The Bluestein Family / Where Does Love Come From?/ Fun Vanen Heybt Zikh On A Libe — פֿון װאַנען הײבט זיך אָן אַ ליבע ?
- Album ID:
- B-045(a)
- Publisher:
- Greenhays Recordings GR 716
- Date of issuance:
- 1986
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Provenance:
- Purchased at Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA
- Genre:
- Folk
- Where produced:
- Chicago, IL
- Number of tracks:
- 12
Karev Yom — קרב יום
- Genre:
- Peysekh/Haggadah/Hymn/Prayer
- Subject:
- Day/Night
- Origin:
- Alb A-024(a)/Alb B-001(a)/Pasternak CH 148/Alb B-021(a)/
- Transliteration:
- Pasternak CH 86/Alb H-034(a)/Alb C-016(a)
- Translation:
- Pasternak CH 148/Alb B-001(a)/Alb B-021(a)/Alb H-034(a)/Alb C-016(a
- On album:
- B-045(a) (The Bluestein Family / Where Does Love Come From?/ Fun Vanen Heybt Zikh On A Libe — פֿון װאַנען הײבט זיך אָן אַ ליבע ?)
- Track ID:
- 8647
- Vocal:
- Bluestein Family
- First line:
- Korev Yom, korev yom, asher hu lo yom v'lo layla.
- First line (Hebrew):
- קרב יוֹם, קרב יוֹם, אשר הוּא לא יוֹם ולא לילה.
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Bring near the day which is neither day nor night.
- Language:
- Hebrew
Shabos Oyf Der Gantse Velt — שבּת אױף דער גאַנצע װעלט
- Also known as:
- Sholem
- Genre:
- Sabbath/Peace
- Subject:
- Sabbath/Peace/Holiday
- Origin:
- Vinkov 2 225/Alb B-004(c)/Alb K-075(a)
- Transliteration:
- Vinkov 2 225/Alb B-007(c)/Alb O-009(a)/Alb L-38(a)/Alb L-038(b)/Ephemera 1458
- Translation:
- Alb L-038(a)/Vinkov 2 225/Alb O-009(a)/Alb B-007(c)/AlbL-038(b)/Ephemera 1458
- Music:
- Vinkov 2 225/
- Additional song notes:
- Sabbath Over The Entire World
Org, Translit & Translt on Alb B-211(a)
Ephemera 1458 See 2012 program for translat and trqqnslit. Alb V0290-- What's Not To Like -- 2012
- On album:
- B-045(a) (The Bluestein Family / Where Does Love Come From?/ Fun Vanen Heybt Zikh On A Libe — פֿון װאַנען הײבט זיך אָן אַ ליבע ?)
- Track ID:
- 13466
- Vocal:
- Bluestein Family
- First line:
- Shabos (6x), zol zayn yidn shabos, shabos oyf der gantser..
- First line:
- שבּת (6), זאָל זײַן ייִדן שבּת, שבּת אױף דער גאַנצער װעלט.
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English/Yiddish
By The Rivers Of Babylon — אל נהרות בּבל
- On album:
- B-045(a) (The Bluestein Family / Where Does Love Come From?/ Fun Vanen Heybt Zikh On A Libe — פֿון װאַנען הײבט זיך אָן אַ ליבע ?)
- Track ID:
- 2678
- Author:
- Bluestein, Gene, Eng
- First line:
- By the rivers of Babylon, where we sat down and there we...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Based upon Psalms 137 and 19.
- Language:
- English
Di Grine Kuzine — די גרינע קוזינע
- Also known as:
- Kuzine (Di Grine Kuzine)
- Author:
- Leyzerovitz, Yakov — לײזעראָװיץ, יעקבֿ
- Composer:
- Schwartz, Abe — שװאַרץ, אײב
- Genre:
- Immigration/Lament
- Subject:
- Immigration/Poverty/Occupation/Milliner/Aging/Disillusion
- Origin:
- Mayzl 600/Alb Z-012(a)/Levin N 92
- Transliteration:
- Levin N 92/Alb B-007(c)/Alb Z-012(a)/Gottlieb 290/Alb B-095(b)
- Translation:
- Levin N 92/Alb Z-012(a)/Alb B-007(c)/Gottlieb 290/Alb B-095(b)/Alb M-068(a)04
- Music:
- Warem 45/Alb Z-012(a)/Levin N 92
- Additional song notes:
- See "My Little Cousin" for American swing version.
