- Verwers Dusart, Katarina (1618 - 1686)
- Vicente, Paula (ca. 1600 - 1660)
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- Villeneuve, Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot Gallon, dame de, approximately 1695-1755 (1695 - 1755) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Vincentius, Anna Maria (1697 - 1730)
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- Visscher, Anna Roemers, 1583-1651 (February 2, 1584 - December 6, 1651) ; In Dutch ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Vokins, Joan, -1690 [aka Mrs. Richard Vokins; Joan Bunce] ( - July 22, 1690) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
God's Mighty Power Magnified, As Manifested and Revealed in His Faithful Handmaid Joan Vokins; Also Some Account of Her Exercises, Works of Faith, Labour of Love, and Great Travels in the Work of The Ministry, for the Good of Souls (new edition; Cockermouth, Cumbria: D. Fidler, 1871)
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- Waller, Anne, -1661 [aka Mrs. William Waller; Anne Finch] (1627 - 1661) ; Family ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Walsh, Octavia (1677 - 1706)
- Ward, Mary, 1585-1645 (January 23, 1585 - January 30, 1645) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
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- Weamys, Anna, approximately 1630- (ca. 1630 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Webb, Elizabeth [aka Mrs. Richard Webb] (1663 - 1727) ; More Information
- Weert, Goudina van ( - 1697) ; In Dutch
- Wemmel, Maria Barbara van (1671 - October 23, 1743)
- Wentworth, Anne (ca. 1630 - ca. 1679) ; Wikipedia
- Westonia, Elizabetha Johanna, 1582-1612 [aka Elizabeth Jane Weston] (1582 - 1612) ; In German ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
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- Whitehead, Anne, active 17th century [aka Mrs. George Whitehead; Mrs. Benjamin Greenwell; Anne Downer] (1624 - July 27, 1686) ; Family
- Whitton, Catharine (fl. 1688)
- Wigington, Leticia, -1681 ( - 1681) ; Wikidata
- Wilde, Catharina Pietersdr. de (September 17, 1688 - 1766)
- Wilde, Maria de, 1682- (1682 - ca. 1743) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
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Miscellany Poems, on Several Occasions (London: Printed for John Barber and Sold by Benj. Tooke, William Taylor, and James Round, 1713) (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
Poems and extracts chosen by William Wordsworth for an album presented to Lady Mary Lowther, Christmas, 1819. Printed literally from the original album with facsimiles. (Henry Frowde, 1905) (page images at HathiTrust)
Poems by Anne, countess of Winchilsea, 1661-1720. (J. Cape, 1928) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Poems by the Most Eminent Ladies of Great Britain and Ireland: Re-Published From the Collection of G. Colman and B. Thornton, Esqrs., With Considerable Alterations, Additions, and Improvements (2 volumes; London: W. Stafford, n.d.) (page images at HathiTrust)
The poems of Anne, countess of Winchilsea, from the original ed. of 1713 and from unpublished manuscripts (University of Chicago Press, 1903) (page images at HathiTrust)
The poems of Anne, Countess of Winchilsea. From the original ed. of 1713 and from unpublished mss. (AMS Press, 1974) (page images at HathiTrust)
The Poems of Anne Countess of Winchilsea: From the Original Edition of 1713 and From Unpublished Manuscripts (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1903) (multiple formats at archive.org)
The poems of Anne Countess of Winchilsea : from the original edition of 1713 and from unpublished manuscripts (University of Chicago Press, 1903) (page images at HathiTrust)
Poems on several occasions ... (Printed by J.B. and sold by W. Taylor, and Jonas Browne, 1714) (page images at HathiTrust)
Selected poems. (J.R. Tutin, 1906) (page images at HathiTrust)
