Gebrider Moischele ,,Schtil di nacht is ojsgeschternt''
- Album ID:
- G-062(b)
- Publisher:
- Austro Mechana EX 238 093-2 CD
Bin Ikh Mir A Shnayderl — בין איך מיר אַ שנײַדערל
- On album:
- G-062(b) (Gebrider Moischele ,,Schtil di nacht is ojsgeschternt'')
- Track ID:
- 26468
- Vocal:
- Schmid, Hansjorg
- Artist:
- Gebrider Moyshele
- First line:
- Bin ikh mir a shnayder, (2x) Leb ikh mir tog oys, tog ayn,
- First line (Yiddish):
- בין איך מיר אַ שנײַדערל, (2) לעב איך מיר טאָג אױס, טאָג אײַן,
- Language:
- Yiddish
Levine With Your Flying Machine — לעװין מיט זײַן פֿליג מאַשין
- Author:
- Bernie, Saul
- Composer:
- Coslow, Sam
- Related information in folder 175:
- Document type:
- Text
- Comments:
- Transliteration
- On album:
- G-062(b) (Gebrider Moischele ,,Schtil di nacht is ojsgeschternt'')
- Track ID:
- 26469
- Vocal:
- Schmid, Hansjorg
- Artist:
- Gebrider Moyshele
- First line:
- Es flien heldn iber groyse yamen, un men zingt fun zey fil..
- First line:
- עס פֿליִען העלדן איבער גרױסע ימען, און מען זינגט פֿון זײ פֿיל...
- Track comment:
- Levine, Levine, you're the hero of your race,...
- Language:
- English/Yiddish
Shtil Di Nakht Iz Oysgeshterent — שטיל, די נאַכט איז אױסגעשטערנט
- Also known as:
- The Night Is Still
- Also known as:
- Mizmor Shir Lepartizanit
- Also known as:
- The Jewish Partisan Girl
- Author:
- Glik, Hirsh — גליק, הירש (1922-1944)
- Genre:
- Holocaust/Resistance/Love/Historical
- Subject:
- Resistance/Partisan/Combat/Love/Night/Stars/Frost/Pistol
- Origin:
- Kaczer 348/Alb V-001(a)/Alb Z-012(a)/Alb V-001(b)/Vinkov 4 142/Ephemera 1203
- Transliteration:
- ML WAH 86/Alb A-036(a)/Alb B-007(o)/Alb W-001(a)/Vinkov 4 142/Kaczer 428
- Translation:
- Kalisch 70/Alb F-035(a)/Alb V-001(d)/B-007(o)/Vinkov 4 142/Schwatz 4/Ephemera
- Music:
- Rub Treas 181/Z-012(a)/Vinkov 4 142/Kaczer 428/Schwartz 5
- Additional song notes:
- Quiet, The Night Is Starry
Hebrew Text in album notes for V-001(b) and Ephemera 1203
- On album:
- G-062(b) (Gebrider Moischele ,,Schtil di nacht is ojsgeschternt'')
- Track ID:
- 26470
- Artist:
- Schmid, Hansjorg
- Vocal:
- Gebrider Moyshele
- First line:
- Shtil, di nakht iz oysgeshternt. Un der frost - er hot...
- First line (Yiddish):
- שטיל, די נאַכט איז אױסגעשטערנט, און דער פֿראָסט- ער האָט געברענט
- Language:
- Yiddish
Kartofl-Zup Mit Shvamen — קאַרטאָפֿל זופּ מיט שװאַמען
- Also known as:
- Marak Kruv
- Author:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Composer:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Folk/Pop
- Subject:
- Food/Poverty/Mother/Expense/Mushroom/Soup/Potato/Garlic
- Origin:
- Gebir ML 76/Alb G-022(a)/Alb G-035(b)/Gebir Lemm 161/Gebir MGZ 88/ML MTAG 216
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 216/Alb G-022(a)/Gebir MGZ 34/Ephemera 1458 -2015
- Translation:
- Alb G-022(a)/Gebir SIMC 77/Ephemera 1458 -2015
- Music:
- Gebir ML 76/Gebir Lemm 159/Gebir MGZ 288/Gebir LTSAR 103
- Additional song notes:
- Potato Soup With Mushrooms
Ephemera 1458: See 2015 program for translat and translit
- On album:
- G-062(b) (Gebrider Moischele ,,Schtil di nacht is ojsgeschternt'')
- Track ID:
- 26471
- Author/Composer:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Artist:
- Schmid, Hansjorg
- Artist:
- Gebrider Moyshele
- First line:
- Vos hobn mir tsu mitog haynt? -- fregt Yosele der mamen,
- First line:
- װאָס האָבן מיר צו מיטאָג הײַנט ? -- פֿרעגט יאָסעלע דער מאַמען, --
A Glezele Yash — אַ גלעזעלע יש
- Also known as:
- Yash
- Author:
- Kerler, Yosef — קערלער, יוסף
- Composer:
- Shainsky, Vladimir — שײנסקי, װלאַדימיר
- Genre:
- Literary Oririn
- Subject:
- Getting High/Dancing/Troubles/Drink/Whiskey/Poverty