Lyrics claimed by Hyman Prizant and others. Text is by Leyzerovitz as credited by Meizel. See Max Rosenfeld's papers re respecting Leyzerovitz's loss of copyright lawsuit.
See Gottlieb p. 147.
See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
See also ephemera 1458 for tarnslit and translate
What's Not To Like 2017
- Related information in folder 408:
- Comments:
- 1. Letter from Shlomo Ben Israel in Yiddish Forverts of February 4, 1983 titled, "Interesante Faktn Vegn Y. Leyzerovitsh in zayn lid, Di Grine Kuzine".
2. 2. Original text with 8 verses
3. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- B-045(a) (The Bluestein Family / Where Does Love Come From?/ Fun Vanen Heybt Zikh On A Libe — פֿון װאַנען הײבט זיך אָן אַ ליבע ?)
- Track ID:
- 3600
- Artist:
- Bluestine Family
- First line:
- S'iz tsu mir gekumen a kuzine, sheyn vi gold iz zi geven...
- First line:
- ס'איז צו מיר געקומען אַ קוזינע, שײן װי גאָלד איז זי געװען...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Have you heard about my greenhorn cousin? She has boys...
- Language:
- English/Yiddish
El Rabeynu (To The Rabbi, Heb) — אל רבּיניו
- On album:
- B-045(a) (The Bluestein Family / Where Does Love Come From?/ Fun Vanen Heybt Zikh On A Libe — פֿון װאַנען הײבט זיך אָן אַ ליבע ?)
- Track ID:
- 4516
- Author:
- Bluestein, Gene, Eng
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- If God is willing, we'll see the Rabbi dance.
- Language:
- Hebrew
Hob Ikh A Por Oksn — האָב איך אַ פּאָר אָקסן
- Genre:
- Folk/Children
- Subject:
- Animals/Oxen/Bears/Goats/Nonsense
- Origin:
- Ber Fef 343/Vinkov 2 33/Rub Oak 38/Alb R-007(b)/Brounoff.17/Alb L-044(d)
- Transliteration:
- Vinkov 2 33/Rub Oak 38/Alb R-007(f)1/Alb T-018(a)
- Translation:
- Vinkov 2 33/Rub Oak 38/Alb R-007(f)1/Alb T-018(a)/Alb L-044(d)
- Music:
- Vinkov 2 33/Rub Oak 92/Brounoff.17
- Additional song notes:
- I Have A Pair of Oxen
- On album:
- B-045(a) (The Bluestein Family / Where Does Love Come From?/ Fun Vanen Heybt Zikh On A Libe — פֿון װאַנען הײבט זיך אָן אַ ליבע ?)
- Track ID:
- 6651
- Author:
- Rubin, Ruth — רובין, רותּ
- Artist:
- Bluestein Family
- First line:
- Hob Ikh a por oksn, oksn, Vos zey brokn lokshn, lokshn,
- First line:
- האָב איך אַ פּאָר אָקסן, אָקסן, װאָס זײ בראָקן לאָקשן, לאָקשן,
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- I have a pair of poodles, poodles, And they're chopping...
- Language:
- English/Yiddish
Hob Ikh Mir A Mantl — האָב איך מיר אַ מאַנטל
- Also known as:
- A Mantl (Hob Ikh Mir A Mantl)
- Also known as:
- I Had A Little Coat
- Also known as:
- The Coat
- Genre:
- Folk
- Subject:
- Material/Coat/Recycle/Haaaacket/Vest/Tie/Button/Song
- Origin:
- Kinderbuch 168/Alb S-062(a)/Alb S-085(a)/Alb A-036(a)/Alb T-018(a)/
- Transliteration:
- Kinderbuch 168/Alb T-018(a)/Alb S-062(a)/Alb S-085(a)/Alb A-036(a)/Kinderland
- Translation:
- S-062(a)/S-085(a)/A-036(a)/T-018(a)/O-001(a)/Kinderbuch 168/Schwartz 15
- Music:
- Kinderbuch 168/Schwartz 15/Ephemera 1520 p 22
- Additional song notes:
- I Have An Overcoat
Published under "Epes Fun Fornisht in Ephemera
- On album:
- B-045(a) (The Bluestein Family / Where Does Love Come From?/ Fun Vanen Heybt Zikh On A Libe — פֿון װאַנען הײבט זיך אָן אַ ליבע ?)