Selected works and commentary (HTML at jimandellen.org)
- Winckelman, Jakoba Petronella (1696 - 1761)
- Winthrop, Margaret Tyndal, 1591-1647 (ca. 1591 - June 14, 1647) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Wiseman, Jane [aka Jane Holt] (1682 - ) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- With, Katharina Johanna de (1691 - 1728)
- Woolley, Hannah, active 1670 [aka Hannah Wolley] (ca. 1621 - ca. 1675) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Woude, Elisabeth van der, 1657-1698 (1657 - 1698) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Wouwe, Elisabeth van (1660 - 1720)
- Wright, Mehetabel [aka Mehetabel Wesley] (1697 - 1750) ; Wikipedia
- Wright, Susanna, 1697-1784 (1697 - 1784) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Wroth, Mary, Lady, approximately 1586-approximately 1640 (October 18, 1587 - ca. 1640) ; More Information ; More Information ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Yeamans, Isabel [aka Mrs. Abraham Morrice; Mrs. William Yeamans; Isabel Fell] (ca. 1637 - 1704) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Young Lady, A (fl. 1695)
- Yuri, 1694-1764 (1694 - 1764)
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The Enchantments of Love: Amorous and Exemplary Novels (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990) (HTML at UC Press)
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Novelas. (Madrid, 1892) (page images at HathiTrust)
Novelas (Madrid, 1885) (page images at HathiTrust)
Novelas ejemplares ... (Baudry ;, 1848) (page images at HathiTrust)
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Novelas ejemplares y amorosas. (Paris, 1847) (page images at HathiTrust)
Novelas ejemplares y amorosas de Doña María de Zayas y Sotomayor. (Baudry, 1847) (page images at HathiTrust)
Novelas ejemplares y amorosas de Doña María de Zayas y Sotomayor ... (Baudry, 1847) (page images at HathiTrust)
Novelas ejemplares y amorosas de doña María de Zayas y Sotomayor : primera y segunda parte. (Baudry, 1847) (page images at HathiTrust)
Novelas exemplares, y amorosas (En la imprenta de Maria Angela Martí, viuda, 1764) (page images at HathiTrust)
Novelas exemplares y amorosas (Por Don Plácido Barco Lopez ..., 1795) (page images at HathiTrust)
Novelas exemplares y amorosas. Corregidas y emmendadas en esta ultima impression. (en la imprenta de M.A. Martì viuda, 1764) (page images at HathiTrust)
Novelas exemplares y amorosas. Corregidas y enmendadas en esta ultima impresion. (Madrid, 1814) (page images at HathiTrust)
Novelas exemplares y amorosas de doña María de Zayas y Sotomayor ... (Viuda de B. Lopez, 1814) (page images at HathiTrust)
Novelas exemplares y amorosas de Doña Maria de Zayas y Sotomayor ... : primera y segunda parte (En la imprenta de don Pedro Marin, 1786) (page images at HathiTrust)
Novelas exemplares y amorosas. Primera y segunda parte. (J. Giralt, impresor, 1736) (page images at HathiTrust)
Novelistas posteriores a Cervantes (Impr. de Hernando y ca., 1898) (page images at HathiTrust)
Novelistas posteriores a Cervantes. (Impr. de M. Rivadeneyra, 1851) (page images at HathiTrust)
Obras de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. (Baudry, 1840) (page images at HathiTrust)
Primera, y segvnda parte de las Novelas amorosas (Melchor Sanchez, 1659) (page images at HathiTrust)
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- Zeidler, Susanna Elisabeth, 1657-approximately 1706 [aka Susanna Elizabeth Zeidler] (1657 - 1706) ; Wikipedia
- Ziegler, Mariane von [aka Christiane Mariane von Ziegler] (1695 - 1760) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Zins-Penninck, Judith [aka Mrs. Jacob Williamson Sewel; Judith Zinspenning] ( - 1664)
- Zon, Sara Maria van (February 5, 1692 - July 27, 1755)
- Zurburg, Anna Catharina (1695 - 1721)
- Zuzorić, Cvijeta [aka Flora Zuzori] (1552 - 1648) ; Wikipedia ; Wikidata
- Zwartte, Aurelia (August 22, 1682 - )