- Song comment:
- " & "Vayb" for Man
- Origin:
- MTAG P. 58
- Transliteration:
- MTAG P.58
- Translation:
- Alb K-042(b)Alb L-038(a)/Alb K-026(d)2/K-029(j)/Alb 049(a)/Ephemera 1458
- Music:
- ML MTAG 68 & 69
- Additional song notes:
- A Small Glass Of Whiskey (Booze)
Also Translit and Translat in Album M-059(f)
See "Hash"/same song except "Hash" is substituted for "Yash" & "Vayb" for Man
Ephemera 1458: See 2015 program for translat and translit
- On album:
- G-062(b) (Gebrider Moischele ,,Schtil di nacht is ojsgeschternt'')
- Track ID:
- 26472
- Artist:
- Schmid, Hansjorg
- Artist:
- Gebrider Moyshele
- First line:
- Ven ikh nem a bisele yash, oy, oy, finklt alts un glantst,
- First line (Yiddish):
- װען איך נעם אַ ביסעלע יש, אױ, אױ, פֿינקלט אַלץ און גלאַנצט,
- Language:
- Yiddish
Dos Lidl Fun Goldenem Land — דאָס לידל פֿון גאָלדענעם לאָנד
- Author:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Composer:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Literary Origin
- Subject:
- Nostalgia/Childhood/Mother/Memory/Security
- Origin:
- Gebir ML 40/Levin 53/Belarsky 237Gebir Lemm 99
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 208/Levin 53/CD O-016(a)
- Translation:
- CD O-016(a)/Gebir SIMC 40
- Music:
- Levin 53/Belarsky22/Gebir Lemm 99/Gebir ML 40
- On album:
- G-062(b) (Gebrider Moischele ,,Schtil di nacht is ojsgeschternt'')
- Track ID:
- 26473
- Artist:
- Schmid, Hansjorg
- Artist:
- Gebrider Moyshele
- First line:
- Oy, nem, guter klezmer, dayn fidl in hant un shpil mir dos..
- First line (Yiddish):
- אױ, נעם גוטער קלעזמער, דײַן פֿידל אין האַנט אין שפּיל מיר דאָס…
- Language:
- Yiddish
Avreml Der Marvikher — אַבֿרהמל דער מאַרװיכער
- Author:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Composer:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Underworld/Lament
- Subject:
- Childhood/Occupation/Thief/Underworld
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 200/Alb L-022(a)/Gebir ML 79/Alb L-023(a)/Alb G-035(c)/CD S-100(a)
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 200/Alb L-023(a)/Alb K-059(b)/Alb F-042(a)/Gottlieb 292/Ephemera 1458
- Translation:
- CD S-100(a)Alb K-059(b)/Alb H-033(a)/Alb L-023(a)/Gebir SIMC 80/Gottlieb 292/
- Music:
- ML MTAG 200/Gebir ML 78/Gebir Lemm 164
- Additional song notes:
- See Gottlieb 195-96 for relationship between Magnetic Rag and Avreml Der Marivikher.
See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
Ephemera 1458: See 2016 program for translat and translit
- Related information in folder 746:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- G-062(b) (Gebrider Moischele ,,Schtil di nacht is ojsgeschternt'')
- Track ID:
- 26474
- Artist:
- Schmid, Hansjorg
- Artist:
- Gebrider Moyshele
- First line:
- On a heym bin ikh yung geblibn, s'hot di noyt mikh...
- First line (Yiddish):
- אָן אַ הײם בין איך יונג געבליבן, ס'האָט די נױט מיך אַרױסגעטריבן,
- Language:
- Yiddish
Reyzele — רײזעלע (ווידי
- Author:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Composer:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Love/Courtship/Folk
- Subject:
- Love/Courtship
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 48/Alb L-023(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb B-007(b)Belarsky Fav 31
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 48/Alb L-023(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb R-001(a)/Belarsky Fav 15
- Translation:
- Alb R-001(a)/Alb H-006(a)/Alb R-033(a)/Alb B-007(b)/Belarsky Fav 15
- Music:
- ML MTAG 50/Gold Zem 186/Belarsky Fav 15
- Additional song notes:
- See Heskes 1, entries 2165, 2931, 3281 respecting sheet music.