- Track ID:
- 6662
- Author:
- Bluestein, Gene, Eng
- Artist:
- Bluestein Family
- First line:
- Hob ikh mir a mantl fun fartseytikn shtof, tra la la la la,
- First line:
- האָב איך מיר אַ מאַנטל פֿון פֿארצײַטיקן שטאָף, טראַ לאַ לאַ לאַ לאַ לאַ,
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- I had a little coat that I made long ago, tra la la la la,
- Language:
- English/Yiddish
Fun Vanen Heybt Zikh On A Libe — פֿון װאַנען הײבט זיך אָן אַ ליבע
- Genre:
- Folk/Love
- Subject:
- Courting/Lateness/Excuses/Mother
- Origin:
- Cahan 27/Ber Fef 150/ML MTAG 16
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 16
- Music:
- Cahan 28/ML MTAG 16
- Related information in folder 93:
- Document type:
- Article
- Author:
- Chana Mlotek
- Publisher:
- Yiddish Forward
- Date:
- 1/21/2005
- Comments:
- Text and background of "Fun Vanen Heybt Zikh On A Libe".
- On album:
- B-045(a) (The Bluestein Family / Where Does Love Come From?/ Fun Vanen Heybt Zikh On A Libe — פֿון װאַנען הײבט זיך אָן אַ ליבע ?)
- Track ID:
- 5511
- Author:
- Bluestine, Gene and Jemmy, Eng
- Artist:
- Bluestine Family
- First line:
- Fun vanen heybt zikh on a libe, fun reydn, fun shmusn, fun..
- First line:
- פֿון װאַנען הײבט זיך אָן אַ ליבע? פֿון רעדן, פֿון שמועסן, פֿון לאַכן
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Tell me, where in the world does love come from?
- Language:
- English/Yiddish
Mayn Yingele — מײַן ייִנגעלע
- Also known as:
- Ikh Hob A Kleyem Yingele
- Author:
- Rosenfeld, Morris — ראָזענפֿעלד, מאָריס
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Labor/Sweatshop
- Subject:
- Father/Son/Labor/Sweatshop
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 148/Levin N 82/Belarsky 249/Yardeini 92/Alb J-034(a)/Sh Sh 155
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 148/Alb L-004(a)/Levin N 82/Belarsky 249/Alb J-034(a)
- Translation:
- Alb L-004(a)/Levin N 83/Alb K-059(d)/Alb J-025(a)/J-034(a)/ Sh Sh 156
- Music:
- Yardeini 92/Levin N 82/Belarsky 167/
- Additional song notes:
- My Little Boy
- Related information in folder 1459:
- Comments:
- 1 3/19/2015 Email originally sent to Sender Botwinik by Itzik Gottesman and forwarded by Botwinik to Freedman on March 19, 2015
- On album:
- B-045(a) (The Bluestein Family / Where Does Love Come From?/ Fun Vanen Heybt Zikh On A Libe — פֿון װאַנען הײבט זיך אָן אַ ליבע ?)
- Track ID:
- 10054
- Artist:
- Bluestein Family
- First line:
- Ikh hob a kleynem yingele, a zunele gor fayn, Ven ikh...
- First line:
- איך האָב אַ קלײנעם ייִנגעלע, אַ זונעלע גאָר פֿײַן, װען איך דערזע...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- I have a little boyele, a youngster very fine, and every...
- Language:
- English/Yiddish
Oyfn Yam Veyet A Vintele (Eng,Yid) — אױפֿן ים װײעט אַ װינטעלע
- On album:
- B-045(a) (The Bluestein Family / Where Does Love Come From?/ Fun Vanen Heybt Zikh On A Libe — פֿון װאַנען הײבט זיך אָן אַ ליבע ?)