See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
- Related information in folder 731:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- G-062(b) (Gebrider Moischele ,,Schtil di nacht is ojsgeschternt'')
- Track ID:
- 26475
- Artist:
- Schmid, Hansjorg
- Artist:
- Gebrider Moyshele
- First line:
- Shteyt zikh dort in gesele, shtil fartrakht a hayzele,
- First line (Yiddish):
- שטײט זיך דאָרט אין געסעלע, שטיל פֿאַרטראַכט אַ הײַזעלע,
- Language:
- Yiddish
Ot Azoy Neyt A Shnayder — אָט אַזױ נײט אַ שנײַדער
- Genre:
- Folk
- Subject:
- Occupation/Tailor/Poverty
- Origin:
- Rubin Oak 90/Alb R-001(a)/Alb R-007(a)/Alb R-007(f)2/Alb R-007(g)/Alb B-004(c)
- Transliteration:
- Rubin Oak 50/Alb R-001(a)/Alb H-002(c))Alb R-007(f)2/Alb R-007(g)/Alb B-004(c)
- Translation:
- Rubin Oak 50/Alb R-001(a)/Alb R-007(a)Alb R-007(f)2/Alb L-049(a)/Alb B-004(c)/
- Music:
- Rubin Oak 50
- Additional song notes:
- See Gottlieb 216-17 for relationship between Ot Azoy Neyt A Shnayder and That's The Way A Tailor Sews (The Tailor Song)./ Recorded under title "Shnayder" by the Budapester Klezmer Band [Alb B-065(c)].
- On album:
- G-062(b) (Gebrider Moischele ,,Schtil di nacht is ojsgeschternt'')
- Track ID:
- 26476
- Artist:
- Schmid, Hansjorg
- Vocal:
- Gebrider Moyshele
- First line:
- Ot azoy neyt a shnayder, ot azoy neyt er dokh!
- First line:
- אַט אַזױ נײט אַ שנײַדער, אָט אַזױ נײט ער דאָך!
Shlof Shoyn Mayn Kind — שלאָף שױן מײַן קינד
- Author:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Composer:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Folk/Literary Origin/Lament/Lullaby/Viglid
- Subject:
- Mother/Son/Father/Abandonment
- Origin:
- Gebir MGZ 32/Gebir ML 29/Alb J-020(b)/Gebir Lemm 79/Gebir LTSAR 24
- Transliteration:
- Alb L-038(a)/Alb G-022(b)
- Translation:
- Alb L-038(a)/Alb G-022(b)
- Music:
- Gebir MGZ 32/Gebir ML 29/Alb J-020(b)/Gebir Lemm 79
- Additional song notes:
- Sometimes recorded under "Viglid"
- On album:
- G-062(b) (Gebrider Moischele ,,Schtil di nacht is ojsgeschternt'')
- Track ID:
- 26477
- Vocal:
- Schmid, Hansjorg
- Artist:
- Gebrider Moyshele
- First line:
- Shlof shoyn mayn kind, mayn yingele kleyns, di oygelekh...
- First line:
- שלאָף שױן מײַן קינד, מײַן ייִנגעלע קלײנס, די אײגעלעך דײַנע מאַך צו,
- Track comment:
- Melody not credited to Goldfadn in Gebirtig, p 29
Arbetlozer Marsh — אַרבעטלאָזער מאַרש
- Author:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Composer:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Protest/Militant
- Subject:
- Unemployment/Labor/Poverty/
- Origin:
- Gebir MLZ 96/Alb Z-012(a)/Alb W-017(c)/Gebir ML 48/Gebir SIMC 47
- Transliteration:
- Alb L-025(e)/Alb K-059(e)/Alb Z-012(a)/Alb L-025(b)/Alb W-017(c)
- Translation:
- Alb W-017(c)/Alb K-059(e)/Gebir SIMC 47
- Music:
- Gebir ML 48/Gebir MLZ 96
- On album:
- G-062(b) (Gebrider Moischele ,,Schtil di nacht is ojsgeschternt'')
- Track ID:
- 26478
- Artist:
- Schmid, Hansjorg
- Artist:
- Gebrider Moyshele
- First line:
- Eyns, tsvey, dray, fir. Arbetloze zaynen mir, nisht gehert.
- First line (Yiddish):
- אײנס, צװײ, דרײַ, פֿיר, אַרבעטלאָזע זײַנען מיר, נישט געהערט...
- Language:
- Yiddish
To Say Goodbye (Nign)
- On album:
- G-062(b) (Gebrider Moischele ,,Schtil di nacht is ojsgeschternt'')
- Track ID:
- 26479
- Artist:
- Gebrider Moyshele
- Track comment:
- Familiar Melody