- Track ID:
- 11997
- Artist:
- Bluestein Family
- First line:
- Oyfn yam veyt a vintele, veyt a vintele, un di khvalies...
- First line:
- אױפֿן ים װײעט אַ װינטעלע, װײעט אַ װינטעלע, און די כװאַליעס שלאַגן
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- On the seas the breezes are blowing, the breezes are...
- Language:
- English/Yiddish
Papir Iz Dokh Vays — פּאַפּיר איז דאָך װײַס
- Also known as:
- A Briv (Papir Iz Dokh Vays)
- Also known as:
- Paper Is White
- Genre:
- Love/Letter/Separation/Folk
- Subject:
- Love/Separation/Ink/Paper
- Origin:
- Rubin Oak 89/Alb K-014(a)/Belarsky 240/Alb B-007(a)/Alb A-054(a)
- Transliteration:
- Rubin Oak 58/Alb P-030(a)/Alb F-018(b)/Alb B-007(a)/Belarsky 240/Alb T-031(b)
- Translation:
- Rubin Oak 58/Alb R-007(f)3/Alb T-031(b)/Alb A-045(a)/B-122(a)
- Music:
- Rub Oak 58/Belarsky 240
- Additional song notes:
- Paper Is White
Elyakum Zunzer crdedited as "adapting" this song - See Ephemera 1269
Transliteration and Translation in Ephemera 1269
Org, Translit & Translt on Alb B-211(a)
Ephemera 1458 See 2012 program for translat and trqqnslit. Alb V0290-- What's Not To Like -- 2012
- On album:
- B-045(a) (The Bluestein Family / Where Does Love Come From?/ Fun Vanen Heybt Zikh On A Libe — פֿון װאַנען הײבט זיך אָן אַ ליבע ?)
- Track ID:
- 12063
- Author:
- Dicker, Naomi, Eng
- Artist:
- Bluestein Family
- First line:
- Papir iz dokh vays un tint iz dokh shvarts, Tsu dir mayn...
- First line:
- פּאַפּיר איז דאָך װײַס און טינט איז דאָך שװאַרץ, צו דיר מײַן זיס...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Paper is snow white and ink is so black,
- Language:
- Yiddish/English
Zog Nit Keyn Mol — זאָג ניט קײן מאָל
- Also known as:
- Shir Hapartizanim
- Also known as:
- Partisaner Lid
- Also known as:
- Partisan Song
- Also known as:
- Al Na Tomar
- Also known as:
- Never Say
- Author:
- Glik, Hirsh — גליק, הירש (1922-1944)
- Composer:
- Pokras, Dan — פּאָקראַס, דאַן
- Composer:
- Pokras, Dimitri — פּאָקראַס, דימעטרי
- Genre:
- World War II/Holocaust/Resistance
- Subject:
- Survival/Resistance/Hope
- Origin:
- Ephemera 1203/ Kaczer 3/ML WAH 94/Alb M-029(a)/Alb V-001(a)/Vinkov 4 65
- Transliteration:
- ML WAH 94/Alb G-010(g)/Alb S-083(a)/Alb F-018(b)/Alb G-005(b)/Vinkov 4 65
- Translation:
- Ephemera 1204/Alb G-006(b)/ML WAH 94/Alb S-083(a)/Alb D-004(g)/Vonkov IV 65
- Music:
- ML WAH 94/Alb Z-012(a)/Rubin Voi 85/Vinkov 4 65/Kaczer 361
- Additional song notes:
- Never Say
Hebrew Adaptation with Album Notes V-001(b) and Ephemera 1203
- On album:
- B-045(a) (The Bluestein Family / Where Does Love Come From?/ Fun Vanen Heybt Zikh On A Libe — פֿון װאַנען הײבט זיך אָן אַ ליבע ?)
- Track ID:
- 18165
- Voca:
- Bluestein Family
- First line:
- Zog nit keyn mol az du geyst dem letstn veg. Khotch himlen..
- First line:
- זאָג ניט קײן מאָל אַז דו גײסט דעם לעצטן װעג. כאָטש הימלען...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Never say that you have reached the very end, while leaden..
- Language:
- English/Yiddish